1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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more wicked person, one of whom there is less hope of aneventual salvation.The Sodomites mentioned by Jesus were not so illuminatedas those living in His day, yet He declares, "Firerained down from heaven and destroyed them all." (Luke 1729.)And that took place nearly twenty-five centuriesbefore Jesus' birth, yet He declares that those SodomitesR5076 page 248had not up to that time been judged--their judgment wasstill future; and, "In the Day of Judgment, it will be moretolerable" for them than for the people of Bethsaida andChorazin. Sodom sinned grievously, but they had littlelight, practically no knowledge of God.THE DAY OF JUDGMENTBut why should the Sodomites have a Day of Judgmentat all? Were they not judged, condemned and destroyed?Oh, yes; but then, all men, Adam and all of hisrace, were judged and condemned. Those Sodomiteswere condemned to death before they were born, as areall of Adam's children--born in sin, "shapen in iniquity."The death penalty which came upon Adam reached tothem as it has reached to us. The only thing that cameupon the Sodomites specially, in addition to what comesupon all mankind, was that they died violent deaths, probablyaccompanied by great sufferings.In this blotting out as a Divine punishment, theApostle tells us, they were made an example of the ultimatedoom that will come upon all who reject God's graceand die the Second Death. (2 Pet. 26.) However,the Sodomites and all of Adam's posterity are included inthe Redemption work of Jesus. Hence they are no moredead than Abraham, but merely sleeping with their fathers,as Abraham sleeps with his fathers, waiting theglorious morning, when the Redeemer of Adam and hisrace shall take to Himself His great power, shall establishHis Kingdom, bind Satan, glorify His Church, andbegin His work of blessing the world.The world's blessing will consist of an awakening fromthe tomb, and there will be an opportunity to the Sodomites,as well as the people in Jesus' day, to rise outof their sinful and fallen condition, and, if they will, toreturn to full harmony with God and have everlastinglife. In that glorious Judgment Day of a thousandyears (2 Pet. 37,8) the Sodomites will find it easier tomake progress than will those who repudiated the messageof Jesus and the Apostles. However fallen and degradedthe Sodomites were in some respects, their heartsand consciences were less seared than those who refusedGod's Message.====================

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