1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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whose names will be registered by the local government,which will provide them with uniforms and all necessaryaccoutrements and invest them with authority."You must also install telephonic communication betweencolony and colony, village and village, so that anyattack or outrage may at once be notified at headquartersand the marauders be apprehended and punished."I know there are unlimited possibilities in this land,but we are unfortunately still handicapped. I trust, however,that little by little the goal will be reached, to thegreat benefit of the country."For my part, I will try to put you in possession of thesandhills bordering on the seashore and give you legaltitle-deeds for the same."A part of it I will allot you for a capacious GovernmentBuilding which will serve as your central administrativepremises."Brethren and kinsmen, give your helping hands to theGovernment, and the Government, on her part, will aid youon to further progress."----------"THY KINGDOM COME"!----------The following from a worldly standpoint sticks closelyto the predictions of the Bible, hence we reproduce themfrom Woman's World:--JUST A FEW GROWING PAINS."Coal strikes in England and America--revolution inMexico--anarchy in China--Italy at the throat of Turkey--woman clamoring for the vote!"What of it? There's no cause to be pessimistic--nothing's really the matter with the world--just growingpains!"Progress has set for herself a sudden and terrificpace. The earth has been spinning faster in the lasttwenty years than it ever before whirled. Naturally,there's a bit of displacement in spots, but nothing to hurt."We can't very well apply electricity to a thousanduses, go snooping among the clouds, universalize education,introduce penny journalism, and give science a freerein without some trivial consequences."Old viewpoints are sure to shift, old creeds must giveway to new ideals, society is bound to readjust itsdivisions."The ancient molds of thought and economics, religionand government, are splitting. Our eyes see truths whichour ancestors could not behold and by their light weperceive their errors and their inadequacies."The greatest revolutions that have ever swept theuniverse will break within the coming hundred years.

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