1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


in self or the arm of flesh, but in Him who is able to dofor them exceedingly, abundantly, more than they couldask or think, according to the riches of His grace inChrist Jesus our Lord.Here note the Apostle's exhortation that a man "thinkof himself not more highly than he ought, but thinksoberly," according to the measure of God's grace bestowedon him. (Rom. 12:3.) If any man has receivednone of God's grace, favor, mercy, forgiveness, surelyit is not because he did not need it. Let him thereforefeel his poverty without it. If any man has receivedmuch of God's grace it was because he needed it. Hetherefore may boast, but not of himself. His boast maywell be in God who is thus working in him "to will andto do of His good pleasure."--Phil. 2:13.LACK OF SELF-APPRECIATIONThis deficiency operates in many ways not generallysuspected. Many a man is a beggar or a thief simplybecause of a lack of self-appreciation. He thinks, I amnobody--and everybody knows it. He hangs his head inself-shame. He has a guilty look without having committedcrime. He is treated according to his estimateof himself as expressed in his acts and looks, all of whichreflect unconsciously his mental picture of himself.When some, measuring him by his looks, declare: Youare a mean man, a rascal, a thief, a scoundrel; I can seeit--I can read you through and through! the effect is tothoroughly discourage him. Accepting the rating of hisown brain and its reflection in the words of others hebecomes rascal, scoundrel, thief. Few there are ofbenevolent heart to see the trouble of this class andsympathetically to give an encouraging word--to turn thescale and help bring forward the better qualities of themind and heart.It is here that the Gospel of Jesus does for such whatnothing else could do. The Master's voice rings out inR5114 : page 320contrast with all other voices saying: Come unto Me, allye that labor and are heavy laden and discouraged; I willgive you rest. Ye shall find rest unto your souls!Ah, the change! The discouraged one says, Then Iam not beyond hope; not so mean, not so degraded thatJesus would pass me by. The very suggestion inspiresnew hope. If followed, it leads on and on to the richesof God's grace provided in Christ for the penitent, thewilling, the obedient.By the time such a man receives the begetting of theHoly Spirit and is able to cry, "Abba, Father!" old thingspass away and all things become new. However, hisfleshly weaknesses and unworthiness may still continuallycry, You are unworthy; however, still in humility, he mayacknowledge this with groans and tears, he is not cast

down! He has God's assurance that he is a New Creaturein Christ, whose perfect spirit body awaits him in theFirst Resurrection. He has the assurance that Godknows of his fleshly weaknesses, and has made provisionfor his forgiveness through Christ, the Advocate. Hehas the assurance that it is not the flesh that God expectsto perfect, but the New Creature, the heart, the will.He has the assurance that he is a son of God and a joint-heirwith Christ in His great Messianic Kingdom, whichsoon is to bless the world. He has the assurance that allpresent trials of faith and patience and loyalty to God, tothe Truth and to the brethren are permitted to test hisheart-loyalty, without which he could not be a joint-heirin Messiah's Kingdom. These Divine assurances makestrong the weak and give courage not only in respect tothe future life, but also in the affairs of the present. Nowonder the Bible speaks of the followers of Christ astransformed and mind-renewed!--Rom. 12:2.IN RESPECT TO PHYSICAL HEALTHIt may surprise some to learn that lack of self-confidenceaffects physical health as well as morals. Physiologistsare agreed that the mind has much to do withthe operation of all the human functions. The man deficientin self-esteem not only feels mean in respect toother affairs of life, but he lacks physical tone, snap,energy, so necessary to our best success in any avenue oflife. How hope, joy, peace, content can affect the liver,spleen and stomach none can explain; but the fact is conceded.How despair and hopelessness can and do affectnot only the various functions of the brain but the heart,stomach, liver, gall, etc., we cannot explain; but the factis conceded.The person lacking self-esteem is disgusted with himselfand ready to imagine any disease, and is proportionatelypredisposed to diseases.Wisely, therefore, physicians and philosophers are advisingpeople to hold up their heads; not to become discouraged;not to imagine every sensation a symptom of adangerous disease. This salutary advice is good for such:to look on the brighter side of life; to think of beingstrong--to imagine themselves strong, healthy, happy,and to feel and to be as nearly perfect as their imperfectminds and bodies will permit. This anti-bilious view oflife is sure to bring encouragement and blessing to some.But nothing will so thoroughly offset the burdens oflife as the grace of God. Whoever receives the "weddinggarment" no longer is so overwhelmed by the appearanceof the filthy rags of his own unrighteousness. Whoeverrealizes that as a son of God and follower of theSavior he is an ambassador for God has no time speciallyto pamper and coddle his flesh, nor to make its care hisparamount thought. He must be about his HeavenlyFather's business! He must make use of his ambassadorship!He must "show forth the praises of Him who called

down! He has God's assurance that he is a New Creaturein Christ, whose perfect spirit body awaits him in theFirst Resurrection. He has the assurance that Godknows of his fleshly weaknesses, and has made provisionfor his f<strong>org</strong>iveness through Christ, the Advocate. Hehas the assurance that it is not the flesh that God expectsto perfect, but the New Creature, the heart, the will.He has the assurance that he is a son of God and a joint-heirwith Christ in His great Messianic Kingdom, whichsoon is to bless the world. He has the assurance that allpresent trials of faith and patience and loyalty to God, tothe Truth and to the brethren are permitted to test hisheart-loyalty, without which he could not be a joint-heirin Messiah's Kingdom. These Divine assurances makestrong the weak and give courage not only in respect tothe future life, but also in the affairs of the present. Nowonder the Bible speaks of the followers of Christ astransformed and mind-renewed!--Rom. 12:2.IN RESPECT TO PHYSICAL HEALTHIt may surprise some to learn that lack of self-confidenceaffects physical health as well as morals. Physiologistsare agreed that the mind has much to do withthe operation of all the human functions. The man deficientin self-esteem not only feels mean in respect toother affairs of life, but he lacks physical tone, snap,energy, so necessary to our best success in any avenue oflife. How hope, joy, peace, content can affect the liver,spleen and stomach none can explain; but the fact is conceded.How despair and hopelessness can and do affectnot only the various functions of the brain but the heart,stomach, liver, gall, etc., we cannot explain; but the factis conceded.The person lacking self-esteem is disgusted with himselfand ready to imagine any disease, and is proportionatelypredisposed to diseases.Wisely, therefore, physicians and philosophers are advisingpeople to hold up their heads; not to become discouraged;not to imagine every sensation a symptom of adangerous disease. This salutary advice is good for such:to look on the brighter side of life; to think of beingstrong--to imagine themselves strong, healthy, happy,and to feel and to be as nearly perfect as their imperfectminds and bodies will permit. This anti-bilious view oflife is sure to bring encouragement and blessing to some.But nothing will so thoroughly offset the burdens oflife as the grace of God. Whoever receives the "weddinggarment" no longer is so overwhelmed by the appearanceof the filthy rags of his own unrighteousness. Whoeverrealizes that as a son of God and follower of theSavior he is an ambassador for God has no time speciallyto pamper and coddle his flesh, nor to make its care hisparamount thought. He must be about his HeavenlyFather's business! He must make use of his ambassadorship!He must "show forth the praises of Him who called

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