1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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DESCRIPTION AND PRICES.1918, price $1.65, postage prepaid, is a beautiful book. It is smalland light. Size 4-3/4 x 6-3/4 inches. It has minion type, red under goldedges, divinity circuit, French Seal. Looks like the genuine seal-skin,but it is in reality good sheepskin.Number 1919, price $1.75, postage prepaid; the same book, thesame Bible; the same every way except the addition of Bagster Helps,Concordances, etc., making this size a trifle larger.Number 1928, price $2.65, postage prepaid. This is the same bookexactly as number 1918, except that it has genuine morocco binding;leather-lined.LITTLE LARGER, IONIC TYPE, SELF-PRONOUNCING.Number 1939, price $1.95, postage prepaid. This is the same bookas 1919, the same binding and contents, but it has a coarser print andis a little larger book. Size, 5-1/2 x 7-1/2 inches.Number 1959, price $3.65, postage prepaid. This is the same bookas 1939 except that it has splendid morocco binding, is calf-lined andsilk-sewed. Bibles similar in quality and finish are listed in manycatalogues at $11.====================R5088 : page 271THE NEW CREATURE'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DIVINE LAWPART ITHE LAW COVENANT was a Covenantthat God made with Israel, based upon thekeeping of the Law, which was briefly expressedin the Ten Commandments. TheApostle Paul says that our Lord was bornunder the Law (Gal. 4:4); not under theTen Commandments merely, but under theLaw Covenant. This Law Covenant, theApostle elsewhere shows, was that additionto the Abrahamic Covenant which wastypified by Hagar and not by Sarah. Our Lord was underthis Hagar Covenant, then--under the Law Covenant,the Covenant of the flesh--up to the time when He wasthirty years of age.We have no record whatever respecting our Lord'sobedience to the Law before He became of age, althoughwe have every reason to believe that He kept the LawCovenant. But the time of His special trial began atHis baptism. The fact that God was willing to enter intoa Covenant of sacrifice with our Lord shows that He wasperfect at that time. Our Lord persisted in keeping theR5089 : page 271

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