1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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of Christ and His Bride to accomplish that promise--theR4957 : page 30blessing of all the families of the earth with full lightand knowledge and opportunity for complete return toharmony with God and for the recovery of all that waslost in Adam and redeemed at Calvary. We by faith hailHim as King, even before the establishment of His Kingdom,and loyally and gladly submit ourselves to Him,pledging our lives in the service of His Cause of righteousnessand truth. We, when praying, "Thy Kingdomcome," are expressing our sympathy with the righteousnesswhich Messiah's Kingdom shall establish and ourfaith in His promise that we shall sit with Him in HisThrone. And when we pray that God's will shall be doneon earth as in heaven we are expressing our confidencethat the Messianic reign will be glorious and successfulto the last degree--overthrowing all evil and adverse conditionsand establishing righteousness amongst men on thesame permanent foundation that prevails in heaven.R4957 : page 30===================="ABOUT MY FATHER'S BUSINESS"--LUKE 2:40-52.--FEBRUARY 11.--"How is it that ye sought Me? Wist ye not thatI must be about My Father's business?"--V. 49.THE WONDERFUL BABE of Bethlehem"grew and waxed strong, filled with wisdom,and the grace of God was upon Him."The perfect child, the perfect boy, was ofcourse far in advance of imperfect children.The schooling privileges of today were unknown.The education gleaned by themasses came to them chiefly through contactwith their elders; history itself beinghanded down from generation to generation,except for the scholarly. Jewish boys, however, hadan advantage over those of other nations because of theDivine regulation of the temple services and the servicesin the synagogues every Sabbath day. Those services consistedparticularly of readings from the Law and theProphets by course. Thus all Jewish children had excellentfacilities for hearing the Word of the Lord. "Theyhave Moses and the prophets, let them hear them." Fewhad more opportunities than this--few were able to read;but Jesus was amongst those few--not because of schoolingprivileges in His youth, but because of His brilliant mind,which retained everything that came to it and to which,therefore, the Bible was continually an open book.

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