1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


BABES IN CHRIST AND MENAlong the same line we note the fact that even thespirit-begotten New Creatures must make progress inR5088 page 267their appreciation of spiritual things. The Apostle urgessuch that "As new born babes they should desire the sinceremilk of the Word, that they might grow thereby."And the growth is necessary if they would attain joint-heirshipin the Kingdom; hence the Apostle again urgesthat each seek not to continue a babe, but to become aman, and to use the "strong meat" of Divine Truth. Bybecoming a man, he is sanctified, developed as a NewCreature and filled with the Spirit, and "thoroughly furnishedunto every good work," by knowledge of the Wordof God.It must have been a difficult matter for our Lord, inteaching, to follow the rule which He gave to His disciples,namely, to "be wise as a serpent and harmless asa dove." Appreciating the Divine plan fully, completely,He must frequently have had a yearning desireto tell His beloved followers more of the mysteries anddeep things of the Divine Plan than they were able toappreciate."SPIRIT AND LIFE" WORDSNow our text "The words that I speak unto you,they are spirit and they are life." Here was another endeavorto impress His dear disciples with the thoughtthat they should not take His words too literally, butshould look for the deeper meaning. Furthermore, theywere to remember that they could not expect to get thatdeep meaning until after the Master's ascension; as Hesaid, "It is expedient for you that I go away; for if I gonot away the Holy Spirit will not come unto you; but ifI go away I will send Him unto you"; "for the HolySpirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified."--John 167; 739.Jesus was not glorified because His glorification wouldnot take place until His resurrection, and in a fuller senseuntil His ascension to the Most Holy on High, there toappear in the presence of God on our behalf--to makeapplication of the merit of His sacrifice for those whohave consecrated to walk in His steps.It was, therefore, after they had been illuminated thatthe Apostles and others of the Church understood themeaning of this text, that the words of Jesus were spiritualand could be understood only by those possessing thespiritual key, the illumination of the Holy Spirit.The Master's words were "words of life" in the sensethat they conveyed the great Message of the terms uponwhich we may have everlasting life and become Hisjoint-heirs. Although the Apostles explain the philosophy

of the Divine Plan in great detail, and mention morethan did Jesus, yet in His sayings we find the very essenceor kernel of the Gospel. Nowhere are the termsof discipleship more carefully laid down than in Jesus'words, because the disciples could understand what wouldbe the meaning of the figures of self-denial, cross-bearing,and walking in His steps, even if they could not understandthe philosophy of justification, sanctification,election and Divine foreknowledge.From Jesus' words more clearly than from any otherwords we get the thought of the "water of life," and howit is now in His followers a "spring" of truth, grace andeverlasting life. Nowhere else do we more clearly getthe general statement that the Father hath life in Himself,and hath granted unto the Son life in Himself, andthat He might share this life with His disciples--withwhomsoever He would. Thus, as St. Paul says, thewords of this salvation in which we rejoice began to bespoken by our Lord. It is He also that declared that Hebrought life and immortality to light, thus distinguishingbetween the general reward of everlasting life to be givento the world, and the special reward to be granted to theChurch.page 267====================BEREAN QUESTIONS IN SCRIPTURE STUDIESSeries VI., Study X.--The Baptism of the New Creation.SEPTEMBER 1(23) Were any others than Jews eligible to "John's Baptism?"If not, how were the Gentiles to be received intoChrist's "house of sons"? P. 433, top, to end of par.(24) Explain how Israel was baptized into Moses, andhow Christ became to every "Israelite indeed" the antitype ofMoses. P. 433, par. 1.(25) Would not, therefore, the baptism of Gentiles intoChrist imply a much greater transformation? P. 434, par. 1.BAPTISM INTO CHRIST'S DEATH.(26) Quote three verses from Romans 6 which gives usthe key to the true baptism. P. 434.(27) Is there any reference to water baptism in theseverses? P. 434, last par., and P. 435, par. 1.SEPTEMBER 8(28) How may believers be baptized into Christ? P. 435,par. 1.(29) What part is played by the will in this burial intoChrist? P. 436, par. 1.

BABES IN CHRIST AND MENAlong the same line we note the fact that even thespirit-begotten New Creatures must make progress inR5088 page 267their appreciation of spiritual things. The Apostle urgessuch that "As new born babes they should desire the sinceremilk of the Word, that they might grow thereby."And the growth is necessary if they would attain joint-heirshipin the Kingdom; hence the Apostle again urgesthat each seek not to continue a babe, but to become aman, and to use the "strong meat" of Divine Truth. Bybecoming a man, he is sanctified, developed as a NewCreature and filled with the Spirit, and "thoroughly furnishedunto every good work," by knowledge of the Wordof God.It must have been a difficult matter for our Lord, inteaching, to follow the rule which He gave to His disciples,namely, to "be wise as a serpent and harmless asa dove." Appreciating the Divine plan fully, completely,He must frequently have had a yearning desireto tell His beloved followers more of the mysteries anddeep things of the Divine Plan than they were able toappreciate."SPIRIT AND LIFE" WORDSNow our text "The words that I speak unto you,they are spirit and they are life." Here was another endeavorto impress His dear disciples with the thoughtthat they should not take His words too literally, butshould look for the deeper meaning. Furthermore, theywere to remember that they could not expect to get thatdeep meaning until after the Master's ascension; as Hesaid, "It is expedient for you that I go away; for if I gonot away the Holy Spirit will not come unto you; but ifI go away I will send Him unto you"; "for the HolySpirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified."--John 167; 739.Jesus was not glorified because His glorification wouldnot take place until His resurrection, and in a fuller senseuntil His ascension to the Most Holy on High, there toappear in the presence of God on our behalf--to makeapplication of the merit of His sacrifice for those whohave consecrated to walk in His steps.It was, therefore, after they had been illuminated thatthe Apostles and others of the Church understood themeaning of this text, that the words of Jesus were spiritualand could be understood only by those possessing thespiritual key, the illumination of the Holy Spirit.The Master's words were "words of life" in the sensethat they conveyed the great Message of the terms uponwhich we may have everlasting life and become Hisjoint-heirs. Although the Apostles explain the philosophy

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