1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


With the Gospel Church God is dealing differentlyfrom the manner in which he dealt with the Jewish people.God's arrangement with the Jews was that they shouldkeep that Law both in letter and in spirit, or else theywould be condemned. His arrangement with the GospelChurch is that they should fulfil that Law to the best oftheir ability, and that the merit of Christ will makeup for their deficiency. While we of the Gospel Churchwould like to keep the Law we are as unable to keep it,as were the Jews, on account of the weakness of theflesh. Every Christian should feel that he is strictly underobligations to the Divine Law more than are thosewho are not Christians, because of his greater enlightenmentin Divine things, in the instructions of Christ andthe Apostles and of the Holy Spirit. Not only is he toseek to live up to the requirements of the Law, but hecovenants to do much more. He covenants to sacrificeeven those rights which he would have under the Law,and to present his body a sacrifice, not even calling for hisown rights under the Law.OBEDIENCE TO THE EXTENT OF ABILITYWe keep the spirit of the Ten Commandments becauseit is the spirit of righteousness, the Spirit of God.We have become God's children; and having His Spirit,we are to do those things which are pleasing to Him. If,therefore, we can from the Ten Commandments learnwhat things are pleasing to Him, then they are lessonsthat we should learn. If any other thing shows us whatis pleasing to God, we are to do it. But we are not underthe Law Covenant. We do not hope for eternal life bykeeping it. God's arrangement for us is that being obedientto the extent of our ability and having the spiritof the Law in our hearts, we are counted as perfect inHis sight and will receive His blessing.Some of the Jews thought that they kept the Ten Commandments,yet to their surprise they did not get eternallife. The teachings of Jesus and the Apostles show usthat every one of the commandments of the Law had adeeper meaning than the Jews could discern, and thattheir failure to perceive the spirit of the Law was one ofR5071 page 241the reasons why they could not get eternal life. Take thecommandment which says, "Thou shalt have no othergods before Me." Some people really have another godin their hearts; some idolize their husbands; with otherstheir wives have the first place; with some it is theirstocks and bonds. This is idolatry.The Scriptures tell us that the commandment, "Thoushalt not kill," has a still deeper signification than to takelife. He who is angry with his brother, he who would likethe opportunity to kill and who abstains from so doingmerely because of fear, is in his heart a murderer. Similarly,

the Master says, He that looks upon a woman tolust after her commits adultery in his heart; he is restrainedonly because of lack of opportunity.When we begin to get this deeper view of the teachingsof the Ten Commandments we see how the Lordmagnified the Law and made it honorable. (Isa. 4221.)But the fact that Jesus was able to keep the Law showsthat God did not give an unjust Law; that it could be kept;that the weakness was in the fallen condition of humanity,and not in the Law.THE SABBATH OF FAITH IN JESUS' FINISHED WORKNow as these other commandments have a higher anddeeper meaning than that which appears upon the surface,so also has the Fourth Commandment, which relates tothe Sabbath Day. The Apostle Paul gives us the key tothis higher meaning when he says that this Seventh Daytypifies the rest of faith for the people of God. (Heb. 49,10.)Whoever abides in Christ is a Sabbath-keeper,and those who do not abide in Him lose this rest and thusfail to be Sabbath-keepers. There is a still further expansionof the Sabbath in its typical significance to theThousand-Year Day. Then humanity will be at rest fromSatan, from sin, from the trials, besetments and difficultiesof the present time; and all mankind will have anR5072 page 241opportunity of entering into this rest. The Church willenter into it first, in her resurrection. Next the Jew willenter into that rest, when he shall understand God's planand become the recipient of God's blessing and eternalfavors in the Millennial Day; and finally, before its close,all the world will come under its blessed influences. Thiswas the promise of God to Abraham when He said, "Inthee and in thy Seed shall all the families of the earth beblessed." (Gen. 123.) They will be blessed in the wonderfulprovisions of that great Sabbath Day.The Fourth Commandment was never given to us, andwe are not enjoined to keep the seventh day either in theletter or in the spirit. The Sabbath Day was never givento the Church. A higher thought than that of physicalrest is given to us. God has provided for us a rest offaith in Christ's finished work. We may enjoy our restseven days of the week, and every day in the year. If webegin to appreciate that thought we have a rest aboutwhich the Jew knows nothing. This is an earnest of thefuture when we shall be through with all our difficultiesand shall remain ever in the rest of God.SUNDAY AN ILLUSTRATION OF THE NEW ORDER OFEVENTSWe are not under commandments ourselves in God'ssight; we are not under obligation to keep any day of the

the Master says, He that looks upon a woman tolust after her commits adultery in his heart; he is restrainedonly because of lack of opportunity.When we begin to get this deeper view of the teachingsof the Ten Commandments we see how the Lordmagnified the Law and made it honorable. (Isa. 4221.)But the fact that Jesus was able to keep the Law showsthat God did not give an unjust Law; that it could be kept;that the weakness was in the fallen condition of humanity,and not in the Law.THE SABBATH OF FAITH IN JESUS' FINISHED WORKNow as these other commandments have a higher anddeeper meaning than that which appears upon the surface,so also has the Fourth Commandment, which relates tothe Sabbath Day. The Apostle Paul gives us the key tothis higher meaning when he says that this Seventh Daytypifies the rest of faith for the people of God. (Heb. 49,10.)Whoever abides in Christ is a Sabbath-keeper,and those who do not abide in Him lose this rest and thusfail to be Sabbath-keepers. There is a still further expansionof the Sabbath in its typical significance to theThousand-Year Day. Then humanity will be at rest fromSatan, from sin, from the trials, besetments and difficultiesof the present time; and all mankind will have anR5072 page 241opportunity of entering into this rest. The Church willenter into it first, in her resurrection. Next the Jew willenter into that rest, when he shall understand God's planand become the recipient of God's blessing and eternalfavors in the Millennial Day; and finally, before its close,all the world will come under its blessed influences. Thiswas the promise of God to Abraham when He said, "Inthee and in thy Seed shall all the families of the earth beblessed." (Gen. 123.) They will be blessed in the wonderfulprovisions of that great Sabbath Day.The Fourth Commandment was never given to us, andwe are not enjoined to keep the seventh day either in theletter or in the spirit. The Sabbath Day was never givento the Church. A higher thought than that of physicalrest is given to us. God has provided for us a rest offaith in Christ's finished work. We may enjoy our restseven days of the week, and every day in the year. If webegin to appreciate that thought we have a rest aboutwhich the Jew knows nothing. This is an earnest of thefuture when we shall be through with all our difficultiesand shall remain ever in the rest of God.SUNDAY AN ILLUSTRATION OF THE NEW ORDER OFEVENTSWe are not under commandments ourselves in God'ssight; we are not under obligation to keep any day of the

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