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1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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PASTOR RUSSELL'S ROUND-THE-WORLD TOURt-HOW PASTOR RUSSELL COPY IS FURNISHED TO THE PRESSPLATE SERVICEThe AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION of 225 W. 39th St., New YorkCity, holds the exclusive right in the United States for the Pastor Russell three-columnsermon service, when furnished in Stereotype plate form.The CENTRAL PRESS AGENCY, of Toronto, Canada, holds the right forand furnishes the three-column sermon service in Stereotype to papers throughoutthe Canadian Provinces.The NATIONAL PRESS, White Friars' Bldg., Carmelite St., London, England,furnishes weekly, as their regular single-column sermon feature, in Great Britainand Ireland, a fourteen-hundred word report of Pastor Russell's sermons, in Stereotypeplate, either 14 or 15 ems.The CASSELL'S CO., LIMITED, London, England, holds the British rightfor the Stereotype plate service of the Brooklyn Tabernacle articles on the InternationalSunday School Lessons.MANUSCRIPT COPYFor the United States and Canada-Manuscriptcopy, in printer's proof form, ofPastor RusseIl three-column weekly sermon and the one-column report of this threecolumnsermon and the one-column Brooklyn Tabernacle International Sunday SchoolLesson, is furnished to papers in the Unfied States and Canada by the Pastor RussellLECTURE BUREAU of 4030 Metropolitan Bldg., New York City. Orders sentthem for any of these in stereotype plate are filled by the AMERICAN PRESS AS-SOCIATION of New York.GREAT BRITAIN-Manuscriptcopy of the single-column "Sermon Report"is furnished by the LONDON PASTOR RUSSELL LECTURE BUREAU.6.Thanet House, 231 Strand, London. W. C. Manuscript copy of the InternationalSunday School Topic" is furnished by either the CASSEU'S CO., LTD., or theLONDON LECTURE BUREAU.GERMANY-Manuscript or plate service of the one-column "Sermon Report"is furnished by the Barmen Branch of the Pastor Russell Lecture Bureau of New YorkCity.AUSTRALIA-Manuscriptand plate services of the one-column "Sermon Re-port and the "Sunday School Lessons" are furnished by the MELBOURNEBRANCH of the London Pastor Russell Lecture Bureau. Flinders Buildings, FlindersSt., Melbourne. Australia.FOR MANAGING EDITORSThe data herein pertaining to the propored Pastor Russell "Round-the-World Tour" was prepared pnmarilyfor the fourteen hundred editors now publishing the Pastor Russell weekly sermons or the BrooklynTabernacle articles on the International Sunday School topic. We have endeavored to embody only suchother matter as is of value or interest to newspaper editors in general, either for immediate or future use.149541

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