1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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Question.--What is the Apostle's thought in the statement,"So, then, death worketh in us, but life in you"?--2 Cor. 4:12.Answer.--We understand St. Paul to refer to the tribulationswhich he and his companions were experiencingas they journeyed about in the interests of the Truth.These persecutions, difficulties, trials by the way, wereevidences that God was accepting their sacrifice. Thustheir death was going on, as elsewhere he says, "We diedaily." In this statement he expressed the object, ormotive, that prompted him and his companions to act.What they did was done, not in a perfunctory manner,because they had a general mission, but from a heartmotive and in harmony with the Divine will, that theymight bring spiritual blessings to the Church.R5022 : page 152The early Church perceived that the Apostles werevery active in the service of the Truth; and St. Paul explainedthat their motive was an unselfish one. He exhortedthe Church not to please themselves, but to laydown their lives for one another, as he and his companionswere doing, as ensamples to the flock. All who are membersof the Royal Priesthood are laying down their livesin the service. We are thus "building one another up inthe most holy faith," until we are come to the New Jerusalem!--the glorious Kingdom of the great Anointed One,the great Prophet, Priest and King, of whose professionJesus is the great High Priest!Our Lord declared, "I come to do Thy will, O God"; "Idelight to do Thy will." (Heb. 10:9; Psa. 40:8.) This wasa part of the Divine will, that He should lay down Hislife, finish His sacrifice, that He might ultimately giveit on behalf of Adam and all of his race.----------HE WILL HAVE COMPLETED HIS WORKQuestion.--In I Cor. 15:28 we read that when Christshall have accomplished the work appointed for Him--thework of His Millennial Kingdom and reign--and shallhave put down all enemies (the last enemy to be destroyedbeing death), the Son also will be subject unto theFather, who put all things under Him. In what sensewill He be "subject" then more than during theMillennium?Answer.--The special thought very evidently is thatduring Messiah's reign the Lord Jesus will be given fullpower and authority to control the world. That is theparticular business appointed to Him. You will rememberthat the Father, speaking of that time, says, "Ask of Me,and I will give Thee the heathen for Thine inheritance";and He declares that they shall be ruled with a rod ofiron.--Psa. 2:8,9.

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