1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


and in touch with the Studies, etc.==========ALSO FRENCH, GERMAN, SWEDISH AND DANISH EDITIONS.SAMPLE COPIES FREE.==========ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MAIL MATTER AT BROOKLYN, N.Y., POSTOFFICE.ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AT THE POSTOFFICE DEPT., OTTAWA, CANADA.=========="SCRIPTURE STUDIES" IN KARATOL BINDINGThe thin Bible paper edition of the STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES,bound in limp Karatol, red burnished edges, is again instock, all volumes. Orders for this edition will now be filledpromptly. The price has been made uniform for all Karatolvolumes--25c. each postpaid. Any one of these volumescan be carried in a coat pocket without inconvenience.----------CO-OPERATION OF FRIENDS APPRECIATEDOur dear readers can save much of our time:By writing their letters plainly.By putting their full address at the head of the letter.By putting their orders on a separate piece of paper fromtheir correspondence.By giving our file reference in replying to any communicationsfrom our office. Write "File A," "File B" or "File R,"as the case may be, on face of your addressed envelope orpostal-card and at beginning of your letter.Some, we notice, are using a small rubber stamp for theiraddress. This is convenient and may also be used for stampingreturn address on your envelopes.We thank you for interesting clippings sent in, but requestthat you give name and date of the publication. Ifyou send the paper be sure to mark the articles distinctly sowe will have no difficulty in locating the desired part.R4963 : page 43====================THE BABE OF BETHLEHEM"For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior,which is Christ, the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you:Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddlingclothes and lying in a manger."--Luke 2:11,12.WHY WAS THIS BABE EXPECTED?

WHY WERE all men in expectation of Him atthe time of His birth? What was to bepeculiar about Him to lead Israel to expectHis birth? The answer to this question isthat God had made a certain promise centuriesbefore and the promise had not beenfulfilled. This promise contained thethought that a holy child would be born, andthat in some way, not explained in thepromise, this child would bring the blessingthe world needed. Therefore every mother amongst theIsraelites was very solicitous that she might be the motherof a son rather than a daughter, that perchance she mightbe the mother of this promised child. Thus the matterwent on for years until, finally, the child was born.The promise back of the expectation was that whichGod made to Abraham, saying, "In thee and in thy Seedshall all the families of the earth be blessed." From thattime forward Abraham began to look for the promisedSeed--the promised child. He looked first of all to hisown children, and was finally informed that it would notbe one of his children direct, but that through theirchildren, at some remote date, this child should be born--the Seed of Abraham. From that time onward, all theIsraelites were waiting for the birth of the child thatshould bring the blessing.But why was a Messiah necessary? Why wait at allfor the birth of the child? The answer to this questionis that sin had come into the world; that God had placedour first parents--holy, pure and free from sin--in theglorious conditions of the Garden of Eden with everyfavorable prospect and everlasting life at their commandif they continued in harmony with God. But by reasonof their disobedience they came under Divine displeasureand sentence of death. This sentence of death has broughtin its wake aches, pains, sorrows, tears, sighing, cryingand death--all of these experiences as the result of sin.Our heavenly Father said to our first parents--andthis was the first intimation that He gave them of a deliverance--that "The Seed of the woman shall bruise theSerpent's head." The serpent in this expression meansSatan--all the powers of evil, everything adverse to humanity,everything adverse to the blessings which God hadgiven them, and which they had lost by disobedience.But the promise was vague and they understood littleabout the "Seed of the woman" and "bruising the Serpent'shead." It merely meant in an allegorical way agreat victory over Sin and Satan, without explaining howit should come.So mankind continued to die; they continued to haveaches and pains and sorrows; they continued going downto the tomb. They realized that what they needed wassome Savior to come and deliver them from the powerof sin, to deliver them from the death penalty of sin--aSavior who would be, in other words, a Life-giver. They

and in touch with the Studies, etc.==========ALSO FRENCH, GERMAN, SWEDISH AND DANISH EDITIONS.SAMPLE COPIES FREE.==========ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MAIL MATTER AT BROOKLYN, N.Y., POSTOFFICE.ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AT THE POSTOFFICE DEPT., OTTAWA, CANADA.=========="SCRIPTURE STUDIES" IN KARATOL BINDINGThe thin Bible paper edition of the STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES,bound in limp Karatol, red burnished edges, is again instock, all volumes. Orders for this edition will now be filledpromptly. The price has been made uniform for all Karatolvolumes--25c. each postpaid. Any one of these volumescan be carried in a coat pocket without inconvenience.----------CO-OPERATION OF FRIENDS APPRECIATEDOur dear readers can save much of our time:By writing their letters plainly.By putting their full address at the head of the letter.By putting their orders on a separate piece of paper fromtheir correspondence.By giving our file reference in replying to any communicationsfrom our office. Write "File A," "File B" or "File R,"as the case may be, on face of your addressed envelope orpostal-card and at beginning of your letter.Some, we notice, are using a small rubber stamp for theiraddress. This is convenient and may also be used for stampingreturn address on your envelopes.We thank you for interesting clippings sent in, but requestthat you give name and date of the publication. Ifyou send the paper be sure to mark the articles distinctly sowe will have no difficulty in locating the desired part.R4963 : page 43====================THE BABE OF BETHLEHEM"For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior,which is Christ, the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you:Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddlingclothes and lying in a manger."--Luke 2:11,12.WHY WAS THIS BABE EXPECTED?

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