1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


----------THE DIVINE PLAN NOT FINISHEDQuestion.--When on Calvary our Lord said, "It isfinished!" to what did He refer as being completed?Answer.--This did not mean that our Lord had finishedR5061 : page 219all the work of the Divine Plan, for both the workof calling out the Bride and presenting her blameless, andthe work of the Millennial Age were yet future. OurLord had come into the world to do a work of personalsacrifice. When He was thirty years of age, He presentedHimself in consecration at Jordan. During the three anda half years of His ministry He continued to offer Himself;and this course, figuratively, became a sweet incenseascending before God beyond the veil. This work wasone which could not be accomplished in a day. It requiredthree and a half years. To this He referred when Hesaid, "I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how amI straitened till it be accomplished!" (Luke 12:50.) Hewas anxiously awaiting its completion, which was reachedat Calvary.----------GOD IS MAKING THE WRATH OF MAN TO PRAISE HIMQuestion.--If the Kingdom of Christ is not yet set upon earth, how may we explain the various reforms, charities,etc., of our time?Answer.--Apparently, the Adversary is trying to runthings in his own direction, but the light itself which weare enjoying today is the promised light of Divine Providence.We read that "many shall run to and fro, andknowledge shall be increased," and that "there shall be atime of trouble such as never was."--Dan. 12:1,4.But God has supervised the matter of inventions, suchas the printing press, the power of steam, and the effectsand influences of these in the world. It seems, too, thatthe movements in the way of better government, etc., areinfluences based upon the general enlightenment and theefforts of mankind to do as well as they can by eachother--specially in ways that selfishness does not hinder.But selfishness has, no doubt, much to do with all mannerof reform.In speaking of the present time, our Lord said thatthe secrets should be proclaimed on the housetops. Todaywe see that many real exhibitions of vice, immoralityand wrong-doing are brought to light--proclaimed fromthe housetops. While we do not say that the Adversarybrings these things to light, yet we can see how the Adversarymay have had to do with the movement toward

communism that once had sway, as well as the movementtoward socialism and toward anarchism. These are thethings which will tend to bring on the time of trouble.So the wrath of man is made to turn to the praise of God.He is able to make the wrath of man praise Him."Surely the wrath of man shall praise Thee; the remainderof wrath shalt Thou restrain."--Psa. 76:10.====================R5061 : page 219PASTOR RUSSELL'S SERMONS IN GERMANSix newspapers in Ohio are now publishing the sermonsweekly in the German text--two columns; also one in N.S.Pittsburgh, Pa., one in Aberdeen, S.D., and one in Waco,Texas. We are sure that many of our readers will be gladto know of this for their own convenience and for the sakeof their German friends. Lorain, Chillicothe, Fremont, Zanesville,Sandusky and Port Clinton are the cities of Ohiofavored in this respect. Do not forget to encourage thesepublishers with subscriptions and with occasional letters, lettingthem know that you appreciate the sermon feature.----------TABERNACLE SHADOWS IN FRENCHFor our French readers we now have a supply of the TABERNACLESHADOWS in the French language in paper binding,similar to the English edition, and at the same prices--5c. percopy, 50c. per dozen.----------BROTHER RUSSELL'S SERMONS IN SWEDISHThe Newspaper Syndicate handling Brother Russell'ssermons have selected a Swedish journal in the CentralWest for a Swedish translation of the sermons, namely,"The Kansas City (Swedish) Tribune," Kansas City, Mo.The paper is a weekly, and one dollar will secure it for ayear. We hope our Swedish friends will patronize theTribune and occasionally give its Editor an encouragingword and an address for a sample copy or a neighbor'sorder.page 221====================VOL. XXXIII JULY 15 No. 14A.D. 1912--A.M. 6040----------

----------THE DIVINE PLAN NOT FINISHEDQuestion.--When on Calvary our Lord said, "It isfinished!" to what did He refer as being completed?Answer.--This did not mean that our Lord had finishedR5061 : page 219all the work of the Divine Plan, for both the workof calling out the Bride and presenting her blameless, andthe work of the Millennial Age were yet future. OurLord had come into the world to do a work of personalsacrifice. When He was thirty years of age, He presentedHimself in consecration at Jordan. During the three anda half years of His ministry He continued to offer Himself;and this course, figuratively, became a sweet incenseascending before God beyond the veil. This work wasone which could not be accomplished in a day. It requiredthree and a half years. To this He referred when Hesaid, "I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how amI straitened till it be accomplished!" (Luke 12:50.) Hewas anxiously awaiting its completion, which was reachedat Calvary.----------GOD IS MAKING THE WRATH OF MAN TO PRAISE HIMQuestion.--If the Kingdom of Christ is not yet set upon earth, how may we explain the various reforms, charities,etc., of our time?Answer.--Apparently, the Adversary is trying to runthings in his own direction, but the light itself which weare enjoying today is the promised light of Divine Providence.We read that "many shall run to and fro, andknowledge shall be increased," and that "there shall be atime of trouble such as never was."--Dan. 12:1,4.But God has supervised the matter of inventions, suchas the printing press, the power of steam, and the effectsand influences of these in the world. It seems, too, thatthe movements in the way of better government, etc., areinfluences based upon the general enlightenment and theefforts of mankind to do as well as they can by eachother--specially in ways that selfishness does not hinder.But selfishness has, no doubt, much to do with all mannerof reform.In speaking of the present time, our Lord said thatthe secrets should be proclaimed on the housetops. Todaywe see that many real exhibitions of vice, immoralityand wrong-doing are brought to light--proclaimed fromthe housetops. While we do not say that the Adversarybrings these things to light, yet we can see how the Adversarymay have had to do with the movement toward

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