1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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And the morning..... The perfect completion............................F31Were the first day.. The Azoic or lifeless age of 7000 years...........F31Certainly not a sun day, for the sun itself wasnot visible until the fourth creative day.......F191: 6Be a firmament...... An expanse of atmosphere..........................F31In the midst of..... Between the.......................................F311: 8Were the second day. The Palaeozoic age, Silurian period, 7000 years...F311: 9The dry land appear. The weight of the seas caused the earth tobuckle as it cooled, gradually forcing portionsof its crust above the water. Similar paroxysmsof nature will, probably, occur soon............F321:12Grass and herb...... Carbonic and nitrogenous gases causes extraordinaryplant growth during the third creativeday, storing carbon for coal deposits andpurifying the atmosphere for animal life........F32Seed after his kind. Contrary to Evolution theories....................F321:13Were the third day.. The Carboniferous era of 7000 years...............F321:16And God made........ Literally "Caused to shine." The word doesnot mean created................................F33The greater light... Said by papists to represent the pope............B308To rule the day..... To indicate the time of day.......................F34Said by papists to represent spiritual things....B308The lesser light.... Said by papists to represent civil power.........B308To rule the night... Said by papists to represent temporal affairs....B3081:19Were the fourth day. The Devonian period of 7000 years.................F341:20Waters bring forth.. By Divine power given for the purpose.............F35Abundantly.......... The untellable trillions of shell-fish which absorbedthe excess of hydrocarbons......................F36The moving creature. The creeping creature.....................E348, 324That hath life...... Nephesh, soul, sentient being as of man.E348, 3241:21Living creature..... Nephesh, soul, sentient being, as of man........E348, 357, 324, 3341:23Were the fifth day.. The Reptilian period of 7000 years................F351:24Let the earth, etc.. A comprehensive scientific expression.............F54Living creature..... Nephesh, soul, sentient being, as of man........E348, 357, 324, 334Cattle.............. Domestic animals as distinguished from others.....F361:26Let us.............. The plural form calls our attention to the factthat, "The Word was in the beginning withGod"........................................Z'94-121REVELATION--BIBLICAL COMMENTS 481Worship God.......... The source from which come all these blessingsand all this light......................Z '96-30522:10Seal not the sayings. When the time comes for a full understandingof the book of Revelation, the Church is notto hide the matter......................Z '05-17322:11Unjust still......... The proclamation of the message of PresentTruth is not expected or intended to convertthe world...............................Z '05-173Righteous still...... The message of Present Truth applies only tothose who are righteously inclined......Z '05-17322:12Reward is with me.... And will not be given until I come.............F665

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