1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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Christian could possibly be. There is notthe slightest sign that the devotions ofthe majority are hypocritical--"to be seenof men." Although their devotions areperformed publicly, fearlessly, they arereverential and seem to be addressed tosome unseen god, even though crude idolsare at times apparently used to representhim, according to a philosophy which weare unable to appreciate. However, whenwe remembered the terrible mental picturesof the Almighty drawn by some ofour creeds, and contrasted these with theugly idols worshipped by some of thesepoor peoples, we felt inclined to say thatof the two the creed idol was the morerepulsive.The Salvation Army has recently enteredthe missionary lists in India. Itssympathetic method of mingling with andaiding the lowest caste to better ideas ofhome-life and cleanliness is commendable. If only theirfifes and drums called the people to hear of God's love,and the good tidings of His provision for all in Messiah'sKingdom, what good they might accomplish! They aremaking quite a show of success by attracting to theirservice young teachers, "catechists," from other missions,by more liberal allowances for their expenses.MORE THAN EDUCATION NEEDED TO LIFT NATIVES OUTOF SUPERSTITIONAt Benares we had a Christian native for a guide, andhe informed us that many of the poor people who werebathing in the Ganges, and hoping thereby to wash awaytheir sins, had been educated, some of them in Christianschools, so that quite a good many of them were conversantwith the English language. This surely was a verydiscouraging discovery. It indicated that even more thaneducation is necessary to lift these peoples out of theirdeep-seated superstitions.Missionaries and Christianity have frequently beenblamed with doing injury to the people. Many say, "Youcan trust a native who has not professed Christianity, butbeware lest you ever trust one who has been Christianized--they are not dependable." It may be that somethingconnected with Missionary effort promotes dishonesty inthose who receive its benefits, but in our opinion the Missionariesand their methods are less to be blamed than theEuropeans residing in India and transient visitors. Apparentlythe more consecrated people of Christendom remainat home. There can be no doubt that the influenceof the white man in a general way upon the people ofIndia has to a considerable extent been demoralizing, andthis demoralizing influence, exercised by representativesof Christendom, seems to more than counteract the helpful

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