1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


week. Why do we observe a Sabbath? Because of ourown volition. The Law of this land provides for thekeeping of Sunday. We are glad that the Law makes thisprovision for a quiet day once a week. We are pleased tohave it so, and would not have any objection if there weretwo Sundays each week. We do think that the day chosenis a beautiful reminder of our Lord's resurrection. It isalso a very fine illustration of the new order of things sosoon to be established; and it is a very appropriate dayfor us. As for the world, quite probably, under the NewCovenant there will be a day set specially for them inwhich they will rest from labors, etc. Perhaps it will bethe seventh day.SONS NOT UNDER LAW OF SERVANTSIt is nowhere said that Christians are to keep both thespirit and letter of the Ten Commandments. If it wereso stated, we would be under that Law as were the Jews,who although bound by their Covenant to keep every jotand tittle of the Law, could do no more than to observethe spirit of the Law and to endeavor to keep, so far aspossible, the letter also.Christians are under grace; for they are sons of Godby adoption. A son has many privileges which a servantdoes not have. To illustrate Suppose we had beenadopted into a millionaire's family. Upon going to thenew home, as we look around we notice certain inscriptionsover doorways; as, for instance, "Servants' Entrance,""Tradesmen's Entrance," "Servants' Washroom,""Servants' Quarters," etc. Upon further observation wediscover various rules put up, regulating the duties andaffairs of the servants in general. These we read, andthereby gain information as to the will of our kind friend.We ask ourself, "Do I come under this classification?No, for I have been adopted into the family. These arenot for me. Yet, from these instructions I perceive somethingof the law of the house, but I have duties and privilegesfar beyond those of a servant; I am a son and haveprivileges corresponding thereto."So, the Apostle says, God deals with us as with sons.He has not given us the Ten Commandments. Why not?It would be an insult to give us of His Spirit, His mind,etc., and yet put us under a command which would implythat we had not received His Spirit. It would be quiteinconsistent to say to a New Creature, "Do not steal, donot commit murder." The New Creature would not wantto steal or to murder. The more we know about the Lawgiven to Israel the more we appreciate it, the better wecomprehend the Divine standpoint for everything. Sowhile we may get some good out of that Law given toservants, we realize that it is not a command given to us,although it gives us some idea of what a son should do.Those commands should make us know better what is theFather's will; and thus we are the better able to do thatwill.

In proportion as we learn to appreciate the Father'swill and to copy the principles underlying the DivineCharacter, we as New Creatures are "changed" from gloryto glory of heart quality. And thus changed in ourhearts, our minds, our wills, our conduct, we become fitor "meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saintsin light."--Col. 112.page 241----------"THE MYSTERY HIDDEN FROM AGES""Wondrous mystery, long concealed,Unto us has been revealed.Herald wide the gracious story--'Christ in you, the hope of glory!'"Christ in you the world's sore need,Christ in you the promised Seed.Canst receive it? Then thou artOf the Christ, indeed, a part."R5072 page 242===================="YE ARE NOT UNDER THE LAW, BUT UNDER GRACE"GOD HAS ONE LAW only for His intelligentcreatures. This Law, therefore, in whateverform it may be stated, whether moreelaborate or more condensed, is applicableto angels, to men and to the New Creation.There is no higher Law and there could benone.This Law is based on Justice, and findsexpression in Deut. 65; Matt. 2237-40;Lev. 1918. It would not be reasonable todemand that one should do more for another than forhimself. To do so may be invited; it may be suggestedto us; but there would never be a command that a manshould do more for another than for himself; for such acommand would be unjust. Thus we differentiate betweenJustice and Love. "Love is the fulfilling of theLaw" (Rom. 1310) and might go much further thanwould Justice. In the case of the Church, however, thereis a special proposition made--not merely that we shalllove, but that we shall love on the highest plane of life.A HIGHER COMMANDMENTThe consideration set before Jesus and before Hisfollowers for carrying out this proposition is glory, honorand immortality--the divine nature; and for this joy we

In proportion as we learn to appreciate the Father'swill and to copy the principles underlying the DivineCharacter, we as New Creatures are "changed" from gloryto glory of heart quality. And thus changed in ourhearts, our minds, our wills, our conduct, we become fitor "meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saintsin light."--Col. 112.page 241----------"THE MYSTERY HIDDEN FROM AGES""Wondrous mystery, long concealed,Unto us has been revealed.Herald wide the gracious story--'Christ in you, the hope of glory!'"Christ in you the world's sore need,Christ in you the promised Seed.Canst receive it? Then thou artOf the Christ, indeed, a part."R5072 page 242===================="YE ARE NOT UNDER THE LAW, BUT UNDER GRACE"GOD HAS ONE LAW only for His intelligentcreatures. This Law, therefore, in whateverform it may be stated, whether moreelaborate or more condensed, is applicableto angels, to men and to the New Creation.There is no higher Law and there could benone.This Law is based on Justice, and findsexpression in Deut. 65; Matt. 2237-40;Lev. 1918. It would not be reasonable todemand that one should do more for another than forhimself. To do so may be invited; it may be suggestedto us; but there would never be a command that a manshould do more for another than for himself; for such acommand would be unjust. Thus we differentiate betweenJustice and Love. "Love is the fulfilling of theLaw" (Rom. 1310) and might go much further thanwould Justice. In the case of the Church, however, thereis a special proposition made--not merely that we shalllove, but that we shall love on the highest plane of life.A HIGHER COMMANDMENTThe consideration set before Jesus and before Hisfollowers for carrying out this proposition is glory, honorand immortality--the divine nature; and for this joy we

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