1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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they will have a very difficult time. Some of these arementioned in the Scriptures. We are told that some willcome forth to shame and lasting contempt. There aremany people who will come forth to shame. After theyhad died, many have been found to have been defaulters;many people have been found to have indulged in verycriminal acts; yet perhaps no one knew it while theylived. These things came out after their death, and somethings may not have come out yet; but we may be verysure that when the Lord's time shall come for the generalopening up, there is nothing hidden that will not bedisclosed. Therefore, keep your records as clear as possible.Whatever is there will surely be made manifest,is the Lord's declaration of the matter.When the world's history shall all be known, some thatwe have thought to be very honest, just people, we mayfind to have been just the reverse; and others who mayhave been thought to be dishonest may be found to havebeen very honest. The judgment of the world is notalways right. This is one reason why the Lord warns Hispeople not to judge at the present time. We are notcompetent now. The Lord will judge in the future.When that time comes and the whole world of mankindare brought forth to have their trial before the "GreatWhite Throne," the books will be opened. Then somewill have shame, and some will have great contempt, whichwill last just as long as they are contemptible. How longwill they be contemptible? Just as long as they remainin the wrong state of mind. But if they will obey theterms and regulations of the Messianic Kingdom theywill rise daily out of their degradation and meanness,coming back more and more to the perfect likeness ofGod in the flesh, as represented in Adam.As mankind rise from their fallen condition, so thiscontempt will pass away. At that time people will perhapssay, "Well, you know he was a very wicked man in histime. He suffered contempt when it was first realizedwhat a degraded character he was." Or, "She was awicked woman, but now see what a change has comeover her! See how well she has gotten along! Seewhat effort she is putting forth! See what character sheis developing!" And all will rejoice to see the change.By the end of the Millennial Age, one who was inshame and contempt at the beginning will, if he hastaken the right course, have been lifted up above it. Wesee the principle illustrated in the Scriptures. Saul ofTarsus was in shame and contempt because he was amurderer and blasphemer. But we do not hold him incontempt. Neither do we hold St. Peter in contemptbecause he denied the Lord. At that time it will be saidof the world just as we say of the Apostles when wesee what wonderful characters they were afterwards.When the world shall have been brought to a knowledgeof God and His righteousness under the favorable conditionsof the Kingdom, restitution will take out of themall imperfections and give them all the good qualities

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