1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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Kingdom class, Christ and the Church, shall first be completed.Thus the Apostle declares, "All these died in faith,not having received the (earthly) things promised tothem, God having provided some better thing for us (theChurch), that they, without us, should not be made perfect."The glorification of the Church, her resurrectionto perfection, must first be accomplished before the blessingsthrough them can proceed to the natural seed ofAbraham, and then through Israel to all nations.--Heb. 11:38-40.NOT THE BRIDE BUT THE FRIENDJohn the Baptist seemed to either comprehend thesituation, or else he spoke the truth by prophecy when hedeclared, "He that hath the Bride is the Bridegroom, butthe friend of the Bridegroom, hearing His voice, rejoicethgreatly. This my joy therefore is fulfilled." He perceivedthat in God's providence he had a very honorableand blessed station and work to accomplish, but he wasto be neither the Bridegroom nor a member of the Brideclass.This does not imply that John was disappointed at thetime, nor that he and the other Ancient Worthies will bedisappointed when they come forth in the resurrectionto find a Bride class selected to a higher place than theirs.On the contrary, their cup of blessing being full, andnever having been begotten of the Holy Spirit to a spiritnature, they will not be able to comprehend or appreciateany blessings higher than their own. Just, for instance,as a fish in the water, seeing a bird flying in the air, wouldnot be jealous of the bird and its greater freedom, but,on the contrary, would be better satisfied in the water,its natural element, so all natural men, not begotten ofthe Holy Spirit, will appreciate more the earthly blessingswhich Divine providence has provided for them.In this very lesson Jesus intimates all the above, saying,"The Law and the Prophets were until John." Hewas the last of the Prophets. He introduced Jesus, theHead of the Kingdom class. Jesus further declared, "Ifye are willing to receive it, this is Elias which was tocome." That is to say, Those of you who are able toappreciate the matter may understand that John theBaptist did a work which was in full accord with theprophecy which declared that Elijah must first come anddo a reformatory work before Messiah would come.CURIOSITY IS NOT RELIGIONAddressing the multitudes the Great Teacher inquired,Why did you go out to the wilderness to see John? WasR5031 : page 167it to hear his message? Was it because God spokethrough him as a Prophet as the wind makes music

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