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1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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easonable service that we cleanse not only our bodies andour words, but the very inmost thoughts of our minds.Anything that could be injurious either to ourselves or toanother--envy, strife, hatred, bitterness--is to be put downand submitted to the new regulations, the new will whichhas taken control.The very object of the begetting of the New Creature,the very object of giving it the opportunity of the presentlife, is to develop character and to crystallize that character.This seems to be the thought of the Apostle whenhe says, "Whom He [God] did foreknow, He also didpredestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son"--not partly conformed, but fully conformed to the image ofHis Son. Our mental state, our will, must be fully fashionedafter the mind of Jesus Christ. And His will wasfull obedience to the Father's will, to the extent of self-sacrifice,even unto death.R4976 : page 64===================="PERILOUS TIMES SHALL COME""This know also, that in the last daysperilous times shall come."--2 Tim. 3:1.WE ARE to distinguish clearly between therestraint of the fallen angels "in chains ofdarkness," and the binding of Satan, whois the Prince of demons. The binding ofSatan, as the Scriptures set forth, is at thesecond coming of Christ: "And He laidhold of the dragon, that Old Serpent, whichis the Devil, and Satan, and bound him athousand years." (Rev. 20:2.) And duringthat thousand years Christ and His saintsshall reign as Kings and Priests unto God. The restraintof the inferior angels is mentioned by St. Peter and St.Jude. Speaking of these fallen angels, St. Peter says,"Which sometime were disobedient, when once the long-sufferingof God waited in the days of Noah."--2 Pet. 2:4;Jude 6; I Pet. 3:20.As we examine the Scriptures we see that there wereangels of light who became disobedient, who left theirprimary estate as angels, and sought to become men, whoassumed the human form. We find the record of them inGen. 6:1-4: "The sons of God saw the daughters of menthat they were fair; and they took them wives of all whichthey chose." There were children born to them. "Andthere were giants in the earth in those days,...mighty men which were of old, men of renown." Thenthe whole world was filled with wickedness more than duringthe sixteen hundred preceding years. And God sweptaway all mankind except those saved in the ark.

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