1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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R4994 : page 99JESUS' SOUL RESURRECTED--I CORINTHIANS 15:1-11.--APRIL 7.--Text:--"This Jesus hath God raised up,whereof we are all witnesses."--Acts 2:32.TODAY'S STUDY leaves the words andworks of Jesus and, appropriate to theEaster season, we are to consider ourLord's resurrection. At the very outsetwe are confronted with certain errors whichhave gradually crystallized around the centraltruths of God's Word. One of theseerrors is the supposition that the resurrectionof the dead, which the Scriptures holdforth as the hope of the Church and of theworld, is to be a resurrection of the bodies which go downinto death.This mistake has given ground for Infidelity to sneerat this precious doctrine of the Bible. We are asked,How could the dust which once constituted the bodies ofthousands of millions of humanity ever be re-collectedand rearranged so that we could say that those bodieswere resurrected? The infidel urges that many of humanityhave been eaten by fishes and animals, and manyother corpses have been absorbed by vegetation, whichin turn has been eaten time and again by man and beast,entering into the many <strong>org</strong>anisms. The proposition ismanifestly unanswerable, yet it does not refute the Bibleteaching of the resurrection, but merely our creedal misapprehensionsof the Bible teaching. What the Bible doesteach is that the real man is the soul, the being, and thathe persists while gradually his body keeps changing--sloughing off.Scientists estimate that the human body undergoes acomplete change every seven years, so that a man fiftyyears old will have lost seven different bodies throughnatural wastes. None of those bodies was the man himself,for he is the soul, the intelligent personality, whichused those different bodies. According to the Bible, theprocess of rejuvenation would have continued everlastinglyhad man by obedience continued in Divine favorand in the enjoyment of the everlasting life promised.It was sin, therefore, that brought the death penalty--thedeath of the soul. It was Adam's soul that sinned, itwas Adam's soul that died. "In the day that thou eatestthereof thou shalt surely die"; "The soul that sinneth,it shall die."The result of this Divine sentence upon man wouldhave been extinction--he would have been on the sameplane as the brute, without a provision for eternal life,had not God in great mercy provided a redemption--thatJesus Christ by the grace of God should taste death for

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