1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


can appreciate them fully.THE PALACE OF BLESSEDNESSThe foundation of the Palace of Blessedness is Humility.None can ever hope for a share in the MessianicKingdom except as he is humble-minded: "Blessed arethe poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."To such and such only will this great blessing come. Itwould never do for God to accept as a member of theKingdom class one possessed of the spirit of pride andselfish ambition. In Satan's experience we have an illustrationof what pride might accomplish. God proposesthat humility shall be a primary test as respects the Brideclass.The Palace Reception Room, upon the foundation ofHumility, on the ground-floor of the Palace, is the chamberof Sorrow--mourning. Only such as know what it isto be touched with the feelings of human infirmities canbe members of the Royal Priesthood, which by and by isto deal with and assist back to harmony with God whoeverwills of all humanity. Besides, this Reception-Room ofsorrow and mourning seems necessary for our completeseparation from the things of the world, the flesh andthe Devil. Few have ever been saints without passingthrough sorrowful experiences. We remember Jesus'words, "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavyladen, and I will give you rest." Yes, the ReceptionRoom of mourning is necessary for us before we canappreciate the comfort which God has provided for thisparticular class--"His elect": "Blessed are they thatmourn, for they shall be comforted."The Palace Library is Meekness. None can be successfullytaught of the Lord and fully enjoy the Palaceof Blessedness without the quality of meekness or teachableness.Into this Library the follower of Jesus mustfrequently go, there to learn valuable lessons, withoutwhich he could not make progress in his faith-buildingand character-development: "Blessed are the meek, forthey shall inherit the earth." As members of Messiah,heirs of God and joint-heirs with Jesus, their Lord,these will come into the full possession, the full controlof the earth. For a thousand years this control will bemaintained while mankind will be taught valuable lessonsand be uplifted out of sin and degradation and death toR5004 : page 114the perfect manhood lost by Father Adam, redeemed byJesus. Only at the close of the Messianic reign will TheMeek turn over their inheritance, the earth, to mankind.Then those of the earth who will receive the control willbe such of mankind as will have learned their lessons ofmeekness.The Dining Room: Hunger for Righteousness. Allwho will be joint-heirs with Christ will be lovers of righteousness

and haters of iniquity, in likeness of the Redeemer.It is very important, therefore, that in ourPalace of Blessedness we have a large and well-appointedDining Room, where our hunger and thirst for righteousnessmay be encouraged and satisfied at the same time."Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness,for they shall be filled." They will get their fill ofit, for their own perfection in the First Resurrection,and in the establishment of righteousness in all the earth,during the thousand years of Messiah's reign.The Door of the Palace: Mercy. One of the most importantlessons for the New Creature to learn is love,sympathy, mercy. In the Divine arrangement we mustgo out and in this door constantly. Our own imperfectionscontinually require Divine mercy and should as continuallyimpress upon us the merciful disposition towardthose with whom we have to do. Only thus will we befitted and prepared to be faithful and merciful membersof the Royal Priesthood in dealing with and blessing theworld of mankind during the Messianic Kingdom."Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy";"If ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will yourheavenly Father forgive your trespasses"; "Forgive usour trespasses as we forgive those who trespass againstus."The Palace Window, through which we may see God,is Purity of Heart. We cannot, while in the flesh, attainabsolute purity in thought, word and deed, but we canhave heart purity--pureness of intention and desire. Onlysuch as have this heart condition may hope to attain theKingdom honors and to see Him whom no human hasseen, neither can see. "Blessed are the pure in heart, forthey shall see God."The Parlor of our Palace is represented by the characteristicsof the Peacemaker. It implies a certain resistanceand victory in respect to our own affairs, furnishingus the opportunity to help others. "Blessed arethe peacemakers, for they shall be called the children ofGod."The Kitchen of our Palace represents the trials anddifficulties incidental to the rounding out of our charactersas a whole and our proper nourishment and upbuildingspiritually. "Blessed are ye when men shall revileyou and say all manner of evil against you falsely, forMy Name's sake; rejoice, and be exceeding glad, forgreat is your reward in heaven."====================R5004 : page 115THE RICH MAN IN HELL--MAY 5.--LUKE 6:20-26; 16:19-31.--Text:--"A man's life consisteth not in the abundance

and haters of iniquity, in likeness of the Redeemer.It is very important, therefore, that in ourPalace of Blessedness we have a large and well-appointedDining Room, where our hunger and thirst for righteousnessmay be encouraged and satisfied at the same time."Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness,for they shall be filled." They will get their fill ofit, for their own perfection in the First Resurrection,and in the establishment of righteousness in all the earth,during the thousand years of Messiah's reign.The Door of the Palace: Mercy. One of the most importantlessons for the New Creature to learn is love,sympathy, mercy. In the Divine arrangement we mustgo out and in this door constantly. Our own imperfectionscontinually require Divine mercy and should as continuallyimpress upon us the merciful disposition towardthose with whom we have to do. Only thus will we befitted and prepared to be faithful and merciful membersof the Royal Priesthood in dealing with and blessing theworld of mankind during the Messianic Kingdom."Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy";"If ye f<strong>org</strong>ive not men their trespasses, neither will yourheavenly Father f<strong>org</strong>ive your trespasses"; "F<strong>org</strong>ive usour trespasses as we f<strong>org</strong>ive those who trespass againstus."The Palace Window, through which we may see God,is Purity of Heart. We cannot, while in the flesh, attainabsolute purity in thought, word and deed, but we canhave heart purity--pureness of intention and desire. Onlysuch as have this heart condition may hope to attain theKingdom honors and to see Him whom no human hasseen, neither can see. "Blessed are the pure in heart, forthey shall see God."The Parlor of our Palace is represented by the characteristicsof the Peacemaker. It implies a certain resistanceand victory in respect to our own affairs, furnishingus the opportunity to help others. "Blessed arethe peacemakers, for they shall be called the children ofGod."The Kitchen of our Palace represents the trials anddifficulties incidental to the rounding out of our charactersas a whole and our proper nourishment and upbuildingspiritually. "Blessed are ye when men shall revileyou and say all manner of evil against you falsely, forMy Name's sake; rejoice, and be exceeding glad, f<strong>org</strong>reat is your reward in heaven."====================R5004 : page 115THE RICH MAN IN HELL--MAY 5.--LUKE 6:20-26; 16:19-31.--Text:--"A man's life consisteth not in the abundance

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