10 Ministries forEnvironment,Agriculture & WaterResources11 Department of StateSecuritiesReintegration & ReconstructionCoordination with the Office of the NSA/NSO to ensuregender-sensitive national security;Input from their own perspective of intelligencegathering will contribute to NAPs that will be sensitiveto security12 Civil Defense Corps/Local Militia13 Ministry for Health Monitor implementation of health and trauma issuesarising from conflict based violence14 Department ofPeacekeepingOperationsEnsure implementation of gender sensitivepeacekeeping operations; Ensure the inclusion ofwomen at all levels15 Parliamentarians To make the law for the promotion of the provisions ofUNSCR 1325; Ensure the integration of the provisions ofUNSCR 1325 into existing and new laws at all levels;Provision of oversight functions to line ministries16 National HumanRights Commission17 National SecurityAdviser/NationalSecurity Office18 National PeaceArchitecture -Institutefor Peace and ConflictResolution, PeaceKeeping TrainingCentres19 Institute for ConflictPrevention andResolution20 National Commissionfor Refugee andDisplaced PersonsMonitoring/tracking of human rights violations/abuseand reportingCoordination of security Processes/ information andpassage of same to the PresidentDevelopment of curriculum for gender training;Pre-deployment gender training; Design andimplementation of national peace agenda ensuringthese reflect the essence of UNSCR 1325Developing national peace activities that will allowthe NAPs to be implemented under a national peacestrategy; Developing a national peace activities thatreflect the content of UNSCR 1325Implementation of NAPs; Monitoring of happenings inthe refugee camps in times of conflicts26

21 National EmergencyManagementAgencies/NationalDisaster ManagementOrganizationsCoordination of emergency relief services duringconflicts taking into consideration the timely protectionof women and girls from physical harm and sexualviolenceAddressing their specific needs in refugee/resettlementcampsB Non State Actors Provide support including funds for the implementationof NAP1 Civil SocietyOrganizations, NGOs,CBOs, Interfaith/FaithBased Organizations;Women’s groups &other organizationsworking on peaceand security & humanrights;AcademiaAwareness creation Advocacy & Lobbying Createpolitical will Resource mobilization Technical supportCapacity building Mainstreaming gender perspectivesin peace in their campaigns, advocacy and programmesData collection, documenting, reporting andmonitoring incidence of gender-based and sexual VAW&G during armed conflicts Provision on socio-culturalroots of gender-based discriminations and armed,domestic, psychological and other types of GBV andprovision of support for survivors and provision ofinputs for their recovery & reintegration Monitoring andEvaluation of the plans2 Bar Association Advocacy; Draft bills that are in line with UNSCR 1325;Provide pro bono services3 Media Monitoring; Sensitization; Media Advocacy4 Traditional/ReligiousleadersPeace Councils Enlightenment on UNSCR 1325Custodians of traditions/moral values Trackingimplementation at the community level Gateway intothe communityC Private Sector Funding through Corporate Social ResponsibilityD Internationalorganizations:DevelopmentPartners:UNWomen, UNFPA,etcFunding & technical support Provision of bilateralsupportCountries in the sameregionCross-learning and support Exchange of information &good practices27

21 <strong>National</strong> EmergencyManagementAgencies/<strong>National</strong>Disaster ManagementOrganizationsCoordination <strong>of</strong> emergency relief services duringconflicts taking into consideration the timely protection<strong>of</strong> women and girls from physical harm and sexualviolenceAddressing their specific needs in refugee/resettlementcampsB Non State Actors Provide support including funds for the implementation<strong>of</strong> NAP1 Civil SocietyOrganizations, NGOs,CBOs, Interfaith/FaithBased Organizations;Women’s groups &other organizationsworking on peaceand security & humanrights;AcademiaAwareness creation Advocacy & Lobbying Createpolitical will Resource mobilization Technical supportCapacity building Mainstreaming gender perspectivesin peace in their campaigns, advocacy and programmesData collection, documenting, reporting andmonitoring incidence <strong>of</strong> gender-based and sexual VAW&G during armed conflicts Provision on socio-culturalroots <strong>of</strong> gender-based discriminations and armed,domestic, psychological and other types <strong>of</strong> GBV andprovision <strong>of</strong> support for survivors and provision <strong>of</strong>inputs for their recovery & reintegration Monitoring andEvaluation <strong>of</strong> the plans2 Bar Association Advocacy; Draft bills that are in line with UNSCR 1325;Provide pro bono services3 Media Monitoring; Sensitization; Media Advocacy4 Traditional/ReligiousleadersPeace Councils Enlightenment on UNSCR 1325Custodians <strong>of</strong> traditions/moral values Trackingimplementation at the community level Gateway intothe communityC Private Sector Funding through Corporate Social ResponsibilityD Internationalorganizations:DevelopmentPartners:UNWomen, UNFPA,etcFunding & technical support Provision <strong>of</strong> bilateralsupportCountries in the sameregionCross-learning and support Exchange <strong>of</strong> information &good practices27

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