1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


----------APPLIES TO THOSE NOT SPIRIT-BEGOTTENQuestion.--"Therefore the inhabitants of the earth areburned, and few men left." (Isa. 24:6.) Who are thesefew men? And how were the others burned?Answer.--In the great burning day the "heavens" willbe on fire, and "the earth and the works therein shall beburned up." This time of trouble will involve the wholeworld, practically everybody. The Lord speaks of somewho will be preserved in the midst of this trouble. Justas the three Hebrews were preserved in the fiery furnace,so we expect that some will be spared in the time oftrouble."Seek righteousness, seek meekness; it may be ye shallbe hid in the day of the Lord's anger." (Zeph. 2:3.)This invitation seems to be to others than the spirit-begotten.It would not apply to the Church, for her deliverancewill be over before the culmination of the trouble.It would not apply to the "great company" class, for it isincidental to their deliverance that they shall suffer inthis time of trouble the destruction of the flesh, and comeup to honor out of "great tribulation." This, therefore,would seem to apply to a class of the world who are notspirit-begotten.R5042 : page 186PREPARED FOR THE DEVIL AND HIS MESSENGERSQuestion.--"For Tophet is ordained of old; yea, forthe king it is prepared. He hath made it deep and large;the pile thereof is fire and much wood; the breath of theLord, like a stream of brimstone, doth kindle it." (Isa. 30:33.)Who is the king for whom Tophet is prepared?Answer.--Tophet was a name given to the Valley ofHinnom, which is symbolically a representation of theSecond Death, and the Lord is intimating that He hasplenty of fire and fuel to accomplish all this destructionand that the Spirit of the Lord will set it afire and causeit to burn to the complete destruction. The king forwhom it is prepared is the Devil, with his messengers.He is the instigator of evil, whose destruction is alreadyordained. First, however, in the Divine providence, beforehe shall be destroyed, the glorious reign of Messiahis arranged for, during which all of mankind shall bebrought to a full knowledge of the Truth, and to a fullopportunity of coming into harmony with God, and ofdemonstrating whether they have the disposition of Godor the disposition of the Adversary, Satan. When thechoice of each shall have been fully determined, the SecondDeath shall swallow up all for whom it has been prepared.Such as demonstrate their sympathy with evil willbe counted as the messengers of Satan, and will have ashare with him in the Second Death.

----------NOTHING SPECIFIC ABOUT URIM AND THUMMIMQuestion.--Is there any revelation as to what the Urimand Thummim consisted of, or how the priests wereanswered?Answer.--There is nothing specific known on this subject.In some manner or other, it is supposed, the breastplatethat was worn by the High Priest was used as theUrim and Thummim--that is, to give definite answer, Yesor No, to the questions that were propounded. For instance,if the question were asked, Shall Israel go out towar with this nation? or, Shall Israel enter into alliancewith that nation? the Lord's answer was indicated by thebreastplate. How these questions were answered, we arenot informed. Nothing in the Scriptures tells us, and wehave no tradition even that gives any very clear answer.We know that they had the Urim and Thummimand that the answer was indicated in some way with theprecious stones of the breastplate, but just how, nobodyknows.====================R5042 : page 186SOME INTERESTING LETTERSWORK FOR THE BLINDDEAR FRIENDS:--Enclosed find report for the year's work in literature forthe blind. Previous to March 1, 1911, the work of transcribingthe SCRIPTURE STUDIES into type for the blind was in itsinceptive stage and no systematic record was kept.However, at this time, having secured financial aid fromthe Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society and from otherswho had become interested in the work, it becomes expedientto adopt a business method.Itemized, the work at present is as follows:Books in circulation since March 1.................... 103Sold, complete copies, Vol. 1, in 7 parts............. 2Sold, parts of Vol. 1................................. 2Books on hand......................................... 70050 copies Vol. 1 in New York Point, in............ 7 parts26 copies Vol. 1, English Braille................. 3 "25 copies TABERNACLE SHADOWS...................... 2 "Balance in tracts, sermons, TOWER articles, etc.Copies sent to British office, Eng. Braille, Vol. 1... 9Copies TABERNACLE SHADOWS............................. 3Copies to South Africa, Vol. 1 and TABERNACLESHADOWS, each........................................ 1Received.......................................... $267.41

----------APPLIES TO THOSE NOT SPIRIT-BEGOTTENQuestion.--"Therefore the inhabitants of the earth areburned, and few men left." (Isa. 24:6.) Who are thesefew men? And how were the others burned?Answer.--In the great burning day the "heavens" willbe on fire, and "the earth and the works therein shall beburned up." This time of trouble will involve the wholeworld, practically everybody. The Lord speaks of somewho will be preserved in the midst of this trouble. Justas the three Hebrews were preserved in the fiery furnace,so we expect that some will be spared in the time oftrouble."Seek righteousness, seek meekness; it may be ye shallbe hid in the day of the Lord's anger." (Zeph. 2:3.)This invitation seems to be to others than the spirit-begotten.It would not apply to the Church, for her deliverancewill be over before the culmination of the trouble.It would not apply to the "great company" class, for it isincidental to their deliverance that they shall suffer inthis time of trouble the destruction of the flesh, and comeup to honor out of "great tribulation." This, therefore,would seem to apply to a class of the world who are notspirit-begotten.R5042 : page 186PREPARED FOR THE DEVIL AND HIS MESSENGERSQuestion.--"For Tophet is ordained of old; yea, forthe king it is prepared. He hath made it deep and large;the pile thereof is fire and much wood; the breath of theLord, like a stream of brimstone, doth kindle it." (Isa. 30:33.)Who is the king for whom Tophet is prepared?Answer.--Tophet was a name given to the Valley ofHinnom, which is symbolically a representation of theSecond Death, and the Lord is intimating that He hasplenty of fire and fuel to accomplish all this destructionand that the Spirit of the Lord will set it afire and causeit to burn to the complete destruction. The king forwhom it is prepared is the Devil, with his messengers.He is the instigator of evil, whose destruction is alreadyordained. First, however, in the Divine providence, beforehe shall be destroyed, the glorious reign of Messiahis arranged for, during which all of mankind shall bebrought to a full knowledge of the Truth, and to a fullopportunity of coming into harmony with God, and ofdemonstrating whether they have the disposition of Godor the disposition of the Adversary, Satan. When thechoice of each shall have been fully determined, the SecondDeath shall swallow up all for whom it has been prepared.Such as demonstrate their sympathy with evil willbe counted as the messengers of Satan, and will have ashare with him in the Second Death.

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