1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


page 285====================VOL. XXXIII SEPTEMBER 15 No. 18A.D. 1912--A.M. 6040----------CONTENTSBrother Russell's Itinerary.......................286Responsibilities of Christian Citizenship.........287Arise and Shine in Light Eternal..............288Worldly Wisdom Not Light......................290Selfishness Leads to Darkness.................290New Creature's Responsibility to DivineLaw--Part 2.................................291Three Blessings Resulting from FaithfulObedience...................................291Stages in the Development of Wilful Sin.......292The Two Words (Poem)..............................293To the Jew First..................................294The Syro-Phenician Woman's Faith..............294"He Doeth All Things Well"........................295Holy Scriptures the Source of TrueWisdom......................................296Thousands Falling Into Infidelity.............297Interesting Questions.............................297Interesting Letters...............................299Berean Questions in Scripture Studies.............299page 286PUBLISHED BYWATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETYCHARLES T. RUSSELL, PRESIDENT"BROOKLYN TABERNACLE," 13-17 HICKS ST.,BROOKLYN, N. Y., U. S. A.Foreign Agencies:--British Branch: LONDON TABERNACLE,Lancaster Gate, W. German Branch: Unterdorner Str., 76, Barmen.Australasian Branch: Flinders Building, Flinders St., Melbourne. Pleaseaddress the SOCIETY in every case.----------ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.00 (4s.) IN ADVANCE.SEND MONEY BY EXPRESS, BANK DRAFT, POSTAL ORDER, OR REGISTERED.FROM FOREIGN COUNTRIES BY FOREIGN MONEY ORDERS, ONLY.----------Terms to the Lord's Poor as Follows:--All Bible Students who, byreason of old age, or other infirmity or adversity, are unable to pay

for this Journal, will be supplied Free if they send a Postal Cardeach May stating their case and requesting its continuance. We arenot only willing, but anxious, that all such be on our list continuallyand in touch with the Studies, etc.==========ALSO FRENCH, GERMAN, SWEDISH AND DANISH EDITIONS.SAMPLE COPIES FREE.==========ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MAIL MATTER AT BROOKLYN, N.Y., POSTOFFICE.ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AT THE POSTOFFICE DEPT., OTTAWA, CANADA.R5106 : page 286==========BROTHER RUSSELL'S ITINERARYLv. Halifax.......I.C. Ry. 8:00 a.m. (A.T.) Mon. Sept. 30Ar. Hamilton......G.T. Ry. 5:43 p.m. (E.T.) Tue. Oct. 1Lv. " ...... " 3:45 p.m. " Wed. " 2Ar. London........ " 6:30 p.m. " " " 2Lv. " ........ " 11:35 a.m. " Thu. " 3Ar. Flint......... " 2:10 p.m. (C.T.) " " 3Lv. " .........P.M. Ry. 3:35 p.m. " " " 3Ar. Saginaw....... " 4:20 p.m. " " " 3Lv. " ....... " 12:30 noon " Fri. " 4Ar. Grand Rapids.. " 4:20 p.m. " " " 4Lv. " .. " 11:30 p.m. " " " 4Ar. Chicago....... " 6:55 a.m. " Sat. " 5Lv. " .......C.& A. Ry. 9:00 a.m. " " " 5Ar. Springfield... " 2:25 p.m. " " " 5page 286----------BIBLE KEY PUZZLES FREEIn every city every hotel should be visited weekly and oneof these attractive puzzles should be left on each writing andreading table. We will be glad to have your aid in this. Mentionquantity desired.R5106 : page 286SPECIAL INTEREST TO VOLUNTEERSIn view of the world-wide discussion of the "Hell-fire andBrimstone" question, as a result of the public repudiation ofcertain erroneous ideas connected with that subject by theI.B.S.A. in recent convention at Washington, D.C., aspecial edition of the PEOPLES PULPIT, Vol. IV, No. 7, has been

for this Journal, will be supplied Free if they send a Postal Cardeach May stating their case and requesting its continuance. We arenot only willing, but anxious, that all such be on our list continuallyand in touch with the Studies, etc.==========ALSO FRENCH, GERMAN, SWEDISH AND DANISH EDITIONS.SAMPLE COPIES FREE.==========ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MAIL MATTER AT BROOKLYN, N.Y., POSTOFFICE.ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AT THE POSTOFFICE DEPT., OTTAWA, CANADA.R5106 : page 286==========BROTHER RUSSELL'S ITINERARYLv. Halifax.......I.C. Ry. 8:00 a.m. (A.T.) Mon. Sept. 30Ar. Hamilton......G.T. Ry. 5:43 p.m. (E.T.) Tue. Oct. 1Lv. " ...... " 3:45 p.m. " Wed. " 2Ar. London........ " 6:30 p.m. " " " 2Lv. " ........ " 11:35 a.m. " Thu. " 3Ar. Flint......... " 2:10 p.m. (C.T.) " " 3Lv. " .........P.M. Ry. 3:35 p.m. " " " 3Ar. Saginaw....... " 4:20 p.m. " " " 3Lv. " ....... " 12:30 noon " Fri. " 4Ar. Grand Rapids.. " 4:20 p.m. " " " 4Lv. " .. " 11:30 p.m. " " " 4Ar. Chicago....... " 6:55 a.m. " Sat. " 5Lv. " .......C.& A. Ry. 9:00 a.m. " " " 5Ar. Springfield... " 2:25 p.m. " " " 5page 286----------BIBLE KEY PUZZLES FREEIn every city every hotel should be visited weekly and oneof these attractive puzzles should be left on each writing andreading table. We will be glad to have your aid in this. Mentionquantity desired.R5106 : page 286SPECIAL INTEREST TO VOLUNTEERSIn view of the world-wide discussion of the "Hell-fire andBrimstone" question, as a result of the public repudiation ofcertain erroneous ideas connected with that subject by theI.B.S.A. in recent convention at Washington, D.C., aspecial edition of the PEOPLES PULPIT, Vol. IV, No. 7, has been

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