1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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There is great joy in the prayer of our Lord: "ThyKingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as in heaven!"I ask your prayers for me and my household, assuring youof mine.I remain your friend and brother, CHRIS. ACHERSOLD.--Ark.----------BELOVED PASTOR AND BROTHER:--When the Vow came, I was new in the Truth, and it wasnot received by me as "meat in due season."In asking advice of the brethren older in the Truth, Iwas cautioned to wait, and to weigh all these things, whichI foolishly did, instead of taking the matter seriously to theLord and asking guidance of Him.But I did tell the Father that I would not let it interferewith my study of His wonderful Plan, nor with my fellowshipwith His earnest workers, and that I would wait uponHim till He should show me the way.He surely took me at my word, for it was nearly twoyears later that the eyes of my understanding were openedso that I realized how much I had lost in not taking thisprecious Vow sooner!Then it was that I and my two dear younger brothers, whowith me symbolized their consecration, and have grown upwith me in the Truth, and whose letters accompany this, tookthe matter up seriously and called upon our dear BrotherSherman. He so clearly showed us the way that at that timewe made the Vow our own before the Lord, and have sincebeen wonderfully blessed.We did not, until now, realize that we had not done ourpart by you in acknowledging its acceptance; but we do soat this time, hoping that sending our names may bring thegreater encouragement to you.Our earnest prayer is that you may be kept most preciousin the Father's sight! May God bless you, dear brother!Yours in the one Hope, W. D. CHAPIN.--Calif.----------BELOVED BROTHER IN CHRIST:--I have been negligent of my duty and privilege of sendingin my name as one who has taken the Vow.Since taking it I have received so many rich blessings thatmy appreciation and love of it are greatly increased. It helpsme each day in the Christian warfare, reminding me of mypage 171consecration and of my weakness and dependence upon theLord for the promised grace to help in every time of need.It has brought very near to me the remembrance that allthe Lord's dear Harvest laborers are praying for me becauseof our common membership in the Body of Christ! It forciblybrings to mind the need to watch and pray lest I "becomea castaway," and thus helped I have been enabled to overcome,

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