1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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==========ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MAIL MATTER AT BROOKLYN, N.Y., POSTOFFICE.ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AT THE POSTOFFICE DEPT., OTTAWA, CANADA.==========<strong>1912</strong>--GENERAL CONVENTIONS--<strong>1912</strong>----------TORONTO, CANADA, JUNE 30-JULY 6, 7All sessions to be held in the Horticultural Hall at theCanadian National Exhibition Park, West Toronto, June 30-July 6.The Park is easily accessible by Grand Trunk Railwayand by King Street and other trolley car lines.Railway Rates: Canadian railways give half fare ratesfor July 1 and the following day, possibly beginning June 30.American lines give low rates for a few days before and afterJuly 4, available for friends in the border states. There arealways special rates to Niagara Falls, which is only about twohours sail by steamer to Toronto, at a moderate price. Theremay be other excursion rates good for even ten days. Askyour local agent a week in advance.If no rate as low as 1-1/2c. per mile each way is available,purchase a single ticket to Toronto, and have the agent fillout a certificate and bring it with you. This will entitle youto a return ticket at a greatly reduced rate--perhaps free.Lodging can be secured through the Committee at from50c. each per day (2 to a room) to $1.50 per person; in somecases this will include breakfast. All expecting to attend shouldgive prompt notice by addressing the Convention Committee,c/o W. G. Brown, Sec'y, 51 Tiverton Ave., Toronto, Canada.Give full name of each person and indicate which prefer toroom together, and at what rate.Brother Russell will deliver a public address in the RoyalAlexandra Theatre, King St., West, at 3 p.m., July 7.WASHINGTON, D.C., JULY 7-14This Convention will be held in the suburbs of WashingtonCity, D.C., at the Glen Echo Chautauqua Grounds, July6-14. Arrangements for board and lodging will be made byour Committee on request at such prices as you may authorizefrom $1.10 per day upward. No pains will be spared tomake you comfortable as possible. All expecting to attendshould notify us AT ONCE. Give full name of each personand indicate which prefer to room together, and at what rate.The Committee of investigation say, "The location isideal. The average Park temperature is ten degrees lowerthan that of Washington City. The Auditorium is still coolerby reason of its peculiar location and the fact that it is builtover running water."Washington City commands reasonable railway rates from

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