1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


page 205VOL. XXXIII JULY 1 No. 13A.D. 1912--A.M. 6040----------CONTENTS1912--General Conventions--1912...................206Toronto, Canada...............................206Washington, D.C...............................206Glasgow, London and HalifaxConventions.................................220How St. Peter Was Punished for DenyingHis Lord....................................207We Should Copy the Master's Methods...........209"I Come to Do Thy Will"...........................209Obedience to the Extent of Sacrifice..........209"Delivered for the Destruction of the Flesh"......211Our Humanity Must Die.........................212The Christian Church and Her Mission..............213The Earth to Be Man's Future Home.............214"Contend for the Faith"...........................215Commendable Contention........................215A Legion of Demons................................216Jewess Restored to Life...........................217"All Live Unto Him"...........................217Pertle Springs Convention.........................218Interesting Questions.............................218page 206PUBLISHED BYWATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETYCHARLES T. RUSSELL, PRESIDENT"BROOKLYN TABERNACLE," 13-17 HICKS ST.,BROOKLYN, N. Y., U. S. A.Foreign Agencies:--British Branch: LONDON TABERNACLE,

Lancaster Gate, W. German Branch: Unterdorner Str., 76, Barmen.Australasian Branch: Flinders Building, Flinders St., Melbourne. Pleaseaddress the SOCIETY in every case.----------ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.00 (4s.) IN ADVANCE.SEND MONEY BY EXPRESS, BANK DRAFT, POSTAL ORDER, OR REGISTERED.FROM FOREIGN COUNTRIES BY FOREIGN MONEY ORDERS, ONLY.----------Terms to the Lord's Poor as Follows:--All Bible Students who, byreason of old age, or other infirmity or adversity, are unable to payfor this Journal, will be supplied Free if they send a Postal Cardeach May stating their case and requesting its continuance. We arenot only willing, but anxious, that all such be on our list continuallyand in touch with the Studies, etc.==========ALSO FRENCH, GERMAN, SWEDISH AND DANISH EDITIONS.SAMPLE COPIES FREE.==========ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MAIL MATTER AT BROOKLYN, N.Y., POSTOFFICE.ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AT THE POSTOFFICE DEPT., OTTAWA, CANADA.==========1912--GENERAL CONVENTIONS--1912----------TORONTO, CANADA, JUNE 30-JULY 6, 7The second General Convention of the year will be most favorablylocated for the Canadian friends, although no doubt there will alsobe a goodly number in attendance from the United States. On theprogram there will be fourteen public speakers, including BrotherRussell.All sessions to be held in the Horticultural Hall at the CanadianNational Exhibition Park, West Toronto, June 30-July 6. The Park iseasily accessible by Grand Trunk Railway and by King Street and othertrolley car lines.Railway rates: Canadian railways give half fare rates for July 1and the following day, possibly beginning June 30. American linesgive low rates for a few days before and after July 4, available forfriends in the border States. There are always special rates to NiagaraFalls, which is only about two hours' sail by steamer to Toronto, at amoderate price. There may be other excursion rates good for eventen days. Ask your local agent a week in advance.If no rate as low as 1-1/2c. per mile each way is available, purchasea single ticket to Toronto, and have the agent fill out a certificate and

Lancaster Gate, W. German Branch: Unterdorner Str., 76, Barmen.Australasian Branch: Flinders Building, Flinders St., Melbourne. Pleaseaddress the SOCIETY in every case.----------ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.00 (4s.) IN ADVANCE.SEND MONEY BY EXPRESS, BANK DRAFT, POSTAL ORDER, OR REGISTERED.FROM FOREIGN COUNTRIES BY FOREIGN MONEY ORDERS, ONLY.----------Terms to the Lord's Poor as Follows:--All Bible Students who, byreason of old age, or other infirmity or adversity, are unable to payfor this Journal, will be supplied Free if they send a Postal Cardeach May stating their case and requesting its continuance. We arenot only willing, but anxious, that all such be on our list continuallyand in touch with the Studies, etc.==========ALSO FRENCH, GERMAN, SWEDISH AND DANISH EDITIONS.SAMPLE COPIES FREE.==========ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MAIL MATTER AT BROOKLYN, N.Y., POSTOFFICE.ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AT THE POSTOFFICE DEPT., OTTAWA, CANADA.==========<strong>1912</strong>--GENERAL CONVENTIONS--<strong>1912</strong>----------TORONTO, CANADA, JUNE 30-JULY 6, 7The second General Convention of the year will be most favorablylocated for the Canadian friends, although no doubt there will alsobe a goodly number in attendance from the United States. On theprogram there will be fourteen public speakers, including BrotherRussell.All sessions to be held in the Horticultural Hall at the CanadianNational Exhibition Park, West Toronto, June 30-July 6. The Park iseasily accessible by Grand Trunk Railway and by King Street and othertrolley car lines.Railway rates: Canadian railways give half fare rates for July 1and the following day, possibly beginning June 30. American linesgive low rates for a few days before and after July 4, available forfriends in the border States. There are always special rates to NiagaraFalls, which is only about two hours' sail by steamer to Toronto, at amoderate price. There may be other excursion rates good for eventen days. Ask your local agent a week in advance.If no rate as low as 1-1/2c. per mile each way is available, purchasea single ticket to Toronto, and have the agent fill out a certificate and

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