1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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and in touch with the Studies, etc.==========ALSO FRENCH, GERMAN, SWEDISH AND DANISH EDITIONS.SAMPLE COPIES FREE.==========ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MAIL MATTER AT BROOKLYN, N.Y., POSTOFFICE.ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AT THE POSTOFFICE DEPT., OTTAWA, CANADA.==========<strong>1912</strong>--GENERAL CONVENTIONS--<strong>1912</strong>It is proposed that the INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDENTSASSOCIATION shall this year hold two General Conventions.One of these will be in the West, the other in the East. Thisarrangement seemed wise in order to permit many who wouldlike to attend Conventions to do so at a moderate expenditureof railway fare.The first of these will be held in the Chautauqua groundsat Pertle Springs, near Warrensburg, Mo., June 1-8. It willbe followed by a public meeting addressed by Brother Russellat Kansas City, Mo., sixty-five miles northwest from Warrensburg,on Sunday, June 9.Board and lodging accommodations, we are assured, willbe quite satisfactory and will range in cost from $1.10 to$1.50 each person per day. These prices, of course, will notsecure separate rooms for each person. We are assured ofample, comfortable accommodations for from fifteen hundredto two thousand people. All expecting to attend should notifyus at once. Give full name of each person, which prefer toroom together, and at what rate.Warrensburg (Pertle Springs) is on the Missouri PacificRailroad. We will have the usual summer rates prevailingto this point. Inquire of your local railroad ticket agent.The second Convention will be held in the suburbs ofWashington City, D.C., at the Glen Echo Chautauquagrounds--July 7-14. Arrangements for board and lodgingwill be made by our Committee on request at such prices asyou may authorize from $1.10 per day upward. No pains willbe spared to make you comfortable as possible.The Committee of investigation say, "The location is ideal.The average Park temperature is ten degrees lower than thatof Washington City. The Auditorium is still cooler by reasonof its peculiar location and the fact that it is built over runningwater."Washington City commands reasonable railway rates fromall quarters. We do not expect any special concessions, therefore,although we will apply for them.We will endeavor to have a good list of speakers at bothConventions, including Brother Russell.We hoped to have been able to make the announcementsre Conventions in January, but have been unavoidably delayed

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