1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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In due time He will be permitted to offer the merit ofHis sacrifice as a Ransom-price for the sins of the wholeworld, and thus He will become the world's Redeemer.This word Redeemer is quite broad. It signifies onewho obtains control of something and brings it back toa former condition in a legal and satisfactory manner.Our Lord began to do this work. He has accomplishedthe first part, which in due time will become a satisfactoryprice for the sins of the world. He has already beenhighly exalted and thus qualified for the great office ofMediator between God and men. He is waiting merelyuntil the members of His Body be joined to Him andmade participators of His glory, and then the work ofRestitution for mankind will begin.Our Lord will be a thousand years in doing the secondpart of this work of redeeming. At the close of the thousandyears the work will have been finished. Now He isthe Redeemer, the Restorer, not because He has donethe work, but because He has the power and authority todo it. At the close of the thousand years He will be theOne who will have accomplished this work of Restitution,and the name Redeemer will be His forever, eventhough the work of redeeming will be in the past.Nothing in the Scriptures indicates how clearly ourLord understood the terms and conditions upon which Hewould please the Father after coming into the world.We are, therefore, not to dogmatize on the subject. Butit is probable that He did not know all the experiencesthrough which He would pass while in the flesh, and thatsome of these were afterwards revealed to Him, as weread that when after His baptism He came up out of thewater, the heavens--the higher things, the spiritual--were opened to Him. (Matt. 3:16.) Thenceforth Hewas able to appreciate the deeper features of God's Plan.====================R5129 : page 343"QUENCH NOT THE SPIRIT"--I THESS. 5:19.--IN THE SCRIPTURES light is used as asymbol of the illuminating power of theHoly Spirit. The Spirit of God is symbolized,not only by the oil with which thepriests were anointed and which representedthe indwelling power of the Spirit,but also by the light of the golden candlestickwhich stood in the Holy. After we hadbeen favored with the knowledge of theTruth and had consecrated ourselves, theLord accepted our consecration and gave us the HolySpirit, which became the illuminating power of ourhearts. All down the Gospel Age the Church has been the

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