1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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obligations for the assistance in the understanding ofGod's Word afforded by the meeting of the night previous.He also handed in his address for literature.CONCLUDING THOUGHTS ON INDIAFrom the foregoing it will be noted that in the Committee'sestimation the true Christianity has made moreadvancement in the Province of Travancore than in anyother. We believe the readers of this report will feel aspecial interest in the people of that Province. We triedto think of some little souvenir of that Province, andfound one which, we believe, will be generally interesting.It is the smallest coin used in Travancore, and probablyone of the smallest in value in the world, about one-tenthR5014 : page 136of a cent each. Yet in one sense of the word it is the basisof all monetary value, for it is called "cash."We have brought with us several thousand of thesefrom the Travancore mint--new. They are for the InternationalBible Students Association classes. Eachclass desiring these souvenirs should, through its secretary,send to the Brooklyn office a list of names of itsmembers desiring one coin each; thus each class may beserved at one sending--saving trouble and expense.These souvenirs will be sent free, postpaid.With deep gratitude to God for the privileges andlessons connected with this world-tour of Mission Investigation,we conclude our Report with a Categorical Summary,which notes the questions given us for our guidance,and our answers thereto following each.THE CATEGORICAL SUMMARYI.--"Are Foreign Missions conducted along Christianbusiness lines?"Ans.--As these terms are generally understood, Yes.II.--"To what extent are the methods used successfulin reaching the heathen peoples, and in bringing them toChristianity?"Ans.--The success attained by Missionaries is small.We found Oriental Christians about as sincere, intelligentand earnest as the average ofchurch attendants in America and Europe;and, as there, a very few who gave evidenceof being consecrated to God andHis service.But, viewing the question from thestandpoint of the present and future,rather than the past, our Report is different.The present methods cannot becalled successful, because Christianizingendeavors seem pretty generally to haveceased! Present missionary endeavors

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