1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


y God's grace that we are better than others; and it isnot for us to glory, but to give thanks. So we have sympathyfor murderers, thieves and vagabonds in general;and we believe the Lord has.This does not mean that we have the kind of sympathywhich would say, "Open wide the prison doors andlet every one out!" No, no! Some who have receivedthe Truth while in prison have asked us to intercede intheir behalf, that they might be released; and we haveanswered that we were not sure but that they were betterwhere they are; for in prison there is less temptationthan in the world. Liberty is a good thing; but itbrings a responsibility and additional trials as well.SIN AND DEATH ARE HEREDITARYAs we consider the weakness and sinfulness of humanity,the question naturally arises, "Why is this so?"The Scriptures, not the Evolution theory, give us a satisfactoryanswer to the question.When God placed our first parents in the Garden ofEden, He made this proposition to them: "If you doright, as I command, you may continue to live; but ifyou do wrong, contrary to My command, you shall die."Our first parents disregarded the Divine command andwere disobedient. God immediately sentenced them todeath. Death was the penalty of disobedience. In otherwords, God said, "If you are a sinner I will not permityou to live. Those to whom I wish to grant eternal lifeare those who will gladly obey My Law." For, as Jesussaid, true worshippers will "worship the Father in spiritand in truth; for the Father seeketh such to worshipHim."--John 4:23.But in addition to having the death sentence passedupon him--whether that death come sooner or later--Father Adam received other punishment, aside from thatpenalty. Ejected from the Garden of Eden, he wasbrought into contact with thorns and thistles; he laboredwith sweat of face; he had the sorrows and troubles thatcome with the decaying body. All these things were theresult of sin.But so far as God was concerned, the penaltyof sin was the death sentence merely. In effect Godhad said, "You are not fit to live; you are not fit foreverlasting life; you shall not have everlasting life."But through the sacrifice of His human nature, Jesus, bythe grace of God, has tasted death for the whole worldR4991 : page 95of mankind--Adam and all his children, all of whom willultimately be redeemed from God's sentence. They willbe redeemed from death in order that Jesus may, duringHis Messianic reign of one thousand years, lift them upout of sin and degradation.

THE TRANSGRESSOR MAKES HIS OWN WAY HARDBut do you ever think to what extent man degradeshimself? To that extent he will be more degraded thanis necessary; and whenever the time comes for his uplifting,the lower he is, the more difficulty there will be ingetting him up again. Since God's arrangement for liftingmankind out of the death condition is that he musthelp himself, each man must labor to rise from his degradation,and must be assisted in his labor. But by his ownefforts he must get out of the difficulty. No man willget out by saying, "I would rather be out of this andhave life." The way back to perfection will be an up-hillway. It will not be the narrow way of the present time--darkness on every hand, a strait gate, etc.--but a highway,an upward way, something favorable to the persongoing up. He cannot roll up, but will be required to putforth some effort to get up. He will not be required toput forth so much effort in a month or in a year or inten years, as we have to put forth, but he will have agood share of the thousand years of Christ's reign inwhich he can gradually rise up out of his imperfection.R4992 : page 95We, on the contrary, are required to turn from sin torighteousness and to make a full sacrifice of ourselves tothe Lord. Then we must walk in the Narrow Way tothe best of our ability. In this we have the Master tohelp us; but ours is a short, sharp period of fiery trial;and if our trial is hard, we have the assurance that thereis a great reward to those who come off victorious inthis battle against self and sin.In a word, then, when people die, that is the end ofthings, in one sense of the word, and not an end in anothersense of the word. When a man is dead he hascome under the full sentence of the Law, for the Lawsaid, "Thou shalt die."THE WORLD'S HOPE IS THE RESURRECTIONA junk heap represents the condition of humanity, aswell as it can be represented. Some people will go to ajunk pile and find a great deal of value there; they cando something with this, that and the other thing. OurLord is the greatest Restorer ever known. When HisKingdom is set up, He will take over the world of mankind,approximately 20,000,000,000 of humanity--Adamand his children, all in their broken, fallen condition;and then the great work of refreshing and restoring willbegin. The sawing, the hammering and the filing, ifyou please, will continue during the whole thousand yearsof the Millennial reign.So, you see, the condition into which a man gets himselfnow has a great deal to do with his future. Many willbe so degraded that when they come forth from the tomb

THE TRANSGRESSOR MAKES HIS OWN WAY HARDBut do you ever think to what extent man degradeshimself? To that extent he will be more degraded thanis necessary; and whenever the time comes for his uplifting,the lower he is, the more difficulty there will be ingetting him up again. Since God's arrangement for liftingmankind out of the death condition is that he musthelp himself, each man must labor to rise from his degradation,and must be assisted in his labor. But by his ownefforts he must get out of the difficulty. No man willget out by saying, "I would rather be out of this andhave life." The way back to perfection will be an up-hillway. It will not be the narrow way of the present time--darkness on every hand, a strait gate, etc.--but a highway,an upward way, something favorable to the persongoing up. He cannot roll up, but will be required to putforth some effort to get up. He will not be required toput forth so much effort in a month or in a year or inten years, as we have to put forth, but he will have agood share of the thousand years of Christ's reign inwhich he can gradually rise up out of his imperfection.R4992 : page 95We, on the contrary, are required to turn from sin torighteousness and to make a full sacrifice of ourselves tothe Lord. Then we must walk in the Narrow Way tothe best of our ability. In this we have the Master tohelp us; but ours is a short, sharp period of fiery trial;and if our trial is hard, we have the assurance that thereis a great reward to those who come off victorious inthis battle against self and sin.In a word, then, when people die, that is the end ofthings, in one sense of the word, and not an end in anothersense of the word. When a man is dead he hascome under the full sentence of the Law, for the Lawsaid, "Thou shalt die."THE WORLD'S HOPE IS THE RESURRECTIONA junk heap represents the condition of humanity, aswell as it can be represented. Some people will go to ajunk pile and find a great deal of value there; they cando something with this, that and the other thing. OurLord is the greatest Restorer ever known. When HisKingdom is set up, He will take over the world of mankind,approximately 20,000,000,000 of humanity--Adamand his children, all in their broken, fallen condition;and then the great work of refreshing and restoring willbegin. The sawing, the hammering and the filing, ifyou please, will continue during the whole thousand yearsof the Millennial reign.So, you see, the condition into which a man gets himselfnow has a great deal to do with his future. Many willbe so degraded that when they come forth from the tomb

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