1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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Christ, the Church.The Psalm seems to be specially applicable to our day,although it has always been a pleasant sight to seebrethren dwelling together in unity. In times of persecutionthere would be greater unity, because there would befewer likely to attach themselves to the Church; outsidepersecutions would be likely to deter all but the trulyconsecrated. Such persecutions all would be likely to feel,and only those who had common interest and commoncause would be drawn together.But as persecution would cease and as more wouldcome into the Church, who were not so zealous, the opportunitiesfor differences would seem to increase. Althoughtoday there is much opposition to the children of light,there is, apparently, little persecution. The Truth has attracteda number, some of whom, probably, are not allthat they should be. In fact, none of them are what theydesire to be--copies of God's dear Son; but each and allshould be striving to attain to the standard.CAUSES OF FRICTION INCREASINGIt might at first seem strange that there would be anyfriction between these favored children of God. Onewould suppose that their hearts would be so filled with theHoly Spirit that there would be no room for the weeds ofhatred, envy, strife, jealousy, and that these would becrowded out by the fruits of the Spirit. Perhaps suchwas the condition when we first made our consecration;and there was no room for these works of the flesh. Butit seems that the causes of friction are increasing ratherthan diminishing. It is proper, therefore, that we shouldnote the source of the difficulty and thus be enabled toward off the danger and to be peacemakers amongst thebrethren. "Ye that are strong ought to bear the infirmitiesof the weak." (Rom. 15:1.) If this standard be themeasure, there are not so many strong as we might havehoped; therefore, it behooves each of us to become strongand helpful to the weak brethren in the Church.One thing to be considered is that there is more opportunityfor friction amongst those who are spirit-begottenNew Creatures than there is amongst the world, as awhole; that is to say, a company of people in the nominalChurch would find it easier to live together in unity andpeace than would a company of people more thoroughlyenlightened, energized by the Truth. This statementmight seem strange at first, but becomes more apparentas we examine. In the nominal Church religion is morea matter of form. With nominal Christians it is customaryto dress up and attend meetings, to sit quietly andthen to return home. Pleasant things are noticed, as, forinstance, the sunshine, the flowers, the bonnets. Thusthe day passes. But with those more enlightened there isa greater activity of mind, of thought. We, too, love theflowers, and all things provided for us by our HeavenlyFather. We discuss these--and there is much opportunity

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