1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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the scribes and Pharisees, members of the same imperfectrace, were also under Divine sentence; but the latter didnot admit their sinfulness and imperfection nor seekDivine f<strong>org</strong>iveness, while the former, admitting their sins,were the more ready to accept f<strong>org</strong>iveness. Jesus illustratedthis matter in one of His parables saying, A certainPharisee went to the temple to pray and, full of self-confidence,thanked God that he was not as other men,nor even like the poor Publican near him. The Publicanalso prayed; but in humility, feeling that he was a sinner,besought Divine f<strong>org</strong>iveness. Jesus declared that the lessmoral man, the less scrupulously careful man, the Publican,was nearer to Divine Justice than the more careful,more upright, more orthodox Pharisee, because the latterfailed to acknowledge his sins, his imperfections, whichcould be f<strong>org</strong>iven only through their acknowledgment.Hence the declaration of Jesus that He "came not to callthe righteous, but sinners." There were none righteousto call, for all are sinners, and those who thought themselvesrighteous had a barrier before them which hinderedtheir coming to the Lord under the call of this Age."THY DISCIPLES FAST NOT"About that time a fasting season was observed by thePharisees, and also by those who had accepted the teachingsof John the Baptist; but Jesus had said nothing toHis disciples about fasting up to that time. Now the questionarose, Why was this? The Savior's explanation wasthat while He was with them it should properly be considereda time of rejoicing and feasting rather than atime of fasting and sorrow. Would a betrothed womansorrow and weep and fast while her betrothed was present?Nay. Yet, in subsequent days, after his departure,in her loneliness, and especially if she thought of the longdelay in his coming to receive her to become his wife, shewould sorrow. So Jesus intimated it would be with Hisfollowers. They would have plenty of opportunity toweep and fast after He would be gone and while waitingfor His return.Fasting should not be considered a matter of obligationor command, but rather a voluntary sacrifice of presentand temporal good things that the mind and heart mightgo out the more earnestly after the things not seen asyet, but hoped for. Thus for eighteen centuries God'speople have been fasting and praying and waiting andlonging for the Bridegroom's return. But in the time ofHis presence, their fellowship with Him, their joy in therealization of the completed promise, will wipe away theirtears and "give them beauty for ashes, and the oil of joyfor...the spirit of heaviness."THE CHURCH A NEW CREATIONIt was difficult for the Savior's hearers to get a properfocus upon His teachings. They could understand John

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