1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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Lord.If others are drunk with excessive use of wine, letus be filled with a different kind of wine--with the HolySpirit. If others seek to find joy and solace in intoxicants,let us find ours in being filled with the mind ofChrist. This spiritual refreshment will lead us to psalmsand hymns, and to make merry in our hearts to the Lord,and to be thankful for God's favor in Christ.----------R5040 : page 180IT IS NOT THE DEED WE DO"It is not the deed we do,Though the deed be ever so fair,But the love that the dear Lord looketh for,Hidden with holy careIn the heart of the deed so fair."The love is the priceless thing,The treasure our treasure must hold;Or ever the Lord will take the gift,Or tell the worth of the goldBy the love that cannot be told."====================R5037 : page 181SINS NEVER TO BE FORGIVEN--JULY 7.--MARK 3:20-35.--Text:--"This is the condemnation, that light is come into theworld and men loved darkness rather than light, because theirdeeds were evil."--John 3:19.JOHN THE BAPTIST declared of Jesus, "Hemust increase, but I must decrease"; andso it was. After John was put into prisonJesus' ministry became more and more public,especially through the numerous worksperformed by Him. The multitudes followedthe Great Teacher, and His friends becamesolicitous for Him, for even they feared andsaid, "He is beside Himself"--so quicklyhad His course changed from one of privacyto one of publicity.The Scribes and Pharisees considered themselves therepresentatives of the Jewish orthodoxy and qualified topass upon everything theological; and indeed the publicwaited for their message, saying, "Have any of the Scribesand Pharisees believed on Him?" Hence Jesus declaredthat these representatives of Divine things were doubly

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