1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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her responsibility in finding these Scriptures, it will guaranteea study which should make any subject interesting to anyvisitor present who is interested in the Bible.(20) Should any question come up on any paragraph, afterthose prescribed for the study have been dealt with, the leader,by turning it over to the Class, instead of answering himself,will make the study the more helpful. (This method of turningquestions over to the class would often avoid a delicatesituation, should the question be such as would call for ananswer which might not be acceptable to the questioner. Theleader, in thus sharing the responsibility with the class, couldexpress himself the more freely, and no special objectioncould be taken.)(21) With the "Berean Question" method uniformly followed,in any "study" where a specific number of questions aremarked off, and kept up with, we would be at home if temporarilypresent with any Class the world over.(22) Additionally, we all desire to be as closely in touchwith the "isolated" ones as possible, and it would seem thatnothing could operate more effectually in this direction thanthe widest possible application of this principle of onenessin study.(23) The fact that the Society is continually urging thismethod gives the unmistakable inference that WE NEED IT.Your brother in service, W. W. BLACK.page 235====================BEREAN QUESTIONS IN SCRIPTURE STUDIESSeries VI., Study X.--The Baptism of the New Creation.AUGUST 4(1) What is the general consensus of opinion amongChristian people regarding baptism? P. 421, par. 1.(2) As a result of the great falling away from the faithonce delivered unto the saints, what were the views regardingwater baptism as held by the nominal Church in the secondcentury? and why were "sponsors" required. P. 421, par. 2.(3) How was the rite of water baptism performed duringthe third century? P. 421, par. 3.(4) Describe the Roman and Greek Catholic baptismalceremonies. Pp. 422, 423.(5) Why was infant baptism introduced into the Church,and what privileges in this respect were granted to the laity?P. 423, last par.AUGUST 11(6) What is the attitude of the Roman Catholic andLutheran Churches toward baptism? P. 424, par. 1 to 3.(7) What significance does the Church of England attachto infant baptism? P. 424, last par. and P. 425, top.

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