1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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them at all, except to tell them that they are sinners underthe sentence of death, but that He has made provision fortheir reconciliation through the blood of the cross, and thatwhether they become disciples of Christ or not under thecall to Brideship, nevertheless their words and conduct inthe present life will all advantage or disadvantage them inthe life to come. In this secondary way the world--allmankind aside from the Church, the consecrated--may bemeasurably enlightened by the Master's teachings in thislesson, even while it is not addressed to them. They maysee its high standards and appreciate them to some extent,but not fully, unless they realize that the Church Class,called in this Gospel Age, is required to undergo specialtrial, testing, proving, as to loyalty to God, meekness, gentleness,patience, long-suffering, brotherly kindness, love."BUT I SAY UNTO YOU"The two tables of the Law given to Israel were a requirementof Justice, but Jesus and His followers take astill higher plane and, waiving their own rights, they becomesacrificers of their own comforts, preferences, desires,to the doing of the Divine will, to the serving ofthe brethren and mankind in general. Justice never requiressacrifice. Thus discipleship and attainment withJesus of a share in the sufferings of this presenttime and in the glory that shall follow mean somethingmore than merely rendering to every man his due, for noone has a right to render to another less than his due, norto do injury to another. Jesus not only did no injury,but, additionally, He sacrificed His own rights on behalfof mankind, and He set His disciples an example that theyshould walk in His steps.--I Pet. 2:21.The path of love is, therefore, as Jesus describes it,under present conditions, a "narrow way"; narrow is thegate, difficult the way of life now open. Only the saintlyfew will be willing to walk therein, and only these willgain the great Prize, "the pearl of great price," joint-heirshipin Messiah's Kingdom. Hearken! Do notmerely observe the Golden Rule toward your enemies, butlove them, and "do good to them that hate you, and blessthem that curse you, and pray for them that despitefullyuse you."The Master's expression, "Unto him that smiteth theeon the one cheek offer also the other," is to be taken assignifying simply, Do not render evil for evil, even thoughhe smite thee on the other cheek also. Our Lord Himself,when smitten, according to the report, did not invite thesmiting of the other cheek, but rather He defended Himselfto the extent of criticising the evil deed. But if Hehad been smitten on the other cheek also, let us not for amoment think that He would have resisted, in the senseof rendering blow for blow.The next statement is more comprehensively given bySaint Matthew. "If any man sue thee at the law and takeaway thy coat, withhold not thy cloak also." The follower

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