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1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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say that a moderate use of liquor brings woe, sorrow,redness of eyes, etc., and we are not to add to their words.But we do well to remember that "They that tarry longat the wine" probably reached that condition throughhabit, and that most of such began the use of liquor withthe intention of becoming moderate drinkers only.--Prov. 23:30.R5099 : page 289Beware of the slavery of habit! Even the force ofthe "exceeding great and precious promises" is not sufficientto hold in check our fallen appetites when theyare constantly being fed and the chains of habit are beingf<strong>org</strong>ed. Surely the new nature cannot thrive under conditionswhich deprave even the old nature! Let everyNew Creature resist faithfully the seductive influencesof evil, if he would make his calling and election sure tothe Kingdom.There is a marked contrast between the spirit andsentiment of the world and that of a true Christian.With the world there is a general tendency to indulge attimes in a little revelry, and with many of them there isa decided inclination toward drunkenness. Even amongthe abstemious there is a feeling that an occasional drinkis not only permissible, but quite necessary.The Christian, however, has set before him the highstandard of a sound mind, with meekness, gentleness,patience, brotherly-kindness, love. The more a Christianpossesses the spirit of righteousness, the Holy Spirit, themore he realizes that he has passed from darkness intolight. The Divine standard is to be his viewpoint always.Instead of looking forward to revelry, he is rather toturn away with regret that any such conditions prevailamong mankind. The world considers the use of liquorto be proper if not too frequently indulged in. TheChristian, on the contrary, considers drunkenness andrevelry to be improper and to be resisted so far as he andhis influence are concerned.The Christian is to display increasingly the spirit oftrue holiness. The Apostle says, "Let your moderationbe known of all men." (Phil. 4:5.) The very promisesmade to us in the Scriptures tend to make us sober. OurGod is most gracious!"What more can He say than to you He hath said,You who unto Jesus for refuge have fled?"Hence anything that might lead our steps away from thespirit of holiness is to be regarded as something pernicious,for it might cost us Divine favor, our eternal lifeand a share in the Kingdom.The world, on the contrary, have no such incentive toinfluence them. It is their custom to indulge in just asmuch revelry as would not be too seriously disapprovedby society. Banquets are given for the very purpose of

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