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1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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we are passing through tribulation hoping to attain ashare in Messiah's Kingdom, the Apostle points out that"There remaineth a rest for the people of God"--still adifferent one from that which we now enjoy. The actualrest or Sabbath will be not merely that of faith and restof heart, it will include also a rest from all labor, whileour works will follow with us. In other words, the resurrectionchange will bring us full relief from the trials,the toils of the way, and usher us fully into the gloriousblessings of the resurrection state.====================R4996 : page 101WHY MEN FEAR THE SECOND COMING OF CHRISTALL MEN realize that they come short ofperfection. Additionally, nearly all realizethat in the past of their lives lie crimesmore or less serious. In the majority ofminds fear is instinctive. Under properlimitations it is a healthy condition. "Letus fear lest a promise being left us of enteringinto His [Divine] rest, any of youshould seem to come short of it." Thefear [reverence] of the Lord is the beginningof wisdom."--Heb. 4:1; Psa. 111:10.But the Adversary has taken advantage of this properand wholesome fear through what the Apostle terms"doctrines of devils." Thus from infancy an abnormal,irrational fear has obtained a lodgment in nearly everymind, heathen and civilized. Of this fear the Lord,through the Prophet, says, "Their fear toward Me istaught by the precepts of men." (Isa. 29:13.) These"precepts of men," or human traditions, have grossly misrepresentedGod and His Word; and alas! many, evenBible students, are seriously handicapped by these devilishtheories established in a period of ignorance and superstition,but supposed to be based upon the Divine Word.THE TIME OF RESTITUTION IS THE DAY OF JUDGMENTAmongst other false theories respecting the secondcoming of Christ we have the view held by our Adventistbrethren, that the moment of the Lord's coming will bethe "crack of doom" to the world and the inhabitantsthereof--marking the end of hope for all not previouslybrought into relationship with God through Christ, assaints. And Adventists are not alone in this theory.Practically the creeds of all denominations teach the samethought, which is the very reverse of the Scripturepresentation.St. Peter describes the time of the second advent andthe blessings that will then come to mankind. He says,"Times of refreshing [greenness--springtime] shall come

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