1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


of others would be perfectly proper, or praying in thepresence of others would be entirely right, and wherefasting might come to the knowledge of others withoutreproach.The point which the Great Teacher makes is themotive actuating us. If we are actuated by a selfishmotive, if we are seeking show and applause or earthlygain, the procedure cannot bring Divine approval or blessing--"Blessed are the pure in heart." We may be seento do good or to pray or to fast, but we are not to do ourcharities, our praying and our fasting to be seen. Ofsuch the Lord says, "They have received their reward"--nothing more is coming to them; they get the publicitysought.THE PRIVILEGE OF PRAYERPrayer is a privilege. Jesus did not command His disciplesto pray, nor did He even give them a form ofprayer until they requested it. "Prayer is the soul'ssincere desire, uttered or unexpressed." The Lord's peoplemust feel their need of Divine grace and help in order toappreciate the privilege of approaching the throne ofheavenly grace. The trials and difficulties, the sorrows andtemptations of life frequently impel God's children toprayer. It marks a better, a higher Christian developmentwhen they love to come to the Throne of grace, not onlyin their sorrows, but also in their joys, to give thanks, topraise, to worship, to adore.It will be noticed that our Lord did not tell about howthe world should pray, but merely taught His disciples:"when ye pray." As a matter of fact, the Gentiles, theworld of mankind in general, have no access to the Throneof grace. Only those in covenant relationship with God(Jews and Christians) ever had any Divine assurancethat their petitions would be accepted by Him. This maycause surprise to some, so general is the custom of encouragingand exhorting everybody to pray. A briefglance at the situation, however, shows us the fixed principleunderlying the matter. Let us note it. The worldin general, the race of Adam, was alienated from Godthrough wicked works. Adam was under a covenantwith God by which he enjoyed the privileges of a son ofGod. This included fellowship, communion, prayer andDivine supervision and care even to the extent of everlastinglife. But Adam's disobedience broke that covenant,abolished that covenant-relationship and all itsprivileges. (Hos. 6:7, R.V.) The only ones who nowenjoy the privilege of prayer are those who have beenaccepted of God back into covenant-relationship. Thenatural Israelite was so accepted under the Law Covenant;hence the Temple at Jerusalem was called the Houseof Prayer. It was specifically for the Jewish nation, butall nationalities had the privilege of becoming JewishProselytes and thus of being received into all the privilegesof Jews, which included the privilege of prayer.

Our Lord, on the basis of His better sacrifice for sins,made holy and acceptable to still higher privileges ofprayer such as became His disciples, His footstep followers.These, from Pentecost onward, were called sons ofGod and enjoyed the begetting of the Holy Spirit. Atfirst these were only Jewish believers, but in due timeR5021 : page 150the middle wall of partition between Jews and Gentileswas broken down, and all Gentile believers, from the timeof Cornelius onward, were accepted as spirit begotten sonsand granted all the privileges of prayer.--Acts 10.These Gentiles did not come into relationship with Godthrough the Mosaic Law Covenant, but through the Covenantof sacrifice, under which they were called and acceptedas joint-sacrificers with Christ: "Gather togetherMy saints unto Me, those who have made a covenantwith Me by sacrifice." (Psa. 50:5.) Only such Gentilesas accept Christ and enter with Him into this covenant ofsacrifice can, during this Age, become sons of God and enjoythe privileges of sonship, of which prayer is one. Thehabit of inviting people out of covenant-relationship withGod to pray is both unscriptural and unreasonable. Godheareth not sinners (John 9:31); those who come to Himthrough Christ are acceptable only because Jesus is theirAdvocate. It is plain to be seen, then, that those whoapproach God in their own names--without having acceptedthe Advocate and His terms of discipleship--suchcan have no standing with the Father and their prayersare unacceptable.Instead of exhorting our friends and neighbors to prayto God and to trust for the fulfilment of their prayers, weshould give them the Scriptural counsel, to repent of sinand by faith to accept the forgiveness of their sins, accordingto the testimony of God's Word, by making afull consecration of themselves to be the footstep followersof Jesus. Then, as sons of God, they would have allthe privileges of sonship in this present time as well asthe glorious prospects hereafter.VAIN REPETITIONS OF THE HEATHENAll are heathens or Gentiles--all of the world whohave not left the world and come into covenant-relationshipwith God through Christ. Such outsiders, not understandingthe Only Way, the Only Door of God's favor,vainly suppose that they will be heard for their muchspeaking, and therefore repeat their prayers. Some useR5022 : page 150praying wheels; others use beads; and still others repeathundreds of times certain ejaculations.None are heard except those of Jesus' followers, andJesus counsels these not to think that the length of their

Our Lord, on the basis of His better sacrifice for sins,made holy and acceptable to still higher privileges ofprayer such as became His disciples, His footstep followers.These, from Pentecost onward, were called sons ofGod and enjoyed the begetting of the Holy Spirit. Atfirst these were only Jewish believers, but in due timeR5021 : page 150the middle wall of partition between Jews and Gentileswas broken down, and all Gentile believers, from the timeof Cornelius onward, were accepted as spirit begotten sonsand granted all the privileges of prayer.--Acts 10.These Gentiles did not come into relationship with Godthrough the Mosaic Law Covenant, but through the Covenantof sacrifice, under which they were called and acceptedas joint-sacrificers with Christ: "Gather togetherMy saints unto Me, those who have made a covenantwith Me by sacrifice." (Psa. 50:5.) Only such Gentilesas accept Christ and enter with Him into this covenant ofsacrifice can, during this Age, become sons of God and enjoythe privileges of sonship, of which prayer is one. Thehabit of inviting people out of covenant-relationship withGod to pray is both unscriptural and unreasonable. Godheareth not sinners (John 9:31); those who come to Himthrough Christ are acceptable only because Jesus is theirAdvocate. It is plain to be seen, then, that those whoapproach God in their own names--without having acceptedthe Advocate and His terms of discipleship--suchcan have no standing with the Father and their prayersare unacceptable.Instead of exhorting our friends and neighbors to prayto God and to trust for the fulfilment of their prayers, weshould give them the Scriptural counsel, to repent of sinand by faith to accept the f<strong>org</strong>iveness of their sins, accordingto the testimony of God's Word, by making afull consecration of themselves to be the footstep followersof Jesus. Then, as sons of God, they would have allthe privileges of sonship in this present time as well asthe glorious prospects hereafter.VAIN REPETITIONS OF THE HEATHENAll are heathens or Gentiles--all of the world whohave not left the world and come into covenant-relationshipwith God through Christ. Such outsiders, not understandingthe Only Way, the Only Door of God's favor,vainly suppose that they will be heard for their muchspeaking, and therefore repeat their prayers. Some useR5022 : page 150praying wheels; others use beads; and still others repeathundreds of times certain ejaculations.None are heard except those of Jesus' followers, andJesus counsels these not to think that the length of their

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