1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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difficulty with many Classes in the past has been that notevery one has the teaching ability to draw the informationof the lessons from the Class. The successful class leader haslittle to say except as he sums up the answer to each questionafter it has been discussed by the Class; or, if the questionbe not understood by the Class, he may often render assistanceby paraphrasing it and, if possible, simplifying it.Excellent as public preaching is we believe that the Lord'speople learn more in Berean Classes than by listening to anysermon. Thought is stimulated, quickened.R5070 page 239====================THE LAW MAGNIFIED AND MADE HONORABLE"The Lord will magnify the Law andmake it honorable."--Isa. 4221."WHERE THERE IS NO LAW there is notransgression" (Rom. 415), would seemto be an axiom--a self-evident truth. Noone could transgress a law that was notgiven to him, that was not applicable tohim. In his discussion of the Jewish viewof the Mosaic Law, St. Paul used thisstatement to show that the Jews misunderstoodthe matter. They had the thoughtthat because God had given them the Lawat Mt. Sinai, they were justified in God's sight by thatLaw. But receiving a Law is not keeping that Law.Therefore, the Apostle shows them that by the deeds ofthe Law no flesh could be justified in God's sight.--Rom. 320.Continuing the argument a little further, St. Paulshows that the entire human race was once in God's favor,as represented in Adam before sin entered. Whilethe race was in that condition of perfection mankind wasjust before God. But when sin entered, it brought thepenalty of alienation from God and of death. Thenceforththe human race was dead in trespasses and in sin,having no right to everlasting life. In that condition Goddid not give mankind a law, but permitted the world togo without law up to the time of Moses. And even inthe time of Moses God did not give the Law to the wholeworld, but only to the Jewish nation. If Israel had beenable to keep the Law that was given to them at Mt.Sinai, they would have been a living nation--not a dyingnation, as the other nations are.The Apostle proceeds to say that the commandment,which was ordained to life, Israel found to be unto death.(Rom. 710.) A man cannot be justified by receiving theLaw, but by keeping the Law. The rest of the world wereless condemned than the Jews, for, says the Apostle, Goddid not give them that Law and they never came under

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