1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


NOVEMBER 17(25) What should be the attitude of every true memberof the Church as respects partaking of this MemorialSupper? P. 474, par. 1.WHO MAY OFFICIATE.(26) What false teachings have led to the popular impressionthat only "an ordained minister" may administerthe bread and wine? and what is the Divine commissionin this respect? P. 474, par. 2.(27) Nevertheless, in view of the necessity for order inthe Ecclesia, what procedure is advisable? P. 475, par. 1.(28) What declaration of the Lord Jesus applies to thisMemorial celebration, as well as to all other gatherings ofHis people? and what is our privilege in the event of ourinability to commemorate in company with other membersof "His Body"? P. 475, par. 2.AN ORDER OF SERVICE.(29) What order of service has been suggested as reasonableand appropriate for celebrating the Memorial Supper?P. 476 to 478, par. 1.(30) Give some helpful thoughts suggested by rememberingthat we are all "members of the One Loaf.? P. 478, par. 2.NOVEMBER 24(31) How should we profit by Judas' experience? P.478, par. 3.EASTER--PASSOVER.(32) What is the origin of the word "Easter," and howhas it become applied to the Passover season? And towhat day, rather than a period, has the name "Easter" beenattached? and what should we consider the most appropriateday for celebrating our Lord's Resurrection? P. 479, par. 1.(33) What is the larger view of the term "Easter," asheld by Catholics, and what superseded the celebration ofthe Memorial Supper at its appropriate time? P. 480, par. 1.(34) What was the change in method of counting thedate of our Lord's death, and when instituted? How doesthis differ from the Jewish reckoning? P. 480, par. 2.(35) What was the special appropriateness of our Lord'sbeing crucified at the full of the moon? P. 481, par. 1, 2.(36) Read statements from McClintock & Strong's Encyclopedia,a recognized authority, which corroborate the foregoingposition? P. 481 to 484.====================

page 333VOL. XXXIII NOVEMBER 1 No. 21A.D. 1912--A.M. 6041----------CONTENTSEvil Speaking and Evil Surmising..................335Slander a Factor in Anarchy...................335Love a Preventive of Evil Thoughts............336Kindness, Humility and Patience of Love...........337Kindness Not Always Love......................337Calmness of Truth (Poem)..........................339God's Will Concerning the Church..................340Our Three Great Foes..........................340Our Daily Battle with Self....................340St. Paul's Great Mission..........................341The Weak Point in Modern Preaching............342The Two Parts of the Work of Redemption...........342Only One Part Yet Accomplished................343"Quench Not the Spirit"...........................343Accurate Knowledge Most Essential.............344All Things are Possible...........................344"To Him that Believeth".......................345Greatest In the Kingdom...........................346More Elders--More Work............................347Berean Questions in Scripture Studies.............347page 334PUBLISHED BYWATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETYCHARLES T. RUSSELL, PRESIDENT"BROOKLYN TABERNACLE," 13-17 HICKS ST.,BROOKLYN, N. Y., U. S. A.Foreign Agencies:--British Branch: LONDON TABERNACLE,Lancaster Gate, W. German Branch: Unterdorner Str., 76, Barmen.Australasian Branch: Flinders Building, Flinders St., Melbourne. Pleaseaddress the SOCIETY in every case.----------ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.00 (4s.) IN ADVANCE.SEND MONEY BY EXPRESS, BANK DRAFT, POSTAL ORDER, OR REGISTERED.FROM FOREIGN COUNTRIES BY FOREIGN MONEY ORDERS, ONLY.----------Terms to the Lord's Poor as Follows:--All Bible Students who, byreason of old age, or other infirmity or adversity, are unable to payfor this Journal, will be supplied Free if they send a Postal Cardeach May stating their case and requesting its continuance. We arenot only willing, but anxious, that all such be on our list continually

NOVEMBER 17(25) What should be the attitude of every true memberof the Church as respects partaking of this MemorialSupper? P. 474, par. 1.WHO MAY OFFICIATE.(26) What false teachings have led to the popular impressionthat only "an ordained minister" may administerthe bread and wine? and what is the Divine commissionin this respect? P. 474, par. 2.(27) Nevertheless, in view of the necessity for order inthe Ecclesia, what procedure is advisable? P. 475, par. 1.(28) What declaration of the Lord Jesus applies to thisMemorial celebration, as well as to all other gatherings ofHis people? and what is our privilege in the event of ourinability to commemorate in company with other membersof "His Body"? P. 475, par. 2.AN ORDER OF SERVICE.(29) What order of service has been suggested as reasonableand appropriate for celebrating the Memorial Supper?P. 476 to 478, par. 1.(30) Give some helpful thoughts suggested by rememberingthat we are all "members of the One Loaf.? P. 478, par. 2.NOVEMBER 24(31) How should we profit by Judas' experience? P.478, par. 3.EASTER--PASSOVER.(32) What is the origin of the word "Easter," and howhas it become applied to the Passover season? And towhat day, rather than a period, has the name "Easter" beenattached? and what should we consider the most appropriateday for celebrating our Lord's Resurrection? P. 479, par. 1.(33) What is the larger view of the term "Easter," asheld by Catholics, and what superseded the celebration ofthe Memorial Supper at its appropriate time? P. 480, par. 1.(34) What was the change in method of counting thedate of our Lord's death, and when instituted? How doesthis differ from the Jewish reckoning? P. 480, par. 2.(35) What was the special appropriateness of our Lord'sbeing crucified at the full of the moon? P. 481, par. 1, 2.(36) Read statements from McClintock & Strong's Encyclopedia,a recognized authority, which corroborate the foregoingposition? P. 481 to 484.====================

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