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1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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But in due time, God gave Job back just as manysons and daughters and twice as many flocks and herds,etc. In this way he was a type of the human family.Adam and his family have been lost. He was the kingof the earth, but he lost his authority, and with it everythingthat he had. Ultimately Adam and all of hischildren will come back to their own--child for child.And so far as the earthly riches were concerned, he willget very much more than he ever lost. Job is a type ofthis Restitution.The world is asleep from the Divine standpoint. AsJob could say, "Hide me in the grave," so once a Christiancould have said, "I shall be hid in the grave until theresurrection." God has made provision for the resurrectionof all. But did all die alike? We answer that theAdamic family are dead in the sense that their life-rightswere forfeited at the time of the fall. But God lookedforward and could speak prophetically either through Jobor through any one else. Job could speak as if he werenot dead, taking cognizance of the fact that there will bea resurrection. The point here seems to be, Was Job'slife carried over in the same sense that St. Paul's life wascarried over? By no means. Job was asleep in theAdamic death; St. Paul was asleep in Christ. The onewas the life of the New Creature, and the other was thelife of the old creature, not begotten of the Holy Spiritto the new nature.====================R5109 : page 310THE LONDON AND GLASGOW CONVENTIONSWHILE ONLY the meetings at Glasgow andLondon have been officially styled Conventions,yet really we have had a series ofConventions from the time we landed atLiverpool. In each place we had at leastone meeting for the interested, as well asone meeting for the public. In every casethe meetings for the interested were attendedby friends from nearby places, andin every case the public meetings weresimply splendid, the audiences ranging from five hundredto five thousand. And such attention! Evidently themessage of the Lord's grace was attractive to many--and to some most precious and sweet.The Glasgow Convention, lasting three days, registeredan attendance of the interested of about eight hundred,while the public meeting ran to five thousand, withhundreds turned away. A very loving spirit was manifestedby the friends. Ireland, Scotland and Englandwere well represented. It was good to be there! It wasa season of refreshment long to be remembered. Thosein attendance manifestly voted it the best Convention

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