1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


But it is for us to show our courage, our faith and ourloyalty to the Lord and to manifest His Spirit "of powerR5095 : page 281and of love and of a sound mind." (2 Tim. 1:7.) Themanifestation of His Spirit will help those who are His tobecome "more than conquerors." (Romans 8:37.) Thus,even if we are not helping the world, we build one anotherup in our most holy faith.--Jude 20,21.The spirit of a sound mind is a most wonderful manifestationof the Holy Spirit in the Lord's people. It givesthem much advantage every way over the remainder ofmankind. It sees in the present life opportunities for theattainment of character. It broadens and deepens themind along all good lines. It makes one less touchy inrespect to his own rights, privileges and preferences, andmore considerate of the rights and feelings of others.The spirit of a sound mind makes one's judgmentclearer, truer, more trustworthy than before, for it impelshim to accept the instructions of the Word of God inrespect to what he should and should not do, and to rejecthis own faulty judgment. The meek will He guide injudgment. Whatever may be the imperfection of mind andbody resulting from the fall, those who receive the spiritof a sound mind are thereby made purer, kinder, gentler,less selfish and more thoughtful in regard to others. Thosewho are thus rightly exercised will develop the spirit oflove increasingly until that which is perfect shall havecome and that which is in part shall have been done away.--I Cor. 13:10.====================R5095 : page 281"IT IS I, BE NOT AFRAID"--MARK 6:45-56.--OCTOBER 6.--Text:--"Straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Beof good cheer, it is I; be not afraid."--Matt. 14:27.TODAY'S STUDY shows us how interestedpeople become in anything that will relievethem of sickness and ailments, which causeour race to be, as St. Paul described it, "agroaning creation." The crowds continuedto gather wherever Jesus went, partly forhearing, partly from curiosity, and partlybecause the Message that He gave was oneof consolation, comfort, hope. He was notforever blaming them for not keeping theLaw, but, on the contrary, He was continually expressingsympathy for them in their weaknesses, and helping themout of them and encouraging them to "go and sin no

more."After the feeding of the five thousand, Jesus urged Hisdisciples to leave Him and to return to the other side ofthe Lake. He dismissed the multitude and went into thesolitude of the hills for prayer. It is noteworthy thatnearly all of the Great Teacher's prayers that are recordedare simple and brief. Whenever He wished to make longprayers He went to the Father alone, by Himself. Undoubtedlythis would be a good example for all of Hisfollowers to observe. Long prayers are frequently aweariness to the flesh, and so far as we can discern arelikely to contain many vain repetitions, or to be attemptsto instruct the Lord and counsel Him concerning matterswhich He understands much better than do any of Hischildren.WALKING ON THE SEAThe disciples in their fishing boat experienced contrarywinds and found the rowing toilsome. In the nightthey saw what they supposed to be an apparition, a spiritmanifestation in human form, walking on the water, andapparently intending to pass by their boat. They criedout, for all saw it and felt troubled. Then they heard avoice saying, "It is I, be not afraid." Jesus got into theboat with them, and the wind ceased, to their amazement,for they had already forgotten the lesson of the previousafternoon--the feeding of the five thousand with the fiveloaves and two fishes.In addition to seeing in this a further manifestationof Divine power operating through the Redeemer, wemay see a further suggestion of a spiritual lesson. Nodoubt, after the Master's ascension, the disciples feltthemselves very much alone in the midst of a contrarypeople, and found progress difficult and all of their experiencesstormy. No doubt it helped them to look backto this occasion and to remember the Master's ability tocome to them on the troubled seas, and how His comingbrought peace and quiet.Thus their hearts may have been led to look for Himwho instructed them, "I will never leave nor forsakethee;" and again, "Lo, I am with you alway, even to theend of the Age." And this precious lesson still holdsgood for all who are truly the Lord's people--all whohave made a Covenant by sacrifice with the Lord, all whohave presented their bodies living sacrifices through themerit of Jesus. He is with them continually, to sanctifyto them their deepest distress."LORD, SAVE, OR I PERISH!"St. Matthew gives an additional feature of this lessonnot recorded by St. Mark. He tells us that when St.Peter learned that it was Jesus who walked upon the sea,he requested the Lord to sanction his walking on the waterto Him. The Lord consented, and St. Peter had the

But it is for us to show our courage, our faith and ourloyalty to the Lord and to manifest His Spirit "of powerR5095 : page 281and of love and of a sound mind." (2 Tim. 1:7.) Themanifestation of His Spirit will help those who are His tobecome "more than conquerors." (Romans 8:37.) Thus,even if we are not helping the world, we build one anotherup in our most holy faith.--Jude 20,21.The spirit of a sound mind is a most wonderful manifestationof the Holy Spirit in the Lord's people. It givesthem much advantage every way over the remainder ofmankind. It sees in the present life opportunities for theattainment of character. It broadens and deepens themind along all good lines. It makes one less touchy inrespect to his own rights, privileges and preferences, andmore considerate of the rights and feelings of others.The spirit of a sound mind makes one's judgmentclearer, truer, more trustworthy than before, for it impelshim to accept the instructions of the Word of God inrespect to what he should and should not do, and to rejecthis own faulty judgment. The meek will He guide injudgment. Whatever may be the imperfection of mind andbody resulting from the fall, those who receive the spiritof a sound mind are thereby made purer, kinder, gentler,less selfish and more thoughtful in regard to others. Thosewho are thus rightly exercised will develop the spirit oflove increasingly until that which is perfect shall havecome and that which is in part shall have been done away.--I Cor. 13:10.====================R5095 : page 281"IT IS I, BE NOT AFRAID"--MARK 6:45-56.--OCTOBER 6.--Text:--"Straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Beof good cheer, it is I; be not afraid."--Matt. 14:27.TODAY'S STUDY shows us how interestedpeople become in anything that will relievethem of sickness and ailments, which causeour race to be, as St. Paul described it, "agroaning creation." The crowds continuedto gather wherever Jesus went, partly forhearing, partly from curiosity, and partlybecause the Message that He gave was oneof consolation, comfort, hope. He was notforever blaming them for not keeping theLaw, but, on the contrary, He was continually expressingsympathy for them in their weaknesses, and helping themout of them and encouraging them to "go and sin no

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