1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God."TYPICAL AND ANTITYPICAL ATONEMENT DAY SACRIFICESFOR SIN CONTRASTEDIn Hebrews 10:10 the Apostle is contrasting the atonementday sacrifice of the typical high priest with theantitypical atonement day sacrifice of the antitypicalHigh Priest, Jesus. The typical high priest needed onceevery year, repeatedly (not daily), to offer up sacrifices.The first part of the sacrifice was for his own sin, and thesecond part of the sacrifice was for the sins of the people.The first part was the bullock, and the second partthe offering of the goat. These two offerings constitutedthe one sacrifice for sin on the day of atonement! Andso, in the antitype, the offering of our Lord Jesus, whenHe offered up Himself, was for "himself," that is, for HisBody, those who are to be His Church, the household offaith. And then, a further part of His sacrifice has beenthe offering up of these members of His Body, in harmonywith their wills and in harmony with the Divineprovision.Thus the antitypical atonement day sacrifices for sinhave been in progress for eighteen hundred years. Thespecial merit of the sacrifice was that which our LordHimself offered, through which our offerings are madeacceptable. It is one sacrifice in the sense that it is allone Body of one Priest that is offered, for the Apostlesaid, "We are partakers of the sufferings of the Anointed,"and, "if we suffer with Him we shall reign with Him";"if one member suffer all members suffer."ALL OFFERING MUST BE DONE BY THE PRIESTIn Hebrews 7:27 the Apostle said, "This He didonce when he offered up Himself." The question arises,To whom does this refer? Does it mean Jesus, and themembers of His Body offering up Himself? We answer,No. The members of the Body do not offer up themselves;they present themselves; but the offering, so faras God is concerned, must be done by the Priest, Jesus,the "High Priest of our profession." The Apostle saysthat this He did once, and we answer, Here the thoughtis one fulfilment of the one type. In the type there weretwo sacrifices offered, and it is here called His sacrifice.Our Lord offered up Himself at Jordan, and He offeredup all the members of His Body, the Church, atPentecost. The offering of Himself personally at Jordanwas accepted of the Father, and the remainder of Christ'ssacrifice was merely the fulfilling of the terms of the sacrifice.So the presentation of the Church before theFather was accomplished at Pentecost, though it has requiredthe entire Gospel Age to complete the sacrifice.This, too, was shown in the atonement day type: Thehigh priest, after offering up the bullock, took the bloodinto the Holy and later into the Most Holy and sprinkled

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