1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


of the New Dispensation is nearing. We have not yetexperienced the rising of the Sun of Righteousness, butwe have with us the early gray dawn.The world is awakening before the Master-Hand ofthe Messianic Kingdom, the Controller of earth's affairs.Civilization will wreck itself in its ignorant use and selfishabuse of the wonderful riches which Divine providence isshowering upon mankind today through the increase ofknowledge. The lesson is evident--the recompense also.All the blessings which we have would do good and notharm were it not for the selfishness and hardness of heartwhich have come upon humanity. Strange to say, thisselfishness and hard-heartedness is more manifest amongstthe civilized nations than amongst the peoples of India,China and Japan, although all have it, and although themore civilized of mankind cloak their selfishness in manyways.Selfishness is never grateful. It never cries Enough!Even its gifts and benefactions are likely to be selfishlybestowed. All this is the result of original sin. Disobedienceto the Divine Word has brought gradual oppositionto the Divine Spirit of love, kindness, mercy.Tender-heartedness has given place to hard-heartedness.The strife that is coming will undoubtedly be most severeamongst those possessed of large knowledge and greatblessings--and this means Europe and America, althoughthe same malignant influence will assuredly exert itselfthroughout the world.Just at the appropriate time religion lost its power.Churchianity came instead of Christianity, forms of godlinessinstead of the Spirit of the Lord. What led up tothis? The educators and preachers of the world lost theirfaith in the Bible. Gradually the spirit of unbelief andthe theory of evolution (that man was evolved from lowerforms of life and not created) have spread through allthe colleges, seminaries, schools and school-books. Nowthe person who possesses faith in a personal, intelligent,just, wise, powerful and loving God, is considered asimpleton.Wealthy men have endowed colleges and schools toteach unbelief and Evolution. And now these same menstand aghast with wonder that the people whose faith hasbeen destroyed by Higher Criticism and evolutionarydoctrines have no longer faith in God's Word nor in God'sprovidence and are determined to take matters into theirown hands. Is it strange? Is it not merely the logicaloutcome that should have been expected? Do we notsee here fulfilled the words of the Prophet Isaiah, "Thewisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understandingof their prudent men shall not be manifest"?(Isa. 29:14.) The prudent men are the wealthy, whosegenerosity has been showered upon these colleges whichare doing so destructive a work in the minds of men andpreparing them to destroy the very foundations of ourpresent civilization.

POLITICIANS ARE SEEING THINGSTwo great political conventions have been held whichhave had an awakening and enlightening influence on theminds of many. The candidates have spoken out withconsiderable freedom. The charges generally made andgenerally believed are that in each of the two principalparties there is a warfare in progress between a "stand-pat"element (willing to yield nothing) and a reformelement. The former have apparently the more particularbacking of the financial world and the Church influence,Catholic and Protestant. The other, or more progressiveparty, realizes in some measure the real condition ofthings in the world today--realizes that Capital mustmake concessions to Labor and must improve Labor conditionsor else a social revolution is inevitable. Mr. Rooseveltand Mr. Bryan are the prominent standard-bearersof the progressive thought in the two great parties. Theyrepresent millions of the middle-class people and millionsof sympathizers in religious circles and in the world.The Boston Globe quotes Mr. Roosevelt as saying,"With unflinching heart and undimmed eye, we stand atArmageddon and we battle for the Lord." Then theGlobe quotes the Scripture to which Mr. Roosevelt refersin Rev. 16:16-18: "And He gathered them together intoa place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. Andthe seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; andthere came a great voice out of the Temple of Heaven,from the Throne, saying, 'It is done.' And there werevoices and thunders and lightnings; and there was a greatearthquake, such as was not since men were upon theearth, so mighty an earthquake and so great."We cannot but wonder how much of what he said Mr.Roosevelt believes and appreciates. But the same thoughtis in the minds of others who profess little knowledge ofor faith in the Bible. The Cincinnati Post, for instance,commenting on the same subject, says:"And no one knows what it all means now or nextweek or before another generation has begun to crawl."Men talk among themselves--experienced newspapermen, men who have attended political conventions foryears. But they don't print what they talk and don't talkall that they fear."There is a feeling that history is being made in amore mysterious manner than any of us can understand--that something is moving more powerfully than any ofus can comprehend--and however much men predict orhazard guesses, nobody knows."Sometimes one forgets it is a Republican conventionand sees only two tremendous forces about to clash. Itis people who are stirring, not mere partisans. And itis the same spirit of unrest, the same mysterious uprisingand breaking forth from beneath of a wonderful andawful power that has been breaking forth in spots allover the world."If, however, it be conceded that the financial powers

POLITICIANS ARE SEEING THINGSTwo great political conventions have been held whichhave had an awakening and enlightening influence on theminds of many. The candidates have spoken out withconsiderable freedom. The charges generally made andgenerally believed are that in each of the two principalparties there is a warfare in progress between a "stand-pat"element (willing to yield nothing) and a reformelement. The former have apparently the more particularbacking of the financial world and the Church influence,Catholic and Protestant. The other, or more progressiveparty, realizes in some measure the real condition ofthings in the world today--realizes that Capital mustmake concessions to Labor and must improve Labor conditionsor else a social revolution is inevitable. Mr. Rooseveltand Mr. Bryan are the prominent standard-bearersof the progressive thought in the two great parties. Theyrepresent millions of the middle-class people and millionsof sympathizers in religious circles and in the world.The Boston Globe quotes Mr. Roosevelt as saying,"With unflinching heart and undimmed eye, we stand atArmageddon and we battle for the Lord." Then theGlobe quotes the Scripture to which Mr. Roosevelt refersin Rev. 16:16-18: "And He gathered them together intoa place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. Andthe seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; andthere came a great voice out of the Temple of Heaven,from the Throne, saying, 'It is done.' And there werevoices and thunders and lightnings; and there was a greatearthquake, such as was not since men were upon theearth, so mighty an earthquake and so great."We cannot but wonder how much of what he said Mr.Roosevelt believes and appreciates. But the same thoughtis in the minds of others who profess little knowledge ofor faith in the Bible. The Cincinnati Post, for instance,commenting on the same subject, says:"And no one knows what it all means now or nextweek or before another generation has begun to crawl."Men talk among themselves--experienced newspapermen, men who have attended political conventions foryears. But they don't print what they talk and don't talkall that they fear."There is a feeling that history is being made in amore mysterious manner than any of us can understand--that something is moving more powerfully than any ofus can comprehend--and however much men predict orhazard guesses, nobody knows."Sometimes one f<strong>org</strong>ets it is a Republican conventionand sees only two tremendous forces about to clash. Itis people who are stirring, not mere partisans. And itis the same spirit of unrest, the same mysterious uprisingand breaking forth from beneath of a wonderful andawful power that has been breaking forth in spots allover the world."If, however, it be conceded that the financial powers

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