1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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this Will, even unto death--no matter how long or howshort a time the Father should be pleased to have thatlife continue--He received the reward. He gave overall into the Father's hands. This was a sacrifice; for Hehad a right to use His life. But His obedience to HisFather's will led to the sacrifice for which He obtainedthe reward.R5087 page 265====================FIVE LOAVES AND TWO FISHES--MARK 630-44.--SEPT. 22.--Text "Jesus said unto them, I amthe Bread of Life."--John 635.WHEN THE TWELVE APOSTLES returnedto Jesus they exclaimed, "Even the demonswere subject to us in Thy Name." But Hesaid unto them, Rejoice not specially becauseof this, let your special rejoicing bethat your names are written in Heaven.They explained to Jesus the instance oftheir tour and what they had taught; andHe called them away to a desert place torest awhile, because of the crowd and becausethey had not even time to take nourishment. Sothey went privately to such a place by ship. But thenews went also and the crowd went on foot from variouscities.Jesus would have no time to Himself. His entire lifewas devoted and being rendered up a living sacrifice tothe Divine service, in feeding the sheep of Jehovah'sflock, and, of course, His own sheep also, because all thatwere the Father's were His. As He looked upon themultitude, He felt a yearning compassion for them. Hesaw their needs "They were like sheep without a shepherd";and He continued to teach them.But, says one, did they not have synagogues, andregular reading of the Scriptures? Did they not haveScribes, Pharisees, Priests and Levites? How couldthey be without shepherding? Ah, well, they hada soul-hunger, which the forms, ceremonies, ritualsand burdens bound upon them could not satisfy. Theywere really wanting the "Bread of Life" which Jesus had--which Jesus was, for He personified the Truth. Whythen did they not receive it? What was their defense?They were bound by superstition, prejudice, the fear ofman, traditions of the ancients, and the opposition of thegreat and the learned of their time.Did they not frequently inquire, "Have any of theScribes and Pharisees believed on Him?" Again, "Doour rulers indeed know that this is the very Christ?"

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