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GROWER BENEFITSbenefitsMAKE MORE MONEYThe premium Garden Leader brand allowsyou to sell at premium prices. With GardenLeaders retailers experience higher sales athigher profit margins.BETTER VALUE:NO HIGHER COSTTO GROWERSGarden Leaders cost no more than the topselling commodity varieties. Garden Leadershave no marketing fees. There is nocatch…..Garden Leaders are a better value.ELIMINATES YOUR RISKGARDEN LEADERSGarden Leaders are guaranteed to yourcustomers. Any customer who is notcompletely satisfied can get a refund for the purchase value of the plants. Refund requestsdo not have to be handled by the retailer. Customers contact <strong>Grimes</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong> directlyand <strong>Grimes</strong> does all the work. Growing and selling superior garden performing varietiesmeans that growers can have confidence that your customers will come back to you againand again for more Garden Leaders.Grower Benefits 24


RETAIL GROWERSgarden leaders fillTOUGH TIMES CHECKLISTCOVER THE BASICS FIRSTBegin your checklist with fundamentals. Start the checklist withsome obvious but basic factors that must be addressed to maximizeopportunity in a tight economySUPERIOR SERVICE AND ORGANIZATIONCustomers want their money’s worth and that includes knowledgeable,helpful service. Train to insure friendliness, smiles andcourtesy. Employees need to have product knowledge and knowwhere everything is located. Employees should make sure yourproduct presentation is fresh and organized every day beforeyou open for business. Anticipate what customers want. Manyconsumers shop with you and avoid mass merchants becausethey want better service, selection and quality.MAXIMIZE PLANT QUALITYSince your prices will most likely exceed the discount store youmust offer superior quality plants. The certain way to do thatis by offering Garden Leaders. Over time you have developedhabits to buy the same old varieties, but only Garden Leadersare constantly tested to insure matchless home garden performance.Tough times warrant you to rethink your variety offeringand bank on Garden Leaders. Times like these call for pickingthe winners!Retail Growers 30


RethinkingWHOLESALEGROWERSGARDEN LEADERS CAN HELPYOU’RE AS GOOD AS WHAT YOU SELL……..YOU’RE AS GOOD AS HOW WELL YOU SELL IT!DON’T DUCK REALITYIt may be time for a new you! The economy stinks so it’s time to get a brand newplan and go for it! Talk turkey in defining your problems. Be open minded toconsider brand new and different options and solutions.RETHINKEasy to say but hard to do because it is going to be necessary to change some things you have consideredimpossible to change. That’s the real world these days. Begin by rethinking your basic needs and yourcapabilities. Think financially and think strategically.YOUR OPTIONSStrategically you only have two options. You can choose one or the other or both. Your first option is tofocus on rebuilding your profit within your current customer base. The second option is to go after newbusiness including new accounts and new business niches.BECOME A HEROGo help your customers! You have a great deal in common with your customers.They all have the same basic problems that you do. The common problem youboth have is that sales are down and margins are down even further. Just likeyou they must rethink and be open minded to try something different. You canbe a hero by offering ideas to help them build profit.REACT AND RESPONDThis is not a practice game. Make a plan, set new priorities and be veryaggressive. Track your progress every day.Wholesale Growers 38


No WorkNO SWEAT WITH GARDENMINIMUM MAINTENANCEToday’s home gardeners don’t have time to takecare of plants. They want self service plantsthat take care of themselves. Carefree crops andplants are in demand. Home gardeners don’twant to feed, water, or deadhead. They wantplants they can leave alone. Easy does it!EZ GROMAXIMUM ENJOYMENTConsumers want to plant them and forget them.• Pretty is in, effort is out.• Leisure is in, labor is out.• Happy is in, hassles are out.• Green is in, watering is out.EZ GRO IS GREENGarden Leader EZ Gro plants are more self sustainable.They require minimum watering and less maintenance.Water conservation is where it’s at in today’s green andsustainable world.EZ Gro 44


Grow rather small...PINT SIZED PLANTSThese little guys are made for growers who want controlled growth.All LoGro plants are one third smaller so there is never stretch orovergrowth during long periods of cloudy weather. Small stuff hasbig benefits.It’s a smallLoGro: FULL FLOWERA LOT INA LITTLEThe classic dwarfness ofLoGro plants is perfectfor wholesalers whowant to maximize theirshipping capacity.FULL FLOWER SIZENot tall…..just short and full of life. Even thoughLoGro plants are genetically compact the flower sizeis full. You get normal flower size on every plant.LoGroNO REGULATOR REQUIREDWith every Garden Leader LoGro no chemicals arerequired. That means you save money, time and labor.Enjoy the benefits of natural abbreviation!LoGro 64


HiGroHigh RiseTALL, NEVER SMALLGarden Leader HiGro varieties are great for gardenerswho want tall plants. These are big, stronggrowing, varieties. They get up in the world.BIG FLOWERSRISE UP TO GARDENTheir flowers are Whoppers! HiGro varieties allhave BIG flowers. Many home gardeners believethat bigger is better.SIZE MATTERSThese varieties make a big splash in thelandscape and also are used in containers forhigh dollar returns. They make impressiveretail displays.GROWER BENEFITSBecause they are so vigorous HiGro varieties areextremely fast and easy to grow. They take muchless growing time so they save you money. Turnyour benches faster for more profit per square foot.HiGro 76®


ANNUAL CUTTINGSAND LINERSSeedsANNUAL GARDEN LEADERS...ANNUAL FLOWER PLUGS AND SEEDS<strong>Grimes</strong> presents the Garden Leader brand of Annual flower seeds andplugs. Garden Leaders have better garden vigor, longer blooming seasons,brighter colors, bigger flowers or better weather resistance than the normalmarket varieties available. We know this because Garden Leaders areselections of varieties that perform better in field trials across the country.LOOK FOR EZ Gro ®Gardeners today are looking for plants that are easy to grow. <strong>Grimes</strong>has taken our years of Field Testing Across America and identifiedGarden Leaders that give the most satisfaction with the least care orgrowing know-how for the home gardener. Garden Leader EZ Gro ®varieties are easy to grow, fun to grow. Your customers will enjoygrowing Garden Leader EZ Gro ® varieties.THE BIGGEST IN THE CLASS.HiGro ® VARIETIES.Garden Leader HiGro ® varieties are bred to be bold, strong growingspecimens. They make the biggest presentation in the shortest time.Use HiGro ® for large containers, large pots and impressive landscapeplantings.®NO PGRS? USE LoGro ® VARIETIES.Garden Leader LoGro ® varieties are bred to be compact without theneed for growth regulating chemicals. Plants are 1/3 smaller in sizethan standard yet offer full size flowers and excellent color and habitwhen grown outdoors.LoGro ® saves you money, time and labor because there is no need forchemical growth treatments. Eliminate stretch and increase shelf lifewith LoGro ® varieties.ANNUAL FLOWER PLUGS:Most of the Garden Leader Annuals listed here are available asPLUGS in 512, 288 and 144 size trays. To order, emailSales@<strong>Grimes</strong>-Hort.com or fax to 440-352-1800 or phone our plantprofessionals at 800-241-7333.ANNUAL FLOWER SEED:The seed product codes are beside each variety name for convenienceof reference. All of our Garden Leader seeds have the highest vigoravailable. This means that more seed germinates and the seedlingsproduced are stronger. We also offer seeds in refined forms includingAdvanced Vigor, Pellets, Primed, Detailed and Coated. Look forthe available seed forms in the description of each series.PLANT TAGS:Picture tags are available for Garden Leader varieties. Order your tagswith <strong>Grimes</strong> or simply request that we “auto-tag” your seed or plugorder. You will receive the correct number of Pixie or Master tags(100 minimum per variety) for your production program.®Annual Plugs & Seeds 84


FLOWERLONGER BLOOMINGANNUAL CUTTINGSAND LINERSNOTE: TWO SECTIONSSections are based on tray sizesSection One:102/34GROWER PAT: Full trays contain 102 cells.Each cell is 1” wide by 1 1/2” deep. Fulltrays can be separated into 3 strips (HalfPaks) each containing 34 cells. Full traysof 102 are billed at 100. Half Paks arebilled at 34.Minimum order size is one box, 3 full trays or9 HalfPaks or any combination. Minimumper variety is 34.Section Two:72/72, 102/51, 128/125GROWER: SHR…102 Liner Trays. Each cell is 1” wide by 1 1/2” deep.Shipped to your door, 4 trays per box. Half-Paks of 50 per variety. Up to8 varieties per box. This means a wide selection for you.GROWER FPS: Two sizes available for most varieties. 72 liner trays billed72 or 128 cell trays billed 125, 3 trays per box. Shipped to your door.GROWER: BUC…102 Liner Trays. Each cell is 1” wide by 1 1/2” deep.Shipped to your door, 6 trays per box. Half-Paks of 50 per variety. Up to12 varieties per box. This the widest selection for you.What Are Garden Leaders?The Garden Leader Brand is the mostcomplete and imaginative product lineof any brand today. Includes our CleanStock Program. Tissue cultured andvirus indexed stock production assureshealthy, vigorous cuttings. Garden Leadersare tested in gardens again and again acrossthe country to assure that only the bestgarden performing plants are included.Who Breeds Garden Leaders?<strong>Grimes</strong> works with breeders and producersworld wide selecting the best varieties thatAnnual Cutting & Liners 132each breeder has to offer. You will findvarieties from Bodger, Cohen, Danziger,Dummen, Ecke, Floranova, Kieft, PanAmerican, Sahin, Sakata, Takii, Westhoff andmore. Only the best performing varieties fromeach breeder are selected for the program. Bychoosing Garden Leader varieties you enjoythe advantage of growing the best plants.Unrooted: Cuttings for many of theGarden Leader varieties can be purchased at100 per variety.Look for EZ Gro: Gardeners today arelooking for plants that are easy to grow.<strong>Grimes</strong> has taken our years of Field TestingAcross America and identified GardenLeaders that give the most satisfaction withthe least care or growing know-how for thehome gardener. Garden Leader EZ Grovarieties are easy to grow, fun to grow. Yourcustomers will enjoy growing Garden LeaderEZ Gro varieties.Tags: All Garden Leader Crops are soldalong with a premium 4” full color picturetag per plant featuring culture instructionsand ideas for garden use.


First YearGARDEN LEADER PERENNIALSPERENNIALSAND BARE ROOTFeaturing the finest perennial flowersfrom plugs, seed, liners and bare rootGet the Garden Leader Bonus “ALL first year blooming”!Perennial Flower Plugs, Seeds and Liners:All Garden Leader perennials bloom 1st season. <strong>Grimes</strong>presents the Garden Leader brand of Perennial flowers.Garden Leader perennials have better garden vigor, longerblooming seasons, brighter colors, bigger flowers or betterwinter hardiness than the normal market varietiesavailable. We know this because Garden Leaders areselections of varieties that perform better in field trialsacross the country.Perennial Flower Plugs, Liners and Bare Root:Most of the Garden Leader Perennials listed here areavailable as plugs or the larger sized liners.Plugs: 288 trays sold as 280. 5 trays per box. Minimumorder one box.Liners: Grower PAT: 102 trays sold as 100. Minimum pervariety is 34 plants in the Half-Pack size strip tray.Minimum order is one box. One box holds 3 whole trays,9 Half-Packs or combination.Grower SHR: Selected varieties as noted grown in 102tray sold as 100 or as 51 size half packs.Bare Root: The easiest and fastest way to grow and sellperennials. Plants come bagged and labeled in a dormantstate ready to pot and grow. Minimum per variety rangesfrom 5 plants to 25 plants depending on variety. Minimumorder size about 100 plants depending on value.Perennial Flower Seed:We assure you that all of our Garden Leader Perennialseed is kept in our up-to-date storage facility and has thehighest vigor available. This means that more seedgerminates and the seedlings produced are stronger. Likeall Garden Leader Perennials, these varieties flower in thefirst season.Perennial Plugs, Seeds & Liners 166


VegetableBEST OFINCLUDING TASTY,Garden Leadertasty brand®VEGETABLESAND HERBSBETTER FLAVOR FOR THE HOME GARDENOther vegetable varietiesare developed for yield,size and early maturity,but not for flavor.Tasty Brand Garden Leadervegetables are a complete seriesfrom Broccoli to WatermelonVegetable Plugs, Seeds 192Featuring Tomato Tasty TableAll Vegetables..........Page 196Patio Vegetables.......Page 208Monster Vegetables...Page 212Herbs ........................Page 214


ContentsGARDEN LEADER 2010INTRODUCTIONTO GARDENLEADERSGarden Leaders .....................4-7Top Brand ................................8Reward Points...........................9Guarantee ................................10Sold to .................................... 11Outdoor Testing.................12-13Product Line............................14Line Extensions ......................15Tags ...................................16–17P.O.P. / Merchandising......18-19Brand Alliance...................20-21<strong>Grimes</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong>................22Introduction 2PHONE:PRODUCT ANDMARKETINGSECTIONSGrower Benefits......................23Retail Growers........................29Wholesale Growers ................37EZ Gro ....................................43LoGro......................................63HiGro.......................................74Annual Plugs & Seeds............83Annual Cuttings & Liners......131Perennials & Bareroot ..........165Vegetables & Herbs..............191ALSO SEE:General Index........................218Growing Media.......................66P.O.P. / Merchandising ...........18Tags .........................................28ORDERING &CONTACTIFORMATION<strong>Grimes</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong>:Phone: 800-241-7333Fax: 440-352-1800E-Mail: sales@grimes-hort.comAddress: 11335 Concord-Hambden Road,Concord, OH 44077Websites:www.<strong>Grimes</strong>-Hort.comwww.GardenLeaders.comADVERTISINGSALES:Contact Gary <strong>Grimes</strong>.440-352-6600ggrimes@grimes-hort.com

indeXPRODUCT AND MARKETING GUIDEGARDEN LEADERREWARDPROGRAMGARDEN LEADERALLIANCEPARTNERSBodger...................................107Buckley .................................143DeGroot ................................186Dummen ...............................154Ecke.......................................159Floranova ..............................130Florida Plant Specialists.......139Green Leaf ............................190<strong>Grimes</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong>..............135Kieft.......................................169Patchwork ...............................87Pinter .......................................96Shreve......................................42Speedling...............................111ADVERTISERSINDEXCountry Folks Grower..........195Greenhouse GrowerToday’s Garden Center..206-207GreenhouseProduct News......................172Grower TalksGreen Profit ........................122Michigan GrowerProducts.................................66PBH /Riceland ........................74Topflor/SePro..........................36SuntoryJackson & Perkins ..............164SuperthriveVitamin Institute ..............ISBCSvennson ClimateScreens ..................................78CATALOGCREDITS:Marketing and design:Gary <strong>Grimes</strong><strong>Horticulture</strong> and planning:Rod LeDrewPrograms: Bill WatsonProduction: Chase <strong>Grimes</strong>© 2009 <strong>Grimes</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong>Introduction 3

THE SMARTEST INVESTMENTbank onSMART MONEYIn this economy your past performance does notguarantee future results. Put your money in safe,secure Garden Leaders to achieve maximumreturn on investment.REWARD MONEYGarden Leaders is the only brand that gives youmoney back. Get free gasoline cards by buyingGarden Leaders. It’s easy! For every dollar purchasedof Garden Leader plants, plugs and seedyou get one point. Whenever you reach 2,500points you earn a free gas card worth $25.00.MONEY WHEREOUR MOUTH ISGarden Leaders are guaranteed to consumers.Growers and retailers have no risk becauseconsumers can request refunds directly from<strong>Grimes</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong>. Garden Leaders are thesafest place for your currency.LOWEST RISKGarden Leaders are your best investment becausethey are “THE BEST OF THE BEST” gardenperforming varieties in the industry. This givesyou and your customers matchless quality andconfidence to eliminate your risk.MAKE MORE MONEYGarden Leader brand varieties do not cost morethan commodity varieties. But, because GardenLeaders are unrivaled for garden performanceyou can and should charge a premium price tobrace your profit.BRAND AIDGarden Leaders are a complete product line ofclasses and varieties. It is the widest selectionunder any brand including Proven Winners.NOT SOLD IN BIG BOXESGarden Leaders is the only branded product lineNOT sold in discount stores and garden centerchains. You can fix low profit by offeringunique and different Garden Leaders.LAST MAN STANDINGGarden Leaders are the result of nearly twentyyears of field trial testing. In field tests GardenLeaders are consistently the dominant performersin all outdoor conditions.Introduction 4

TO BAIL OUT OF TOUGH TIMESGarden Leaders®BIG TIME BACKERSGarden Leaders are backed by an alliance of adozen blue chip breeders and producers. Theseindustry leaders help build creative new GardenLeader genetics and unflinching quality.BANG FOR YOUR BUCKSmart money invests in an inexpensive, yetcomprehensive Garden Leader merchandisingprogram that includes Garden Leader tags,pots, banners, bench tape and signs. This isan economical effort that produces extra moneymaking sales.GO TO POTGarden Leaders feature the color YELLOW!The pots are spectacular, bright, beautiful andhappy! They are a retail centerpiece gettingmaximum attention that results in successstories that include rave reviews.FOR RETAIL ANDWHOLESALE GROWERSGarden Leaders provide a higher quality option tocompete against big chains and mass merchants.Both retail and wholesale growers have experiencedoutstanding success with Garden Leaders.HERE TO HELP GROWERS<strong>Grimes</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong> is the exclusive developer andmarketer of Garden Leaders. <strong>Grimes</strong> believes thatwhen times get tough, the tough get going. <strong>Grimes</strong>dependably gives exceptional service on plants,seeds and grower supplies. <strong>Grimes</strong> will help youwith suggestions for success and exceed yourexpectations. When you need help “ASK US!”Introduction 5

BESTGARDEN LEADERS ARE THETHE BASIC IDEAThe Garden Leader concept was developedalmost twenty years ago. The whole idea wasto give growers and consumers varieties thathad been tested and proven to have the verybest outdoor performance.It may seem obvious, butthe best ideas, like GardenLeaders, always are.Just consider thegrilled cheese sandwich.CAUTION REQUIREDAn industry-wide problem developed which createdthe need for garden tested varieties. The causeof the problem is that breeders are too focused onhurrying new varieties to the market...Speed is thenirvana, instead of performance through gardentesting. That’s why growers need to be cautious.GROWER FRIENDLYAll growers must have good pack performance and all GardenLeader varieties are matchless in the pack. But most seed andvegetable varieties are only tested in greenhouse conditionsbefore they are introduced in the market and many are poorgarden performance. Thus Garden Leaders were both developedand needed by growers who believe that garden performanceis vital to satisfy their customers.Introduction 6

of theBESTBEST GARDEN PERFORMERSCONSUMER FRIENDLYConsumers love Garden Leaders and keepcoming back for more because Garden Leadersare better in the home garden. Consumers whobuy and grow Garden Leaders know them asoverachievers. Their matchless outdoor vigormakes them grow like they are on steroids.WHY GAMBLE?It’s your money… Why risk it on varieties that coulddisappoint your customers.Garden Leaders are the no risk jackpot because you can’tlose. They cost no more than standard commodity varietiesand cost much less than varieties with high royalties. Sure,any old variety will grow in any greenhouse and lookdecent in a pack but unless they are Garden Leaders youaren’t going to hit the jackpot on garden performance.SUCCESS STORYGarden Leaders have become a real success story. AllGarden Leader varieties are developed for vigor andease of growth. Garden Leader flower varieties producebigger, brighter blooms that flower longer.Garden Leader vegetable varieties have been selectedfor several vital basics including earliness, taste, and size.There is even a Garden Leader vegetable series selectedfor superior patio container performance.Introduction 7

TOP BRAND FOR GROWERSTOP GARDEN PERFORMANCETHE BEST OF THE BEST VARIETIESTOP DOLLAR PRODUCERSGARDEN LEADERS DRIVE GROWTHFEATURE GARDEN LEADERSGarden Leader brand varieties have become thecatalyst for retail growth where they are grownand sold. They make the difference between aquality brand presentation or a bland offeringof unrecognized commodity varieties.THE FIRST BRANDThe Garden Leader brand was first introduced19 years ago in 1991. It was the first brand in thebedding plant industry to include multiple crops.TRUST AND CONFIDENCEConsumers have confidence in the GardenLeader brand because they are superior gardenperformers. Brands like Garden Leaders havehigher value because they take the guessworkout of consumer buying decisions.2 WORDS, 1 BRAND NAMEIt is easy to remember the Garden Leader brandname because Garden Leaders “ARE what theyARE”….… The leader in garden performance.Introduction 8

Top ValueGARDEN LEADERS:PREMIUM PRODUCT WITHOUT A PREMIUM PRICE!GARDEN LEADERREWARD MONEYGet free gasoline cards when you earn GardenLeader points. Every dollar you spend on GardenLeader plants, plugs and seeds earns you a point.For every $2,500 in Garden Leader purchasesyou earn a $25.00 gas card. Garden Leaders arethe only brand that gives you reward money. Noother brand is a better value.COMPARE PRICESGo ahead, make a comparison and you will seethat Garden Leaders deliver the best value foryour money. Then factor in that Garden Leadersare field tested at a great expense that you don’thave to pay.BRING TOP DOLLARYou don’t have to pay more for Garden Leadersbut your customers should because GardenLeaders are a premium brand. Garden Leadersare designed to HELP GROWERS MAKEMORE MONEY. Yes, it’s that simple!TOUGH TIMES“ Tough times call for smart dollars” and wherecan you get a better value than with GardenLeaders?EVERYDAY PRICINGGarden Leaders are priced the same as the bestcommodity varieties…..NO MORE. For example,what you pay for a Super Elfin is what youpay for a Garden Leader. Garden Leaders arepriced to allow you to present a superior brandproduct line without you paying a price penaltyfor the brand……That is incredible value!Introduction 9

guaranteedgarden performanceTHEGUARANTEEGarden Leadersare guaranteedin the garden.Garden successis guaranteedor consumers gettheir money back.(See <strong>Grimes</strong><strong>Horticulture</strong> businessterms for additionalclarification)GARDEN LEADERSARE GUARANTEEDTO YOURCUSTOMERSGARDEN LEADERSG UA RANWHY RISK LOSING CUSTOMERS?Home gardener satisfaction with the growth and performance of a Garden Leader ® variety is guaranteed. GardenLeader plants are the best garden performers. They are guaranteed to perform or consumers get their money back.Don't take a chance on plant varieties that may do poorly for your customers. Grow and sell Garden Leaders.Contact <strong>Grimes</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong> Inc., 800-241-7333 E-Mail: Sales@grimes-hort.comE E DTGROWERS HAVE NO RISKConsumers can come directly back to <strong>Grimes</strong><strong>Horticulture</strong> for a refund of the purchase price.WHY TAKE A CHANCE?Most varieties look great in the pack when yousell them, but do poorly when they are planted inthe garden. Don’t take chances on your customersnot coming back because the plants you sold themdidn’t perform in their garden. Years and years offield test verification make Garden Leaders “THEGARDEN LEADERS”OTHER BRANDSGUARANTEED?Proven Winners are not. Simply Beautifulis not. Wave is not. Garden Leaders AREGUARANTEED!HOME GARDENLANDSECURITYThe security comes from knowing that GardenLeaders are totally tested and carry a moneyback guarantee.Introduction 10

THINKOUTSIDEBIG BOXTHINKTHEGARDEN LEADERS ARE NOT SOLDIN DISCOUNTERS OR BIG CHAINSIf you have this nearby.......Then compete with this!NO BIG BOXES FORGARDEN LEADERSGarden Leaders are not to be sold in big boxstores. They are intended for sale by retailgrowers and by wholesale growers who sell toindependent garden centers and small chains.UNLIKE OTHERINDUSTRY BRANDSYou are going to find Proven Winners in HomeDepot. You are going to find Simply Beautiful inchain garden centers. These stores will not be faraway from you so don’t risk being ”Me Too”!DIFFERENTIATEOffer consumers a brand that they will not seein the big mass merchants…..or in chain gardencenters. You need to be unique for consumers towant to buy your product...especially when yourprices may be higher.DON’T BE UNDERSOLDIf you offer the same brand or varieties asthe discounters or chain garden centers theywill under-price you and make you look bad.Consumers are smart...they compare prices...avoid selling the same variety at a higher pricethan your competition.Introduction 11

G ARDENLEADERSPROVEN BEST IN OUTDOOR TRIALSSURVIVAL OF THE FITTESTIntroduction 12NATIONWIDE TRIALSFor twenty years Garden Leaders have been tested in fieldand garden conditions. Research has been conducted, atgreat expense, nationwide in every state and in every“real world” condition.Results of these tests, year after year, is the basis for selectingevery variety worthy of being called a Garden Leader.TESTING CRITERIAEvery Garden Leader variety must be good in the packand as early as any variety in its class. More importantly,however, every variety has been tested in different types ofsoil, dry and wet conditions, humidity (for disease resistance)and sun and shade conditions. Garden Leaders are testedagainst every major variety on the market and new varietiesbeing introduced. Garden Leaders must exceed in bothtransplantability and performance.Garden Leaders follow the Darwin rule of “survivability of the fittest”. Breeders have long knownthat all varieties in a class are not created equal. Many excellent varieties in the pack do well in thegreenhouse but fail in the outdoor conditions. This fact has been proven over and over. Poor gardenperformance is the reason why many consumers donot return to the same retailer to buy their plants.Garden Leaders are the dominant outdoor performersin every class of flowers and vegetables. GardenLeaders are the result of evolution and survivalbased on superior breeding and genetics.

EARNING THEIR SPURSGarden Leaders are trialed on a wide scale at universities, at producers andby Garden Leader Alliance partner breeders. The top priority of all of ourbreeders is garden performance.Garden Leaders are not rushed to the market before outdoor testing has beendone. Each Garden Leader must meet our minimum criteria. That is whya few genetic classes will never become Garden Leader unless new andimproved genetics can be found. The Garden Leader title must be earned.PASS WITH FLYING COLORSWhen home gardeners take home a Garden Leadertheir success is certain. Every Garden Leader varietyhas passed our tests. That is why our experiencedhorticulturalists assure “Home Gardenland Security”.The work has been done for you. Garden Leaders havebeen tested and approved for you. Garden Leaders areworthy of every growers exceptional confidence.TESTINGTESTINGTESTINGTRIALS FORCONTAINERS AND TASTEGarden Leader vegetable and herb varieties are tested fortaste as well as disease resistance and yield. Extensivetesting is also done in containers to evaluate habit androot development. Container trials are meaningful fortrialing habit and for patio vegetable performance. Visitthe annual container trial garden at <strong>Grimes</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong>.Introduction 13



TagsGARDEN LEADER TAGS &TAGS ON PARADE…AND LABELS TOO.Tags help light up your sales area…..Use them to communicate. Help tellyour customers what they need to know.TAGS ARE TEACHERSTags let you save money on employee help because they teach.All customers want the information that a tag providesto help them learn.Introduction 16

“Talk”LABELS DO THE TALKINGTO MARKET, TO MARKETSpeed up your sales with Garden Leader tags and labels thatconvince customers to take home Garden Leaders.VITAL BASICSSome tags and labels are better than others…..Tags really do talk!Garden Leaders say “We are the leaders in the garden …….so buyme!” Tags and labels are not an option …..it’s just a matter of whichtag makes the best sales pitch to your customer. Garden Leader tagsare vital basics.TAGS/LABELS FOR GARDEN LEADERSEvery Garden Leader has a tag or label. Every unit has anexcellent color picture with vital basic information.TAGS/LABELS FOR EVERYTHING<strong>Grimes</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong> offers tags for virtually every variety on themarket from cuttings to watermelon. <strong>Grimes</strong> is proud to representboth John Henry and Master Tag. Both companies have beenvital basic suppliers for many years.THE PRICE IS RIGHTOur prices are competitive with anyone in the industry and wewill give you a quote on very large quantities.ORDER FROM GRIMES<strong>Grimes</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong> wants your tag and label business. Orderany time or just call and “ASK US”.Introduction 17

Dress ‘Em UpHYPE YOUR SALES WITHSIGN LANGUAGEUse the big new Garden Leader 3’ X 4’ signs.One features Garden Leaders and the secondannounces Garden Leader EZ Gro. Both signsare bright and get lots of consumer attention.SUPER TAGReal attention getters.BEST OFTHE BESTPERFORMANCEGARDENUNSURPASSEDBENCH TAPEThis new tape will brighten your day AND your greenhouse! Retailers who have used it rave about theimpact that this tape has…..especially when it is used with the other Garden Leader merchandising material.Introduction 18

Sell ‘Em OutGARDEN LEADER P.O.P.GUARANTEE CARDSThese cards call attention to the GardenLeader money back guarantee. The cards include<strong>Grimes</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong> contact information forany consumer who is not happy with the gardenperformance of any Garden Leader variety.GARDEN LEADERSG UA RANWHY RISK LOSING CUSTOMERS?Home gardener satisfaction with the growth and performance of a Garden Leader ® variety is guaranteed. GardenLeader plants are the best garden performers. They are guaranteed to perform or consumers get their money back.Don't take a chance on plant varieties that may do poorly for your customers. Grow and sell Garden Leaders.Contact <strong>Grimes</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong> Inc., 800-241-7333 E-Mail: Sales@grimes-hort.comE E DTBIG BANNERSWhat an IMPACT!!!These 6’ X 3’ bannerspull consumers IN andsell Garden Leaders OUT.GUARANTEED GARDEN PERFORMANCEUNSURPASSED GARDEN SUPERIORITYPOTS WITH HANDLESThese beautiful pots with the GardenLeader logo are available to growersfrom <strong>Grimes</strong>. They get a ton ofattention. And you can get containerswith “Carry Out” handles.Introduction 19

LINKS toTHE BRAND ALLIANCEThe Garden Leader Brand Alliance includes thirteen companies pullingtogether to build and insure Garden Leader success. Each company hasa specific individual responsibility to breed or propagate or market andsell Garden Leaders and all work together as a team.No other brand in our industry has an alliance or strategic group ofas many companies working in unison like a chain to support a singlebrand. This alliance is committed to insure that Garden Leaders willalways be the finest garden performers you can buy.PINTERPLUGSGOOD AS GOLDIntroduction 20


“IF YOU K<strong>NEW</strong> WHAT GRIMES KNOWSYOU WOULD BUY GARDEN LEADERS”Ordering is easyORDER GARDEN LEADERS FROM GRIMESFastestservice,Need ityesterday?<strong>Grimes</strong> isGardenLeadercentral85YearsSince 1925Garden Leaders:Exclusivefrom<strong>Grimes</strong>Talkto a realpersonnot amachine!Ask<strong>Grimes</strong>800-241-7333Introduction 22

to growersBENEFIT PACKAGEBREEDING, FIELD TESTING & SELECTION IS DONEYou get a superior product. The entire brand program is preparedand waiting for you.The Product Development Is Done: Special breeding and fieldtesting over twenty years provides a solid foundation that insuressuperior Garden Leader genetics. Garden Leaders are the best ofthe best varieties for garden performance. Garden Leaders offerthe widest selection of crops and varieties under one brand name.Garden Leaders meet the highest standards for commercialgrowers. They are easy to grow. Garden Leaders are great inthe pack to maximize early season sales.LINE EXTENSIONS: ALREADY DEVELOPED & AVAILABLE.Garden Leader sales and margins can be extendedinto additional branded Garden Leader categoriesincluding:• EZ Gro Garden Leaders for consumers whorequire varieties that are simple to grow andrequire minimum maintenance.• LoGro Garden Leaders for consumers who wantnormal sized flowers on compact plants and forgrowers who want to grow without chemicals.• HiGro Garden Leaders for big, vigorousflowering plants• Tasty Garden Leader vegetables which aredeveloped for superior home garden flavor• Tasty Patio Garden Leaders are the best dwarfvegetables that produce lots of flavor lots offruit.• Monster Garden Leader vegetables are thebiggest in their class.• Growing Media by Garden Leaders is usedsuccessfully by growers who want premiumingredients for a non-premium price.Grower Benefits 25

MORE GARDENCONSTANT STREAM OF <strong>NEW</strong> VARIETIESGrowers always have new varieties to feature that create traffic and increaseyour margin. New Garden Leader varieties are developed and introduced everyyear. There is always lots of new crops and new variety excitement.<strong>NEW</strong>WIDEST SELECTION GIVES YOU MORE CHOICESWith over 1000 varieties every grower has great choice among crops, varieties and product form.Garden Leaders provide the widest selection of any brand.BACKED BY AN ALLIANCE TO INSURE CONFIDENCEGrowers can be supremely confident that Garden Leadersare as promised. An alliance of thirteen companies arelinked together to develop and back Garden Leaders. Thealliance is made up of breeders, producers, propagators,sales and marketing.MARKETING IS ALREADY PREPAREDGarden Leaders has it all. Garden Leaders has a complete marketing program with tags (from JohnHenry and Master Tag), labels and exciting merchandising materials. The POP includes a big banner,two different signs, bench tape and logo pots with handles. You can easily create professionaldisplays. You don’t have to be a marketing expert to succeed with Garden Leaders.Grower Benefits 26

LEADER BENEFITSNOT SOLD IN DISCOUNT STORESen Leader Benefits Package Garden Leader Benefits Packagerden Leader Benefits Package Garden Leader Benefits PackageGarden leaders will not be sold to mass merchant stores.They were developed for Retail Growers, small chains andindependent garden centers.YOU CAN BE UNIQUE & DIFFERENTThe Garden Leader brand, with distinctive varieties and merchandising, presents a great opportunityto differentiate your operation from your competition. Separating yourself, or your customer, fromcompetitive retailers and big box stores will help increase your sales and profit. Garden Leadersinclude unique varieties that are not available from any other brand or producer.EASY TO GET STARTEDJust call <strong>Grimes</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong>. Our people are knowledgeableand helpful. Garden Leaders are easy to grow andeasy to market. Take advantage of the whole GardenLeader program. One phone call makes Garden Leaderseasy to order: 800-241-7333.HAPPIER CUSTOMERSGarden Leaders bring smiles to customers because theyknow that they are buying the best garden performers.Customers will come back for more. The Garden Leadermoney back guarantee delivers confidence and cheer.Grower Benefits 27

Tags For Everything!Tags For All Garden LeadersCall <strong>Grimes</strong> For Free Tag ListerGrower Benefits 28

etail grower needsFOR RETAIL GROWERSOFFER BRAND VALUEIt is well documented that brands connote higher value. GardenLeaders cost you no more than weaker commodity varieties so youhave the advantage of presenting an unrivaled brand at no extracost to you and a BIG advantage to your customers. You are betteroff selling a brand variety. There are other very good brands aswell, but they will cost you more and they have no advantage ingarden performance.DIFFERENTIATE YOURSELFConsumers are smart cookies. They recognize it quickly if you presentME-TOO varieties which have much less value. There are many waysto differentiate your business…Tough times call for being unique, differentand honest and offering a clear alternative to your competition.The smartest way to offer a contrasting presentation is with GardenLeaders. It’s a WIN-WIN for both you and your customers.DON’T GET CAUGHT WITH YOUR PLANTS DOWNHave enough product to sell and make a profit. Some retail growersare cutting back so far that it will be impossible to turn a profit. Youhave a lot of year round overhead and costs that require sales and cashflow. You can’t afford to get caught with your “PLANTS DOWN”!You need to have enough plants to sell to produce profit. The onlyway to come out ahead is to build a profit plan and sell enough. WhileGarden Leaders make it possible to sell at a premium we think youneed to build your traffic to make you come out ahead.Retail Growers 31

uild yourCHECKLIST FOR INCREASINGPLANSince customer store visits are down you need to try to maintain or increase your customercounts. You need to reach out to potential consumers and entice them to visit your retail location.Focus your communication efforts on women gardeners. Plan your promotions six months ora year in advance. Plan ahead to get ideas at trade shows. Consider additional sales avenueslike fund raisers to schools, youth organizations and church groups. As landscaping continuesto expand consider sales of Garden Leaders to landscapers.DIRECT MAIL & E-MAILIf you have been collecting customer names and contact information then plan a mailing or two. Direct mail andE-mail is the most efficient way to communicate if your list is accurate and current. Communicate your excitingpromotions and features. Include a coupon for one of your featured product lines. The coupon could be “?$ offwith a total purchase of ?$”. Or offer a free gift with a purchase.ADVERTISEWhile advertising can be expensive it can also payout nicely. Choose low cost advertisingmedia like local newspapers and radio. The goal is to reach women and gardeners. In pooreconomic times you should make every effort to sell Garden Leader vegetable plants bycommunicating to the unemployed and large families.PROMOTEBuild promotions to build customer interest and excitement. Your promotions can besimple and inexpensive…• Gift with purchase: try gifts like a free garden tool, umbrella, or garden gloves withpurchase. At Mothers Day offer a free card with purchase.• Appeal to customer needs: Promotions can be tied to individual brand lines like GardenLeader EZ Grow crops and varieties for consumers who want guaranteed success withminimal work.Retail Growers 32

store trafficCUSTOMER COUNT• Coupons: Coupons can also be effective….either in the mail or in store coupons that yougive away when the customer comes in. Retail growers have also had great success withrainy day coupons.• Free tickets: If you donate to local sports teams get some free tickets and promote yourgiveaway• Promote to kids: Sell Garden Leader Monster vegetables and offer a prize or plaque to theyoungster who grows the biggest in each crop.• Picture contest: Offer a prize to the family who brings in the best picture of their flower orvegetable garden.FEATURE WHATS HOT FOR CUSTOMERSYou have to get attention! Garden Leaders have more features than a film festival. Here areideas to feature Garden Leaders to your customers:• BETTER VALUE: Feature garden tested and the Garden Leader money back guarantee• VEGETABLES: Feature Garden Leader Tasty vegetable varieties….best garden flavor• PATIO VEGETABLES: Garden Leader Tasty patio vegetables have better taste, normal sizefruit on genetically dwarf plants bred to perform in containers.• ORGANIC VEGETABLES: The <strong>Grimes</strong> Grower Handbook offers a complete selection• HEIRLOOM VEGETABLES: The <strong>Grimes</strong> Handbook offers an excellent selection of thebest sellers• MINIMUM WORK & EASY TO GROW: The Garden Leader EZ Gro series includes greatgrowing minimum maintenance varieties that consumers can plant and virtually ignore.• <strong>NEW</strong>: You can become the leader in offering new varieties. New varieties always createexcitement. Feature the newest Garden Leader varieties …..there are many every year.• UNIQUE AND DIFFERENT: Feature plants that customers won’t find anywhere else. GardenLeaders include some of the most unusual genetics offered on the market. Unique plants usuallysell at a premium price. As discounters cut back on the selection they offer it provides anopportunity for you to build traffic by featuring a “Strange and unusual” plants department.• COMING SOON: Be just like the movies…..show pictures of whats coming and promise tohave them first.GARDEN LEADERSG UA RANE E DTRetail Growers 33

displaysINCREASE THE AVERAGEVALUE IS INYour customers will spend more if they believe that you offer strongvalue. Feature products like Garden Leaders so that the consumerknows that she is getting her money’s worth. Use the Garden Leaderguarantee cards to give assurance to your customers.SET UP SMARTPut your higher margins up front so that customers see and choose themfirst. When you set up display new and unique varieties where they will beseen first……and charge a little more for them. Progressively display lowermargin items further in the back in lower traffic areas.BUILD DISPLAYSYes, displays increase sales. They are worth the extra work. Didyou know that displays influence seventy five percent of consumers?Use them to decorate and maximize attention to your highest marginproducts. When women shop they want to be inspired and tempted.They also want solutions to their decorating requirements. Add yourown creativity to display building. You can accomplish this withpre-packaged gift and plant combinations. Displays must be kept freshand organized to maximize sales. They need to be changed monthly tomaximize impact and sales revenue.Retail Growers 34MERCHANDISING IS A MUSTAll better brands and varieties offer merchandising beginning withtags and extending through signs, bench tape, decorative packagingand banners. Tags and labels are like having extra sales people because

increase salesSALE PER CUSTOMER VISITthey directly impact plant purchases. Garden Leaders offer allof these in an effort to support retail growers. All of the workhas been done for you and the prices are extremely reasonable.In this case it doesn’t cost a lot to go first class. One effectiveway to differentiate your business is to put up merchandisingbanners at the entrance to your business. These banners arealways colorful and inviting. They are usually weatherproofso they can be used for several years. They will also serveto excite customers on their way in and give them ideas onwhat to buy.RETAIL READY ADD ONSRetailers have many options to increase their sales by offeringpre-packaged products that customers should buy from you insteadof from somewhere else. For the most part these are impulse saleproducts so the sales are generally not planned. Here is a list ofproducts that should be included in this category: plant food, growingmedia, bulbs and bare root, seed packets, ceramic pots/containers,gardening tools, gloves, miniature plants for indoors and anything thatis related to gardening.GET ‘EM BACKYour objective should be to have your customers come back againand again, this year and next. Offer them superior quality and geneticslike Garden Leaders. All customers need to be given a positivebuying experience. And make sure that they have an “experience”that they remember and enjoy. Precipitate a return shopping trip bygiving them a coupon good on their next purchase because gardenersnever have enough plants.Retail Growers 35

Retail Growers 36

wholesale growingGET YOUR PROFIT UP AGAINTHE BASIC PROBLEMSThe following problems apply to ninety percent of wholesale growers and their customers:• Your retail plant presentation has a lower “value image” to consumers.• Nearby discounters and garden center chains sell at a lower price.• Discounters often offer branded varieties with a higher value image.• Garden centers and mass merchants generally merchandise and display better.OPPORTUNITIIES FORMass merchants and garden center chains have weaknesses you can exploit:• Selection has gone from fair to poor due to scan based trading• Commodity varieties provide vanilla garden performance…well below consumer needs• Most varieties offered are generic “me too” commodities in red, white and blue• Even the branded selections are limited• In store plant quality and care is deteriorating due to service cutbacks• Plants are only “Traffic Builders” so the importance of product quality is the same as for Chinese toys.SOME SOLUTIONS ARE RIGHT UNDER YOUR NOSEHelp is here now with Garden Leaders. They will answer many of your needs to turn your businessaround. Here is what some wholesale growers have said:“Garden Leaders are a brand line...not just an assortment of commodities so they appear to be worth more”“The Garden Leader Tasty and Monster vegetables are excellent consumer items...especially now”“There were no royalties or marketing fees so there was no extra cost”“I used the brand story on my customers and they liked it”“The guarantee makes a difference to my customers and helps sell through”“Garden Leaders allow me to present and deliver a complete program”“They have tags and labels for all the varieties both flowers and vegetables”“Garden Leaders let me get a little bit of a premium price”“I was reluctant to switch but they grow just as well if not better”“We can offer more selection with all the different plant sizes and options”“The merchandising materials make them sell out”Wholesale Growers 39

More LoadsGARDEN LEADERS FOR WHOLESALEWHY FOR WHOLESALERS?FRESH PROGRAM – Get credit from your customers for suggesting acomplete program that is proven to work. Some of your retail customers will sayno, but some will agree because Garden Leaders make so much sense. Offering abrand is an advantage for all wholesalers and retailers.DOESN’T COST YOU ANY MORE – Garden Leader varieties are notsold at a premium price like most other branded plant products.MORE SALES MEANS MORE PROFIT – According to wholesalegrowers who sell Garden Leaders, retailers get solid sales increases with GardenLeaders. Increases especially occur when merchandising materials are used.WIDE SELECTION REALLY HELPS – Garden Leaders cover a full rangeof flowering annuals, perennials, bare root, vegetables and herbs. The selectionincludes over 1000 varieties. They are available in seeds, plugs, cuttings and liners.MORE PROFIT MADE – The Garden Leader product line offers manyunique varieties that are generally not offered elsewhere. Growers and retailersgenerally price unique varieties higher. Higher pricing has resulted in extra marginfor both the grower and the retailer.JUST AS EASY TO GROW – Growers do not experience any need tochange growing procedures when growing Garden Leaders. They root the same,germinate the same and grow-on the same. No culture changes are necessary.ORDERING IS EASY – All you do is call <strong>Grimes</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong>...800-241-7333 gets you directly to a real person immediately. The service is super!Wholesale Growers 40

DownYour RoadsGROWERS AND RETAILERSWHY FOR RETAILERS?WHAT RETAILERS? – Garden Leaders were developed for wholesalegrowers, retail growers, independent garden centers, small chains (grocery,convenience, hardware), landscapers and fund raising. They are designed tohelp compete with commodity varieties and big box stores.NOT SOLD TO DISCOUNTERS. – Garden Leaders will not be sold indiscount stores. They are the UN-mass merchant brand.HIGHER PERCEIVED QUALITY – The advantage of selling a brand isthat consumers always give brands a higher quality value. Garden Leader brandmerchandise is premium product which can be sold at popular prices.GUARANTEED TO CONSUMERS – The money back guarantee on allGarden Leaders is major value enhancement. Neither growers nor consumers haveto take any risk. Garden Leaders are the greatest in the garden.CONSUMERS LIKE ‘EM – Home gardeners are learning that they cancount on Garden Leaders to grow better in the garden. Garden Leaders flower overlonger time periods and the vegetables taste better. Gardeners come back and askfor Garden Leaders.MORE PROFIT POTENTIAL – Smart retailers get premium prices for newand unique Garden Leader varieties. Wholesale growers can do the same. Gardenenthusiasts will pay more for new and unusual varieties and crops.MERCHANDISING IS READY TO GO – Everything is ready to shipincluding tags, labels, 4” pots, signs, bench tape and banners. It is a complete programincluding guarantee cards to display and feature. The colors are a blast ofsunshine even on rainy days.SALES WILL JUMP – Garden Leaders have been racking up sales successstories for almost twenty years. There is no better way to build business than withsuperior products that don’t require a premium price. Garden Leaders are a WIN-WIN.Wholesale Growers 41

WHOLESALEBELIEVERSGrowing Garden Leaders, Shipping Garden Leaders,Marketing Garden Leaders, Selling Garden LeadersStack E’m HighTake Me HomeDick Shreve,Wholesale Man“Garden Leader Yellow PackagingDraws Consumers Like Magnets”SHREVEGREENHOUSEWHOLESALE ONLYWholesale Growers 42

No WorryLEADER EZ GRO ®EASY AS A, B, CA. Savvy retailers are responding to newconsumer trends and requirements. Homegardeners want instant gardening successwith low-care plants that look good for along time.B. Retailers should promote EZ Gro knowingthey will be a magnet to build consumertraffic.C. See and display the Garden LeaderEZ Gro line of plants. Merchandisewith EZ Gro signs available from <strong>Grimes</strong>.WIDE SELECTION<strong>Grimes</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong> developed the EZ Groproduct line based upon years of Garden Leadergarden testing. <strong>Grimes</strong> has done the researchand <strong>Grimes</strong> knows they grow with ease.EZ GROWINGAll Garden Leader EZ Gro varieties are easyfor growers to produce. Start EZ Gro from seeds,plugs or cuttings.EZ Gro 45

EZ Gro ANNUALSAjugaEZ Gro Product ListEZ Gro Chocolates Rose0350PLEZ Gro Chocolates White0352PLEZ Gro Purple ShineLinerEZ Gro Purple Shine. Takes abuse yet looksgreat in containers and landscape. Plant it andforget it, then enjoy the rewards of healthy plants.Easy to grow in the perennial garden to Zone 4.Once established it requires little or nomaintenance.AsparagusEZ Gro Chocolates Sampler Mix0354PLEZ Gro CHOCOLATE SERIES. Grows strongall season with minimum care. Use in the garden,containers, strawberry jars. Deep bronze foliagelooks healthy and attractive even in full sun andadverse conditions. Tolerates drought, sun orshade. Thrives on neglect, so easy.EZ Gro Sole SurvivorLinerEZ Gro Sole Survivor. Grows and grows easilyand beautifully. Plant them in containers andenjoy their upright pyramid shape all season.Strong stems, foliage and continuous bloommakes them so easy to grow and enjoy. Whentimes are toughest EZ Gro is the Sole Survivor.Calitunia<strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro SprengeriLinerEZ Gro Sprengeri. Nothing is easier to growand enjoy. So easy. Plants can be grown wet ordry, sun or shade. If you miss watering it is noproblem for this EZ Gro. In fact they rewardre-newed attention with sweetly scented flowersand bright red berries. In deep southernlandscapes, EZ Gro Sprengeri will last for years.Begonia<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro PinkLinerEZ Gro Dragon Wing PinkLinerEZ Gro PurpleLinerEZ GRO SERIES. All the appeal of Calibrachoawith none of the Calibrachoa high maintenanceworries. Leaves start green and stay green, noyellowing. Flowers bloom in abundance. Weguarantee it’s that easy.CordylineEZ Gro Chocolates Pink0351PLEZ Gro Chocolates Red0349PLEZ Gro Chocolates Red &White0353PLEZ Gro Dragon Wing RedLinerEZ Gro Dragon Wing. Full sun or shade thesethrive even with neglect. Easy to grow and enjoyin the landscape. Add a dose of dry fertilizerwhen planting and EZ Gro Dragon Wings takecare of the rest.EZ Gro Green SpikesLinerEZ Gro 46

EZ Gro Green Spikes. No complications, nogreen-thumb, just easy as dirt. Use as a verticalfocal point in combination containers. Thrives onfull sun and dry conditions outdoors, bring theplant inside in the winter and enjoy a carefreehouseplant.CupheaEZ Gro Silverdrop. Drought resistant, diseaseresistant easy to grow in container gardens. Easyto cut and use in flower arrangements andpotpourri.Evolvulus<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Pink Gomp 2429EZ Gro Lavender (Allyson Heather)<strong>NEW</strong>LinerEZ Gro BluesLinerEZ Gro Blues. Grows strong all season withminimum care. A landscape staple in the southand an easy to grow container plant in the north.Plain easy.Gomphrena2006GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROF<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro White (Brazillian White)LinerEZ Gro Cuphea. A carefree compliment to flowerbeds and containers. Maintenance required islow-to-no. Satisfaction ranges from high-tocomplete.Guaranteed easy.Dusty Miller2006 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEAREZ Gro Purple Gomp 2439<strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro LoGro Pink 1965EZ Gro Snow Storm 1499EZ Gro Snow Storm. A carefree compliment toflower beds and containers. No insect problemsand it always looks great in the garden. Easydoes it again.EucalyptusEZ Gro LoGro Purple 1959 EZ Gro LoGro Rose 1954<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro White Gomp 2431EZ Gro Gomp. These award winners grow andflower even when neglected. Medium heightplants flower all season in landscape beds orcontainers. Heat and drought tolerant for full sunor light shade. Added to large hanging basketsthey impress by creating an full mound of brightcolor buttons. Easily done.GrassesEZ Gro SilverdropLinerEZ Gro LoGro Pink 1965EZ Gro LoGro Mix 1927Gomphrena EZ Gro LoGro. Easy for the homegardener and landscaper to grow and enjoy.Flower ‘buttons” hold their color and make easyborders in the landscape.EZ Gro Avena French Black 3326EZ Gro 47

EZ Gro Avena French Black. Hardy perennial for thehome gardener or landscaper to use for ground coveror borders. Plants reach 4 to 6” in height and stay incontrolled mounds. Culture is easy and plants aredependable even with neglect.EZ Gro Higro Juncus Javelin. It’s so easy tocreate dramatic vertical accents in the gardenor in containers with Javelin. Leaves maturefrom 48 to 52”.EZ Gro Monster. Towering giants are fun and easy.Easy for everyone to grow and enjoy. Impress theneighbors, enter the county fair. Our monster is thebig-easy.<strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro Eragrostis Wind GrassLinerEZ Gro Eragrostis Wind Grass. Easy for theLandscaper or home gardeners to grow andenjoy with little or no care. Broad spreadingand impressive.EZ Gro Juncus Screw GrassLinerEZ Gro Juncus Screw Grass. For ponds,containers and landscape. Carefree enjoymentand satisfaction. As easy as all of our Juncusto grow with a curious twist.<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Patio Van Gogh 1949EZ Gro Patio Van Gogh. Our Sunflowers requireminimum care. Easy for everyoneto grow and enjoy in containers and windowboxes. Patio size plants let home gardeners growsunflowers anywhere.HelichrysumEZ Gro Isolepsis Magic WandsLinerEZ Gro Isolepsis Magic Wands. Thrives withneglect. Easy to grow and enjoy in the landscape.Use as a low maintenance ground cover.EZ Gro Juncus Blue Arrows 3339EZ Gro Juncus Blue Arrows. With our EZ GroJuncus it couldn’t be easier. In wet bogs andponds the clean arrow-shaped leaves multiplyfast into dense mounds. In dryer settings theyhold their color and lend upright form tocombination plantings.EZ Gro Stipa Pony Tails 3340EZ Gro Stipa Pony Tails. A carefree complimentto flower beds and containers. Home gardenerseasily impress with this easy to grow flowingbeauty.Helianthus, Sunflower<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro China Cat Sunflower 1945EZ Gro China Cat Sunflower. Our Sunflowersrequire minimum care. Easy for everyone to growand enjoy as garden background plant and as a freshcut flower.EZ Gro LicoriceLinerEZ Gro Licorice. Easy for the Landscaper orhome gardeners to grow and enjoy with littleor no care. Use in combination plantings andhanging baskets. Looks great all season. Heat,sun, shade easy always.HeliniumEZ Gro Higro Juncus Javelin 3327EZ Gro 48EZ Gro Monster 2022EZ Gro Dakota GoldLinerEZ Gro Dakota Gold. Thrives with neglect. Easyto grow and enjoy in the landscape. Plants arefull of native genes that adapt them easily to allNorth American conditions.

Hibiscus2008GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROFEZ Gro Sun&ShadeCranberry2067EZ Gro Sun&Shade FireBrick 2286EZ Gro Sun&Shade PinkFrost2410EZ Gro Sun&Shade PinkSplash 20602008 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEAREZ Gro HiGro Big RedLinerEZ Gro HiGro Big Red. Big, and fun. It's theBig-Easy. Fast growing and forgiving of neglect.Plants mature to 60” in one season, so easy toimpress.Impatiens StandardEZ Gro Sun&ShadeFuchsia2030EZ Gro Sun&ShadeLavender 2039EZ Gro Sun&Shade Pink Mist 2029EZ Gro Sun&ShadeLipstick2284EZ Gro Sun&Shade NeonRose 2042EZ Gro Sun&Shade Pink Star 2056EZ Gro Sun&ShadeOrange2043EZ Gro Sun&ShadeOrange Star 2047EZ Gro Sun&Shade Mix 2090EZ Gro Sun&Shade Blue2260EZ Gro Sun&Shade Blush2015EZ Gro Sun&Shade OrchidSplash2203EZ Gro Sun&ShadePapaya 2051EZ Gro Sun&Shade Purple 6316EZ Gro Sun&Shade BrightEye2201EZ Gro Sun&ShadeBurgundy 2202EZ Gro Sun&ShadePapaya Frost2505EZ Gro Sun&Shade PeachSplash 2052EZ Gro Sun&Shade Red2063EZ Gro Sun&Shade RedStar 2071EZ Gro Sun&Shade CherrySplash2050EZ Gro Sun&Shade Coral2031EZ Gro Sun&Shade Pearl2094EZ Gro Sun&Shade Pink2055EZ Gro Sun&Shade Rose2075EZ Gro Sun&Shade RoseStar 2079EZ Gro 49

EZ Gro Sun&Shade Royal Red 2059EZ Gro Hot Mix Eyepoppers 2204EZ Gro Hot Mix Passion 2424EZ Gro Sun&ShadeSalmon2072EZ Gro Sun&ShadeScarlet 2083EZ Gro Hot Mix Fruit Punch 2421EZ Gro Hot Mix Pastel 2095EZ Gro Sun&Shade SeaShell2035EZ Gro Sun&Shade Sunset2028EZ Gro Sun&Shade Violet2081EZ Gro Sun&Shade VioletStar 2082EZ Gro Hot Mix Harmony 2422EZ Gro Hot Mix Peppermints 2281EZ Gro Sun&Shade White 2087EZ Gro Hot Mix Neon Lights 2423EZ Gro Hot Mix Pinwheel 2425EZ Gro Hot Mix Crystals 2420EZ Gro 50EZ Gro Hot Mix Old Glory 2240EZ Gro Hot Mix Sangria 2419

<strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro Gold, nommularia. No green thumbrequired by home gardener or landscaper. Plantsrequire minimum care after planting. Groundcover plants are perennial and hardy to Zone 3.Marigold African CompactEZ Gro Hot Mix Stars 2097<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro LoGro LemonLinerEZ Gro LoGro Lemon. Looking for a lessaggressive potato vine. Easy. Just grow LoGroLemon. It stays tidy yet produces attractivefoliage on healthy plants.EZ Gro LoGro Gold2837DTEZ Gro Hot Mix Summer Wine 2426EZ Gro SUN & SHADE SERIES. Sun & Shadeis the proven, care free, versatile flowering plantfor easy gardening and landscaping. Grows easilyin the sun grows easily in the shade. With 37colors and 14 custom color mixes, it’s the onlyImpatiens series the home gardener needs.IpomeaEZ Gro MargueriteLinerEZ Gro Marguerite. A standard garden beauty.Municipal baskets, home gardener’s containers,anywhere low-to-no maintenance is needed.IresineEZ Gro LoGro Orange2839DT EZ Gro LoGro Yellow 2841DTEZ Gro LoGro Mix2838DTMarigold EZ Gro LoGro. Big flowers, compactplants, no work, maximum enjoyment. So veryeasy.Marigold African StandardEZ Gro Ace of SpadesLinerEZ Gro Ace of Spades. Plant it and forget it, thenjust enjoy it. Our line of EZ Gro Ipomea are easyto grow by everyone from Grower to Gardener toLandscaper.EZ Gro Purple CascadeLinerEZ Gro Purple Cascade. Grows strong all seasonwith minimum care. Guaranteed easy. Richpurple color for baskets and ground cover.LysimachiaEZ Gro American Indian Gold2731DTEZ Gro BlackieEZ Gro Blackie. So easy, so beautiful. Sun,shade, wet dry.LinerEZ Gro Gold, nommulariaLinerEZ Gro American IndianOrange 2733DTEZ Gro American IndianPrimrose 2870DTEZ Gro 51

<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong>2008GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROF<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro OasisYellow Fire 2959DT<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Oasis Yellow2958DT<strong>NEW</strong>2008 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEAREZ Gro American Indian Yellow2732DTEZ Gro American Indian Mix2735DTEZ Gro AMERICAN INDIAN SERIES.Nowork, maximum enjoyment by virtue of thestrong plant growth with sturdy stems. No needto dead-head or clean up the blooms after aheavy rain. American Indians have always hadthe strongest stems in the business and flowersare held upright. Just as easy as it gets.Marigold, AmerifrenchEZ Gro Amerifrench Daisy Yellow-RedEZ Gro Amerifrench Dbl MixEZ Gro Amerifrench Daisy Mix5160DT5175DT5176DTAMERIFRENCH SERIES. The breeding to getthese beauties isn’t easy but the culture for thehome gardener or landscaper is very easy. It’sworth our effort to bring you this series for yourcustomers. Grows strong all season withminimum care. Flowers from spring till frost.Easy as it gets.Marigold MediumFrench Anemone<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Oasis Mix2953DTEZ Gro OASIS SERIES. We added thisoutstanding Marigold series because of itsimpressive blooms and it is easy for the homegardener and landscaper to grow and enjoy.Our newest development in Marigolds.Marigold FrenchDwarf CrestedEZ Gro Amerifrench Dbl Orange5167DT<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Oasis Autumn Orange2957DT<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro Amerifrench DblOrange-Red 5173DTEZ Gro Amerifrench DblYellow5169DT<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Oasis Bolero2947DT<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Oasis LimeYellow2950DTEZ Gro Girl Flame2745DT<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro Amerifrench DblYellow-Red 5171DTEZ Gro Amerifrench DaisyOrange 5159DT<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Oasis Orange2954DT<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Oasis Queen2955DTEZ Gro Girl Gold 2753DT EZ Gro Girl Harmony 2756DT<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro Amerifrench DaisyOrange-Red 5166DTEZ Gro 52EZ Gro Amerifrench DaisyYellow5161DT<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Oasis Red2956DT<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Oasis Scarlet2948DTEZ Gro Girl Orange 2746DT EZ Gro Girl Primrose 2928DT

Mint EZ Gro. Easy for the home gardener andlandscaper to grow and enjoy. Beautiful inhanging baskets, hardy in the landscape.Mirabilis (4 O’clocks)Petunia FloribundaEZ Gro Girl Orange Bee2744DTEZ Gro Freedom Blue3651PLEZ Gro Girl SpryEZ Gro Girl'O'Girl Mix2749DTEZ Gro GIRL SERIES. Nonstop flowering withthe least of care. The Queen of Easy. These arethe little beauties that many first time gardenersbegin with. They offer total satisfaction and arethe hardest working flowers in the annual garden.We hardily guarantee that total satisfaction.Mint2747DT EZ Gro Girl Yellow 2748DTEZ Gro Z-Scape Mirabilis 1552EZ Gro Z-Scape Mirabilis. Plant it and forget it,then enjoy the evening flower show all summer.So easy.Perilla2010GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROFEZ Gro Freedom Blue Star3658PLEZ Gro FreedomBurgundy3685PLEZ Gro Freedom Blueberry Vein3670PLEZ Gro Ginger MintLiner2010 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEAREZ Gro The ThrillahLinerEZ Gro The Thrillah. Big, fun and easy. Lookslike a Coleus but easily does so much more.Grows and grows without worry.PerovskiaEZ Gro Freedom Carmine3691PLEZ Gro Freedom Coral3666PL<strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro Pineapple MintLinerEZ Gro Freedom Lavender3722PLEZ Gro Freedom LavenderVein3696PLIndian EZ Gro Waterfall MintLiner<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Blue FogLinerEZ Gro Blue Fog. Easy for the Landscaper orhome gardeners to grow and enjoy with little orno care. Perennial plants easily mature intoimpressive displays. Hardy through Zone 3.EZ Gro Freedom Lilac Halo3693PLEZ Gro Freedom Mid Blue4483PLEZ Gro 53

EZ Gro Freedom OrchidVein3716PLEZ Gro Freedom Pink3652PLEZ Gro Freedom PinkMorn3721PLEZ Gro Freedom Pink Vein3712PLEZ Gro Freedom Violet Star5008PLEZ Gro Freedom Mix3657PLEZ Gro FREEDOM SERIES. Self cleaningand fast recovery from rainy weather. Easyand beautiful. This is the landscaper “must have”Petunia. Low-to-no maintenance. Satisfactionsupreme.Petunia Hedge Type<strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro Freedom Plum3654PLEZ Gro FreedomRaspberry Vein3572PLEZ Gro Freedom Yellow3604PL<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro HiGro Pink3989PL<strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro Freedom Velvet3667PLEZ Gro Freedom Vein Mix3649PLEZ Gro Freedom Red Star3659PL<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro HiGro Silver3994PLEZ Gro Freedom Red3653PLEZ Gro Freedom White3656PL<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro Freedom Rose4162PL<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro HiGroRose3991PL<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro HiGroRose Red 3992PL<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro Freedom Salmon3655PLEZ Gro FreedomSummertime3573PLEZ Gro Freedom Old Glory Mix4520PL<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro HiGroSalmon Pink 3993PL<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro HiGro Purple3990PLEZ Gro 54

<strong>NEW</strong>Polygonum2007GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROF<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro HiGro White3995PLEZ Gro HiGro SERIES. Are you looking for theBig-Easy in Petunias? We have it for you withEZ Gro HiGro. Landscapers and home gardenersboth enjoy the carefree maintenance and constantflower show.Petunia TrailingEZ Gro Prime Color WhiteLinerEZ Gro PRIME COLOR SERIES. Stunningbaskets and flower beds of sprawling color. Easyto grow. Plants cover an area 4’ wide and nospecial care required. Just plain easy.Plectranthus2007 Garden Leader of the YearEZ Gro Pink SpriteLinerEZ Gro Pink Sprite. Grows strong all seasonwith minimum care. A surprising chameleonplant. Foliage changes color with temperature andfertilization the plants then explode with hundredsof gomphrena-like pink flowers. Easy, easy, easy.Salvia FarinaceaEZ Gro Emerald LaceLinerEZ Gro Emerald Lace. Easy to count on theperformance of our Emerald Lace. Minimumcare, maximum satisfaction, guaranteed.EZ Gro Prime Color BlueLinerEZ Gro HiGro Big Bang!LinerEZ Gro HiGro Big Bang! Big, fun and easy.Here is our Big-Easy of Salvia. Tall and fastgrowing plants make a lasting impact in largecontainers and landscapes.EZ Gro Prime Color CoralLinerEZ Gro Prime Color LilacLinerEZ Gro HiGro SilverLinerEZ Gro HiGro Silver. “HiGro Silver… away!”A real garden steed that gallops its way throughthe summer with steadfast performance.<strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro Prime Color PinkLinerEZ Gro Prime ColorPurpleLinerEZ Gro Fahrenheit Blue 1781EZ Gro Prime Color RedLinerEZ Gro Prime Color RoseLiner<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro LoGro SilverLinerEZ Gro LoGro Silver. This is HiGro’s demurecousin. Same easy culture, same attractive silverfoliage but on a much more low growing plant.Both do thrive with neglect. Easy to grow andenjoy in the landscape.EZ Gro Fahrenheit Blue &White1782EZ Gro Fahrenheit Violet1783EZ Gro 55

ScaevolaVinca Standard F1EZ Gro Blue Haze Liner EZ Gro Blue Ice LinerEZ Gro Fahrenheit White 1784EZ Gro FAHRENHEIT SERIES. Pick any or allof the 5 colors we have developed. Easy for thehome gardener and landscaper to grow and enjoy.Used as a hardy perennial in the deep south… it’sthat easy.Salvia Splendens<strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro HotliK Mix 5907EZ Gro HiGro Bright Scarlet 4845EZ Gro HiGro Bright Scarlet. Gardenerslooking for bright red in the garden will enjoythe ease of our EZ Gro HiGro Bright Scarletbecause it thrives even with neglect. Easy togrow and enjoy in the landscape.Sanvitalia<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro WhiteLinerEZ Gro SERIES. A carefree compliment toflower beds and containers. Our EZ Gro is soeasy to grow. That’s exactly why we call it EZGro. Everyone can enjoy it with minimal workor worry.VerbenaEZ Gro HotliK Lipstick 5903 EZ Gro HotliK Orchid Eye58972010GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROF2010 GARDEN LEADER Of THE YEAREZ Gro HotliK Passion Fruit 5898EZ Gro Rigida BlueLinerEZ Gro HotliK Peppermint 5899EZ Gro Gold 4736EZ Gro HotliK Purple Eye5900EZ Gro HotliK Red 5906EZ Gro Yellow 7514EZ Gro SERIES. A carefree compliment toflower beds and containers. So easy that even….well anyone can grow them. Great in full sun,dry, heat.EZ Gro 56EZ Gro Rigida RoseLinerEZ Gro RIGIDA SERIES. Easy for theLandscaper or home gardeners to grow and enjoywith little or no care. This Verbena requires lowto-nomaintenance. Home gardener satisfaction isguaranteed. Our Verbena EZ Gro Rigida has yetto meet a gardener it didn’t like.EZ Gro HotliK Red Eye5901 EZ Gro HotliK White 5905EZ Gro HOTLIK SERIES. Some only like it hotbut our HotliKs like even if it’s cool. Easy forthe home gardener and landscaper to grow andenjoy. Hybrid vigor does it all.

Vinca VineAchillea. Easy for the home gardener andlandscaper to grow and enjoy. EZ Gro comes instandard sizes and also our new LoGro size.AjugaEZ Gro Major VariegatedLinerEZ Gro Major Variegated. This is our gardenstaple for combination baskets. Everyonesucceeds with our Variegated Vinca. Grows strongall season with minimum care. Guaranteed easy.Zinnia InterspecificCompactEZ Gro Phoenix Mix 5799EZ Gro PHOENIX SERIES. This Zinnia has thedisease resistance to maintain a beautiful flowershow all season without complicated care. If yourcustomers are looking for the ideal heat and droughttolerant Zinnia our Phoenix Series id the one. It’sguaranteed easy.EZ GroPERENNIALSAchilleaEZ Gro Purple ShineLinerEZ Gro Purple Shine. Takes abuse yet looks greatin containers and landscape. Plant it and forget it,then enjoy the rewards of healthy plants. Easy togrow in the perennial garden to Zone 4. Onceestablished it requires little or no maintenance.Artemisia<strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro Phoenix Fire 5838EZ Gro Gold filipendulina 3006<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Silver MoundBare RootEZ Gro Silver Mound. Long, long, long livedperennials with very little care required. Greatlooking, easy growing.CoreopsisEZ Gro Phoenix Peach 5841 EZ Gro Phoenix Rose 5842<strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro Pearl ptarmica 0024 EZ Gro Red millefolium 6518<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Phoenix RoseStar 5893EZ Gro Phoenix Sun 5844EZ Gro Phoenix Snow 5839 EZ Gro Phoenix Yellow 5840<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro LoGro Goldie tomentosa 6515EZ Gro MoonbeamBare RootEZ Gro Moonbeam. Perennial to Zone 3 and soeasy for the home gardener to grow. Easy for thegrower too because <strong>Grimes</strong> offers healthy andhardy bare root plants to start. Double the easy.EZ Gro 57

Echinacea purpureaHeucheraEZ Gro Finale White 6987EZ Gro HiGro Juncus Javelin 3327EZ Gro HiGro Juncus Javelin. It’s so easy tocreate dramatic vertical accents in the garden orin containers with Javelin. Leaves mature from48 to 52”.EZ Gro Palace Purple 7351It’s so easy that the Perennial Plant Associationawarded this one the Perennial Plant of the YearAward. It’s that easy!HostaEZ Gro Ovation Purple 7111Echinacea. Easy to grow perennial for gardens,containers and cut flowers. Minimum care isrewarded with beautiful flowers for the gardenand for cuts. Never has so little care, produced somuch bloom, for so many gardeners.GrassesEZ Gro Juncus Screw GrassLinerEZ Gro Juncus Screw Grass. For ponds, containersand landscape. Carefree enjoyment and satisfaction.As easy as all of our Juncus to grow with acurious twist.EZ Gro Albo MarginataBare RootEZ Gro Avena French Black 3326EZ Gro Avena French Black. Hardy perennial for thehome gardener or landscaper to use for ground coveror borders. Plants reach 4 to 6” in height and stay incontrolled mounds. Culture is easy and plants aredependable even with neglect.EZ Gro Bressingham Blue (Spring Only)Bare RootEZ Gro Miscanthus Striped EulaliaBare RootEZ Gro Juncus Blue Arrows 3339EZ Gro Juncus Blue Arrows. With our EZ GroJuncus it couldn’t be easier. In wet bogs andponds the clean arrow-shaped leaves multiplyfast into dense mounds. In dryer settings theyhold their color and lend upright form tocombination plantings.EZ Gro 58EZ Gro Miscanthus Morning Light Bare RootEZ Gro Miscanthus. Two of our miscanthustypes with very different leaf color but one thingin common. Very easy to grow for the homegardener and landscaper.EZ Gro HyacinthiaBare RootThree of our easiest Hostas to grow for the homegardener or landscaper. They thrive in the widestrange of conditions and the most adverse weather.Home gardeners will be happy with these, weguarantee it.

LavandulaEZ Gro Lavender 7266EZ Gro Lavender. A carefree compliment toflower beds and containers. Easy to grow withminimum care for the home gardener.LeucanthemumEZ Gro Waterfall MintLinerMint EZ Gro. Easy for the home gardener andlandscaper to grow and enjoy. Beautiful inhanging baskets, hardy in the landscape.NepetaEZ Gro Fahrenheit Blue & White 1782<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro BeckyBare RootEZ Gro Becky. The easiest shasta daisy togrow for the landscaper or home gardener. Sellas bare root plants or force into gallons and yourcustomers will grow with ease. So easy, so easy.MintGarden Leader EZ Gro Pink Caddy 6108Garden Leader EZ Gro Pink Caddy. Beautifulflowers and fragrant aroma. Grows strong allseason with minimum care. Easy does it again.RudbeckiaEZ Gro Fahrenheit Violet 17832009GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROF2009 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEAREZ Gro Ginger MintLinerEZ Gro Gloriosa Single 4748EZ Gro Gloriosa Single. Easy to naturalize insprawling landscapes.SalviaEZ Gro Fahrenheit White 1784EZ GRO FAHRENHEIT SERIES. Pick any orall of the 5 colors we have developed. Easy forthe home gardener and landscaper to grow andenjoy. Used as a hardy perennial in the deepsouth… it’s that easy.2008GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROFEZ Gro Pineapple MintLinerEZ Gro Fahrenheit Blue 17812008 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEAREZ Gro Z-Scape Queen Blue 7509EZ Gro 59

<strong>NEW</strong>EZ GroVEGETABLES& HERBSBasil<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Splendid Purple 75482008GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROFEZ Gro Z-Scape Queen Rose 7508EZ Gro Z-Scape Queen Rose. The Queen of Easy.Care free, maintenance free, totally enjoyable toplant and watch grow. Easy to see why this is sopopular.Sedum<strong>NEW</strong>2008 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEAREZ Gro Green Goddess 8378EZ Gro Voodoo 9669Sedum Ez Gro. Grows where no plant has grownbefore, thrives with less care than other plants. Acarefree compliment to flower beds and containers.Sempervivum<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Autumn JoyBare Root<strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro Patio Rascal 8443<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro BrilliantBare Root<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Hardy Chicks 7565EZ Gro Hardy Chicks. These are chicks gonewild! No worries, no care… they grow. Take abreak this spring with EZ Gro plants.VerbenaEZ Gro Tasty Sweet 8368Basil EZ Gro. Fresh herbs grow for the homegardener like magic. They are easy and tasty.Bean<strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro Gold 7557EZ Gro 60EZ Gro Buenos Aires 7669EZ Gro Buenos Aires. Easy for the Landscaperor home gardeners to grow and enjoy with littleor no care.<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Tasty Yard Long Monster 8004

EZ Gro Tasty Yard Long Monster. Easy and funfor all gardeners. Grow these in containers or inthe garden for some easy beans.CabbageEZ Gro Ole’. Classic broad leaf Cilantro withclassic la fiesta Cilantro flavor. Produce in cellpacks sown 2 weeks apart, 3 to 5 seeds per cell toassure an ample supply of young plants for sale.Garden Height 16 to 20”.CucumberEZ Gro Tasty Early, 65 days 8091EZ Gro Tasty Early. Easy for the home gardenerto enjoy a steady supply all season long becausecrops finish early.ChardEZ Gro Tasty Pickle 8288EZ Gro Tasty Leaf Lettuce Mix 8685EZ Gro Tasty Leaf Lettuce Mix. The easiest of allgarden greens. Fresh salad all season. No hassle.Marjoram<strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro Gourmet Burgundy 8244EZ Gro Gourmet Burgundy. 60 days. The mostbrilliant stalks of bright crimson. Tasty too.EZ Gro Tasty Slicer 8262Cucumber. The best cucumber for the first timevegetable gardener, disease resistant and neglecttolerant.Dill<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader EZ Gro Tasty Sweet 8430Garden Leader EZ Gro Tasty Sweet. Fresh Italianherb, so easy to grow. Guaranteed easy.OkraEZ Gro Patio Silver 8645EZ Gro Patio Silver. Striking when planted withPatio Ruby Chard. Plants are very ornamentaland look great in patio containers. Outer leavescan be harvested throughout the season andcooked like spinach or stir fried in oriental dishes.Cilantro<strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro Patio Compact 9005EZ Gro Patio Compact. Easy for the homegardener and landscaper to grow and enjoy.LettuceEZ Gro Gumbo 8748EZ Gro Gumbo. Easy to grow and delicious. “Whoeee this Okra has slap got it. We gar-ran-tee!”Parsley<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Ole’ 8427EZ Gro Tasty Green Leaf 8698EZ Gro Patio Tasty Flat Leaf 8769EZ Gro Patio Tasty Flat Leaf. Minimum carewith great parsley flavor and large leaf production.So easy to grow.EZ Gro 61

Pepper SweetPumpkinTomatoEZ Gro Early Bell 8816EZ Gro Early Bell. Produce crunchy, gourmettasting peppers with ease.EZ Gro Monster Pumpkin 8918EZ Gro Monster Pumpkin. Vines are vigorousand spreading. A great first pumpkin for thehome gardener a real prize winner for theseasoned Pumpkateer. It’s so easy.SageEZ Gro Celebrity 9040EZ Gro Celebrity. Best if you are lookingfor taste, yield and no hassle. Easy to growon the ground or staked. Compact bushesrequire no special care. Very diseaseresistant to ensure a plentiful yield.EZ Gro Italian Green Frying 8844EZ Gro Italian Green Frying. Easy to produceloads of sweet fryers. Easy like summer.Pepper HotEZ Gro Scarborough 8461EZ Gro Scarborough. An easy to grow basickitchen spice.Squash SummerEZ Gro Patio Kabob 8909EZ Gro Patio Kabob. Plant them in pots near thegrill. Water and enjoy. So Easy. Fruit size 2”.EZ Gro Jalapeno Lite 8895EZ Gro Jalapeno Lite. Spice it up effortlessly. Nottoo hot, just right for stuffed peppers or for bakingon the grill. Muy fácil!PeppermintEZ Gro Patio Pan 89192009GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROFEZ Gro Candy Mint 8459EZ Gro Candy Mint. Plant it and forget it thenenjoy beautiful clean mint in the garden or incontainers on the patio.EZ Gro 62EZ Gro Tasty Zucchini 8925Squash EZ Gro. Guaranteed results, easyvegetable to grow. One for the patio and one forthe garden. Great taste great results with ease.2009 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEAREZ Gro Tasty Yellow Cherry 9033EZ Gro Tasty Yellow Cherry. Great for the garden,staked or on the ground, dozens of our sweetesttomatoes and easy to grow.

...never too tallworld after allSIZE ON COMPACT PLANTS.LESS IS MOREWhile your costs are lower you still get more. . . . More quality,more shelf life, more growing options, more space to grow andmore profit because you spend less to get more.NO CULTURE CHANGESJust grow LoGro like any other crop. No PGR is required andyou end up with beautiful results.LESSMOREMULTIPLE CHOICEThe LoGro product line includes aplethora of crops and varieties. OrderLoGro from seeds, plugs, and cuttings.There are multiple choices...Just take your pick.LoGro: SMALL WORLDTake advantage of all that LoGro offers. This isa product line designed for wholesale growerswho want to cut production costs and improvetheir logistics efficiency. Enjoy the benefits ofLoGro’s small, small world.Get the LowDown from <strong>Grimes</strong>®LoGro 65

NEVER A WORRY WITHCONSISTENT MEDIA PHYSICS ANDCHEMISTRY EARNS GROWER TRUSTMAXIMIZED PLANT PERFORMANCE BASEDON OVER 25 YEARS OF EXPERIENCECONFIDENCE FROM KNOWING THAT ONLYTHE FINEST INGREDIENTS ARE USEDEXTRA ADDITIVES AVAILABLE TO ADDMORE VALUEBENEFIT FROM FASTER SERVICE AND ORDERTURNAROUNDCHOOSE FROM FIVE FORMULASPLUG PEATLITE BASKET BARK ECONOMYpeat, perlite, vermiculite, clay peat, perlite coir, peat, rock wool, perlite peat, bark, perlite, vermiculite peat, styrofoamEach of the custom Garden Leader Media mixes provides the right balance of aerationand water holding capacity. The media chemistry is carefully formulated for the healthycultivation of a wide variety of plant species. Visit www.Gardenleaders.com.LoGro 66By Growers, For Growers

LoGro Product ListLoGro ANNUALSAntirrhinumLoGro Yellow Empire. Plant height is 8 to10”and spreads from 18 to 28”. Plants stay compactnaturally and are covered with a canopy offlowers. No pinching and no growth regulatorsnecessary.CalibrachoaLoGro Orange 1408 LoGro Orange Stripe 1411LoGro Fruit Salad CarambolaLinerLoGro Raspberry 1412 LoGro White 1414LoGro Colorburst Pro WhiteLinerLoGro Yellow 1417 LoGro Scarlet 1413LoGro Fruit Salad CranberryLinerLoGro Colorburst ProGoldLinerLoGro Colorburst Pro RedLinerLoGro Fruit Salad LitchiLinerLoGro FRUIT SALAD SERIES. TrailingSnapdragon. 6 to 8” plant height, 14 to 22”spread. No need for growth regulating chemicals.Plants will resist stretch even in lower light andwarm temperatures.BidensLoGro Colorburst ProRoseLinerLoGro COLORBURST PRO SERIES. 6” plantheight, 10 to 12” spread. Natural compact andmounded habit requires no PGR. Use in colorbowls and patio containers where a long trailinghabit is not preferred.GazaniaLoGro Colorburst ProBlueLinerLoGro Yellow Stripe 1418LoGro Yellow EmpireLinerLoGro Bronze 1404LoGro Mix 1422Gazania LoGro. Plants stay compact without theneed for growth regulators through LoGrobreeding technology. Garden height 4 to 6”. Sellin six packs or 4” pots. Customers will enjoythem in rock gardens and arid Zones.LoGro 67

Geranium ZonalLoGro Pink 1356 LoGro Punch 2226LoGro Appleblossom 1822LoGro Red 1819 LoGro Pink 1823EZ Gro LoGro Pink 1965EZ Gro LoGro Mix 1927Gomphrena EZ Gro LoGro. Tight compactmounds 6 to 8” that will not stretch in hightemperature and humidity. Plants are heat anddrought tolerant. LoGro is the most compact ofour three Gomphrena series.ImpatiensLoGro Red 1357 LoGro Red Wine 2228LoGro Rose 1358 LoGro Salmon 1338LoGro Scarlet 1339 LoGro Violet 1349LoGro Salmon 1830Geranium LoGro. Great small container and lowborder plant. Garden height 8 to 10”. Crop timefrom seed to flowering pack is 15 wks. Chemicalgrowth regulators are not required to maintaincompact growth. Great late season Geranium fora second turn in the greenhouse.GomphrenaLoGro Blue 1353LoGro Coral Star 2224 LoGro Deep Pink 7825LoGro Violet Star 2229 LoGro White 1359<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> LoGro Blue Water Mix 1363EZ Gro LoGro Pink 1965LoGro Deep Salmon 6312 LoGro Lilac 6313EZ Gro LoGro Purple 1959 EZ Gro LoGro Rose 1954LoGro Lavender 1337 LoGro Orange 1354LoGro LoRider Mix 1361LoGro 68

Ipomoea<strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro LoGro Orange2839DT EZ Gro LoGro Yellow 2841DTLoGro Mix 1362Impatiens LoGro. These beauties stay tight andcompact even in ferocious southern heat andhumidity. Garden height 6 to 8”. Geneticallycompact plants need no growth regulatorapplications. This means you save money, youhave longer shelf life and your customers receivea healthier plant.Impatiens DoubleLoGro Tioga Compact CitruLiner<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro LoGro LemonLinerEZ Gro LoGro Lemon. Full sun/partial shade,Warm conditions. Foliage accent plant. A verycompact ‘Sweet Potato Vine’ only 4 to 6” plantheight, 10 to 14” spread; 4” pots, hanging basketand combination containers. No pinching notchemicals required to maintain the tidy habit.Lisianthus (Eustoma)EZ Gro LoGro Mix2838DTMarigold African EZ Gro LoGro. LoGro breedingtechnology produces large flower-heads but plantstays compact even in hot weather. Height 10 to12”. Full sun plant. Warm temperatures. Croptime from seed to pack, 11 wks; 288 size plug to4 inch pot, 5 wks. Flowers are large, abundantand fully double. Plants are well branched andexceptionally sturdy. Shipping full floweringplants is no problem because there is no flowerstem breakage.PetuniaLoGro Pink2599PLLoGro Tioga Compact PinkLinerLoGro Potunia Deep PurpleLinerLoGro Purple 2600PL LoGro White 2601PLLoGro Tioga Compact PurpleLinerLisianthus LoGro. Hot temperatures. Crop timefrom seed to pack, 20 wks; 288 size plug to 4inch pot, 10 wks. At last, a semi-dwarf series withenough vigor to last in the garden! It shows itsbest performance in the garden where it reaches 8to 10 inches and “bring on the heat”, this GardenLeader likes it hot!Marigold AfricanLoGro Potunia Neon Liner LoGro Potunia PinkLinerLoGro Tioga CompactRoseLinerLoGro Tioga CompactWhiteLinerLoGro TIOGA SERIES. Fast to flower and idealfor high-density production for 4”, quarts,baskets and combos. Height of only 4 to 6”without PGR’s.EZ Gro LoGro Gold2837DTLoGro Potunia Red Liner LoGro Potunia CS WhiteLinerLoGro POTUNIA SERIES. Plants stay compactwith short internodes without the use of growthregulators. Full size petunias with large sizeblooms. 6 to 10” plant height, 12 to 16” spread;4” pots, hanging baskets, ground beds andcombination containers.LoGro 69

Petunia GrandifloraLoGro Blue5111PLLoGro Lilac 5115PL LoGro Pink 5128PLLoGro Mix5113PLPetunia Grandiflora LoGro. 3 1/2 to 5” flowerson very compact plants even at full maturity.LoGro stays short 3-5” and grows tight evenwithout the heavy PGR treatments needed by allother grandiflora petunias. Not a trailing type.LoGro forms a very neat and tight mound 10inches wide. Excellent to get extended petuniaperformance into the late spring down south. Inthe North, LoGro flowers early and stays tidy onthe bench and in the garden. Available inpelleted, Advanced Vigor seed. 288 size plug to 4inch pot, 6 wksPetunia MiniatureLoGro Milli Mix4964PLLoGro Purple 5117PL LoGro Red 5129PLLoGro Milli White4971PLLoGro MILLI SERIES. Compact basket ball sizeplants. No growth regulators required to achieveor maintain their size. Height 6 to 8” Spread 10-12”. Flower size is 1 1/2”.<strong>NEW</strong>LoGro Rose 5119PL LoGro Salmon 5123PLLoGro Milli Blue4960PL<strong>NEW</strong> LoGro Pocketunia Hot PinkLinerLoGro Violet 5125PL LoGro White 5127PLLoGro Milli Carmine4962PLLoGro Milli LightLavender4963PL<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong>LoGro LoRider Mix5131PLLoGro Milli Rose4969PL<strong>NEW</strong> LoGro PocketuniaStrawberry Vein Liner<strong>NEW</strong> LoGro PocketuniaWhiteLinerLoGro POCKETUNIA SERIES. Perfectlymounded plants. Covered with small Calibrachoasize blooms. Plants stay compact with shortinternodes without the use of growth regulators.4 to 6” plant height, 8 to 10” spread; 4” pots,borders in ground beds and small combinationcontainers.LoGro 70

Petunia TrailingLoGro TRAILING SERIES. Comparisons areEasy Wave and Rapide. Compact geneticseliminates the need for growth regulators and lessday length sensitivity so blooming is faster inshort days. These plants are fast growing in bothcool and warm conditions. Compared to GardenLeader Trailing Series, LoGro Trailing spreads to36” and is slightly more mounded in appearance.Advanced Vigor seed is pelleted for easysowing.PlectranthusLoGro Red 1288PL LoGro Rose 1286PLLoGro Trailing Pink4180PL<strong>NEW</strong>LoGro Trailing Pink Morn4181PLLoGro Trailing RedLoGro Trailing Purple4182PL4186PLLoGro Trailing Rose 4178PL LoGro Trailing Yellow 4187PLLoGro Rose Ripple 1287PL<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro LoGro SilverLinerEZ Gro LoGro Silver. Accent foliage plant, 3 to4” in plant height, 14 to 22” spread for 4” pots,hanging baskets and combination containers. Thedwarf counterpart to our HiGro Silver which hasa height and spread of over 2 ft. and is best suitedfor large combination containers and gardenplantings.Portulaca CompactLoGro Sunset1285PLLoGro White 1289PL LoGro Yellow 1290PLLoGro Coral1280PLLoGro Trailing Mix4188PLLoGro Orange 1283PL LoGro Pink 1278PLLoGro Mix1282PLLoGro 71

Portulaca Compact LoGro SERIES. LoGrobreeding technology results in a compact plantwithout the need for growth regulators and it’searly to flower! Crop time from seed to pack,11 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 6 wks.Large, extra double flowers. F-1 hybrid serieswith great heat tolerance. LoGro plant height isbest described as something between Margaritawhich is too short and late and Extra which is anice vigorous basket variety. Height is 2 to 3inches spreads to 8 inches. In the greenhouse,use warm temperatures and avoid over-wateringearly in the plant production process.RuelliaLoGro Apricot 5809 LoGro Lavender 5822Zinnia Elegans<strong>NEW</strong>LoGro Pink 5877 LoGro Orchid 5886LoGro Orange 5937<strong>NEW</strong> LoGro Blue<strong>NEW</strong>LinerLoGro Purple 5882 LoGro Rose 5883LoGro Pink 5939LoGro Scarlet 5888 LoGro White 5884<strong>NEW</strong> LoGro PinkLinerRuellia LoGro SERIES. Plant height 12”. Use insmaller combination plantings. Works well insouthern landscapes. No need for pinching orchemicals to maintain a compact height.Verbena HybridLoGro Red 5940LoGro Burgundy Eye 5885LoGro 72LoGro Mix 5875Verbena Hybrid LoGro SERIES. needs little orno PGR’s to maintain a compact classic hybridVerbena shape. Finish in 12-13 weeks in flatsor 4” pots. Grow for use in containers, andlandscape in hot and dry conditions. Plantheight is 9” and spreads to 20”.LoGro White 5941 LoGro Yellow 5942

Gaillardia LoGro. G. aristata. Compact plantsflower in full sun and thrive in dry weather andeven poor soil. Flowers reach 8 to 10". Plantsstay short without the use of growth regulators.Hardy to Zone 4.Geum<strong>NEW</strong>Gypsophila LoGro SERIES. Full sun plantblooms from June to frost. Finish in 4 or 6”containers. Blooms first season. Baby’s Breath,and a breath taking garden or container specimenit is. Mounds of clear, bright, double blooms.Hardy to Zone 4.RudbeckiaLoGro Mix 5936Zinnia Elegans LoGro SERIES. Plants are 10”tall with 2 1/2” flowers, compact growingwithout the need for growth regulators anddisease tolerant in the landscape. Perfect for largecell packs and smaller containers. Excellent fullsun border plant. Thrives in hot temperatures.LoGroPERENNIALSAchillea<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> LoGro Orange 6971LoGro Orange. Full sun plant blooms from Juneto frost. Finish in 4 or 6” pots. Blooms firstseason. Plants stay dwarf and well branchedneeding no support or staking. Height 12”. Hardyto Zone 4.Gypsophila<strong>NEW</strong>LoGro Two-Tone 7804<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro LoGro Goldie tomentosa 6515EZ Gro LoGro Goldie tomentosa. Full sun plantblooms from mid-summer to fall. Finish in 4 to6” sized containers. First year bloomer. Flowerheads measure a full 3” across, plant height isonly 12 to 14”. LoGro Goldie needs no plantgrowth regulators to maintain a compact and wellbranched habit. Zones 3-8.Gaillardia<strong>NEW</strong> LoGro Rose 7346<strong>NEW</strong>LoGro Orange 7805<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> LoGro 7288<strong>NEW</strong> LoGro White 7347LoGro Sunny 7806Rudbeckia LoGro SERIES. R. hirta x hardyspecies. Very large flowers 4 – 6” on compact 8– 10” plants. Interspecific cross of large flowerand winter hardy species. Thrives in hot, drysummer conditions. Hardy to northern reachesof Zone 7 when grown in well drained soil.LoGro Annuals/Perennials 73

LoGro 74

GeneticsLEADER HiGro®DRIVE BY APPEALBig plants get noticed. Theyprovide more color and texture.Garden Leader HiGro varietiesare the best varieties for seriouslandscapers who want to fill largespaces and get maximum impactas well as economy.VIGOROUSHiGro varieties perform like professionalathletes displaying exceptional capabilitiesproviding energy and muscle for growingpower. Like all Garden Leaders they givesuperior garden endurance.MANY OPTIONSGarden Leader HiGro varieties are availablein many crops. There is a selection of bothcolors and textures. Order HiGro as plugs,seed, liners and cuttings.HiGro 77

provides higher performing greenhouse climates.Choose the solution that will profit your operation the most.FLS is the newsolution for efficientgreenhouse shadingwithout excessive heatbuild-up. Now youcan grow superiorplants even in themiddle of summer.Obscura W/W is theimproved solution forforcing garden mums.Speeding the deliveryof forced mums tomarkets improves yourchance of gettinghigher prices.Benefits of FLS:Black shade has been around a long time. It is durable butinefficient. FLS is a new, durable, high efficiency exterior shade.The benefit is less heat load (to be removed via ventilation) fora given shading value when compared with black shade. Theoptions are then to choose the same shading value and havegreater cooling capacity (reach lower temperatures) with theexisting ventilation system or to choose a lighter shade and getmore light since the heat load is reduced. compared with 60%black shade, FLS60 reduces heat gain by more than 30%,according to recent study at North Carolina State University.Benefits of Obscura W/W:Obscura W/W is made with multi-layered,White/Black/White, films. The benefit is havingfilms with a highly reflective surface with nolight transmission. This product when deployedmanually represents a cost effective method forforcing garden mums. Facultative short-day plantssuch as most garden mums flower under any daylength but flower faster with short days. Request abrochure for more information.Product DetailsType:Light Transmission:FLS 40 62%FLS 50 49%FLS 60 36%Installation Options:Fixed: Tape & Grommets on perimeter or fastened withany “Poly-lock”Rolling: Motorized or with hand-crank, pipe and clipsProduct DetailsLight transmission isless than 0.5%Standard widths are13’, 14’ & 17’.Can be sewn to wider widthswith half or full widts fromthese standards to accomdatevarious plot sizes.White is a new improvement tocreate cooler conditions underneathto combat heat delay.Sliding: In a standard retractable systemPricing-Contact your <strong>Grimes</strong> representative for choosing,sizing and pricing the best Svensson screen for you.What climate do you need?HiGro 78

HiGro Product ListHiGro ANNUALSAgeratumCelosia plumosaHiGro Rose0225PLHiGro Red 0805HiGro Blue 1686HiGro Red 0224PL HiGro White 0222PLBegonia HiGro SERIES. HiGro grows tall andmakes an impact in the landscape. More that 3times taller than traditional wax begonias. Theplants have sturdy stems and grow to 24” with a18 to 20” spread.BidensHiGro Rose 0808 HiGro Yellow 0809HiGro Mix 0814Cleome<strong>NEW</strong>HiGro Red1708PLAgeratum HiGro SERIESFast growing and tallplants terminate at 26” with clusters of delicatelyquilled flowers. Home gardeners will enjoy thesein large containers and background garden plants.Offer them for sale in 6” pots.Begonia fibrous green leaf<strong>NEW</strong> HiGro Lavender 0958<strong>NEW</strong>HiGro Pink0223PLHiGro Inspiration YellowLinerHiGro Inspiration Yellow. Most commercialBidens are small and demure, not HiGro. Plantheight reaches 24” in combination plantings andwill spread the same distance. The open planthabit intermixes well with other plants in thelandscape or containers. A great natural filler.<strong>NEW</strong> HiGro Pink 0956HiGro 79

<strong>NEW</strong> HiGro Red 0959 <strong>NEW</strong> HiGro White 0961<strong>NEW</strong>HiGro Mumbo Mix 1078Coleus HiGro SERIES. You can expect extravigor and tall growth from this HiGro. Plantheight reaches 16 to 18”. Foliage is large andstems are strong. Home gardeners will enjoy thisin the landscape or as a focal point in the centerof combination planters. Sell in 4 to 6” pots.Dianthus interspecificHiGro Mix 3023Gomphrena Tall HiGro SERIES. HiGro is the tallestseries of our 3 types of Gomphrena. The plantsaverage 20 to 26”. They look great in the garden andmake excellent cut flowers dried or fresh. Homegardeners can combine HiGro with our LoGro andGomp series for a complete Gomphrena garden.Offer HiGro in 4” pots or 3 plants in a gallon. HiGrocan also be grown in combination planters as avertical focal point.Hibiscus<strong>NEW</strong> HiGro Mix 0955Cleome HiGro SERIES. Towering giants! We letthis steed run free and maximize its HiGro potential.We made no efforts to control the spectacular gardenimpression that this plant makes. Plants mature to 5feet or more. Each stem is topped with a cluster ofconstantly opening and renewing blooms. Sell in 5”pots or 3 plants to a gallon.ColeusHiGro Crimson1322PLHiGro Crimson. Our HiGro Dianthus has the sameconstant flowering genetics as our compact AwardSeries but we have created a tall version for use inlandscapes and for home cut flowers. Garden heightis a full 20 inches. Dense clumps produce selfsupporting stems. Offer in 6” pots or gallons with3 plants per pot.Gomphrena Tall2008GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROF2008 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEAREZ Gro HiGro Big RedLinerEZ Gro HiGro Big Red. Fast growing, tall andimpressive, easy too. Our Big Red resembles ared Japanese maple that grows from a small linerto a 6’ giant shrub in one season. Plants are nothardy but make impressive combination containerpartners and outstanding garden focal points inthe summer landscape.Marigold African TallHiGro Black 1316<strong>NEW</strong>HiGro Lavender 3027 HiGro Orange 1930HiGro Chaos 1317 <strong>NEW</strong> HiGro Copper 1318HiGro Purple 3028 HiGro Red 1935HiGro Striped 1319 HiGro Yellow 1320HiGro 80HiGro Rose 3029 HiGro White 3047Giants F-1 HiGro American Hybrids Mix 2757Giants F-1 HiGro American Hybrids Mix. Ourvery popular and tallest Marigold that grows 20to 24” tall. Home gardeners and landscapers canplant these in rows to create blooming hedges.Flowers are large, 3 to 4” in diameter and bloomall summer long.

Petunia Hedge Type<strong>NEW</strong>PlectranthusEZ Gro HiGro Bright Scarlet. Big and bold fora commanding presence in the home garden orimpressive display in the mass landscape. 55 milean hour color, curb appeal or what ever you care tocall it, EZ Gro HiGro Bright Scarlet really attractsattention. Sell in color in 5” pots or gallons. Plantheight reaches 26”, they are strong stemmed andwell branching.Zinnia Elegans<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro HiGro Pink3989PL<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro HiGro Silver3994PLEZ Gro HiGro SilverLinerEZ Gro HiGro Silver. Full sun/partial shade,Warm conditions. Vigorous accent foliage plant.HiGro Silver has a height and spread of over 2 ft.and is best suited for large combination containersand garden plantings. For more controlled growthwe also offer liners of Emerald Lace and LoGroSilver.SalviaHiGro Candy Cane 1789HiGro Lime 1790 HiGro Orange 1791<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro HiGroRose3991PL<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro HiGroRose Red 3992PL<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro HiGroSalmon Pink 3993PL<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro HiGro Purple3990PLEZ Gro HiGro Big Bang!LinerEZ Gro HiGro Big Bang!. Full sun/part shade,Hot conditions. Purple flowers born in openarching sprays. 36 to 48” plant height, 24 to 36”spread. Offer in gallons for garden or landscapeor in very large combination containers.Salvia SplendensHiGro Pink 1793 HiGro Purple 6096<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro HiGro White3995PL<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro HiGro Mix3988PLPetunia EZ Gro HiGro SERIES. A bush typeplant with a very strong growing habit. Plantsmature at 18 to 19” tall and spread up to 42”.Strong branches with interlocking orientationmakes them resistant to central plant split whenmature. The result is a well maintained mound.EZ Gro HiGro is well suited for very largecontainers and massive landscape applications.Available in pelleted Advanced Vigor seed.EZ Gro HiGro Bright Scarlet 4845HiGro Red 6094HiGro Rose 6093 HiGro White 6095HiGro 81

<strong>NEW</strong>Ornamental GrassesHiGro Yellow 6092HiGro Mix 6091Zinnia Elegans HiGro SERIES. Big beautifulplants best offered in 4 inch or 6 inch pots foruse in large containers or big bold landscapeplantings. Bloom size reaches 5 inches across.Plant height to 36 inches and well branched.Colors are bold and resist fading in full sun.Thrives in hot temperatures. Crop time fromseed to pack, 8 wks.; 288 size plug to 4 inchpot, 6 wks. Seed can be direct sown into largepots for a late season instant garden container.HiGroPERENNIALSHelenium<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> HiGro Helena Gold 7348<strong>NEW</strong> HiGro Helena Mix 7349HiGro HELENA SERIES. Bright flowers on tallstems. Best for the perennial garden backgroundor mix into perennial cottage gardens. Gardenheight of 36”. First year bloomers that can alsobe used in large combination containers. Zone 4.LobeliaHiGro Fan Scarlet 0442HiGro Fan Burgundy 0484 HiGro Fan Deep Rose 7300EZ Gro HiGro Juncus Javelin 9653EZ Gro HiGro Juncus Javelin. Dense clustersof tubular leaves that reach 4 to 5 feet. Plantscan be used in ponds and bogs as well as gardenbackgrounds. Juncus is a very versatile andornamental plant that is easy to grow. We offerseveral sizes and foliage types. Zone 5.ScabiosaHiGro Mix 5987Scabiosa. Full sun plant blooms from July to fall.Finish in 4” or gallon containers. Blooms firstseason. Beautiful lavender and blue variations of‘Isaac Houses’ type. Plants grow 20 to 22” talland make nice cut flowers. Hardy to Zone 4.Sidalcea<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> HiGro Helena Red 7350HiGro 82HiGro Fan Salmon 7108 HiGro Fan Blue 7319HiGro FAN SERIES. Very large flowers up to 11/2 “ born in clusters. The tetraploid plants arevery hardy and make an exceptional gardenshow. Blooms in late June from a January sowingand can be sold in color in 6” pots. Gardenheight is 24”. Zone 6.<strong>NEW</strong> HiGro Prairie Pink7581RS<strong>NEW</strong> HiGro Prairie Pink. Plant height 36” withbright pink hibiscus-like flowers on long slenderspikes. Use in landscape perennial combinationplantings. Zone 5. Advanced Vigor seed forhighest germination and fastest seedling growth.

PlugsBEST OF THE BESTAWARDWINNER <strong>NEW</strong> <strong>NEW</strong>2010GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROF2010 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEARGeranium New Wave Red 1739<strong>NEW</strong> Alyssum Cheers Blues Mix 0083<strong>NEW</strong> Coleus Jazz Fusion 10142010GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROF2010 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEARVinca F-1 EZ Gro Hotlik Passion Fruit 5898<strong>NEW</strong> Cleome HiGro Lavender 0958<strong>NEW</strong> Cosmos Double Chuckle Pink 1144Annual Plugs & Seeds 85

<strong>NEW</strong> <strong>NEW</strong> <strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Dahlia Opera White 1395<strong>NEW</strong> Helianthus EZ Gro Patio Van Gogh 1949<strong>NEW</strong> Ornamental Pepper Fire on the Mountain 8524<strong>NEW</strong> Gomphrena EZ Gro LoGro Pink 1965<strong>NEW</strong> Marigold French Anemone Oasis Yellow Fire 2959DT<strong>NEW</strong> Pansy Large Flower Character Citrus Mix 3378<strong>NEW</strong> Gomphrena EZ Gro White Gomp 2431<strong>NEW</strong> Marigold French Anemone Oasis Lime Yellow 2950DT<strong>NEW</strong> Petunia Hedge Type, EZ Gro HiGro Silver3994PL<strong>NEW</strong> Helianthus EZ Gro China Cat Sunflower 1945Annual Plugs & Seeds 86<strong>NEW</strong> Ornamental Grass EZ Gro Stipa Pony Tail 9711<strong>NEW</strong> Zinnia EZ Gro Phoenix Yellow 5840

PATCHWORK GREENHOUSE: OHIOENDORSED BY THE GARDEN LEADER ALLIANCETHEPATCHWORKADVANTAGEANTAGEAGEMix any combination ofGARDEN LEADERAnnuals, Perennials,Vegetables or HerbsIn ONE orderorIn ONE shipmentAll pricing is freight includedAnnual Plugs & Seeds 87Ad page 87

Annual SeedsAgeratumBright White 0020Fine Wine 0028 Pure Azure 0029HiGro Red1708PLHiGro means you can expect extra vigor and anoverall larger plant than standard. Full sun plant.Warm temperatures. Crop time from seed topack, 13 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 6 wks.Tall plants in the garden or in combination pots.26” plants make fine cut flowers. Red is a uniquecolor in Ageratum. Blue is a light powderpuffcolor. Blue is available as Pellets or raw seed.Red is offered in pelleted seed form only.AlyssumCheers Yellow 0981<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Blues Mix (blue, lav. vio, white) 0083True Blue 0038Garden Leader Ageratum. Full sun plants. Warmtemperatures. Crop time from seed to pack, 13wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 5 wks.Compactand early flowering, blooms are long lived in thegarden. “Excellent uniformity plus resistance todisease and rain damage, High percentage ofbloom on the plants. Plants spread well and arevery uniform.” Walt Disney World, FL. “FineWine, reliable, a variety you can count on forcolor and showiness.” Nebraska State Fair Park.Available as raw and pelleted seed.Cheers Blue 0062Cheers Lavender 0058 Cheers Paprika 0946Cheers Pastel Mix (all light colors) 0081CHEERS SERIES. Full sun plant. Warmtemperatures. Crop time from seed to pack, 6wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 3 wks. Use forsale in pots, packs and basket combinations.“Excellent flower display all summer.” PurdueUniversityAnagalisCheers Pink 1231 Cheers Rose 0051HiGro Blue 1686Cheers Violet 0052 Cheers White 0053Sky Divers 0537Sky Divers. Full sun plant. Cool temperatures.Crop time from seed to pack, 9 wks. Plantspreads, yet only reaches a height of 3 to 4inches. Superb bright blue flowers for basketsand containers.Annual Plugs & Seeds 88

AsarinaHarry Potter. Full sun plant. Cool temperatures.Crop time from seed to pack, 8 wks. No needfor supplemental lighting! Mr. Potter stays dwarfand flowers on compact plants in 4 or 5 inchpots. Flowers are fully double 2 1/2 to 3 inchesin diameter. Plants are 6” tall and spread 6 to 8inches. Mix includes shades of blue, pink andwhite. Great for early spring holiday sales.Great in pots!Begonia fibrous bronze leafFalling Stars Blue 6022EZ Gro Chocolates Pink0351PLPremium Blue & White 0112EZ Gro ChocolatesRed0349PLEZ Gro Chocolates Red &White0353PLFalling Stars Pink 6017EZ Gro ChocolatesRose0350PLEZ Gro ChocolatesWhite0352PLFalling Stars Rose 6019 Falling Stars White 6020Falling Stars 4-Star Mix 6023FALLING STARS SERIES. Full sun plant. Cooltemperatures. Crop time from seed to pack, 9wks; seed to basket, 14 wks. Great climber forimpressive baskets and containers. Tolerates fullsun but prefers light shade. Falling Stars 4-StarMix includes white, blue, rose and pink shades.AsterPremium Red & White 0212PREMIUM SERIES. Our cutflower growerswon’t be without this great looking noveltyAster. Stems are tall 36 to 40 inches long, verystrong and nicely branched. The flowers, with apicotee pattern, are abundant and strikinglycolored. Offer in large cells or 4 inch pots forhome gardeners. Cut flower growers plant 288or 144 size plugs directly into beds.BalsamHot Tips & Chocolates,brz & grn lf mix 0368PLChocolates Sampler Mix0354PLTHE CHOCOLATES SERIES is now EZ GroCHOCOLATES SERIES. Easy for the consumerto grow and enjoy. Available raw or pelleted seed.Best long flowering begonia in season after seasonof field tests. Simply the best in outdoor begoniaperformance. The most forgiving plant in thegarden. Foliage color is deep bronze. Plant heightis 8 to 9 inches with a diameter of the same.“Excellent in foliage appearance, flower display,weather tolerance and overall garden rating.” LSUResearch Station. Full sun/part shade plant. Warmtemperatures. Crop time from seed to pack, 16wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 5 wks.Begonia fibrous green leafHarry Potter 1077Garden Leader Mix 0165Garden Leader Mix. A nostalgic favorite ‘TouchMe Not”. Full sun/part shade plant. Warmtemperatures. Upright plants reach 12” tall.Stems are circled with Impatiens-like flowers ofmixed pastel colors. Crop time from seed topack, 12 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 4 wks.Hot Tip Bicolor0270PLAnnual Plugs & Seeds 89

Hot Tip Pink 0207PL Hot Tip Red 0205PLEyepopper Red /White Picotee 0247HiGro Red0224PLHot Tip Rose 0230PL Hot Tip Salmon 0245PLHiGro Rose 0225PL HiGro White 0222PLHot Tip White0254PL Hot Tips & Chocolates,brz & grn lf mix 0368PLHIGRO SERIES. Available raw or pelleted seed.HiGro means you can expect extra vigor and anoverall larger plant than standard. Plants are bigand sprawling in habit. Ideal for mass plantings,baskets and containers. ”Extremely vigorous.These plants grew to 24 inches tall! Flowerswere very large 1x1 1/2 inches.” PurdueUniversity, IN.Begonia tuberousEyepopper Yellow /Red Picotee 0248EYEPOPPER SERIES. Fully double bicolors.Formerly only found in plants available fromtubers. 22 weeks from seed. Plants spread 18inches to fill hanging baskets with a cascade ofblooms. Raw seed only.Hot Tip Mix0280PLHOT TIPS SERIES. Full sun/part shade plant.Warm temperatures. Crop time from seed topack, 16 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 5 wks.Available raw or pelleted seed. Nice flower sizeand excellent outdoor performance. Continuousblooming all summer long. Use for combinationpots, and bedding. “Excellent performance in ourtrials.” Hampton Roads Ag. Exp. Station, VA.Seed is available raw or pelleted.Angel Red 0547Cascade Beauty Mango0199PLCascade Beauty Rose0275PLCascade Beauty Scarlet0203PLHiGro Pink0223PLAngel Salmon 0544ANGEL SERIES. Full sun/part shade plant. Hottemperatures. Crop time from seed to pack, 18wks. Big single flowers are very showy. Flowerresembles a starburst. Angel wing type leaf.Great in baskets. Raw seed only.Cascade Beauty White0282PLCascade Beauty Yellow0237PLCASCADE BEAUTY SERIES. A completeseries of easy to finish begonias for basketproduction. Produces 1 1/2 to 2 inch doubleblooms. Pendant orientation of flowers adds tothe appeal. Available as pelleted seed only foreasy sowing.Annual Plugs & Seeds 90

BidensFull sun/part shade plant. Cool temperatures.Crop time from seed to pack, 8 wks; 288 sizeplug to 4 inch pot, 4 wks. C. medium. Perennialin some climates but makes an outstandingannual for container plants. Large bell shapedblooms in profusion.Celosia cristataInspiration Yellow 0741Inspiration Yellow. Full sun/part shade plant.Warm temperatures. Crop time from seed topack, 8 wks. Tolerates a wide range ofconditions. Vigorous plants fill in large areasquickly. Also available in 102/34 liners.BrowalliaGarden Leader Yellow0964PLGARDEN LEADER SERIES. Well suitedgarden annual for early spring and winterflowering. Profusion of “pocket book” lookingblooms. No cold treatment required but preferscool growing conditions. Plants mature at 12”.Crop time 18 weeks from transplant.CarnationColours Dark Red, red leaf 0897Colours Red, green leaf0831Colours Rose 0830Garden Leader Blue 0607Little Pot Mix (red shown) 0774Little Pot. Full sun/part shade plant. Cooltemperatures. Crop time from seed to pack, 18wks; 288 size plug to 8 inch pot, 8 wks. Lovelymixture of compact type carnations with fragrantblooms. Colors include yellow, red, pink, lavenderand several bi-colors. Nice for 4” to 6” pots.Colours Scarlet 0833 Colours Yellow 0834Garden Leader Wine 0610GARDEN LEADER SERIES. Full sun/partshade plant. Warm temperatures. Crop time fromseed to pack, 14 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot,5 wks. Sturdy upright bushes with tremendousheat tolerance. There was no other Browallia inour trials that recorded the top performance insummer heat like our Garden Leader series.Now we have added a very nice wine violetcolor. Plant height 12 to 14 inches.CalceolariaGarden Leader Trailing (red shown) 2496Garden Leader Trailing. Lovely mixture of Swisstype carnations with large cascading fragrantblooms. Colors include yellow, red, pink,lavender and several bi-colors. Nice for windowboxes and combination baskets.CampanulaColours Mix 0836COLOURS SERIES. Cockscomb type. Full sunplant. Hot temperatures. Crop time from seed topack, 8 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 5 wks.We have added new colors that produce withthe same outstanding consistency as in our fieldtests. Dwarf plants 6 to 10 inches, bright, faderesistantcolors.Celosia plumosaGarden Leader Red0963PLGarden Leader Pink 3003Dance Orange 0827 Dance Pink 0873Annual Plugs & Seeds 91

Cleome<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader Purple 0233 Garden Leader Red 0235Dance Red 0841 Dance Salmon 0852<strong>NEW</strong> HiGro Lavender 0958<strong>NEW</strong>Dance Scarlet 0874 Dance Yellow 0876Dance Mix 0875DANCE SERIES. Feather type. Full sun plant.Hot temperatures. Crop time from seed to pack, 7wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 5 wks. Dwarffeather type holds its color very well in thegarden. “Dance Mix, Excellent Entry! Lookedgreat all season long.” Nebraska State Fair Park.6 to 8 inch plants with colorful, feathery plumes.<strong>NEW</strong> HiGro Pink 0956<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader White 0232CENTAUREA GARDEN LEADER SERIES.is our full sun plant for hot temperatures. Croptime from seed to pack, 9 wks. C. splendensreselected from Garden Leaders of the bestEuropean stock. High yield, strong stems andlarge blooms, excellent for field grown cuts.Cineraria<strong>NEW</strong> HiGro Red 0959 <strong>NEW</strong> HiGro White 0961<strong>NEW</strong>HiGro Red 0805<strong>NEW</strong> HiGro Mix 0955CLEOME HiGro SERIES. Tall and impressive inthe landscape. Plants reach 5 feet and are toppedwith a globe of spidery flowers. Perfect for largelandscape plantings and garden backgrounds.CentaureaFlashing Lights 0950Flashing Lights. A full sun plant. Cooltemperatures. Crop time 20 wks to 4 inch pot.Compact type suited for 6-inch pots. Spring andwinter holiday crop for production in cooltemperature greenhouse or winter outdoor gardenplantings in mild climates.ColeusHiGro Rose 0808 HiGro Yellow 0809HiGro Mix 0814CELOSIA HiGro SERIES. HiGro means you canexpect extra vigor and an overall larger plant thanstandard. Full sun plant. Hot temperatures. Croptime from seed to pack, 7 wks; 288 size plug to 4inch pot, 5 wks. Tall feather type with non-fadingflower plumes. Tall plants 20 to 24” for gardenbackground. Good for cut flower, dried or fresh.Annual Plugs & Seeds 92Garden Leader Deep Rose 0229<strong>Grimes</strong>' Rainbow Mix 1054

Coleus <strong>Grimes</strong>’ Rainbow. Full sun/part shadeplant. Warm temperatures. Crop time from seedto pack, 12 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 5wks. Long considered the brightest mix instandard leaf coleus. Our biggest selling coleusby far. Plant height is 12 to 15 inches. Largeleafed plants and tolerant to moderate full sun.Works well in big combination containers.<strong>NEW</strong>COLEUS HiGro SERIES. HiGro means you canexpect extra vigor and an overall larger plant thanstandard. Crop time from seed to pack, 12 wks;288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 5 wks. A giant of aColeus with large, smooth edged foliage.Spectacular show in very large combinationplantings or landscape. Plant height 16 to 18inches. Mumbo Mix contains all the separatecolors plus a few additional surprise colors. Themix makes a very attractive tray on the retailbench.Coreopsis<strong>NEW</strong> Jazz Fusion 1014Jazz Combo Mix 1012JAZZ SERIES. Crop time from seed to pack, 12wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 5 wks. This is acompact version of the <strong>Grimes</strong>’ Rainbow. Plantheight is 8 to 10 inches, slow to bolt. “Excellentin foliage appearance, flower display, weathertolerance and overall garden rating.” HuntsvilleBotanical Society, AL.Garden Leader Red 3010Jazz Magic 1069HiGro Black 1316<strong>NEW</strong>Jazz Marble 0998 Jazz Rose 0999HiGro Chaos 1317 <strong>NEW</strong> HiGro Copper 1318Garden Leader Yellow 3012COREOPSIS GARDEN LEADER SERIES. Fullsun plant. Hot temperatures. Crop time from seedto pack, 8 wks. C. tinctoria. Petite plants lookneat all season, blooms in flushes. Red hasearned high marks in trials across the country.Both are great in the heat. Plant size is 6 to 8inches. Blooms in 8 weeks from seed.Jazz Ruby 1000 Jazz Salmon 1002HiGro Striped 1319 HiGro Yellow 1320Jazz Scarlet 1003 Jazz Velvet 1010Jazz White 1008 Jazz Yellow 1072HiGro Mumbo Mix 1078Garden Leader Yellow 3012Z-Scape Coreopsis 6953Coreopsis. Our most heat tolerant Coreopsis.Ideal for hot dry conditions. Crop time from seedto pack, 8 wks. Perennial to Zone 5.Annual Plugs & Seeds 93

CosmosCaruso White 1402 Caruso Yellow 1403Double Chuckle Bicolor 1712<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Double Chuckle Pink 1144DOUBLE CHUCKLE SERIES. C. bipinnatus.Best sown before Feb 15 to produce shortestplants. Plant height 38-40”. Flowers are doubleand semi double. Color mixture includes red,pink & white. Blooms all summer long, veryeasy to grow. Offer plants for sale in large cellpacks, 4 or 6” pots with 3 plants per pot.Caruso Mix 1407Caruso Rose 1401CARUSO SERIES. Full sun/part shade plant.Warm temperatures. Crop time from seed topack, 12 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 4 wks.Compact plants with single daisy like blooms.Self branching and forming perfect mounds forcontainer and combination plantings. “CarusoPurple has done very well in our outdoor trialsthis season.” Eastern Kentucky University,Richmond, KY.Dahlia doubleOpera Mix 1396OPERA SERIES. Full sun/part shade plant.Warm temperatures. Crop time from seed topack, 12 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 4 wks.Double flowers on branching compact plants. 12to 14 inches. Foliage is bright green. “Opera Mixproved superior in all aspects of continuousbloom, uniformity of flower, habit and easeof maintenance.” Cornell CooperativeExtension, NY.Tickle Pink 1141Tickle Pink. Full sun plant. Hot temperatures.Crop time from seed to pack, 8 wks. C.bipinnatus. Best sown before Feb 15 to produceshort plants. “Tickle Pink has a nice habit with agood height, 27 inches. Excellent weatherresistance, showy.” Walt Disney World, FLDahlia singleOpera Red 1090Opera Violet 1091 Opera Yellow 1093<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader Phantom 1409Garden Leader Phantom. Double flowers oncompact plants. 14 to 16 inches with deep redfoliage. “Topped the list! It was easy (to grow)from seed, it produced lots of misty rose, bronzeand purple flowers well into fall.” Rodale Inst.Research Center, PA. Crop time from seed topack, 12 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 4 wks.Dianthus interspecificAward Carmine 0699 Award Cherry 1472Caruso Purple 1397 Caruso Red 1399<strong>NEW</strong> Opera White 1395Award Coral 0697 Award Crimson 1476Annual Plugs & Seeds 94

Award Pink 1467 Award Purple 1541Prize Rose 1461 Prize White 1462Award Purple & White0703 Award Red 1447Award Red & White 1496 Award Rose 1481Award Salmon 0694 Award Shell Pink 1478Award Mix 1485AWARD SERIES. Cross with D. barbatus and D.chinensis. Full sun/part shade plant. Cool towarm temperatures. Crop time from seed to pack,15 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 7 wks. Thebest series for continuous flowering. Winterhardy in most climates, hardy through Zone 5.Our Garden Leader series is a cross between theearly flowering chinensis and biennial barbatus.The result is a strong plant with big blooms thatflowers all season long.Dianthus interspecificPrize Mix 1463PRIZE SERIES. Full sun/part shade plant. Coolto warm temperatures. Crop time from seed topack, 15 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 7 wks.The best in F-1 hybrid Dianthus. Large earlyflowers. Bright colors. Plant height 6 to 8 inches.Early flowering series. Great for spring sales.Flushes into flower again in the fall.Award Surprise Me, white to pink 1321HiGro Crimson1322PLHiGro Crimson. HiGro means you can expect extravigor and an overall larger plant than standard. Fullsun/part shade plant for large containers, homegarden borders and cutflowers. Cool to warmtemperatures. Crop time from seed to pack, 15 wks;288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 7 wks. Many earlyflowers. Plant height 16 to 20 inches.Dianthus chinensisSundae Cherryberry 1569 Sundae Grapeberry 15702009GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROFAward Violet 1484 Award White 1482Prize Bicolor 1458 Prize Coral 14552009 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEARSundae Raspberry 1571Award Frosted Mix 1470 Award Old Glory Mix 1373Prize Crimson-Red 1459 Prize Fire-Scarlet 1460Sundae Razzleberry 1572 Sundae Strawberry 1429Annual Plugs & Seeds 95

PINTER BROTHERS: MICHIGANENDORSED BY THE GARDEN LEADER ALLIANCEPINTERGARDEN LEADERPLUGSGOOD AS GOLD•Wide Garden Leader Selection•Pricing Is Freight Included•Highest Quality StandardGrowing for three generationsPINTER BROTHERSAnnual Plugs & Seeds 96

Dusty MillerGarden Leader Orange 0425 Garden Leader Pink 0427Sundae Mix 1573SUNDAE SERIES. There is so much good tosay about this one. The flowers are huge andplentiful, plants are compact and bushy. Offerthese in large cell packs or 5 inch pots and theywill be irresistable. Blooms are among thelargest of all the dwarf Dianthus in our trials,plants reach 8 to 10 inches in height. Bloomtime is early and duration takes the flowers wellinto the summer. Their garden performance willbring your customers back for more seasonafter season. Razzleberry is fun, red bloomswith white streaks… it’s a real zinger.DimorphothecaGarden Leader EZ Gro Snow Storm 1499Snow Storm is now EZ Gro Snow Storm. Easyfor the consumer to grow and enjoy. Full sun/partshade plant. Warm temperatures. Crop time fromseed to pack, 13 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot,6 wks. “Tough vigorous display.” KingwoodCenter, Mansfield, OH…. Says it all! 8 to 10inch mounds, beautiful silver foliage.EccremocarpusGarden Leader RedStripe0430Garden Leader RoseStripe 0431Garden Leader White Garden Leader Yellow0428 0429Garden Leader Striped Mix 6149Garden Leader Mix 0419GARDEN LEADER SERIES. Full sun plant.Hot temperatures. Crop time from seed to pack,11 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 6 wks. Largeflowered plants tend to open earlier and remainopen longer than other varieties. Heat tolerant andwell suited to combination plantings. Prefers fullsun, well-drained soil and warm to hot conditions.Z-Scape African Daisy Yellow 1372Crazy Vine Gold 0612Crazy Vine Rose 0611Crazy Vine. Full sun plant. Hot temperatures.Crop time from seed to 4 inch pot, 12 wks.Capitalize on the vine craze. Our Crazy vinegrows like crazy. Basket, trellis or cover crop. Fullsun. This is also a good perennial up to Zone 5.GazaniaLoGro Bronze 1404Z-Scape African Daisy Orange 1370Z-Scape African Daisy Mix 6934Full sun/part shade plant. Cool to warmtemperatures. Crop time from seed to pack, 13wks. D. sinuate, cape marigold. Plants reach 10to 14 inches. Single daisy flowers are creamthrough orange in color. 2 1/2 inches in size.Easy to grow in warm, well drained areas.Garden Leader Bronze 5490LoGro Orange 1408 LoGro Orange Stripe 1411LoGro Raspberry 1412 LoGro White 1414Annual Plugs & Seeds 97

LoGro Yellow 1417 LoGro Scarlet 1413LoGro Yellow Stripe 1418Cascade Beauty Rose 1715 Cascade Beauty White 1885CASCADE BEAUTY SERIES. Full sun/partshade plant. Cool temperatures. Crop time fromseed to pack, 15 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot,8 wks. Perfect variety to grow for planting intocombination baskets. The open growth habit vinesits way through other plants to create a very naturalcombination effect. Single flower form makes for avery clean presentation in outdoor beds. Much lessexpensive than Ivy Geraniums from cuttings. Alsoavailable in plugs and 102/34 liners.Geranium Zonal Sprawling2010GARDEN LEADER THEY EARLoGro Salmon 1830GERANIUM LoGro SERIES. Put away thegrowth regulator, LoGro stays compact andflowers early without the need. Crop time is 13weeks from sowing. Plants display 2 to 5 flowersheads at a time. Plant height is 8 to 10”, spread10”. Ideal for flower boxes outdoors or compactlandscape applications. Sell in 306 trays or 4” pots.Geranium Zonal StandardOFLoGro Mix 1422GAZANIA LoGro SERIES remains compact andachieves a ground cover effect in the landscape.For the grower, LoGro has a long shelf life andneeds no PGR’s to prevent stretch. Full sun plant.Hot temperatures in well drained soil. Crop timefrom seed to pack, 11 wks; 288 size plug to 4inch pot, 6 wks. Height 4 to 6”.Geranium ivy2010 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEARNew Wave Red 1739The New Wave Red. Full sun/part shade plant.Warm temperatures. Crop time from seed to pack, 15wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 8 wks. The moregrowers and gardeners try this type of Geranium themore they want. “The New Wave Red was plantedinto half whiskey barrels. Outstanding!” Nebraska StFair Pk., Lincoln. The plants are vigorous with 15 to30 flowers opening at once. Plants finish 18” tall and20 to 24 inches across, full of color. Planted in rowsthey make complete hedges.Geranium Zonal CompactSaturn Mix 1750Saturn Appleblossom 1690 Saturn Blue Splash 1713Cascade Beauty Lilac 1890LoGro Appleblossom 1822Saturn Coral 1829 Saturn Deep Salmon 1746Cascade Beauty Pink 1880 Cascade Beauty Red 1889Annual Plugs & Seeds 98LoGro Red 1819 LoGro Pink 1823Saturn Frosty Rose 1719 Saturn Hot Pink 1742

Gerbera Supersize FlowerSaturn Lilac Rose 1691 Saturn Orange 1762Garden Leader Red 1864 Garden Leader Rose 1865Saturn Orange Frost 1737 Saturn Orange Splash 1740Saturn Picotee 1761 Saturn Red Flare 1745Garden Leader White 1866 Garden Leader Yellow 1869Garden Leader Mix 1863SUPERSIZE GARDEN LEADER SERIES. Fullsun plant. Hot temperatures. Uniform in floweringfrom one color to the next. Extra large 6-inch,daisy flowers on 12-inch stalks. Great containeror bedding crop for well drained sunny areas.Flowers in 17 weeks from sowing. Evergreenperennial in the deep south.GloxiniaEZ Gro LoGro Pink 1965EZ Gro LoGro Mix 1927LoGro SERIES is now EZ Gro LoGro SERIES.Easy for the home gardener or landscaper togrow and enjoy. Heat and drought tolerant fullsun plant grows best in warm conditions and welldrained soil. Stays compact without the need forgrowth regulating chemicals. Long shelf life andextended outdoor performance. Plant height is 8to 10” and spreads to 10”. Globe shape flowershold their color even in adverse conditions. Croptime from seed to 4” pot is 14 weeks.Gomphrena TallSaturn Red Frost 1749 Saturn Red Splash 1751HiGro Lavender 3027 HiGro Orange 1930Saturn Salmon 1743 Saturn Salmon Glow 1736Glamour Mix 1881Glamour Mix. Shade plant. Warm temperatures.Crop time from seed to pots 20 to 24 weeks fromsowing. Good mixture for holiday pots. Finish in5 or 6-inch containers.Gomphrena CompactHiGro Purple 3028 HiGro Red 1935Saturn Scarlet Fire 1741 Saturn Star 1692HiGro Rose 3029 HiGro White 3047Saturn Violet 1747 Saturn White Lightning 1744SATURN SERIES. Great garden performance,great Garden Leader status. Best germination ofall the series we offer. Large flower heads, 4inches across. Big and strong plants 14-16 inches.Dependable 15-week crop time from sowing tobloom. Good zoning in the foliage. Grow in largepacks, 4 or 5-inch pots. Red Flare is the truest,deepest red in our trials. Salmon Glow is aniridescent color containing both salmon and rose.EZ Gro LoGro Pink 1965EZ Gro LoGro Purple 1959 EZ Gro LoGro Rose 1954HiGro Mix 3023Annual Plugs & Seeds 99

HiGro SERIES. Our best Gomphrena for cutflower production and garden cuts. Full sun/partshade plant. Hot temperatures. Crop time fromseed to pack, 12 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot,7 wks. Tall, 20 to 26 inches. Good for the welldrained,sunny garden. Well suited for fieldproduced cut flowers, fresh or dried.Helianthus, Sunflower<strong>NEW</strong>Impatiens Baskets<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader EZ Gro Pink Gomp 24292006GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROF<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader EZ Gro China Cat Sunflower 1945EZ Gro China Cat Sunflower. Look for a whileat the China Cat Sunflower, proud walkingjingle in the midnight sun*. Full sun plant. Hottemperatures. Crop time from seed to bloom,45 to 60 days. Taller plants with strong stems areideal for cutting. Height 48 to 60 inches. Flowersare deep yellow-orange in color and 5 to 8” indiameter. Florist quality flower form withoverlapping petals and no pollen. Easy to growfor home gardener. *Words by Robert HunterCascade Beauty Peach Splash 2397Cascade Beauty Blush 2434 Cascade Beauty Cherry 2205Cascade Beauty CherrySplash2206Cascade Beauty DeepOrange 24322006 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEARGarden Leader EZ Gro Purple Gomp 2439<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader EZ Gro Monster 2022Monster is now EZ Gro Monster. Full sun plant.Hot temperatures. Crop time from seed to4 inch pot, 4 wks. Huge plants with mammothflower heads. Good performing garden specimensgrow 72 to 100 inches. Towering giants that areeasy to grow for the home gardener.Cascade Beauty Lavender2430Cascade Beauty LavenderBlush 2218<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader EZ Gro White Gomp 2431The GOMP SERIES is now EZ Gro GOMPSERIES. Easy for the home gardener andlandscaper to grow and enjoy. EZ Gro PurpleGomp is the GARDEN LEADER OF THEYEAR for 2006. Full sun/part shade plant. Hottemperatures. Crop time from seed to pack, 11wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 7 wks. Getready for the new wave in bedding plants. Gompproduces a profusion of bright globe flowers bornon terminal clusters. Plants are disease anddrought tolerant and bloom all season long. Plantwill begin blooming when 6 to 8 inches tall andcontinue growing until they reach a height of 18inches and a spread of 24 or more inches. Thecolor is hot and the effect in large containercombinations is traffic stopping. Also availablein 102/34 liners.Annual Plugs & Seeds 100<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader EZ Gro Patio Van Gogh 1949EZ Gro Patio Van Gogh. Full sun plant. Hottemperatures. Branching sunflower for potculture. Crop time from seed to flower, 11 to12 wks. Plant height is 10”. An application ofB-nine will deepen the foliage color and keepthe plants extra compact. Easy to grow and toenjoy by the home gardener. The golden yellowflowers are 3 to 5”. Day neutral plants can beflowered year round in temperatures as low as63 to 65 degrees.Cascade Beauty Lipstick 2216Cascade Beauty Salmon Rose 2209

Impatiens CompactCascade Beauty Lilac2392Cascade Beauty Orchid2442Cascade Beauty Tropical Flame Mix 2227Cascade Beauty White2444Cascade Beauty BluesMix 2208LoGro Blue 1353Cascade Beauty OrangeStar 1755 Cascade Beauty Pink 2433Cascade Beauty FlamingoMix1754Cascade Beauty PicoteeMix 2207LoGro Coral Star 2224 LoGro Deep Pink 7825Cascade Beauty Red 2436 Cascade Beauty Rose 2438LoGro Deep Salmon 6312 LoGro Lilac 6313Cascade Beauty Salmon2440Cascade Beauty SalmonSplash 2393LoGro Lavender 1337 LoGro Orange 1354Cascade Beauty Sweetness 2219LoGro Pink 1356 LoGro Punch 2226Cascade Beauty TropicalSunshine 2210 Cascade Beauty Violet 2443Cascade Beauty VioletStar 6314 Cascade Beauty Wine 2437Cascade Beauty Tropical Splash Mix 2396Cascade Beauty Mix 2446CASCADE BEAUTY SERIES. Full sun/partshade plant. Warm temperatures. Crop timefrom seed to pack, 8 wks; 288 size plug to 4inch pot, 5 wks.; hanging baskets 12 weeks.This series is great for baskets and containers.Spectacular, traffic-stopping baskets of large,bright flowers. Blooms are two inches in size,and lots of them. Colors are bright and clean.Plants are large. Try the Tropical Splash mix. Itcombines the festive Tropical Sunshine punchcolor with the lively Splash patterned colors.Advanced Vigor seed quality.LoGro Red 1357 LoGro Red Wine 2228LoGro Rose 1358 LoGro Salmon 1338Annual Plugs & Seeds 101

Impatiens StandardLoGro Scarlet 1339 LoGro Violet 1349EZ Gro Sun&ShadeLipstick2284EZ Gro Sun&Shade NeonRose 2042LoGro Violet Star 2229 LoGro White 1359<strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro Sun&Shade Mix 2090EZ Gro Sun&ShadeOrange2043EZ Gro Sun&ShadeOrange Star 2047EZ Gro Sun&Shade OrchidSplash2203EZ Gro Sun&ShadePapaya 2051<strong>NEW</strong> LoGro Blue Water Mix 1363EZ Gro Sun&Shade Blue2260EZ Gro Sun&Shade Blush2015EZ Gro Sun&ShadePapaya Frost2505EZ Gro Sun&Shade PeachSplash 2052EZ Gro Sun&Shade BrightEye2201EZ Gro Sun&ShadeBurgundy 2202LoGro LoRider Mix 1361EZ Gro Sun&Shade Pearl2094EZ Gro Sun&Shade Pink2055EZ Gro Sun&Shade CherrySplash2050EZ Gro Sun&Shade Coral2031LoGro Mix 1362IMPATIENS LoGro SERIES. LoGro Seriescomparison: Cajun, Advantage, Extreme,Jambalaya. These beauties stay tight and compacteven in ferocious southern heat and humidity.They make the perfect summer bedding plant inthe south and a great production variety up northfor growers not interested in a PGR regiment.LoGro supports nice lateral growth that keeps theheight of the plant down even when held extraweeks on the greenhouse bench. Blooms arelarge and plants are 3 to 5 inches tall. AdvancedVigor seed quality. Full sun/part shade plant.Warm temperatures. Crop time from seed topack, 8 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 5 wksEZ Gro Sun&ShadeCranberryEZ Gro Sun&ShadeFuchsia20672030EZ Gro Sun&Shade FireBrick 2286EZ Gro Sun&ShadeLavender 2039EZ Gro Sun&Shade PinkFrost2410EZ Gro Sun&Shade PinkSplash 2060EZ Gro Sun&Shade Pink Mist 2029Annual Plugs & Seeds 102

EZ Gro Sun&Shade SeaShell2035EZ Gro Sun&Shade Sunset2028EZ Gro Hot Mix Fruit Punch 2421EZ Gro Sun&Shade Pink Star 2056EZ Gro Sun&Shade Violet2081EZ Gro Sun&Shade VioletStar 2082EZ Gro Sun&Shade Purple 6316EZ Gro Hot Mix Harmony 2422EZ Gro Sun&Shade Red2063EZ Gro Sun&Shade RedStar 2071EZ Gro Sun&Shade White 2087EZ Gro Hot Mix Neon Lights 2423EZ Gro Sun&Shade Rose2075EZ Gro Sun&Shade RoseStar 2079EZ Gro Hot Mix Crystals 2420EZ Gro Hot Mix Old Glory 2240EZ Gro Sun&Shade Royal Red 2059EZ Gro Sun&ShadeSalmon2072EZ Gro Sun&ShadeScarlet 2083EZ Gro Hot Mix Eyepoppers 2204EZ Gro Hot Mix Passion 2424Annual Plugs & Seeds 103

Lisianthus (Eustoma)EZ Gro Hot Mix Pastel 2095EZ Gro Hot Mix Peppermints 2281EZ Gro Hot Mix Summer Wine 2426SUN & SHADE SERIES is now EZ Gro SUN &SHADE SERIES. Easy for the home gardener orlandscaper to grow and enjoy. By far the mostcomplete series available. Including 14 designermixes. Splash colors all have a large dark eye.Frost colors all have a dark picotee margin.Every variety, every mixture is garden tested forsuperior outdoor performance. The trialing doesnot end there. All are plug tested and pack-grownto assure the commercial grower has a productthat he can depend on. Highest quality, widestselection, products that help you succeed, that’sthe <strong>Grimes</strong>’ mission. Sun & Shade performanceis the <strong>Grimes</strong>’ result. Full sun/part shade plant.Warm temperatures. Crop time from seed topack, 9 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 5 wks;hanging baskets 10 to 12 weeks from 288 plug.Impatiens DoubleLoGro Pink2599PLLoGro Purple 2600PL LoGro White 2601PLLISIANTHUS LoGro SERIES. Full sun/partshade plant. Hot temperatures. Crop time fromseed to pack, 20 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot,10 wks. At last, a semi-dwarf series with enoughvigor to last in the garden! It shows its bestperformance in the garden where it reaches 8 to10 inches and “bring on the heat”, GardenLeaders like it hot!Lobelia MoundedEZ Gro Hot Mix Pinwheel 2425Royal Flush Orange 2402Coat of Arms Blue2613PLRoyal Flush Pink 2400 Royal Flush Red 2404EZ Gro Hot Mix Sangria 2419EZ Gro Hot Mix Stars 2097Royal Flush Rose 2405 Royal Flush White 2463Royal Flush Mix 2470ROYAL FLUSH SERIES. Full sun/part shade plant.Warm temperatures. Crop time from seed to pack,10 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 6 wks. Uniformand early flowering series. Plants are compact witha high percentage of fully double flowers. Grow incombination containers and baskets.Coat of Arms Blue & White2716PLCoat of Arms Light Blue2616PLCoat of Arms Lilac 2617PL Coat of Arms Rose 2630PLAnnual Plugs & Seeds 104

Coat of Arms White2615PLMARIGOLD LoGro SERIES. Plant stay shortwithout the use of growth regulators. LoGrobreeding technology produces large flower-headsbut plant stays compact even in hot weather. Fullsun plant. Warm temperatures. Crop time fromseed to pack, 11 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot,5 wks. Flowers are large, abundant and fullydouble. Plants are well branched and exceptionallysturdy. Shipping full flowering plants is noproblem because there is no flower stem breakage.Mature height is 10 to 12 inches. Grow in largepacks or 4” pots to finish into larger containersand landscape. LoGro’s time has come.Marigold African StandardMarigold African TallCoat of Arms Mix2612PLCOAT OF ARMS SERIES. Part shade plant.Cool temperatures. Crop time from seed to pack,15 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 8 wks.Available as raw or multipellet seed. Earlyflowering, compact habit. 3 to 4 inches inhandsome green leafed uniform mounds.All pellets are multi seededMarigold African CompactEZ Gro American Indian Gold2731DTGiants F-1 HiGro American Hybrids Mix 2757Giants F-1 HiGro American Hybrids Mix. HiGromeans you can expect extra vigor and an overalllarger plant than standard. Very popular hedgetype with 3 to 4 inch flowers. Available inMixture only. Plants are tall, 20 to 24 inches andvery bushy, spreading 24 inches. Colors includeportions of orange, yellow, gold and primrose.Plantings of this variety make huge hedges thatare loaded with blooms from midsummer tofrost. Available in raw seed form only.Marigold, AmerifrenchThis new class of Marigolds combines the gardenperformance and early flowering of French typeswith the very large flowers and strong plantstructure of African types. The result is theeasiest growing, best garden performingMarigold on the planet.EZ Gro American IndianOrange 2733DTEZ Gro American IndianPrimrose 2870DT2008GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROFEZ Gro LoGro Gold2837DTEZ Gro Amerifrench Dbl Orange5167DTEZ Gro LoGro Orange2839DT EZ Gro LoGro Yellow 2841DTEZ Gro LoGro Mix2838DT2006 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEAREZ Gro American Indian Yellow2732DTEZ Gro American Indian Mix2735DTAMERICAN INDIAN SERIES. Full sun plant.Warm temperatures. Crop time from seed topack, 10 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 5 wks.Large flowered, 3”, African type. This is one ofthe best performing African type Marigoldsavailable. There are 2 key qualities thatcontribute to that. Well rounded flower heads thatshed water and strong necks to hold those largeblooms up in the worst of weather. Growers andgardeners alike are never disappointed by itsperformance. Medium height 14 to 16 inches.Seed available detailed, coated or in raw form.EZ Gro Amerifrench DblOrange-Red 5173DTEZ Gro Amerifrench DblYellow-Red 5171DTEZ Gro Amerifrench DblYellow5169DTEZ Gro Amerifrench DaisyOrange 5159DTAnnual Plugs & Seeds 105

<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro Amerifrench DaisyOrange-Red 5166DTEZ Gro Amerifrench DaisyYellow5161DT<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Oasis Orange2954DT<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Oasis Queen2995DTEZ Gro Girl Gold 2753DT EZ Gro Girl Harmony 2756DT<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Oasis Red2956DT<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Oasis Scarlet2948DTEZ Gro Girl Orange 2746DT EZ Gro Girl Primrose 2928DT<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro Amerifrench Daisy Yellow-Red 5160DTEZ Gro Amerifrench Dbl Mix5175DTEZ Gro Amerifrench Daisy Mix5176DTTHE AMERIFRENCH SERIES is now EZ GroAMERIFRENCH SERIES. Easy for the homegardener or landscaper to grow and enjoy.Available as Advanced Vigor Detailed Seedsor plugs. Garden height of these beauties is 16to 18”. The plants are well branched with thick,strong stems. The Daisy types have an open habitthat allows them to co-mingle with companionplants and add strong color to mixed containers.Flowers are abundant, large and long lasting. TheDouble types are over 2 1/2” across. Daisy typesmeasure from 2 to 3”.Marigold MediumFrench Anemone<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro OasisYellow Fire 2959DT<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Oasis Yellow2958DT<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Oasis Mix2953DTEZ Gro OASIS SERIES. Fully anemone flowerswhich are double rowed with broad petals.Flower size of 2 1/2”. Hot temperatures. Easy forthe home gardener or landscaper to grow andenjoy. Crop time from seed to pack, 10 wks; 288size plug to 4 inch pot, 5 wks.Marigold French CrestedEZ Gro Girl Orange Bee2744DTEZ Gro Girl Spry 2747DT EZ Gro Girl Yellow 2748DTEZ Gro Girl'O'Girl Mix2749DTTHE GIRL SERIES is now EZ Gro GIRL SERIES.Easy for the home gardener or landscaper togrow and enjoy. Crested flowers, compact plants8 to 10 inches. Very heat tolerant. “EZ Gro GirlSeries: Top performer in foliage appearance,flower display and weather tolerance” MontanaSt. U. Bozeman. Available as Detailed, Coated orRaw seed. Full sun plant. Hot temperatures. Croptime from seed to pack, 10 wks; 288 size plug to4 inch pot, 5 wks.Melampodium<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Oasis Autumn Orange<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong>2957DT<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Oasis Bolero2947DT<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Oasis LimeYellow2950DTEZ Gro Girl Flame2745DTGarden Leader Yellow 3065Annual Plugs & Seeds 106

BODGER: CALIFORNIAENDORSED BY THE GARDEN LEADER ALLIANCEGarden Leader MarigoldsEZ Gro Oasis Autumn Orange 2957DT <strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Oasis Red 2956DT <strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Oasis Orange 2954DTEZ Gro Girl Harmony 2756DT EZ Gro Girl Spry 2747DT EZ Gro Girl Flame 2745DTAnnual Plugs & Seeds 107

Melampodium Garden Leader Yellow. Full sunplant. Hot temperatures. Crop time from seed topack, 12 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 7 wks.Bushy plants with a dense canopy of bright greenfoliage grows 18 to 20 inches in the garden.Yellow daisy type flowers all season long. Plantsdo best in full sun and are tolerant to extremeheat and drought. Plants will begin floweringwhen 6 to 8 inches tall and make a fine pottedplant in 4 to 5 inch containers.MinaRevelation 6609Revelation. Full sun plant. Hot temperatures.Crop time from seed to gallon trellis 18 wks.Vine plant with yellow and orange trumpetflowers. Height 50 inches. Great for full sun topartial shade plantings on trellis or in basketsMirabilisCliffhanger White 5015CLIFFHANGER SERIES. Full sun/part shadeplant. Cool temperatures. Crop time from seed topack, 9 wks. Petunia like flowers. Grows 8 incheshigh and spreads to 3 feet. Prefers cool conditions.Ornamental Grass<strong>NEW</strong>Muhlenbergia ‘GL Muhly Purple’ 8533Muhlenbergia ‘GL Muhly Purple’. M. capillaris.A beautiful ornamental grass native of Texas.Blue/green needle like foliage, giving it a stiffupright growth habit, and can get up to 3-4' inheight with a 2-3 foot spread. A real show in thefall with flowers that look like a purple cloudfrom far away, giving a spectacular fall colorshow. Grows in drought conditions as well as wetconditions. Sowing in open seed flats is required.<strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro Z-Scape Mirabilis 1552EZ Gro Z-Scape Mirabilis. Full sun plant. Warmtemperatures. Crop time from seed to pack, 6wks. Four O’ Clocks. Evening bloomer with greatfragrance. Have you ever opened a perfumed letterand felt the overwhelming excitement? Such is theexperience that the aroma of this flower evokes inthe garden. Z-Scape means that this plant is verytolerant of extremes in growing conditionsincluding heat and drought. Very easy to growand perennial in tropic climates. Full sun andpartial shade.NolanaCliffhanger Blue 3297<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader EZ Gro Juncus Javelin 3327Garden Leader EZ Gro Juncus Javelin. Easyto grow for greenhouse grower, consumer andlandscaper. Tall narrow tubes of dark green.Clusters of upright blades reach 36 to 48” tall.Use in combination containers, ponds, landscapesand as fresh cut ornamental greens. Multiseedpellet, also available in 102/34 liners.Muhlenbergia ‘GL Muhly Blue’ 8531Muhlenbergia ‘GL Muhly Blue’. M. lindheineri.Bluish gray foliage that grows in a clump 2-4 ftwide and 1-2 ft tall. The flowering spikes standwell above the arching foliage, up to 5 ft. Theyappear in early fall, starting out purplish, thenaging to gray and persisting through most of thewinter. The dense clumps of flowering spikesproduce an airy, fluffy look. Seeds for sowing areintertwined with fibrous flower parts and notsuitable for machine sowing. Open seed flats aresuggested. Seedlings are easily separated fromthe mass planting.<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader EZ Gro Stipa Pony Tail 3340Garden Leader EZ Gro Stipa Pony Tail. Easy togrow for greenhouse grower, consumer andlandscaper. Very ornamental thin strands of shinygreen blades. Whispy golden flower tops mayappear late in the fall. Plant height 14 to18”arching blades reach to 24”. Use in combinationcontainers and landscapes. Available in seed and102/34 liners.Ornamental Pepper<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Fire on the Mountain 8524Fire on the Mountain. Almost aflame still youdon't feel the heat.* Fruit is non-pungent, idealfor containers outdoors or holiday potted plant.Naturally compact 4 to 5” plants with dozens ofnarrow, upright cone-shape fruit about 2 1/2 inlength. Fruit color is creamy yellow maturing tobright red. Finish in 4 1/2” pots in 16 wks.*Words by Robert HunterAnnual Plugs & Seeds 108

<strong>NEW</strong>Character Clear Cream3435Character Clear Lavender3387Character Felix White4561Character Blue Mariner3193<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Piccaso Moon 8525Piccaso Moon. A quad-color plant with deepmidnight purple lower foliage, bright purple,green and pure moon-white leaves near the top.Plants produce purple flowers and small roundfruit, too pungent to eat. Plant height is 15-16”with a spread of 18- 21”. Finish for 6 to 8” potsin 14 to 16 wks, combinations and southernlandscape plantings.<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Character Clear Light Blue 3383Character Blue W/Face 3371<strong>NEW</strong>Character Clear Orange3403Character Clear Primrose3735<strong>NEW</strong> Character Light Blue W/Face 3385<strong>NEW</strong> Tangerine Dream 8526Tangerine Dream. Tri-color fruit starts white,blushes purple then matures to a tangerine orange.Fruit matures in 14 weeks from sowing and has avery hot taste. Plant height is 8-10” with a spreadof 12- 14”. Finish for 6 to 8” pots, a jazzy lick inlow profile color bowl combinations.Pansy Large FlowerCharacter Clear Rose1759Character Clear Scarlet3577Character Orange W/Face4192 Character Purple Blush 3192Character Clear Violet3734Character Clear White3576Character Purple Mariner1766 Character Red W/Face 3372Character Red Wing 3191Character Clear Yellow3374Character Felix Blush1765Character Rose W/Face3377Character White W/Face3373Character Clear Black 3140 Character Clear Blue 3565Character Felix Golden4560Character Felix Yellow4459Character Yellow Face3375Character Yellow W/RoseFace 1768Annual Plugs & Seeds 109

Character Faced Mix 3376Character Ritzy Mix 3623Mostly black with clear white and splash of yellowCHARACTER SERIES. Full sun plant. Cooltemperatures. Spring crop time from seed topack, 13 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 5 wks.Summer/fall crop time from seed to pack, 11wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 4 wks. Largeflowers 3 1/2 to 4 inches are born on strong shortstems. Advanced vigor seed is standard. Alsoavailable primed for summer germination.Excellent large flowered Pansy for early springsales and fall production.Pansy Medium FlowerCharacter Clear Mix 3588Character Spring Song Mix 3624Pastel colorsFaces Mix 3359Faces Apricot 3480 Faces Beaconsfield 3350Character All Colors Mix 4023<strong>NEW</strong>Character Surf Mix 3625Clear colors, mostly white with pink, yellow, blueFaces Blue 3351 Faces Blush White 3363Faces Blushing Rose 3189 Faces Deep Blue 3361<strong>NEW</strong> Character Citrus Mix 3378Character Rhapsody in Blue 4025All blue shades from light to darkCharacter Ghosts & Gobblers Mix 3503Black, orange and orange/red with blotchCharacter Old Glory Mix 4498Faces Golden Blush 3365Annual Plugs & Seeds 110


Faces Light Blue 3081 Faces Mariner 3188Massive Blue Cap 4533Giants Sky Blue 3470Faces Orange 3358 Faces Purple 3357Faces Purple & Orange 1770 Faces Red 3353Giants Blue & White 3469 Giants Burgundy Picotee3477Massive Clear White 4544Faces Red Bicolor 3355 Faces Rose 3354Giants Clear Yellow 3509 Giants Org/Dark Eye 3471Massive Clear Yellow 4546Faces White 3356 Faces Yellow 3082FACES SERIES. Medium size 2” blooms ona great plant habit for large beds and borders.Strong root system develops quickly. Heattolerance is outstanding. Highly regarded as thebest Pansy series for landscaping in toughsituations. Seed is available either AdvancedVigor or Primed. Spring crop time from seed topack, 13 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 5 wks.Giants Red & Gold3473 Giants White W/Blk Face3507Massive Yellow Tricolor 4539Pansy Supersize FlowerMassive Blue W/Blotch4532Massive Purple W/Blotch4534Giants Ruby 3474Giants Mix 3472GIANTS SERIES. The most unique colors of ourlargest flower type Pansies. Unique colors andhuge blooms up to 4 inches. Best for spring sales.Advanced Vigor seed quality. Crop time fromseed to pack, 13 wks.Massive Red W/Blotch4535Massive Rose W/Blotch4536Annual Plugs & Seeds 112

Massive White W/Blotch4537Massive Yellow W/Blotch4538Snowpansy RoseW/Blotch2847Snowpansy ScarletW/Blotch 2849Snowpansy Sky Blue 2856 Snowpansy Yellow&Red2853Victorian Burgundy 5092Massive Mix 4541MASSIVE SERIES. Crop time from seed topack, 13 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 5 wks.Extra large flowers. Blooms reach a massive 4”across. Plants remain more compact and flowersize stays large longer into the summer than otherseries. Garden Leader performance in springflower bed. The ideal choice for over-winteringand for early spring sales.Pansy OverwinteringSnowpansy White W/Blotch 2851Victorian White Blotch 5094Snowpansy Mix 2855Snowpansy Blue W/Blotch2843Snowpansy PrimroseClear2857Snowpansy Blue&White2845Snowpansy PurpleW/Blotch 2846Snowpansy Yellow W/Blotch 2852SNOWPANSY SERIES, formerly named IcelandSeries. The largest flowering, over-winteringPansy is here! Blooms are consistently over 3inches in size. Winter hardy through Zone 5and even into Zone 3. Red and Rose shades areslightly more tender. Snowpansies are best soldin the early fall for planting into the landscapebefore the first freeze. The next spring they comeforth with a spectacular show of color in thegarden. We have seen every single variety ofSnowpansy pushing up blooms through severalinches of snow covering! Seed availableAdvanced Vigor raw and primed. Summer/fallcrop time from seed to pack, 11 wks; 288 sizeplug to 4 inch pot, 4 wks.Pansy Fancy FloweredVictorian Blue & Yellow5093Victorian Blue Swirl 5096Victorian Flame5095 Victorian Purple Picotee5097Victorian Rose Shades5098Victorian Yellow Picotee5099Victorian Mix 3407VICTORIAN SERIES. Separate colors availablefrom our popular mixture. Frilled edges on multicolored flower petals gives a carnation effect,each flower is different in pattern. Best forcontainers and bedding. Flower size 2” plantheight 8 inches. Supply of separate colors islimited, order early. Advanced Vigor seedavailable. Spring crop time from seed to pack,13 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 5 wks.Annual Plugs & Seeds 113

Petunia GrandifloraCompactLoGro Blue5111PLLoGro Lilac 5115PL LoGro Pink 5128PLLoGro Mix5113PLLOGRO SERIES has large 3 1/2 to 5” flowerson very compact plants even at full maturity. Thisis a whole new “animal”. LoGro stays short 3-5”and grows tight even without the heavy PGRtreatments needed by all other grandiflorapetunias. Not a trailing type. LoGro forms a veryneat and tight mound 10 inches wide. Excellentto get extended petunia performance into the latespring down south. In the North, LoGro flowersearly and stays tidy on the bench and in thegarden. Available in pelleted, Advanced Vigorseed only. 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 6 wksPetunia GrandifloraStandardCandypops Blue StarCandypops Blueberry3584PL3673PLCandypops Blush Pink3729PLLoGro Purple 5117PL LoGro Red 5129PLCandypops Blush Salmon3586PLCandypops Burgundy3548PLLoGro Rose 5119PL LoGro Salmon 5123PLCandypops Apricot Vein3585PLCandypops BurgundyPicotee 3854PLCandypops Coral 3587PLLoGro Violet 5125PL LoGro White 5127PLCandypops Blackberry3797PLCandypops Deep Rose3730PLCandypops Light Blue3679PLLoGro LoRider Mix5131PLCandypops Blue3674PL Candypops Blue Picotee3675PLCandypops Mid-Blue3579PLCandypops Peppermint3580PLAnnual Plugs & Seeds 114

Candypops StrawberryVein4482PLCandypops Summertime4211PLCandypops Pink3731PLCandypops Star Mix3678PLCandypops Sunset 3583PL Candypops Velvet Picotee3559PLCandypops Purple 6440PL Candypops Raspberry3581PL2007GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROFCandypops Vein Mix4619PLCandypops Red3749PL Candypops Red Picotee3582PL2007 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEARCandypops Yellow3769PLCandypops Red Star3880PLCandypops Concord Spring Mix3689PLCandypops Mix3942PLPETUNIA CANDYPOPS SERIES. Large 3 1/2to 5-inch flowers. Plants have a vigorous andspreading habit. Thick petals on the flowers holdup well to severe weather. “Candypops Blue:Nice flower color, large flower, niceperformance.” Mich. St. Univ. Lansing. Availablein raw or pelleted Advanced Vigor seed.Grandiflora Petunias are large flowered with amounded habit. Full sun plant. Warmtemperatures. Crop time from seed to pack, 15wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 6 wksPetunia Hedge TypeCandypops Rose3733PL Candypops Rose Picotee4618PL<strong>NEW</strong>Candypops Rose Star3890PL Candypops Salmon 3790PLCandypops White3608PL<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro HiGro Pink3989PLAnnual Plugs & Seeds 115

<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro HiGro Silver<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro HiGroRose3991PL<strong>NEW</strong>3994PL<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro HiGroRose Red 3992PLStreamers Red3983PLA bed of Rose Streamers 3915PETUNIA STREAMERS SERIES. Large flowersover 4 inches. More vigorous mound that growsinto a spreading habit. Not a trailing type yetcascades more than most other grandiflora petunias.Good sellers in hanging baskets. Available in rawor pelleted Advanced Vigor seed.Petunia Floribunda<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong>Streamers Purple3984PL<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro HiGroSalmon Pink 3993PL<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro HiGro Purple3990PL<strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro Freedom Blue3651PLStreamers Rose3915PL<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro HiGro White3995PLPETUNIA EZ GRO HIGRO SERIES is a bushtype plant with a very strong growing habit.Plants mature at 18 to 19” tall and spread up to42”. Strong branches with interlocking orientationmakes them resistant to central plant split whenmature. The result is a well maintained mound.EZ Gro HiGro is well suited for very largecontainers and massive landscape applications.Available in pelleted Advanced Vigor seed.Petunia Grandiflora BasketStreamers Blue3981PLEZ Gro Freedom Blue Star3658PLEZ Gro FreedomBurgundy3685PLEZ Gro Freedom Blueberry Vein3670PLStreamers Orchid3914PLStreamers White3986PLEZ Gro Freedom Carmine3691PLEZ Gro Freedom Coral3666PLAnnual Plugs & Seeds 116

EZ Gro Freedom Lavender3722PLEZ Gro Freedom LavenderVein3696PLEZ Gro Freedom Rose4162PLEZ Gro Freedom Old Glory Mix4520PLEZ Gro Freedom LilacHalo3693PLEZ Gro Freedom Mid Blue4483PLEZ Gro Freedom Salmon3655PLEZ Gro FreedomSummertime3573PLEZ Gro Freedom OrchidVein3716PLEZ Gro Freedom PinkMorn3721PLEZ Gro Freedom Pink3652PLEZ Gro Freedom Pink Vein3712PLEZ Gro Freedom Violet Star5008PLEZ Gro Freedom Mix3657PLFREEDOM SERIES is now EZ Gro FREEDOMSERIES and combines the garden vigor ofmultiflora petunias with the large bloom ofgrandiflora types. Easy for the home gardenerand landscaper to grow and enjoy. FloribundaPetunias are medium-sized flowered with amounded habit. Flowers are 2 to 2 1/2 inches andcompletely cover the plants. “EZ Gro FreedomRaspberry: We love this one, lots of flowers &very vigorous plant.” Purdue University, IN.Available in raw or pelleted Advanced Vigorseed. Full sun plant. Warm to cool temperatures.Crop time from seed to pack, 15 wks; 288 sizeplug to 4 inch pot, 6 wksPetunia MiniatureEZ Gro Freedom Plum3654PLEZ Gro FreedomRaspberry Vein3572PLEZ Gro Freedom Yellow3604PLEZ Gro Freedom Velvet3667PLEZ Gro Freedom Vein Mix3649PLLoGro Milli Blue4960PLEZ Gro Freedom Red Star3659PLEZ Gro Freedom Red3653PLEZ Gro Freedom White3656PLLoGro Milli Carmine4962PLLoGro Milli LightLavender4963PLAnnual Plugs & Seeds 117

LoGro Milli Rose 4969PL LoGro Milli Mix4964PLLoGro Milli White4971PLLoGro MILLI SERIES has small flowers likeCalibrachoa but with much more brilliant colorsand much easier to grow. No complicated pHadjustments. No growth regulators needed. Theplants naturally mature into compact mounds 8 to10” tall and 8 to 10” wide. Flowering is profuseand continuous. Crop is ready for sale in 8 to 10weeks from sowing. High germination, pelletedseed.Petunia Trailing StandardTrailing RoseTrailing Purple3177PL3178PLTrailing Old Glory Mix4521PLTRAILING PETUNIA SERIES is medium-sizedflowered with a ground creeping habit. Full sunplant. Warm temperatures. Crop time from seedto pack, 15 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 6wks. Ground cover habit creates a solid carpet ofcreeping foliage. Great performance in thegarden and in hanging baskets. Early flowering.Habit is like the Wave series. Spread to 4 feet,flower size 2 inches. All seed is pelleted.Petunia Trailing CompactLoGro Trailing Pink4180PLTrailing Red 4206PL Trailing Pink 4203PLLoGro Trailing Pink Morn4181PLLoGro Trailing Purple4182PLTrailing Blue1682PLTrailing Salmon 4209PL Trailing White 4212PLTrailing Coral4489PL Trailing Lavender 2404PLLoGro Trailing Red4186PLTrailing Lilac 4197PL Trailing Neon Grape 4542PLTrailing Mix4199PLLoGro Trailing Rose 4178PL LoGro Trailing Yellow 4187PLAnnual Plugs & Seeds 118

Garden Leader Phlox are full sun plants. Cooltemperatures. Crop time from seed to pack, 14wks. P. drummondii. Spreading habit 6 to 8inches. Spread to 12 inches. Strong root structuremeans better heat tolerance. Grow un-shaded inthe greenhouse and keep night temperaturesbelow 66 degrees. Plants can be started withPansies and Snapdragons for early spring sales.In the garden plants should be planted in lightshade for the longest blooming season.PoppyLoGro Trailing Mix4188PLLoGro TRAILING SERIES comparisons areEasy Wave and Rapide. Combines compactgenetics to eliminate the need for growthregulators and less day length sensitivity soblooming is faster in short days. These plants arefast growing in both cool and warm conditions.Compared to Garden Leader Trailing Series,LoGro Trailing spreads to 36” and is slightlymore mounded in appearance. AdvancedVigor seed is pelleted for easy sowing.Petunia Grandiflora DoubleArtist Mix 4054DOUBLE FLOWERED PETUNIA ARTISTSERIES is a mixture of spectacular carnation-likeblooms. Colors are clear and bright. Now availablein Advanced Vigor raw and pelleted seed. DoublePetunias are large-sized flowered with a moundedhabit. Full sun plant. Warm temperatures. Croptime from seed to pack, 22 wks.PhloxZ-Scape Poppy 7424Z-Scape Poppy prefers warm temperatures. Croptime from seed to pack, 12 wks. Eschscholtzia. Avery low maintenance wildflower. Great for thewell drained, full sun garden setting. Direct sowor offer in large cell-packs for naturalizedlandscapes. Heat and drought tolerant.Portulaca CompactArtist Blue 4055Garden Leader Pink 5005LoGro Coral1280PLArtist Burgundy 4056Garden Leader Scarlet 5003LoGro Fuchsia1281PL LoGro Lemon Yellow1279PLArtist Pink 4057Garden Leader Pastel Mix 5002LoGro Orange 1283PL LoGro Pink 1278PLAnnual Plugs & Seeds 119

LoGro Red 1288PL LoGro Rose 1286PLLoGro Rose Ripple 1287PL LoGro Sunset1285PLLoGro White 1289PL LoGro Yellow 1290PLExtra FuchsiaExtra Gold4232PL2819PL Extra Light Yellow 4523PLExtra Mix4350PLPORTULACA EXTRA SERIES. Full sun plant.Hot temperatures. Crop time from seed to pack,12 wks; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 6 wks. Extralarge, extra double flowers. F-1 hybrid serieswith great heat tolerance. Best choice for full sunbaskets and beds in the hottest and driest areas.Plants are aggressive and spread fast and providethe traditional Portulaca ground-cover effect.Height is 3 to 4 inches spreads to 12 inches. Inthe greenhouse, use warm temperatures andavoid over-watering early in the plant productionprocess. Available in Advanced Vigor raw ormulti-seeded pellet.Rudbeckia<strong>NEW</strong>LoGro Mix1282PLPORTULACA LoGro SERIES. LoGro breedingtechnology results in a compact plant without theneed for growth regulators and it’s early toflower! Full sun plant. Hot temperatures. Croptime from seed to pack, 11 wks; 288 size plug to4 inch pot, 6 wks. Large, extra double flowers. F-1 hybrid series with great heat tolerance. LoGroplant height is best described as somethingbetween Margarita which is too short and lateand Extra which is a nice vigorous basket variety.LoGro is best used for full sun in the hottest anddriest areas. Height is 2 to 3 inches spreads to 8inches. In the greenhouse, use warmtemperatures and avoid over-watering early in theplant production process. Available in AdvancedVigor multi-seeded pellet.Portulaca StandardExtra Orange4357PLExtra Red 4351PL Extra Rose Ripple 4531PLExtra Yellow 4355PL Extra Light Pink 4241PL<strong>NEW</strong> Cherry Brandy 7495Cherry Brandy. R. hirta. Garden height is 16 to18 inches. Many 2 to 3 inch flowers of brightmaroon with dark centers. Full sun, heat anddrought tolerant. Use in ground beds or incombination containers. 10 to 11 weeks fromsow to flower.Salvia FarinaceaExtra Apricot 4358PL Extra Cream 4228PLAnnual Plugs & Seeds 120Extra Rose 4352PL Extra White 4353PLEZ Gro Fahrenheit Blue 1781

Firecracker Old Glory Mix 5071EZ Gro Fahrenheit Blue &White1782EZ Gro Fahrenheit Violet1783Firecracker Orange 4882 Firecracker Peach 4754EZ Gro Fahrenheit White 1784SALVIA FAHRENHEIT SERIES is now EZ GroFahrenheit. S. farinacea. Easy for the homegardener or landscaper to grow and enjoy. Veryversatile Salvia for containers and beds. Heat,drought and weather tolerant. Plants are in bloomall season long from a February sowing. Plantheight is 18”. Flower spikes numerous. TenderPerennial hardy to Zone 6. Also available in102/34 liners.Salvia Splendens StandardFirecracker Pink 4753 Firecracker Red Stripe 48192004GARDEN LEADER THEY EAR2004 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEARFirecracker Red 4775OFFirecracker Mix 4818FIRECRACKER SALVIA. Full sun plant. Hottemperatures. Crop time from seed to pack, 10wks.; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 6 wks There isnot a better dwarf salvia on the market for longterm garden performance. Easy for the homegardener and landscaper to grow and enjoy.Height 10 to 12 inches. Advanced Vigor seedquality on all colors. Read what our trial reportssay. “Firecracker Blue: Excellent heat tolerance,uniformity. Excellent resistance to disease, sunand rain. Uniform, fills bed.” Walt Disney World,FL. “Firecracker Orange: No (bract) burn likeother salvia in our trials.” Florida SouthernCollege. “Firecracker Red… Performance in ourtrials was outstanding.” Iron City CommunityCollege, Whiting.Salvia Splendens HiGroFirecracker Rose 4815 Firecracker White 4817Firecracker Blue 4813Firecracker Salmon 4816EZ Gro HiGro Bright Scarlet 4845HiGro is now EZ Gro HiGro which means youcan expect extra vigor and an overall larger plantthan standard. Easy for the home gardener orlandscaper to grow and enjoy. HiGro BrightScarlet is tall and vigorous. 24 to 26 inches. Sixto eight flower spikes open at once. Awesomespecimen.SanvitaliaFirecracker Blue Laser4822Firecracker Burgundy4778Firecracker Cherry 4814 Firecracker Lilac 4779Firecracker Wow Mix 4820Garden Leader EZ Gro Gold 4736Annual Plugs & Seeds 121

Annual Plugs & Seeds 122

Longshot Bronze 7811 Longshot Burgundy 7812Garden Leader EZ Gro Yellow 7514SANVITALIA GARDEN LEADER EZ GroSERIES. Full sun plant. Hot temperatures. Noneed to start too early, crop time from seed topack is only 9 wks. Once the plants reach thissize they spread very fast. Great for baskets andcombination plantings. Profusion of small 1”daisy flowers. Plants are open and sprawling to aspread of 12 inches and height of 8 inches. Easyplant for both the home gardener and landscaperto grow and enjoy.SileneLongshot Crimson 7813 Longshot Light Pink 5024Longshot Light Scarlet 7810 Longshot Peach Blush 5030Longshot Mix 4990Longshot Snaps are a strong garden-type withsturdy stems that hold up famously to weatherextremes. A full sun plant. Cool temperatures.Crop time from seed to pack, 16 wks.; 288 sizeplug to 4 inch pot, 6 wks. Well-branched series oftraditional “snap” form flowers. 18 to 22 incheshigh. Stems are strong and have many blooms.Grow in gallons or six inch pots for premiumpricing. Nice vertical accents and combinationcontainers too.Snapdragon TallGarden Leader Purple 7587Longshot Pink4986 Longshot Purple & White6008Garden Leader Pink 7564 Garden Leader White 7568SILENE GARDEN LEADER SERIES are fullsun plants. Warm temperatures. Crop time fromseed to pack, 10 wks. Dazzling whorled flowersare small but plentiful. They cover plants thatcreep to a 30 inch diameter. A March sowing willproduce dozens of 1/2 inch flowers in June. Plantheight is 10 inches. Great in combinationplantings or in the full sun landscape.Longshot Red4987 Longshot Red & Yellow6007Premium Field Mix 5085Premium Field Mix Snapdragons. Our specialfield mixture sports large flower spikes on sturdystems. These towering beauties are ideal for thefresh-cut road stand and to supply a steady cropof, florist quality, fresh snapdragons for the homegardener through the whole growing season.Plant height 36 to 48 inches. Flower spikes 10 to16 inches. Stems require support for windprotection.Snapdragon StandardLongshot Silver & Black6006Longshot White 4988Longshot Apple Blush 5027Longshot Yellow4989 Longshot Variegated Mix2306Bronze Dragon 4858Annual Plugs & Seeds 123

Bronze Dragon. Our Dragon snaps in a class allits own. Foliage is deep red on well branchedplants. Garden height is 10 to 14 inches. BronzeDragon will out-flower and out-shine the cuttingtypes. Crop time from sow to flower is 10 weeks.No royalties needed just sow, grow and sell formaximum profits.Snapdragon CompactSilks Red 4901 Silks Red & White 4851Sweet Pea. The crop that started our companyalmost 85 years ago, still a garden favorite. Fullsun plant. Cool temperatures. Crop time fromseed to gallon trellis, 14 wks.ToreniaSilks Rose 4852 Silks Rose Bicolor 4952Silks Bronze 4843Silks Wine Rose 4857 Silks White 4853Fever Gold 8991Torenia Fever Gold. Full sun/part shade plant.Hot temperatures. Crop time from seed to pack,12 wks. Compact 8” plants, Waxy yellowtrumpets with deep mahogany throat. Culturesimilar to wax begonias. Full sun to light shade,for bedding or containers.TracheliumSilks Crimson 4847 Silks Orange 4848Silks Lilac 4844Silks Yellow 4854Silks Old Glory Mix 4698Silks Mix 4856SNAPDRAGON SILKS SERIES are a dwarfvariety with a long blooming season. 8 to 10inches. Plants are vigorous with outstanding rootsystems that sustain them through hot weather.Silks bloom early and continue to show greatcolor throughout the season. “Silks White: Gooduniformity plant habit and flower appearance.Top rated entry.” University of Minn. Full sunplant. Cool temperatures. Crop time from seed topack, 15 wks.; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 6 wksSweet PeaGarden Leader Purple 7644Trachelium or Umbrella Flower with enoughvigor to grow well in the garden or lend adelicate accent to combination plantings. Plantheight is 20 to 24 inches with flowering umbelsof 4 to 6 inches. The color is a heavenly purpleand the foliage is very exotic. Offer in gallonpots. Sow in January to be ready for sale in midMay sales. Full sun plant. Hot temperatures.Crop time from seed to pack, 15 wks.Verbena RigidaSilks Orange Bicolor 1785 Silks Pink 4849Silks Purple 4850 Silks Purple & White 4855Harry German's Original Mix 5575Garden Leader Rose 7875Annual Plugs & Seeds 124

Verbena Garden Leader Rose. Very, very stoutand durable Verbena plants for the sunny garden.Plants grow to 12 inches tall but begin floweringwhen only 4 inches when started in pots or largecells. Disease and drought tolerant. 2 inch bloomclusters are born on upright stems and are apleasant lavender color. Upright growing Verbenaspecies. Full sun plant. Hot temperatures. Croptime from seed to pack, 12 wks. Also available in102/34 liners.Verbena TrailingLoGro Apricot 5809 LoGro Lavender 5822Verbena Hybrid StandardLoGro Pink 5877 LoGro Orchid 5886Love Light Blue 5701Trailing Bright Purple 5059LoGro Purple 5882 LoGro Rose 5883Trailing Lavender Blue5532 Trailing Sky Blue 5530Love Pure Red 5672Trailing Violet 5531 Trailing White 5687TRAILING VERBENA SERIES. Drought tolerantand mildew resistant. Plants spread to 2 feet andgrow 12” high. Good for containers or bedding inwell-drained areas. Sometimes grown as perennialVerbena in southern climates. Mounded groundcover habit. Full sun plant. Hot temperatures.Crop time from seed to pack, 10 wks.Verbena Hybrid CompactLoGro Scarlet 5888 LoGro White 5884Love Pure Rose 5707 Love Rose W/Eye 5702LoGro Burgundy Eye 5885LoGro Mix 5875VERBENA LoGro SERIES needs little or noPGR’s to maintain a compact classic hybridVerbena shape. Finish in 12-13 weeks in flatsor 4” pots. Grow for use in containers, andlandscape in hot and dry conditions. Plant heightis 9” and spreads to 20”. Advanced Vigor seedfor maximum germination and performance.Love Purple Eye 5891Love Scarlet W/Eye 5703 Love Violet W/Eye 5704Annual Plugs & Seeds 125

Love White 5705 Love Old Glory Mix 5857Love Mix 5706VERBENA LOVE SERIES. Early well branching,upright plants 8 to 11” spread 10 to 12”. Florets arelarge. Germination is strong and dependable. Fullsun plant. Warm temperatures. Crop time from seedto pack, 11 wks.; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 6 wksVinca TrailingCascade Beauty WhiteW/eye 5791 Cascade Beauty White 5796Cascade Beauty Mix 5782CASCADE BEAUTY SERIES is the idealtrailing Vinca for hanging baskets and containers.Plant them in the hottest and driest of applications.Bring on the heat because Cascade Beauties loveit. Full sun plant. Hot temperatures. Crop timefrom seed to pack, 14 wks.; 288 size plug to 4 inchpot, 6 wks; hanging baskets from 288 plug 10 wks.Vinca Standard F1EZ Gro HotliK Purple Eye5900EZ Gro HotliK Red Eye5901 EZ Gro HotliK White 5905THE HotliK SERIES is now EZ Gro F-1HotliK SERIES and it really ‘jams’ in the hotweather and still lays down some smokin’ hotlicks even when the temperature is cool. Easy forthe home gardener and landscaper to grow andenjoy. F-1 hybrid vigor makes it all possible.Plants are vigorous, and well branched. Theyresist disease and produce very large flowers.Plant height is 12 to 13” with flowers up to 21/2”. Fast growing seedlings are ready to sell in8 weeks from seed.Vinca StandardEZ Gro HotliK Red 5906EZ Gro HotliK Mix 5907Cascade Beauty Burgundy 5792EZ Gro HotliK Lipstick 5903 EZ Gro HotliK Orchid Eye5897Cascade Beauty Peach 5793 Cascade Beauty Purple 57792010GARDEN LEADER THEY EARSunsplash Apricot 5586OF2010 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEAREZ Gro HotliK Passion Fruit 5898Sunsplash Blue5722 Sunsplash Bright White5772Cascade Beauty Red 5754Cascade Beauty Rose 5798 Cascade Beauty Salmon 5781Annual Plugs & Seeds 126EZ Gro HotliK Peppermint 5899Sunsplash Burgundy 5773 Sunsplash Cherry 5931

Sunsplash Deep Pink 5635 Sunsplash Grape 5567Violaand home gardeners enjoyed the same success aswe observed in countless trial fields. These plantsover-wintered in all trials from Zone 4 south andin almost every Zone 3 site we tested. Colors arebright, clear and unique. Plants develop into 8-inch mounds and cover themselves with flowers.Full sun/part shade plant. Cool temperatures.Crop time from seed to pack, 14 wks.; 288 sizeplug to 4 inch pot, 6 wksWahlenbergiaSunsplash Light Pink 5636 Sunsplash Lilac 5603Garden Leader Blue On Bronze 7750Sunsplash Orchid 5563 Sunsplash Papaya 5716Sunsplash Peach 5587 Sunsplash Raspberry 5605Garden Leader AntiqueApricot7754Garden Leader AntiquePink7747Garden Leader AntiqueLavender 7746Garden LeaderBeaconsfield 7722Garden Leader Icy Blue 6774Garden Leader Blue Wahlenbergia. 1 1/2 inchblooms change from medium to light blue. Fullbaskets from a January sowing. Plants are 12inches high and spread to 14 inches. Full sun/partshade plant. Cool temperatures. Crop time fromseed to pack, 14 wks.WildflowerSunsplash Red 5626 Sunsplash Rose 5637Garden Leader Orange7773Garden Leader VioletBicolor7613Garden Leader Red 7774Garden Leader VioletBlotch 7614Z-Scape Flower Field 8994Z-Scape Wild Flower Mix. Great mixture offlowers that naturalize easily. Contains perennialsand self-seeding annuals. Special order only dueto the fact that we make regional mixes that bestperform in your area.Zinnia TrailingSunsplash White W/Eye 5638Sunsplash Mix 5730VINCA SUNSPLASH SERIES. Heat anddrought tolerant. Thrives in hot weather, welldrainedsoil and full sun. Large flowers withoverlapping petals. 10 to 12 inch plants.“Sunsplash Deep Pink: Superior habit and form.Good disease and heat resistance.” Texas Ag.Exp. Station TX.; "Wow that Papaya, what asensational color!" Central College TrialGrounds. Crop time from seed to pack, 14 wks.;288 size plug to 4 inch pot, 6 wksGarden Leader White 7768 Garden Leader Yellow 7751Garden Leader Mix 7755GARDEN LEADER VIOLA SERIES. Trial aftertrial proved out the worthiness of our GardenLeader series of Violas. Landscapers, retailersCascade Beauties White 5811Annual Plugs & Seeds 127

Cascade Beauties Yellow 5785Trailing Zinnia Cascade Beauties. Creeping habitwith dark green, strap-like foliage. 10 inches highspreading up to 2 feet. Profusion of 1 1/2" daisyflowers. Mildew and drought tolerant. Reallytakes the heat. Great in combination baskets andcontainers. Full sun plant. Hot temperatures.Crop time from seed to pack, 8 wks.; 288 sizeplug to 4 inch pot, 6 wks.; hanging baskets 10wks from 288 plug.Zinnia Elegans CompactLoGro Mix 5936ZINNIA LoGro SERIES has beautifully formed2”, full double blooms surrounding well formedmounds of foliage. Plants are 10” tall, compactgrowing without the need for growth regulatorsand disease tolerant in the landscape. Season ofbloom is long lasting. Perfect for large cell packsand smaller containers. Excellent full sun borderplant. Thrives in hot temperatures. Crop timefrom seed to pack, 8 wks.; 288 size plug to 4inch pot, 6 wks.Zinnia Elegans StandardIce Cream Orange 57572005GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROFLoGro Orange 59372005 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEARIce Cream Red 5746Ice Cream Yellow 5752Ice Cream Mix 5753ZINNIA ICE CREAM SERIES. Crop time fromseed to pack, 8 wks.; 288 size plug to 4 inch pot,7 wks. Our number one selling dwarf Zinnia andfor good reason. Flowers are large yet plants arecompact and well formed. Season of bloom islong lasting. 10 to 12 inch plants, spread to 15inches. Flowers 3 1/2 to 4 inches.Zinnia Elegans TallLoGro Pink 5939 LoGro Red 5940Ice Cream White 5749 Ice Cream Pink 5750HiGro Candy Cane 1789LoGro White 5941 LoGro Yellow 5942Annual Plugs & Seeds 128Ice Cream Rose 5778 Ice Cream Scarlet 5751HiGro Lime 1790 HiGro Orange 1791

Zinnia InterspecificCompactHiGro Pink 1793 HiGro Purple 6096EZ Gro Phoenix Sun 5844EZ Gro Phoenix Fire 5838EZ Gro Phoenix Snow 5839HiGro Red 6094EZ Gro Phoenix Peach 5841HiGro Rose 6093 HiGro White 6095EZ Gro Phoenix Yellow 5840HiGro Yellow 6092HiGro Mix 6091ZINNIA HIGRO SERIES. HiGro means you canexpect extra vigor and an overall larger plant thanstandard. Big beautiful plants best grown in 4inch or 6 inch pots for use in large containers orbig bold landscape plantings. Bloom size reaches5 inches across. Plant height to 36 inches andwell branched. Colors are bold and resist fadingin full sun. Thrives in hot temperatures. Croptime from seed to pack, 8 wks.; 288 size plug to4 inch pot, 6 wks. Seed can be direct sown intolarge pots for a late season instant gardencontainer.EZ Gro Phoenix Rose 5842<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Phoenix Rose Star 5893EZ Gro Phoenix Mix 5799ZINNIA PHOENIX SERIES is now EZ GroPHOENIX SERIES. Easy for the home gardenerand landscaper to grow and enjoy. Hot & dryweather tolerant with small 2”daisy-like flowers.Narrow foliage always looks clean and is verymildew resistant. Plants grow to 12” in heightand 18” across. Continues blooming through thehottest weather. Full sun plant. Hot temperatures.Crop time from seed to pack, 8 wks.; 288 sizeplug to 4 inch pot, 6 wks.; hanging baskets 10wks from 288 plug.Annual Plugs & Seeds 129

ENDORSED BY THE GARDEN LEADER ALLIANCEFLORANOVA: UNITED KINGDOMfloranova presents<strong>NEW</strong> F-1 Garden Leader ®Annual Plugs & Seeds 130Upgrade over Cooler & PacificaLipstick Passion Fruit Red Red With EyePeppermint Orchid Eye Purple Eye MixVincaThe EZ Gri HotliK ® Series give you more...More Heat Tolerance, More Uniform, More Flower Size,More Vigorous Branching and Faster to Flower®

POWERCUTTINGS AND LINERSAWARDWINNER <strong>NEW</strong> <strong>NEW</strong>2010GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROF2010 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEARCapsicum Black Pearl102 & Half Pak<strong>NEW</strong> New Guinea Mystic Mix102 & Half Pak<strong>NEW</strong> Alternanthera Snow Ball 128, 102 & Half Pak, 722010GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROF2010 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEARPerilla The Thrillah 128, 102 & Half Pak, 72<strong>NEW</strong> Ipomea EZ Gro LoGro Lemon 128, 102 & Half Pak, 72<strong>NEW</strong> Calitunia EZ Gro Pink 128, 102 & Half Pak, 72Annual Cutting & Liners 133

<strong>NEW</strong> <strong>NEW</strong> <strong>NEW</strong>New Guinea Salsa102 & Half Pak<strong>NEW</strong> Gomphrena EZ Gro Pink Gomp102 & Half Pak<strong>NEW</strong> Gomphrena EZ Gro White Gomp102 & Half Pak<strong>NEW</strong> Capsicum Picasso Moon 102 & Half Pak, 72<strong>NEW</strong> Coleus Yellow Dragon 128, 102 & Half Pak, 72<strong>NEW</strong> Provoskia EZ Gro Blue Fog102 & Half Pak<strong>NEW</strong> Dahlia Melody Maroon 128, 102 & Half Pak, 72<strong>NEW</strong> Ivy Geraniun Balcon Royal 100<strong>NEW</strong> Lantana Cajun Pink 128, 102 & Half Pak, 72<strong>NEW</strong> Pentas Athena Violet 128, 102 & Half Pak, 72<strong>NEW</strong> Ruellia LoGro Pink 128, 102 & Half Pak, 72<strong>NEW</strong> Verbena Empress Burgundy Charm 128, 102 & Half Pak, 72Annual Cutting & Liners 134

GRIMES HORTICULTURE: OHIOENDORSED BY THE GARDEN LEADER ALLIANCEPlants Across America Plants Across America is what we call our exclusivegrower network that is developed for growers to getthousands of great varieties from a hundred greatgrowers by calling only one source, <strong>Grimes</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong>.<strong>Grimes</strong> offers the widest selection of plant, plug andliner varieties in the world. Our selection includes allthe varieties from all the major growers covering thewhole country.<strong>Grimes</strong> features the Garden Leader brand, which hasan endless number of varieties ranging from annuals,perennials, vegetables, mums and bare root daylilies togrowing media and tags.If you knew what <strong>Grimes</strong> knowsyou would buy Garden LeadersAnnual Cutting & Liners 135

Annual Cutting & LinersSection One: 102/34 SizeAbutilonSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionAcalyphaSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionAgastacheGarden Leader Purple Knight. Full sun/partshade. Rugged plants with broad, dramatic darkfoliage. 18 to 24” plant height, 16 to 18“ spread;4” pots; gallons; large combination containers,Contrasts in a beautiful way with silver andcharteuse companion plants.Angelonia Garden Leader. Full sun, warmconditions. 8 to 10” plant height, 10 to 12”spread; 4” pots; combination containers. Awillowing upright habit with mini orchid-likeflowers and thrives in a tropical environment. Itis an outstanding full sun container plant, bothdisease and insect resistant.AntirrhinumSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionArgyranthemumSee our 72-102/51-128 size tray section for moreGarden Leader varietiesGarden Leader ApricotFragrant foliage, blooms on tall spikes all summer.Heat tolerant and perennial through Zone 5. Fullsun/part shade 12 to 16” plant height, 12 to 14”spread; 4” pots; gallons; large combinationcontainers and outdoor beds or borders.AjugaAlso available in our 72-102/51-128 size tray.Garden Leader Royal TapestryGarden Leader Royal Tapestry. Full sun/part shade.Rugged plants. Foliage is dark green on top andrich maroon underneath. The combination makesan interesting effect in hanging baskets. 6 to 9”plant height, 20 to 24“ spread; 4” pots; gallons;large combination containers, huge hanging basketsand landscape plantings.AngeloniaSee our 72-102/51-128 size tray section for moreGarden Leader varietiesGarden Leader Angelic NeptuneGarden Leader EZ Gro Purple ShineFull sun/part shade. Perennial to Zone 4. 4 to 6”plant height, 12 to 14” spread; 4” pots; gallons;combination containers and outdoor beds or borders.AllamandaSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionAlternantheraSee our 72-102/51-128 size tray section for moreGarden Leader varietiesGarden Leader LavenderGarden Leader ButterflyArgyranthemum Garden Leader. Full sun/partshade, warm conditions. ‘Marguerite Daisy’ 8 to10” plant height, 10 to 12” spread; 4” pots. Largeflowers are early to bloom for combinationcontainers and landscapes.AsclepiasSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionAsparagusGarden Leader Purple KnightGarden Leader PinkGarden Leader WhiteGarden Leader EZ Gro SprengeriAnnual Cutting & Liners 136

102/34Garden Leader EZ Gro Sprengeri. Full sun/partshade, warm conditions. 20 to 22” plant height,20 to 32” spread; 4” pots; hanging baskets,combination containers, outdoor beds and borders.BacopaSee our 72-102/51-128 size tray section for moreGarden Leader varietiesGarden Leader Blue ChiliesGarden Leader Cascade Beauty BlueGarden Leader Cascade Beauty WhiteGARDEN LEADER CASCADE BEAUTYSERIES‘Sutera’ Part shade, for all climates. 18 to22” plant height, 18 to 20” spread; 4” to 8” pots;hanging baskets and combination containers.BegoniaGarden Leader EZ Gro Dragon Wing PinkGarden Leader EZ Gro Sole SurvivorGarden Leader EZ Gro Sole Survivor. Fullsun/part shade/full shade, Hot conditions. 8 to10” height 18” spread; 4” pots; combinationcontainers, outdoor beds and borders. Darkangel-wing foliage with duo-color flowers ofwhite and rose. A real survivor in the face ofharsh conditions and neglect.BidensSee our 72-102/51-128 size tray section for moreGarden Leader varietiesGarden Leader HiGro Inspiration YellowLarge, viorous plants. 18” plant height, 36”spread; large pots; combination hanging basketsand large containers. Full sun/part shade, Hotconditions through light frost. Very aggressive.BrachycomeSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionBracteanthaSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionCalibrachoaSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionCalituniaSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionCapsicum<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Picasso MoonCapsicum Garden Leader. Full sun/part shade,Hot conditions. Plants are covered with smallpepper fruit. Mostly grown for its ornamentalvalue, edible but very hot. 18 to 22” plant height,10 to 12” spread; 4” pots; combination containers,hanging baskets, outdoor beds and borders.ColeusSee our 72-102/51-128 size tray section for moreGarden Leader varietiesGarden Leader DarkRaider<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader DefianceGarden Leader BlackDragon2010GARDEN LEADER THEY EAR<strong>NEW</strong>OFGarden Leader EZ Gro Dragon Wing RedFull sun/part shade/full shade, Hot conditions. 10to 12” height 20” spread; 4” pots; hangingbaskets, combination containers, outdoor bedsand borders.2010 GARDEN LEADER OF THE THE YEARGarden Leader Black Pearl<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Green PerillaAnnual Cutting & Liners 137

102/34<strong>NEW</strong>CupheaSee our 72-102/51-128 size tray section for moreGarden Leader varietiesEcklonis<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Kiwi FernGarden Leader Lavender<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader MatchstickGarden Leader Matchstick. Full sun/partial shade,Hot conditions 12 to 16” plant height, 12 to 18”spread; 4” pots; hanging baskets and combinationcontainers and landscape.DahliaSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionGarden Leader PurpleGarden Leader White<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Lime MargaritaDiasciaSee our 72-102/51-128 size tray section for moreGarden Leader varietiesGarden Leader Sunrise<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader VelvetPonchoGarden Leader ApricotGarden Leader Passion MixEcklonis Garden Leader. Full sun/partial shade,Cool conditions. 6” plant height, 6 to 8” spread;4” pots, and combination containers. Bloomslong into the summer season unlike mostOsteospermums.Eucalyptus<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Yellow DragonColeus Garden Leader. Full sun/partial shade,Warm conditions. In horticulture this crop is thegenus Solenostemon. Grows to 12 to 16” plantheight, 12 to 14” spread; 4” pots; hangingbaskets, combination containers and landscape.CoreopsisGarden Leader Lavender Garden Leader SalmonDiascia Garden Leader. Full sun/partial shade,Cool conditions in spring or fall, 10 to 12” plantheight, 12 to 14” spread; 4” and 6” pots, hangingbaskets and combination containers.DichondraGarden Leader EZ Gro SilverdropGarden Leader EZ Gro Silverdrop. Fullsun/partial shade, Warm conditions. Silverfoliage 24” plant height, 20 to 28” spread; 4”pots, landscape and combination containers.Harvested branches make attractive dried stems.EuphorbiaGarden Leader Sun PopsGarden Leader Sun Pops. Full sun, Coolconditions 10” plant height, 10” spread; 4”pots; combination containers and landscape.Garden Leader Silver FallsGarden Leader Silver Falls. Full sun/partialshade, Warm conditions, trailing foliage plant 3”plant height, 22 to 44” spread; 4” pots, hangingbaskets and combination containers.Garden Leader Blue SilverAnnual Cutting & Liners 138

FLORIDA PLANT SPECIALISTS: FLORIDAENDORSED BY THE GARDEN LEADER ALLIANCEMike Fernandez: Owner Growing Garden Leaders Ron Fox: OwnerFLORIDA GROWNGARDEN LEADERSFOR NORTHERN GROWERSComplete selection of cuttings and liners.Annual Cutting & Liners 139

102/34Garden Leader Blue Silver. Full sun/partialshade, Warm conditions. 14” plant height, 14 to18” spread; 4” pots, landscape and combinationcontainers.EuryopsSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionEvolvulusAlso available in our 72-102/51-128 size tray.Garden Leader EZ Gro BluesGarden Leader EZ Gro Blues. Also known as‘Blue Daze’ Full sun/partial shade, hot conditions.14” plant height, 14 to 18” spread; 4” pots,landscape, hanging basket and combinationcontainers.FuchsiaSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionGauraSee our 72-102/51-128 size tray section for moreGarden Leader varietiesGarden Leader Cascade Beauty WhiteGARDEN LEADER CASCADE BEAUTYSERIES. Full sun/partial shade, Warmconditions. Single flower form. 4 to 6” plantheight, 14 to 20” spread; 4” pots, hanging basketsand combination containers. Your best choice foroedema resistant Ivy Geraniums.Geranium, ZonalSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionGomphrena2006GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROFGrassesGarden Leader EZ Gro Avena French BlackGarden Leader EZ Gro Avena French Black. Hotconditions. 8 to 12” plant height, 8 to 10” spread.Small compact 4” mounds.Garden Leader Carex Fire GrassGarden Leader Carex Fire Grass. Hot conditions.18 to 22” plant height, 8 to 10” spread.2006 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEARGarden Leader EZ Gro Purple GompGarden Leader The BrideGarden Leader The Bride. Full sun/partial shade,Warm conditions. Tall flower spikes. 24 to 36”plant height, 12 to 16” spread; 4” pots, largecombination containers, and perennial landscape.Geranium, Ivy<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader EZ Gro Pink Gomp<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader Carex PaintbrushGarden Leader Carex Paintbrush. Hot conditions.18 to 22” plant height, 8 to 10” spread.Garden Leader EZ Gro Eragrostis Wind GrassGarden Leader EZ Gro Eragrostis Wind Grass.Tall open 4’ clumps. Plant in 6” containers, largecombination pots and landscape borders. Plantsstand strong with graceful movements in the wind.Garden Leader Cascade Beauty LilacGarden Leader CascadeBeauty PinkGarden Leader CascadeBeauty Red<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader EZ Gro White GompGARDEN LEADER EZ Gro PINK GOMPSERIES. Purple Gomp is the 2006 GardenLeader Plant of the Year. Full sun/partial shade,Warm conditions. 14 to 20” plant height, 18 to28” spread; 4” pots, 6” pots, huge hangingbaskets, landscape and combination containers.Garden Leader Golden MilletAnnual Cutting & Liners 140

102/34Garden Leader Golden Millet. Warm fertileconditions. 10 to 18” plant height, 10 to 12” spread.HemigraphisSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionHibiscus2008GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROFGarden Leader EZ Gro Isolepsis Magic WandsGarden Leader EZ Gro Isolepsis Magic Wands. Hotconditions. 18 to 22” plant height, 8 to 10” spread.Garden Leader EZ Gro Juncus Blue ArrowsGarden Leader EZ Gro Juncus Blue Arrows. Bogplant prefers hot and wet conditions. 12 to 18”plant height, 8 to 10” spread.Garden Leader EZ Gro Stipa Pony TailsGarden Leader EZ Gro Stipa Pony Tails. Hotconditions. Thin, light green color foliage withwispy golden flower tops. 18 to 20” plant height,12 to 16” spread.Garden Leader Stipa SiroccoGarden Leader Stipa Sirocco. Hot conditionsmatures to copper orange color. 18 to 22” plantheight, 8 to 10” spread.HelichrysumSee our 72-102/51-128 size tray section for moreGarden Leader varieties2008 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEARGarden Leader EZ Gro HiGro Big RedGarden Leader EZ Gro HiGro Big Red. Fullsun/partial shade, Warm conditions. Deeppurple/red foliage. 36 to 48” plant height, 20to 22” spread; 6” pots, large combinationcontainers. Big and bold grower.HypoestesGarden Leader Pink SpotsGarden Leader EZ Gro Juncus JavelinGarden Leader EZ Gro Juncus Javelin. Bog plantprefers hot and wet conditions. 20 to 24” plantheight, 10 to 14” spread.Garden Leader Silver MistGarden Leader Silver Mist. Full sun/partialshade, Warm to dry conditions. Foliage accentplant. 8 to10” plant height, 18 to 24” spread; 4”pots, hanging baskets and combinationcontainers.HeliniumGarden Leader White SpotsHYPOESTES GARDEN LEADER SERIES.Full sun/partial shade, Warm conditions. Foliageaccent plant. 9 to 12” plant height, 10 to 14”spread; 4” pots, hanging basket and combinationcontainers.IpomeaAlso available in our 72-102/51-128 size tray.Garden Leader EZ Gro Juncus Screw GrassGarden Leader EZ Gro Juncus Screw Grass.Warm conditions. Foliage accent, grass-likeplant. 8 to 10” plant height, 24 to 36” spread; 4”pots, hanging basket and combination containers.Garden Leader EZ Gro Dakota GoldGarden Leader EZ Gro Dakota Gold. Full sun,warm conditions. 9 to10” plant height, 10 to 12”spread; 4” pots, beds and combination containers.Garden Leader EZ Gro Ace of SpadesAnnual Cutting & Liners 141

102/34LamiumAlso available in our 72-102/51-128 size tray.Garden Leader EZ Gro Gold, nommularia. Fullsun/partial shade, Warm conditions. Foliageaccent plant 6 to 8” plant height, 12 to 14”spread; 4” pots, landscape, hanging basket andcombination containers. Perennial to Zone 4.MintSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionNemesiaSee our 72-102/51-128 size tray section for moreGarden Leader varietiesGarden Leader EZ Gro BlackieGarden Leader Silver Spots<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader Lavender<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader EZ Gro LoGro LemonGarden Leader EZ GroMargueriteGarden Leader TricolorEZ GroIPOMEA GARDEN LEADER SERIES. Fullsun/partial shade, Warm conditions. Foliageaccent plant. ‘Sweet Potato Vine’ 8 to 10” plantheight, 14 to 36” spread; 4” pots, hanging basketand combination containers.IresineSee our 72-102/51-128 size tray section for moreGarden Leader varietiesGarden Leader WhiteLAMIUM GARDEN LEADER SERIES. Fullsun/partial shade, Warm conditions. Silver leafaccent plant. 3 to 4” plant height, 10 to 14” spread;4” pots, hanging basket and combination containers.LantanaSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionLavandulaGarden Leader Fragrant ButterfliesGarden Leader Fragrant Butterflies. Fullsun/partial shade, Warm conditions. 8 to 10”plant height, 10 to 12” spread; 4” pots, hangingbasket, landscape and combination containers.LobeliaSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionLysimachiaSee our 72-102/51-128 size tray section for moreGarden Leader varietiesGarden Leader WhiteNEMESIA GARDEN LEADER SERIES. Fullsun in cool weather to part shade when theseason gets warmer. Grow for containers andgardens. Well branching, no pinch required andfull canope of flowers. Plant height 12 to 14”,spread 10 to 12”.New Guinea ImpatiensAlso available in our 72-102/51-128 size tray<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Salsa<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader EZ Gro Purple CascadeGarden Leader EZ Gro Purple Cascade. Fullsun/partial shade, Warm conditions. Foliage accentplant. 3 to 4” plant height, 12 to 18” trailer; 4” pots,hanging basket and combination containers.Annual Cutting & Liners 142Garden Leader EZ Gro Gold, nommularia<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Mystic Mix


102/34<strong>NEW</strong>PansyGarden Leader Orange BlazeGarden Leader Pastel Rose<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Passion MixGarden Leader Cascade Beauty Purple Rain<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader PinkGarden Leader Purple Eye<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Pinwheel Mix<strong>NEW</strong> GUINEA IMPATIENS GARDENLEADER SERIES. Full sun/partial shade, hotconditions. 16 of the best selling colors. 8 to 10”plant height, 10 to 12” spread; 4” pots, hangingbaskets, landscape and combination containers.One-week flowering window across the entireseries allows growers to meet ship dates. Flexibleproduct and pricing opportunities. Expanded salepossibilities by offering in 4” pots and inmixtures. Great branching habit produces lots offlowers all season long. Low-maintenance, highcolor-impact alternative for shade landscapes andcontainers.New Guinea Impatiens,HarmonyGarden Leader DarkLavenderGarden Leader Dark RedGarden Leader Raspberry CrèmeGarden Leader Red<strong>NEW</strong> GUINEA IMPATIENS, HARMONYGARDEN LEADER SERIES. Full sun/partialshade, hot conditions. 16 of the best sellingcolors. 8 to 10” plant height, 10 to 12” spread; 4”pots, hanging baskets, landscape andcombination containers.OenotheraGarden Leader WhiteGarden Leader CascadeBeauty SunshineGARDEN LEADER CASCADE BEAUTYSERIES. Full sun/partial shade, Cool conditions. 6to 7” plant height, 16 to 18” spread; ground beds,hanging baskets and combination containers.PedilanthusSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionPentasSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionPerillaAlso available in our 72-102/51-128 size tray.2010GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROF2010 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEARGarden Leader EZ Gro The ThrillahGarden Leader EZ Gro The Thrillah. Full sun/partial shade, Warm conditions. Accent foliageplant similar to Coleus. 12 to 14” plant height, 16 to22” spread; large pots and combination containers.PeristrotheSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionPerovskiaGarden Leader CascadeBeauty WaterfallGarden Leader Dark VioletGarden Leader MagentaGarden Leader OrangeGarden Leader Glowing MagentaFull sun/part shade, cool conditions. Plant height10 to 11”, spread 18 to 20”. Finish in 4” pots forlandscape and combination planters.OreganoSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionOsteospermumSee 72-102/51-128 Liner section<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader EZ Gro Blue FogAnnual Cutting & Liners 144

102/34Garden Leader EZ Gro Blue Fog. Full sunperennial that flowers the first year like anannual. Foliage is blue gray with a silvery sheen.Flower spikes reach 48” and plant spreadmatures to 24”, 10” the first season. Plants areheat and drought tolerant and ideal for late springsales in large combination pots or 6” containersfor landscaping.Petunia DoubleFlowered TrailingSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionPetunia Hedge Type<strong>NEW</strong>PETUNIA EZ GRO HIGRO SERIES. This is ourseries of big bush type plants with a very stronggrowing habit. Plants mature at 18 to 19" talland spread up to 42”. Strong branches withinterlocking orientation makes them resistant tocentral plant split when mature. The result is awell maintained mound. EZ Gro HiGro is wellsuited for very large containers and massivelandscape applications.Petunia TrailingSee our 72-102/51-128 size tray section for moreGarden Leader varietiesPhloxSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionPlectranthusGarden Leader EZ Gro Emerald Lace<strong>NEW</strong> EZGro HiGro PinkGarden Leader EZ Gro Prime Color Blue<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader EZ Gro HiGro Silver<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader EZ GroPrime Color CoralGarden Leader EZ GroPrime Color Lilac<strong>NEW</strong> EZGro HiGro Silver<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro HiGroRose<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro HiGroRose Red<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader EZ GroPrime Color PinkGarden Leader EZ GroPrime Color RedGarden Leader EZ GroPrime Color PurpleGarden Leader EZ GroPrime Color Rose<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader EZ Gro LoGro SilverPLECTRANTHUS GARDEN LEADERSERIES. Full sun/partial shade, Warm conditions.Accent foliage plant. Emerald Lace and LoGroSilver are 3 to 4” in plant height, 14 to 22” spreadfor 4” pots, hanging baskets and combinationcontainers. HiGro Silver has a height andspread of over 2 ft. and is best suited for largecombination containers and garden plantings.PlumbagoSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionPolygonum<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro HiGroSalmon Pink<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro HiGro Purple2007GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROF<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro HiGro WhiteGarden Leader EZ Gro Prime Color WhiteGARDEN LEADER EZ Gro PRIME SERIES.Full sun. All varieties in the series are solidcolors. Warm conditions. 6 to 8” plant height, 18to 26” spread; 4” pots, hanging baskets, groundbeds and combination containers.2007 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEARGarden Leader EZ Gro Pink SpriteAnnual Cutting & Liners 145

102/34Garden Leader EZ Gro Pink Sprite. 2007 GardenLeader of the Year. Full sun/part shade. Warmconditions. Attractive Zoned foliage turns purplein early fall. Long lasting pink quilled blooms. 6to 7” plant height, 14 to 18” spread; 4” pots;hanging baskets; combination containers.PurslaneSee our 72-102/51-128 size tray section for moreGarden Leader varietiesGarden Leader EZ Gro Fahrenheit BlueGarden Leader Pelican WhiteGARDEN LEADER PELICAN SERIES. Fullsun/part shade, hot conditions. 14 to 16” plantheight, 10 to 12” spread; 4” pots; combinationcontainers and landscaping. S.patens.Garden Leader EZ GroFahrenheit Blue & WhiteGarden Leader EZ GroFahrenheit VioletGarden Leader Wiibii FuchsiaGarden Leader WiibiiScarletGarden Leader WiibiiYellowGARDEN LEADER WIIBII SERIES. Full sun.Hot conditions. Succulent broad-leaf foliage andbrilliantly colored flowers. 2 to 3” plant height,14 to 18” spread; 4” pots; hanging baskets;combination containers and southern landscapes.We became impressed with the performance ofthis plant.RosemarySee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionRuelliaSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionSalviaSee our 72-102/51-128 size tray section for moreGarden Leader varietiesGarden Leader EZ Gro Fahrenheit WhiteGARDEN LEADER EZ GRO FAHRENHEITSERIES. Full sun/part shade, hot conditions.Sturdy plants, blooms have long lasting bracts.12 to 14” plant height, 10 to 12” spread; 4”pots;combination containers and landscaping. Plantsare heat and drought tolerant, culture for bothgrower and gardener is very easy. Perennial Zone7 and south. S. farinacea.Garden Leader Foreman RedGarden Leader Foreman Red. Full sun/part shade,hot conditions. 12 to 14” plant height, 10 to 12”spread; 4” pots; combination containers andlandscaping. Intense red flowers in 2 or 3 summerflushes. S.roemeriana.Garden Leader FurbeeGarden Leader Furbee. Full sun/part shade, Hotconditions. Foliage accent plant, silvery and fuzzy,irresistible to the touch. 12 to 14” plant height, 10to 12” spread; 4” pots; combination containers andlandscaping. S. atrimusSanvitaliaSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionScabiosaGarden Leader BlueGarden Leader Blue. Full sun/part shade, Hotconditions. 10 to 14” plant height. Plant spread is10 to 12”. Finish in 4” pots and use incombination planters and landscapes.ScaevolaAlso see 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionGarden Leader EZ Gro HiGro Big Bang!Garden Leader EZ Gro HiGro Big Bang! Fullsun/part shade, Hot conditions. Purple flowersborn in an open spray. 36 to 48” plant height, 24to 36” spread; gallons; very large combinationcontainers and landscaping. S. hybrid.Garden Leader Pelican BlueGarden Leader EZ Gro Blue IceGarden Leader EZ Gro Blue Ice. Full sun/partshade, warm conditions. ‘Australian Fan Flower’10 to 12” plant height, 18 to 22” spread; 4” pots;hanging baskets, combination containers andgroundcover.Annual Cutting & Liners 146

102/34SedumGarden Leader Joey. Full sun, warm conditions.Puffy flower spikes all season. Height 12 to 15”,spread 8 to 10”. Plant in combination planterswhere Joey can contribute its upright habit to thecomposition. Ptilotus is native to Australia.ThunbergiaVerbenaSee our 72-102/51-128 size tray section for moreGarden Leader varietiesGarden Leader VoodooGarden Leader Voodoo. Full sun perennial.Succulent, chocolate color, shiny foliage withbright rose color flowers. 3 to 5” plant height, 12to 14” spread; 4” pots; hanging baskets,combination containers and groundcover.SetcreaseaSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionStreptocarpellaAlso available in our 72-102/51-128 size tray.Garden Leader Orange EyeGarden Leader EZ Gro Rigida BlueGarden Leader Concord BlueGarden Leader Concord Blue. Shade, Warmconditions. 6 to 18” plant height, 12 to 16”spread; 4” pots; hanging baskets, combinationcontainers.StrobilanthesSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionTalinumGarden Leader Kingswood GoldGarden Leader Kingswood Gold. Full sun, Hotconditions. Lime green foliage accent. 8 to 10”plant height, 8 to 16” spread; 4” pots; combinationcontainers.Tea LotusGarden Leader SunsetShadesGarden Leader White EyeGarden Leader Yellow EyeTHUNBERGIA GARDEN LEADER SERIES.Full sun, Hot conditions. 24 to 36” plant height,12 to 16” spread; 4” pots; hanging baskets, largecombination containers, landscape trellis.ThymusSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionToreniaSee 72-102/51-128 Liner sectionTweediaGarden Leader EZ Gro Rigida RoseGARDEN LEADER EZ Gro RIGIDA SERIES.Full sun, Warm conditions. Moderate to dry, welldrained soil. Upright stems with a tall growingplant habit. 16 to 20” plant height, 16 to 20”spread; 4” pots; combination containers andlandscaping.VincaGarden Leader Major VariegatedGarden Leader Major Variegated. Full sun/partshade, Warm conditions. 2 to 3” plant height, 12to 22” spread; 4” pots; hanging baskets,combination containers and landscaping.ZinniaGarden Leader JoeyGarden Leader BlueGarden Leader Blue. Full sun/part shade. Coolconditions. 6 to 8” plant height, 10 to 14” spread;4” pots, hanging basket and containercombinations.Garden Leader WhiteGarden Leader White. Full sun, Hot conditions.8 to 12” plant height, 14 to 18” spread; 4” pots;hanging baskets, combination containers andlandscaping.Annual Cutting & Liners 147

Annual Cutting & LinersSection Two: Sizes 72/72, 102/51, 128/125Garden Leader72/72 Size TraysFull trays contain 72 cells and are billed at 72shipped 4 trays per boxGROWER FPS: Two sizes available for mostvarieties. 72 liner trays or 128 cell trays, 3 traysper box. Shipped to your door.Garden Leader102/51 Size TraysFull trays contain 102 cells. Each cell is 1” wideby 1 1/2” deep. Full trays can be separated into 2strips (Half Paks) each containing 51 cells. Fulltrays of 102 are billed at 100. Half Paks arebilled at 50.Minimum order size is one box.GROWER SHR: 102 Liner Trays. Shipped toyour door, 4 trays per box.Half-Paks of 50 per variety. Up to 8 varietiesper box. This means a wide selection for you.GROWER BUC: 102 Liner Trays. Shipped toyour door, 6 trays per box.Half-Paks of 50 per variety. Up to 12 varietiesper box. This offers you the widest selection.r box. Offers you a wide selection.Unrooted Cuttings for many of the GardenLeader varieties can be purchased at 100per variety.Tags:All Garden Leader Crops are sold along witha premium 4” full color picture tag per plantfeaturing culture instructions and ideas forgarden use.AbutilonGarden Leader ApricotGarden Leader Apricot. ‘Flowering Maple’, fullsun/part shade Hibiscus-like flowers on stems withmaple leaf shaped foliage. 6 to 9” plant height; 4”pots; combination containers.AcalyphaGarden Leader Bronze Pink. ‘Copperleaf’, fullsun/part shade, hot dry conditions. Brilliant shiningfoliage on sturdy upright branches, 15 to 28” plantheight, 22 to 24” spread; 6” pots; large containersand landscape.AgastacheSee 102/34 Liner section grower PATAjugaAlso available in our 102/34 size tray.AlternantheraSee our 102/34 size tray section for more GardenLeader varieties<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Red HotGarden Leader Red Hot. Part shade to full sun.Bright red foliage for contrast in combos andlandscape. 12 to 16” plant height, 12“ spread; 4”pots; combination containers.Garden Leader FiretailGarden Leader Firetail. ‘Chenille’, full sun/part shade,hot dry conditions Pendant, fuzzy flowers on trailingbranches, 5 to 7” plant height, 12 to 14” spread; 4”pots; hanging baskets.<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader EZ Gro Purple ShineGarden Leader EZ Gro Purple Shine. Full sun/partshade. Perennial to Zone 4. 4 to 6” plant height, 12to 14” spread; 4” pots; gallons; combinationcontainers and outdoor beds or borders.Allamanda<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader SaffronGarden Leader Saffron. Part shade to full shade.Bright yellow foliage for contrast combos and tobrighten up dark garden spots. Very compact 4 to6” plant height, 6“ spread; 4” pots; combinationcontainers.<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Bronze Pink<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Dwarf JennyGarden Leader Dwarf Jenny. Full sun, hotconditions. Bright chartreuse flowers and darkwaxy green foliage. 14 to 28” plant height, 12“spread; 6” pots; combination containers andsouthern landscapes.<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader SnowballAnnual Cutting & Liners 148

72/72, 102/51, 128/125Garden Leader Snowball. Part shade to full shade.Variegated foliage gives a cool look and brightensup dark garden spots. 8 to 12” plant height, 10“spread; 4” pots; combination containers.AngeloniaSee our 102/34 size tray section for more GardenLeader varietiesGarden Leader LoGro Fruit Salad CranberryGarden Leader ButterflyArgyranthemum Garden Leader. Full sun/partshade, warm conditions. ‘Marguerite Daisy’ ‘8 to10” plant height, 10 to 12” spread; 4” pot. Largeflowers are early to bloom for combinationcontainers and landscapes.AsclepiasGarden Leader Blue<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Pink<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader LoGro Fruit Salad LitchiGARDEN LEADER LoGro FRUIT SALADSERIES. Full sun. Cool to warm conditions.4 to 6” plant height, 18 to 24” spread; 4” pots,hanging baskets, ground beds and combinationcontainers. Genetic engineering maintains theirshort height without growth regulators. TrailingSnapdragons are ideal for spring baskets.Argyranthemum<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Milkweed OrangeGarden Leader Milkweed Orange. Full sun/partshade, warm conditions. 24 to 32” plant height, 20to 32” spread; 4” pots; combination containers,outdoor beds and borders.AsparagusAlso available in our 102/34 size tray.Garden Leader Angelic Dark Pink<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader WhiteAngelonia Garden Leader Series. Full sun,warm conditions. 8 to 10” plant height, 10 to12” spread; 4” pots; combination containers. Awillowing upright habit with mini orchid-likeflowers and thrives in a tropical environment.It is an outstanding container plant, both diseaseand insect resistant.AntirrhinumGarden Leader Angelic NeptuneGarden Leader EZ Gro SprengeriGarden Leader EZ Gro Sprengeri. Full sun/partshade, warm conditions. 20 to 22” plant height, 20 to32” spread; 4” pots; hanging baskets, combinationcontainers, outdoor beds and borders.BacopaSee our 102/34 size tray section for more GardenLeader varietiesGarden Leader LoGro Fruit Salad CarambolaGarden Leader Angelic Pink DelightGarden Leader Blue ShowersAnnual Cutting & Liners 149

72/72, 102/51, 128/125BracteanthaCalibrachoa Full SizeGarden Leader ScopiaDark PinkGarden Leader ScopiaGolden LeavesGarden Leader Helica OrangeGarden Leader Noa Amber StarGarden Leader ScopiaGulliver WhiteGarden Leader LavenderShowersBacopa Garden Leader. ‘Sutera’ Part shade, forall climates. 18 to 22” plant height, 18 to 20”spread; 4” to 8” pots; hanging baskets andcombination containers.BegoniaSee 102/34 Liner section grower PATBidensSee our 102/34 size tray section for more GardenLeader varietiesGarden Leader Helica PlumGarden Leader Helica YellowGARDEN LEADER HELICA SERIES. Fullsun/part shade, 65 to 78°. 10 to 12” plant height,10” spread; 4” pots or larger; combinationhanging baskets and containers. Use a welldrained mix, yellowing foliage indicates toomuch water in the soil.Calibrachoa CompactGarden Leader NoaApricot Eye<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader Noa BlueLegend<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Noa Dark Pink CarnivalGarden Leader LoGro Colorburst Pro WhiteGarden Leader LoGro Yellow EmpireGarden Leader LoGro Yellow Empire. Compactplants with a tight and neat habit. No growthregulators needed to maintain its shape. Full sunwarm to hot conditions. Plant height is 3 to 5”,spread 4 to 6”. For combinations, containers andbedding.BrachycomeGarden Leader LoGroColorburst Pro GoldGarden Leader LoGroColorburst Pro RedGarden Leader NoaLemonGarden Leader NoaMagentaGarden Leader Mauve DelightGarden Leader Mauve Delight. Full sun/partshade, Cool conditions through light frost. 8to 10” plant height, 8 to 10” spread; 4” pots;combination hanging baskets and containers.Annual Cutting & Liners 150Garden Leader LoGroColorburst Pro RoseGarden Leader LoGroColorburst Pro BlueGARDEN LEADER LoGro COLORBURSTPRO SERIES. Early flowering and compactseries. No need for growth regulators to controlheight. Full sun/part shade, Warm conditions,avoid over-watering, maintain pH of 5.5 to 6.0,higher pH or over watering results in foliagechlorosis and disease. 4 to 7” plant height, 18to 20” spread; 4” pots; hanging baskets,combination containers.Garden Leader Noa Mango EyeGarden Leader NoaOrange EyeGarden Leader Noa PeachEye

72/72, 102/51, 128/125<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader Noa PinkGarden Leader Noa Red<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Noa TangerineGarden Leader EZ Gro PurpleCALITUNIA GARDEN LEADER EZ GroSERIES. A beautiful hybrid cross betweenCalibrachoa and Petunia. The result is an easy togrow plant with extreme weather tolerance.Much more tolerant of high pH than Calibrachoa.10” plant height, 24 to 30” spread; 4” pots;hanging baskets, combination containers.CapsicumSee 102/34 Liner section grower PATColeusSee our 102/34 size tray section for more GardenLeader varieties<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Kiwi FernGarden Leader Lemon LimeGarden Leader Lime RedGarden Leader NoaUltimate PinkGarden Leader Noa UltraPurpleGarden Leader MangoGarden LeaderRighteous Radish<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader Dark RaiderGarden Leader Noa WhiteGarden Leader Noa Yellow<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Yellow DragonGarden Leader Noa Yellow CreamGARDEN LEADER NOA SERIES. Earlyflowering series. Full sun/part shade, Warmconditions, avoid over-watering, maintain pHof 5.5 to 6.0, higher pH or over wateringresults in foliage chlorosis and disease. 8 to10” plant height, 20 to 24” spread; 4” pots;hanging baskets, combination containers.Calitunia<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader DefianceGarden Leader DucksfootGarden Leader Hay RideGarden Leader SunriseCOLEUS GARDEN LEADER SERIES. Fullsun/partial shade, Warm conditions. In horticulturethis crop is the genus Solenostemon. Grows to12 to 16” plant height, 12 to 14” spread; 4” pots;hanging baskets, combination containers andlandscape.CordylineAlso available in our 102/34 size, grower PAT.<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader EZ Gro PinkGarden Leader Hot PinkGarden Leader EZ Gro Green SpikesAnnual Cutting & Liners 151

72/72, 102/51, 128/125Garden Leader EZ Gro Green Spikes. Fullsun/partial shade, Hot conditions 18 to 22” plantheight, 12 to 18” spread; use as an uprightelement in combination containers.CoreopsisSee 102/34 Liner section grower PATCrossandra<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Melody Latin<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Orange Flame<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Apricot SunGarden Leader Apricot Sun. Full sun/partialshade, Hot conditions 8” to 10” plant height,6 to 8” spread; 4” pots; and combinationcontainers and landscape.CupheaSee our 102/34 size tray section for more GardenLeader varieties<strong>NEW</strong> Melody Mombo<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader Pink<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader EZ Gro Lavender (Allyson Heather)<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Melody SwingMELODY SERIES. Full sun/partial shade, Warmconditions. Double flower form born inabundance set over vibrant green foliage. 15 to20” plant height, 19 to 12” spread. Finish in 6”pots and larger, landscape and combinationcontainers.Diascia<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Pink Glory<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader EZ Gro White (Brazillian White)CUPHEA GARDEN LEADER EZ Gro SERIES.Full sun/partial shade, Hot conditions 12 to 16”plant height, 12 to 18” spread; 4” pots; hangingbaskets and combination containers and landscape.Dahlia<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader Antique Red<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader WhiteDIASCIA GARDEN LEADER SERIES. Fullsun/partial shade, cool conditions in spring orfall, 10 to 12” plant height, 12 to 14” spread; 4”and 6” pots, hanging baskets and combinationcontainers.Duranta<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Melody AllegroGarden Leader Blush<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Athena BlueAnnual Cutting & Liners 152

72/72, 102/51, 128/125Garden Leader Athena Blue. Full sun/partialshade,14 to 20” plant height, 14 to 16” spread;6” pots, landscape and combination containers.DichondraSee 102/34 Liner section grower PATEcklonisSee 102/34 Liner section grower PATEucalyptusSee 102/34 Liner section grower PATEuphorbiaSee 102/34 Liner section grower PATEuryopsGauraSee our 102/34 size tray section for more GardenLeader varietiesGarden Leader The PinkGarden Leader The Pink. Full sun/partial shade,Warm conditions. Tall flower spikes. 24 to 36”plant height, 12 to 16” spread; 4” pots, largecombination containers, and perennial landscape.Geranium, IvySee our 102/34 size tray section for more GardenLeader varietiesGeranium, ZonalGarden Leader Patriot Bright RedGarden Leader PatriotBright VioletGarden Leader PatriotCherry Rose<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader YellowGarden Leader Yellow. Full sun/partial shade,Cool conditions. 12 - 16” plant height, 10 to 14”spread; 4” pots and combination containers.EvolvulusGarden Leader PatriotRedGarden Leader PatriotRose Pink<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Balcon Royal<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader PatriotSalmonGarden Leader PatriotSalmon ChicGarden Leader EZ Gro BlueGarden Leader EZ Gro Blue. ‘Blue Daze’ Fullsun/partial shade, hot conditions. 14” plantheight, 14 to 18” spread; 4” pots, landscape,hanging basket and combination containers.Fuchsia<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader King of Balcon<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader Patriot Soft PinkGarden Leader GardenmeisterGarden Leader Gardenmeister. Full sun/partialshade, Cool conditions. Gardenmeister is12 to 22” tall with a 20 to 24” spread; 4” pots,landscape and combination containers.<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Princess BalconGARDEN LEADER BALCON SERIES. Fullsun/partial shade, Warm and cool conditions.Here is the traditional trailing Geranium thatgives the ultimate in consumer satisfaction. Plantheight is 8 to 10” and the spread is 24 to 36”. 100per variety.Garden Leader PatriotWatermelonGarden Leader PatriotWhiteGarden Leader Patriot Series. Full sun/partialshade, Warm conditions. Double flower form.12 to 16” plant height, 14 to 18” spread. Finishin 4 1/2” pots and larger, containers, landscapeand combination containers. The series mostconsistantly awarded “Excellent” ratings in flowertrials across North America. 100 per variety.Annual Cutting & Liners 153


72/72, 102/51, 128/125GomphrenaSee 102/34 Liner section grower PATGrassesSee 102/34 Liner section grower PATHelichrysumSee our 102/34 size tray section for more GardenLeader varietiesGarden Leader LoGroTioga Compact PinkGarden Leader LoGroTioga Compact PurpleGarden Leader TiogaNeon Salmon<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden LeaderTioga WhiteGARDEN LEADER TIOGA SERIES. Fullsun/partial shade, Warm conditions. Standardsize varietes with blooms the are presentedabove the foliage. Best for 5” and large pots,baskets and combos.IpomoeaAlso available in our 102/34 size tray.Garden Leader EZ Gro LicoriceGarden Leader EZ Gro Licorice. Full sun/partialshade, Warm to dry conditions. Foliage accentplant. 8 to10” plant height, 18 to 24” spread;4” pots, hanging baskets and combinationcontainers.HeliniumSee 102/34 Liner section grower PATHemigraphisGarden Leader LoGroTioga Compact RoseGarden Leader LoGroTioga Compact WhiteGARDEN LEADER LoGro TIOGA COMPACTSERIES. Full sun/partial shade, Warm conditions.Compact varieties need no growth regulator tocontrol height. Finish in 3 to 5” pots.Impatiens Mid Size DoubleGarden Leader EZ Gro Ace of SpadesGarden Leader Tioga Hot PinkGarden Leader EZ Gro BlackieGarden Leader HologramGarden Leader Hologram. Full sun/partialshade and enjoys warm conditions. Decorativefoliage is deep iridescent purple in color. 8 to 10”plant height, 22 to 24” spread; 6” pots, largecombination containers and hanging baskets.HibiscusSee 102/34 Liner section grower PATHypoestesSee 102/34 Liner section grower PATImpatiens Compact DoubleGarden Leader TiogaLavenderGarden Leader TiogaPurpleGarden Leader TiogaLight PinkGarden Leader TiogaPurple Star<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader EZ Gro LoGro LemonGarden Leader EZ GroMargueriteGarden Leader EZ GroTricolorGarden Leader LoGro Tioga Compact CitrusGarden Leader Tioga RedGarden Leader TiogaRose on WhiteIPOMOEA GARDEN LEADER EZ Gro SERIES.Full sun/partial shade, Warm conditions. Foliageaccent plant. ‘Sweet Potato Vine’ 8 to 10” plantheight, 14 to 36” spread; 4” pots, hanging basketand combination containers.Annual Cutting & Liners 155

72/72, 102/51, 128/125IresineSee our 102/34 size tray section for more GardenLeader varieties<strong>NEW</strong>LobeliaGarden Leader Anabel Blue<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Cajun PinkGarden Leader BloodleafGarden Leader Bloodleaf. Full sun/partial shade,Warm conditions. Foliage accent plant. 8 to 10”height, 10 to 12” mound; 4” pots, andcombination containers.LamiumGarden Leader Lavender,trailingGarden Leader OrangeGarden Leader AnabelBlue RomanceGarden Leader AnabelWhiteGARDEN LEADER ANABEL SERIES. Fullsun/partial shade. Large and vigorous plants.The flowers remain open in the twilight hoursas well as in the early morning. Plants surviveall year round through Zone 7.LysimachiaAlso available in our 102/34 size tray.Garden Leader Silver SpotsGarden Leader Red<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader EZ Gro Gold, nommulariaGarden Leader WhiteLAMIUM GARDEN LEADER SERIES. Fullsun/partial shade, Warm conditions. Silver leafaccent plant. 3 to 4” plant height, 10 to 14”spread; 4” pots, hanging basket and combinationcontainers.Lantana<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Red SpreadGarden Leader VariegatedLysimachia Garden Leader. Full sun/partialshade, Warm conditions. Foliage accent plant 6to 8” plant height, 12 to 14” spread; 4” pots,landscape, hanging basket and combinationcontainers.MintGrower SHR only<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Athens RoseAnnual Cutting & Liners 156Garden Leader RoseGarden Leader YellowLANTANA GARDEN LEADER SERIES. Fullsun, hot conditions. 13 to 14” plant height, 10 to14” spread; 4” pots, hanging basket, landscapeand combination containers.LavandulaSee 102/34 Liner section grower PAT2009GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROF2009 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEARGarden Leader EZ Gro Ginger Mint

72/72, 102/51, 128/125Garden Leader EZ Gro Ginger Mint. Full sun/partial shade, perennial to Zone 6. Spicy andfragrant for containers and drying.Full sun/partial shade, perennial to Zone 6.Can become invasive over time. Ornamental,variegated and trailing foliages for containers,ground cover and baskets.Garden Leader DarkLavenderGarden Leader Dark RedGarden Leader Cologne MintGarden Leader Cologne Mint. Full sun/partialshade, perennial to Zone 6. Very sweet andpungent for patio plantings and potporri.Garden Leader Indian EZ Gro Waterfall MintGarden Leader Indian EZ Gro Waterfall Mint.Full sun/partial shade, perennial to Zone 6. Canbecome invasive over time. Vigorous trailingvariety with shiny foliage and minty fragrance.NemesiaSee our 102/34 size tray section for more GardenLeader varietiesGarden Leader Dark VioletGarden Leader Ricola Swiss MintGarden Leader Ricola Swiss Mint. Full sun/ partialshade, perennial to Zone 6. Soothing mint flavorfor garnishesGarden Leader MagentaGarden Leader OrangeGarden Leader Nemesis CherryGarden Leader OrangeBlazeGarden Leader PastelRoseGarden Leader After 8 Chocolate MintGarden Leader After 8 Chocolate Mint. Full sun/partial shade, perennial to Zone 6. Rich mint tastefor baking, candy and garnish.Garden Leader NemesisCompact YellowGarden Leader NemesisOrange FancyGarden Leader PinkGarden Leader Purple EyeGarden Leader Moroccan MintGarden Leader Moroccan Mint. Full sun/partialshade, perennial to Zone 6. Celebratedinternational favorite for teaGarden Leader EZ Gro Pineapple MintGarden Leader Nemesis RaspberryGARDEN LEADER NEMESIS SERIES. Full sun,cool weather season. Densely branched mounds. 12to 14” plant height, 10 to 12” spread; 4 and 6” pots,combination containers and ground beds.<strong>NEW</strong> Guinea Impatiens,HarmonyAlso available in our 102/34 size traySee our 102/34 size tray section for more GardenLeader varietiesGarden Leader Raspberry CrèmeGarden Leader RedGarden Leader WhiteAnnual Cutting & Liners 157

72/72, 102/51, 128/125GARDEN LEADER HARMONY SERIES. Fullsun/partial shade, hot conditions. 16 of the bestselling colors. 8 to 10” plant height, 10 to 12”spread; 4” pots, hanging baskets, landscape andcombination containers.OenotheraAvailable in our 102/34 size tray.OreganoGarden Leader Side ShowPurpleGarden Leader Side ShowBicolor Purple<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Athena Neon Magenta<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader GoldieGarden Leader Goldie. Full sun/partial shade,Warm conditions.6 to 8” plant height, 18 to 10”spread; 4” pots, landscape, combinationcontainers and hanging baskets.OsteospermumGarden Leader Side ShowBicolor PinkGARDEN LEADER SIDE SHOW SERIES. Fullsun/partial shade, Cool conditions. 8 to 10” plantheight, 8” spread; 4” pots, cool climate landscapeand combination pots in smaller containers. Verygood heat tolerance.PansySee our 102/34 size trays sectionPedilanthusGarden Leader Side ShowWhite<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Athena Rio Rose<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader Summertime Blueberry<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Frosty LimeGarden Leader Frosty Lime. Full sun/partialshade, Warm conditions. Thick, waxy, almostsucculent leaves, alternate in orientation. Lightgreen with white margins. 20 to 24” plant height,16 to 22” spread; large pots and combinationcontainers.Pentas<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Athena VioletGARDEN LEADER ATHENA SERIES. Fullsun, warm to hot conditions. Plants have longlivedflower clusters. Foliage displays best whengrown in soil with higher pH. 14 to 20” plantheight, 10 to 12” spread; large pots, combinationcontainers and southern landscapes.PerillaAlso available in our 102/34 size trayGarden LeaderSummertime SunsetGarden LeaderSummertime Sunrise<strong>NEW</strong>2010GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROF<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Athena Fuchsia<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader Summertime YellowGARDEN LEADER SUMMERTIME SERIES.Full sun/partial shade, Cool conditions. 12 to 14”plant height, 12 to 14” spread; 4 1/2” pots, largehanging baskets, cool climate landscape andlarge combination containers.Annual Cutting & Liners 158<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Athena Lilac2010 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEARGarden Leader EZ Gro The ThrillahGarden Leader EZ Gro The Thrillah. Fullsun/partial shade, Warm conditions. Accentfoliage plant similar to Coleus. 12 to 14” plantheight, 16 to 22” spread; large pots andcombination containers.

ECKE: CALIFORNIAENDORSED BY THE GARDEN LEADER ALLIANCEECKE EXCEEDSUse Ultra Solutions Ecke's science-based crop programECKE is Your Resource For staying on track with industry leadingweb based product support programsOn Board Tech HelpBulleting BoardOn Hand Live Web InventoryOn Time Freight LogisticsWeb Tracking SystemOn Target Poinsettia HeightTracking ProgramAnnual Cutting & Liners 159

72/72, 102/51, 128/125Peristrothe<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader CascadiaBicolor PurpleGarden Leader CascadiaChampagne<strong>NEW</strong> Garden LeaderCascadia Purple<strong>NEW</strong> Garden LeaderCascadia White MagicGarden Leader Auro-variegataFull sun/partial shade, Warm conditions. Accentfoliage plant. 8 to 10” plant height, 16 to 22”spread; 4” pots, hanging baskets and combinationcontainers.PerovskiaSee our 102/34 size trays sectionGarden Leader CascadiaCharlieGarden Leader CascadiaCherry SparkGARDEN LEADER CASCADIA SERIES. Fullsun. Warm conditions. 6 to 8” plant height, 18 to26” spread; 4” pots, hanging baskets, groundbeds and combination containers.Petunia Littletunia TrailingSee our 102/34 size tray section for more GardenLeader varietiesPetunia DoubleFlowered TrailingSee our 102/34 size tray section for more GardenLeader varieties<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader CascadiaChoiceGarden Leader CascadiaLimeGarden Leader Littletunia VioletGarden Leader CascadiaPink SparkGarden Leader CascadiaRim Purple<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Doubloom Blue Star<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader LittletuniaPinkGarden Leader LittletuniaPurpleGarden Leader CascadiaSoft Pink<strong>NEW</strong> Garden LeaderCascadia Deep Red<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader DoubleSurprise Soft PinkGarden Leader DoubleSurprise PurplePetunia Double Flowered Trailing GardenLeader. Full sun/partial shade, Warm conditions.6 to 8” plant height, 10 to 22” spread; 4” pots,hanging baskets and combination containers.Petunia Cascadia TrailingSee our 102/34 size tray section for more GardenLeader varieties<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Cascadia Imperial Blue<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Littletunia Red Star<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader Cascadia Bicolor Fantasy<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Cascadia PlumGarden Leader Littletunia RoseAnnual Cutting & Liners 160

<strong>NEW</strong>72/72, 102/51, 128/125Petunia Miniature CompactSee our 102/34 size tray section for more GardenLeader varieties<strong>NEW</strong>Plumbago<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Littletunia Sweet PinkGarden Leader Littletunia WhiteGARDEN LEADER LITTLETUNIA SERIES.Full sun. Warm conditions. Full size trailing plantwith hundreds of Calibrachoa size blooms. 6 to8” plant height, 28 to 32” spread; 4” pots,hanging baskets, ground beds and combinationcontainers.Petunia CompactSee our 102/34 size tray section for more GardenLeader varieties<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader LoGro Pocketunia Hot Pink<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader LoGroPocketunia Strawberry VeinGARDEN LEADER LoGro POCKETUNIA SERIES.Full sun. Cool conditions. Perfectly mounded plantsabout the size of a volleyball. Covered with smallCalibrachos size blooms. Plants stay compact withshort internodes without the use of growth regulators.6 to 8” plant height, 8 to 12” spread; 4” pots, bordersin ground beds and small combination containers.Phlox<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader LoGroPocketunia White<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Dark Blue<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Dark Blue. Full sun/part shade.Warm to hot temperature, drought tolerant. Beautiful,long lasting blue flower clusters. 12 to 18” plantheight, 12 to 18” spread; 4” pots; combinationcontainers and southern landscapes.PolygonumSee our 102/34 size tray sectionPurslaneSee our 102/34 size tray section for more GardenLeader varieties<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden LeaderJumbo Apricot<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden LeaderJumbo Light Pink<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader LoGro Potunia Deep PurpleGarden Leader Power SkyGarden Leader PowerHot Pink<strong>NEW</strong> Garden LeaderJumbo Pnk<strong>NEW</strong> Garden LeaderJumbo Rose<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader LoGroPotunia NeonGarden Leader LoGroPotunia Pink<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Power Red<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Jumbo YellowGARDEN LEADER JUMBO SERIES. Full sun.Hot conditions. Succulent broad-leaf foliage andbrilliantly colored flowers. 2 to 3” plant height,14 to 18” spread; 4” pots; hanging baskets;combination containers. Use as a ground cover insouthern landscapes.RosemaryGarden Leader LoGroPotunia RedGarden Leader LoGroPotunia CS WhiteGARDEN LEADER LoGro POTUNIA SERIES.Full sun. Warm conditions. Plants stay compactwith short internodes without the use of growthregulators. Full size petunias with large sizeblooms. 6 to 10” plant height, 12 to 16” spread;4” pots, hanging baskets, ground beds andcombination containers.Garden Leader PowerVioletGarden Leader PowerWhiteGARDEN LEADER POWER SERIES. Fullsun/partial shade, Warm conditions. Best rootsystems are achieved with cool nights, onceestablished these Phlox have good weather toleranceand a long season of bloom. Upright plants 8 to 12”.Garden Leader Concord GrapeAnnual Cutting & Liners 161

72/72, 102/51, 128/125Garden Leader Concord Grape. Full sun/partshade. Wide range of temperature tolerance. Veryfragrant. 12” plant height, 14 to 18” spread; 4”pots; hanging baskets; combination containers.Ruellia brittonianaSalviaSee our 102/34 size tray section for more GardenLeader varietiesScabiosaSee our 102/34 size tray sectionScaevola<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Chi-Chi PinkGarden Leader EZ Gro HiGro Big Bang!Garden Leader EZ Gro HiGro Big Bang! Fullsun/part shade, Hot conditions. Purple flowers bornin an open spray. 36 to 48” plant height, 24to 36” spread; gallons; very large combinationcontainers and landscaping. S. hybrid.Garden Leader EZ GroBlue Haze<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader EZ GroBlue IceGarden Leader PurpleRuellia. Full sun/part shade. Hot conditions.‘Mexican petunia’. 18 to 22” plant height,14 to 18” spread; 4” pots; hanging baskets;combination containers, southern landscapes.Ruellia compactGarden Leader Pelican Black & BlueGarden Leader Pelican Black & Blue. Full sun/partshade, hot conditions. 14 to 16” plant height, 10 to12” spread; 4” pots; combination containers andlandscaping. S.patens.<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader EZ Gro WhiteSCAEVOLA GARDEN LEADER EZ GroSERIES. Full sun/part shade, warm conditions.‘Australian Fan Flower’ 10 to 12” plant height,18 to 22” spread; 4” pots; hanging baskets,combination containers and groundcover.SedumSee our 102/34 size tray sectionSetcreasea<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader LoGro Blue<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader TricolorGarden Leader Tricolor. Full sun/part shade, Hotconditions. Ornamental tricolor foliage. 8 to 10”plant height, 20 to 24” spread; 4” pots; combinationcontainers and hanging baskets. S.officinalisSanvitaliaGarden Leader Purple HeartGarden Leader Purple Heart. Part to full shade,Hot conditions. 8 to 12” plant height, 10 to 12”spread; 4” pots; hanging baskets, combinationcontainers and groundcover.Streptocarpella<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader LoGro PinkRUELLIA COMPACT GARDEN LEADERLoGro SERIES. Full sun/part shade. Hotconditions. ‘Mexican petunia’. 12” plant height,11 to 16” spread; Stays compact withoutpinching or PGR’s; 4” pots; hanging baskets;combination containers.Garden Leader GoldGarden Leader Gold. Full sun/part shade, Hotconditions. 8 to 10” plant height, 10 to 12”spread; 4” pots; hanging baskets, combinationcontainers and landscaping.Garden Leader Concord BlueGarden Leader Concord Blue. Shade, Warmconditions. 6 to 18” plant height, 12 to 16”spread; 4” pots; hanging baskets, combinationcontainers.Annual Cutting & Liners 162

72/72, 102/51, 128/125Strobilanthes2009GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROFGarden Leader Purple PassionGarden Leader Purple Passion. Part sun to shade,Warm conditions. 16 to 22” plant height, 12 to 16”spread; 4” pots; combination containers, lanscape.TalinumSee our 102/34 size tray sectionTea LotusSee our 102/34 size tray sectionThunbergiaSee our 102/34 size tray sectionThymusGarden Leader Moon WhiteGarden Leader Moon YellowGARDEN LEADER MOON SERIES. Fullsun/part shade. Hot conditions. 6 to 8” plantheight, 8 to 10” spread; 4” pots; hanging baskets;combination containers.TweediaSee our 102/34 size tray sectionVerbena Tall UprightSee our 102/34 size tray sectionVerbena Fern Leaf Type2009 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEARGarden Leader Empress Strawberry<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden LeaderEmpress Lavender<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden LeaderEmpress Hot PinkGarden Leader VeralenaLavender<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader VeralenaMagentaGarden Leader EmpressPinkGarden Leader EmpressPurpleGarden Leader Creeping Quick SilverGarden Leader Creeping Quick Silver. Full sun.Hot conditions. Fragrant foliage accent. 2 to 3”plant height, 14 to 18” spread; 4” pots; hangingbaskets; combination containers.Torenia<strong>NEW</strong> Garden LeaderVeralena RedGarden Leader VeralenaVioletGarden Leader EmpressVioletGARDEN LEADER EMPRESS SERIES. Fullsun/part shade, Warm conditions. Broad foliagewith trailing habit. 6 to 10” plant height, 22 to 26”spread; 4” pots; hanging baskets, combination pots.VincaGarden Leader EmpressWhiteGarden Leader Moon BlueGarden Leader Moon MagentaGarden Leader Moon GoldenGarden Leader Moon PurpleGarden Leader VeralenaTimeless PinkGarden Leader VeralenaWhiteGARDEN LEADER VERALENA SERIES. Fullsun/part shade, Warm conditions. Finely cutfoliage with trailing habit. 6 to 10” plant height,22 to 26” spread; 4” pots; hanging baskets,combination containers and landscaping.Verbena Broad Leaf TypeGarden Leader Moon RoseGarden Leader Moon Velvet<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden LeaderEmpress Burgundy CharmGarden Leader EmpressDark RedGarden Leader EZ Gro Major VariegatedGarden Leader EZ Gro Major Variegated. Fullsun/part shade, Warm conditions. 2 to 3” plantheight, 12 to 22” spread; 4” pots; hangingbaskets, combination containers and landscaping.ZinniaSee our 102/34 size tray sectionAnnual Cutting & Liners 163

Annual Cutting & Liners 164

ColorARE YEAR ONE BLOOMERSAWARDWINNER <strong>NEW</strong> <strong>NEW</strong>2010GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROF2010 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEARGarden Leader Lady's Daisy, Liners, Plugs & Seeds 6947<strong>NEW</strong> Achillea EZ Gro LoGro Goldie 7609<strong>NEW</strong> Armeria First up Mix 66802009GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROF2009 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEARHemerocallis Garden Leader Salmon, Bare root<strong>NEW</strong> Alyssum Quick Gold 6516<strong>NEW</strong> Delphinium Orange Flag 6981Perennial Plugs, Seeds & Liners 167

<strong>NEW</strong> <strong>NEW</strong> <strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Dianthus Albright Red Picotee 6982<strong>NEW</strong> Helenium HiGro Helen Red 7350<strong>NEW</strong> Pervoskia Blue Fog 7593<strong>NEW</strong> Gaillardia Garden Leader LoGro 7288<strong>NEW</strong> Heuchera Palace Purple 7351<strong>NEW</strong> Physostegia Crown of Snow 7406<strong>NEW</strong> Girandole Bushel of Gold 6972<strong>NEW</strong> Lobelia HiGro Fan Salmon 7108<strong>NEW</strong> Salvia Rome on Fire 4807<strong>NEW</strong> Gypsophilla LoGro Rose 7346<strong>NEW</strong> Lychnis Lumina Orange 7353<strong>NEW</strong> Sildalcea HiGro Prairie Pink7581RSPerennial Plugs, Seeds & Liners 168

ENDORSED BY THE GARDEN LEADER ALLIANCEKEIFT SEEDS: HOLLANDTHE KIEFT COLLECTIONOF PRIME PERENNIALSHeuchera Melting Fire 7057Aquilegia Double WinkyBlue & White 6567Easy to sowEasy germinationAs easy to growas an annualQuick to finishPervoskia Garden LeaderBlue Fog 7593RS Ameria Ballerina Red 0117AqueligiaClementine Rose 7269RS Armeria Ballerina White 0118Short plugproduction periodBeautiful flowersEasy and profitableto sellNew Salvia Garden LeaderRome on Fire 4807New Girandole Garden LeaderBushel of Gold 6972All will finish ina 4” potField tested forsuperior gardenperformancePRODUCED & SELECTED BYPerennial Plugs, Seeds & Liners 169

Plant Tags:Picture tags are available for Garden Leadervarieties. Order your tags with <strong>Grimes</strong> orsimply request that we “auto-tag” your seed orplug order. You will receive the correct numberof Pixie or Master tags for your productionprogram (minimum of 100 tags per variety).Tags for Bare Root Garden Leaders areautomatically shipped with your order.Perennial FlowersFrom Plug, seed & LinersSales Tools:Your Garden Leader selling effort is supportedby point of purchase signage. Plus the Pointof Purchase kit contains ideas for you tosupplement your local exposure with displaytechniques, newspaper ads and radio scriptideas.Guarantee:Your home gardener customers will be satisfiedwith the performance of Garden leader varietiesor <strong>Grimes</strong> <strong>Horticulture</strong> will refund to them thepurchase price. See Business Terms forcomplete details.AchilleaEZ Gro LoGro Goldie. Full sun plant bloomsfrom mid-summer to fall. Finish in 4 to 6” sizedcontainers. First year bloomer. Flower headsmeasure a full 3” across, plant height is only 12to 14”. Needs no plant growth regulators tomaintain a compact and well branched habit.Easy for the home gardener or landscaper togrow and enjoy. Zones 3-8. Available as seeds,plugs and liners.Agastacheplant and late summer bloomer due to its needfor long days. They are lightly scented with largeflowers and robust habit. Plant height is 13 to14”. Well suited for high quality cut flowerswith long vase life. Hardy to Zone 6. Availableas seeds, plugs and liners.AjugaEZ Gro Gold filipendulina 3006EZ Gro Pearl ptarmica 0024 EZ Gro Red millefolium 6518Achillea EZ Gro. Easy for the home gardener orlandscaper to grow and enjoy. Full sun plantblooms from mid-summer to fall. Finish in 4” togallon sized containers. First year bloomer. Theseare our own selections of full size, uniform andbrightly colored Yarrows. Flower heads measure3” across, plant height is 24 to 30”. Blooms firstseason from a January sowing. Long-lived plantstolerant to a wide range of garden conditions.Zones 3-8. Available as seeds, plugs and liners.Apricot aurantica 6156Blue foeniculum 0306 Blush anisata 0037Garden Leader EZ Gro Purple ShineLinerAjuga. Full sun/part shade. Perennial to Zone 4.4 to 6” plant height, 12 to 14” spread; 4” pots;gallons; combination containers and outdoor bedsor borders. Available in 102 liners or HalfPaks.Alchemilla<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro LoGro Goldie tomentosaLavender neomexicana 6157Agastache. Full sun plant blooms from midsummerto fall. Finish in 4” to gallon sizedcontainers. First year blooming. A long-livedMollis robustica 0041Alchemilla. Shade plant blooms from June to fall.Finish in 4” to gallon sized containers. First yearblooming. Zone 5. Sow in January in NorthAmerican climate and grow through thesummer months. Plants will bloom in thefollowing spring. Clear bright yellow 1/2" flowersin 4" clusters on large arching sprays. Clumpingmound of silvery green foliage. Matures to 20-22". Available as seeds, plugs and liners.Perennial Plugs, Seeds & Liners 170

AlonsoaAquilegia, caeruleaSalmon Beauty meridionalis 6163Alonsoa. Partial shade loving plant blooms fromJune to fall. Finish in 4” container. First yearblooming. Delicate salmon pink flowers smotherlow growing plants that have a deep green foliage.Available as seeds, plugs and liners. Zone 5.Alyssum<strong>NEW</strong>Dynasty Blue/White 6576Dynasty Pink/White 6574 Dynasty Red/Gold 6572Fame Pink & White 6597Fame Mix 6600Aquilegia flabellata. Full sun loving plant bloomsfrom early spring through mid summer. Finish in4” and gallon containers. Zone 3. First yearblooming. Compact plants with small foliageand 1 1/2” blooms. Well suited for rock gardensand blooming containers. Available as seeds,plugs and liners.Armeria<strong>NEW</strong>Dynasty Red/White 6573 Dynasty White 6570<strong>NEW</strong> Quick Gold 6516Alyssum. Full sun creepers flower bright yellowin spring through early summer. Finish in 4”container. First year blooming. Plant height is 2to 4” foliage silver-green. Available as seeds,plugs and liners. Zone 3.AnacyclusDynasty Yellow 6571 Dynasty Mix 6578Aquilegia caerulea. Full sun loving plant bloomsfrom early spring through mid summer. Finish in4” and gallon containers. First year blooming.Mature plants are big strong specimens withthe largest flowers on the market. Our GardenLeaders bloom the first season. Colors are brightand plants are self-supporting in strong weather.Zone 3. Available as seeds, plugs and liners.Aquilegia flabellata<strong>NEW</strong> First Up Lavender 6679<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> First Up Red 6681 <strong>NEW</strong> First Up Rose 6684<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong>Mat Daisy depressus 6537Anacyclus. Partial shade loving plant blooms frommid- summer to fall. Finish in 4” container. Firstyear blooming. Our selection proves to be themost tolerant and easy to grow of the species. Lowgrowing mats, 3 to 4”, of dense foliage. Red budsopen to small white blooms. The flowers are thentwo toned with white upper and red lower petals.Available as seeds, plugs and liners. Zone 3.Fame Blue & White 6596<strong>NEW</strong> First Up White 6686 <strong>NEW</strong> First Up Mix 6680FIRST UP SERIES. A. maritima. Full sunloving plant blooms from early spring throughmid summer. Finish in 4”. First year blooming.Our A. maritima is extremely hardy and longlived.Plants height is 8 to 10” with handsomeevergreen foliage. Hardy to Zone 3. Available asseeds, plugs and liners.Perennial Plugs, Seeds & Liners 171

Perennial Plugs, Seeds & Liners 172

AsclepiasAster. Full sun loving plant blooms from latesummer to winter. Finish in 4” containers. Firstyear blooming from an early spring sowing.Versatile plants for containers, bedding and cuts.Our Asters give your customers the best geneticsthrough selection of hardy, vigorous parent stock.Plants are covered in late summer with blooms.Plants mature at 10 to 12”, blooms are 1 to 2”.Prefers full sun and well-drained soil. Zones 4-8.Available as seeds, plugs and liners.BellisBerkaya. B. purpurea. Full sun loving plantblooms from June to fall. Finish in 4” containers.Large mauve to white flowers are produced onstrong spiky stems. Excellent 26" tall borderplant with soft thistle-like points on the foliage.Zone 5-7. Available as seeds, plugs and liners.CampanulaRose incarnata 0031Scarlet curassavica 0039 White incarnata 0032Asclepias. Full sun loving plant blooms fromearly spring through mid summer. Finish in 4”and gallon containers. Hardy to Zone 6. Butterflyweed, curassavica. Ours is a selection fromcontrolled plantings of very vigorous and largeflowered types. Only clean rubbed seed from thebest plants go into our exclusive Garden Leadervarieties. Prefers a warm, well-drained locationwith full sunlight. Grow to attract butterflies andhummingbirds, cut flower or patio plant.Available as seeds, plugs and liners.AsterAmethyst, amellus 0040Smile Red 6786Smile Rose 6789Smile White 6790Smile Mix 6791Bellis perennis. Partial shade to full sun lovingplant blooms from May to fall. Finish in 4”containers. First year blooming. Zone 3-8. Recentselections have improved the flower size of this,our longest selling exclusive perennial series. Oursis a profuse bloomer and long-lived specimen.Ideal in the rock garden. Available as seeds, plugsand liners.BerkayaBlue Trail collina 6842Pink calycanthema 3003Campanula. Partial shade to full sun lovingplant blooms from May to fall. Finish in 4”containers. First year blooming. C. mediumcalycanthema. Like Canterbury Bells but withan additional flat corolla surrounding the base ofeach flower. Beautiful clump forming plant withbasally clustered foliage. Flower stems to 12”tall, bearing deep pink blooms. A true perennialbeauty. Very hardy to Zone 4, very decorative.This Garden Leader is the cream of the crop.Plant height 8”. Available as seeds, plugs andliners.CentaureaRuby, nova-angliae 0026Mauve Thistle 6170Garden Leader Lemon 0231Perennial Plugs, Seeds & Liners 173

Centaurea. Full sun loving plant blooms fromJune to fall. Finish in 4” containers. First yearblooming. C. suaveloens. This is the rare andexquisite yellow flowered bachelor button. OurGarden Leader captures the dependableperformance of macrocephala and adds thebeautiful lemon color and Garden Leadervigor. Plant height is 20”. Hardy to Zone 3.Available as seeds, plugs and liners.Chrysanthemum maximumCyclamen. C. variabilis. Shade loving plantblooms from April to mid summer. Finish in 4”and gallon containers. First year blooming. Thisis a collection of native and little knownperennial woodland flowers. They have anorchid like appearance and sell very well togardeners looking for the exotic and rare. Culturerequires a moist semi-shaded area. The smallplants flower on 3to 4” stalks. Zones 4-7. Available as seeds only.Delphinium chinensisPennant Lavender/WithBee 70332010GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROFPennant Dk Blue/Dk Bee7032 Pennant Mid Blue/Bee 61372010 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEARLady's Daisy 6947Chrysanthemum maximum. Full sun loving plantblooms from June to fall. Finish in 4” and galloncontainers. First year blooming. Leucanthemum,Shasta Daisy. This is the Shasta to grow! Big,impressive flowers on strong vigorous plants.Flower size is 6 to 7”, plant height 48”. Hardythrough Zone 4. Available as seeds, plugs andliners.CoreopsisGarden Leader Sun Pops 9701Coreopsis grandiflora. Full sun, Cool conditions10” plant height, 10” spread; 4” pots; combinationcontainers and landscape. Zone 5. Available asseeds, plugs and liners.CyclamenBanner Royal Blue 6977Banner Sky Blue 6976Banner Mix 6978Delphinium chinensis. Full sun plant bloomsfrom May to mid summer. Finish in 4” containers.First year blooming. A beautiful perennial thatflowers like an annual. Use it also for blue colorsin the shaded annual bed or in containers. As aperennial it is a short lived species but the flowershow for 2 to 3 seasons is well worth the effort.Hardy through Zone 5. Available as seeds, plugsand liners.Delphinium elatumPennant Pink W/WhiteBee7010Pennant White/Dark Bee7038Pennant Sky Blue/WhtBee 7035Pennant White/Wht Bee7036Pennant Mix 7030Garden Leader Hardy Mix 1026Pennant Dk Blue W/ White Bee 7031Pennant Bright Bee Mix 7044Perennial Plugs, Seeds & Liners 174

PENNANT SERIES. Delphinium elatum. Full sunplant blooms from May to mid summer. Finish in4” or gallon containers. First year blooming.Pennant is best performing Delphinium in each ofour garden trials. This series never disappoints.Seed germination is very high. Garden height issemi tall, only 28 to 36”. The strong thick stalksresist the wind so flowers are always held upright.Very winter hardy to Zone 5 and prefers full sun.Well suited for fresh cut flowers. Available as seeds,plugs and liners.Delphinium nudicale<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Orange Flag 6981Delphinium nudicale. Full sun plant blooms fromMay to mid summer. Finish in 4” or galloncontainers. First year blooming. Compact andbranching habit. Plant height 10 to 14”, spread 10to 12”. Attractive deep orange flowers with largespurs. Shiny deep green foliage. Available asseeds, plugs and liners.DianthusPlants produce a strong root system and foliage isneatly arranged in a symmetrical flattened ball.Blooms totally cover the 8” plants. Zone 4.Green Roof certified.DigitalisGarden Leader Hardy Collection 3004Digitalis. Full sun plants of mixed species bloomfrom May to mid summer. Finish in 4” containers.Blooms first season. Foxgloves that we havecollected from European production programs.Zone 5. Diversified colors and heights. Plants rangefrom 10 - 22”. Available as seeds, plugs and liners.EccremocarpusEZ Gro Ovation Purple 7111Echinacea purpurea. Easy for the home gardeneror landscaper to grow and enjoy. Full sun plantblooms from May to mid summer. Finish in 4”or gallon containers. Blooms first season. OurGarden Leaders have large flowers withspreading, not drooping petals. Ovation is abright purple color and Finale is the purest white.Both make outstanding gallon containers from asummer sowing. Plant height 30”. Hardy to Zone3. Available as seeds, plugs and liners.Erigeron<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Albright Rose 6983<strong>NEW</strong>Crazy Vine Mix 0615Crazy Vine Gold 0612Crazy Vine Rose 0611Crazy Vine Orange 0614Eccremocarpus. E. scaber. Full sun plant bloomsfrom July to winter. Finish in 4” or galloncontainers with trellis. Blooms first season. Avigorous climber with many 3”x1/2” tubular shapedflowers. Sow in mid winter and finish in galloncontainers with a small stake or trellis for climbingbig seller. Hardy to Zone 6, but grows fast enoughto make a fantastic display in a single season.Available as seeds, plugs and liners.Echinacea purpureaZ-Scape Rocky 7107Erigeron. E. karvinsakianus. Full sun plantblooms from May to mid summer. Finish in 4”containers. Blooms first season. Zones 5-8. Z-Scape standsfor xeriscape planting, minimal care, minimalwater and this Erigeron really lives up to the claim.No other perennial is as hardy and long lasting inour trial. Available as seeds, plugs and liners.Gaillardia<strong>NEW</strong> Albright Red Picotee 6982ALBRIGHT SERIES. D. deltoides. Full sunplant blooms from May to mid summer. Finish in4” containers. Dazzling deltoides cultivar thatsports an exceptionally long blooming period.EZ Gro Finale White 6987Garden Leader Mix 7149Gaillardia Garden Leader Mix. G. aristata. Fullsun plant blooms from May to mid summer.Finish in 4” containers. Blooms first season.Heat and drought tolerant perennial. Grow infull sun in a well-drained soil. Plants reachPerennial Plugs, Seeds & Liners 175

14” in height and as much around. Mixed colorsinclude solid and multicolor blooms. Hardy toZone 4. Available as seeds, plugs and liners.<strong>NEW</strong>GeumGirandole. M. ringens. Full sun plant bloomsfrom June to frost. Finish in 6” or galloncontainers. Blooms first season. Broad, deepgreen and serrated ornamental foliage. Strongyellow color flower clusters make a greatshow in the landscape. Hardy to Zone 4.Available as seeds, plugs and liners.Gypsophila<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader LoGro 7288Gaillardia Garden Leader LoGro. G. aristata.Compact plants flower in full sun and thrivein dry weather and even poor soil. Flowersreach 8 to 10". Plants stay short without the useof growth regulators. Hardy to Zone 4. Availableas seeds plugs and liners.GauraGarden Leader Scarlet 7171Garden Leader Scarlet. G. hybridum. Full sunplant blooms from June to frost. Finish in 4” orgallon containers. Blooms first season. Improvedselections from the Mrs. Bradshaw strain withsignificantly more flowers and larger blooms.Height 18”. Hardy to Zone 4. Available as seeds,plugs and liners.<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> LoGro Rose 7346<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader The Bride 7151<strong>NEW</strong> LoGro Orange 6971LoGro Orange. G. hybridum. Full sun plantblooms from June to frost. Finish in 4 or 6”pots. Blooms first season. Plants stay dwarfand well branched needing no support orstaking. Height 12”. Hardy to Zone 4. Availableas seeds, plugs and liners.Girandole<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> LoGro White 7347Gypsophila LoGro SERIES. Full sun plant bloomsfrom June to frost. Finish in 4 or 6” containers.Blooms first season. Baby’s Breath, and a breathtaking garden or container specimen it is. Moundsof clear, bright, double blooms. Hardy to Zone 4.Available as seeds, plugs and linersHelenium<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader The PinkLiners onlyGaura Garden Leader. Full sun/partial shade,Warm conditions. Tall flower spikes. 24 to36” plant height, 12 to 16” spread; 4” pots,large combination containers, and perenniallandscape. Zone 5. The Pink is available in102 liners or 51 size HalfPaks. Also 34size. The Bride is available as seeds, plugsand liners.<strong>NEW</strong> Bushel of Gold 6972<strong>NEW</strong> HiGro Helena Gold 7348Perennial Plugs, Seeds & Liners 176

<strong>NEW</strong>Kniphofia<strong>NEW</strong> HiGro Helena Red 7350<strong>NEW</strong>Z-Scape Tritoma 7267Kniphofia. K. uvaria. Full sun plant blooms fromJune to frost. Finish in 4” or gallon containers.Z-Scape means carefree culture with minimumwatering. Flowers first season but the mostmultiple flower stalks appear in the secondseason and beyond. 30-inch height, 24” spread.Hardy in full sun and well drained soil to Zone 4.Available as seeds, plugs and liners.LallemantiaGarden Leader WhiteLiners onlyLamium. Full sun/partial shade, Warmconditions. Silver leaf accent plant. 3 to 4” plantheight, 10 to 14” spread; 4” pots, hanging basketand combination containers. Zone 5. Available in102 liners or 51 size HalfPaks. Also 34 size.Lavandula<strong>NEW</strong> HiGro Helena Mix 7349HiGro HELENA SERIES. H. autumnale. Brilliantflower color in late summer and fall. Plant height48”, well branched and flowers have a long vaselife. Hardy to Zone 4. Available as seeds, plugs andliners.Heuchera<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader Blue Cane 6107Lallemantia. L. canescens. Blooms first seasonfrom a winter sowing. Full sun plant bloomsfrom June to frost. Striking blue/mauve flowerscontrast with blue/green color foliage. Finish in4” or gallon containers. Plants are dwarf,growing to 14” with a spreading habit to 24”.Hardy in Zones 5-9. Available as seeds, plugsand liners.LamiumGarden Leader EZ Gro Lavender 7266Garden Leader EZ Gro Lavender. L. angustifolia.Easy for the home gardener or landscaper to growand enjoy. Full sun plant blooms from June tofrost. Finish in 4” or gallon containers. Bloomsfirst season. Fragrant foliage and lavendercolored blooms. This perennial makes a beautifulspecimen and, of course, can be harvested for itsaroma as a sachet. 18 to 22” tall. Include theselovelies in combination containers and basketsto add beautiful foliage color and scent. Hardy inZones 5-9. Available as seeds, plugs and liners.<strong>NEW</strong> Purple Palace 7226Heuchera. H. micrantha. Strong bronze purpleleaf color with great uniformity, no off colorgreen types. Though this plant will flower in thesecond year, its striking foliage makes it a firstyear seller. Plant height 20” and spread to 20”.Advanced Vigor seed for excellentgermination. Hardy to Zone 4.Garden Silver SpotsLiners onlyGarden Leader Fragrant Butterflies 9720Garden Leader Fragrant Butterflies. Full sun/partial shade, Warm conditions. 8 to 10” plantheight, 10 to 12” spread; 4” pots, hanging basket,landscape and combination containers. Zone 5.Available in 102 liners or 34 size HalfPaks.Available as seeds, plugs and liners.Perennial Plugs, Seeds & Liners 177

LavateraHiGro Fan Burgundy 0484 HiGro Fan Deep Rose 7300Garden Leader White 7760Lavatera. Full sun plant blooms from June tofrost. Finish in 4” or gallon containers. Bloomsfirst season. Tall graceful specimen 24 to 28”. Wechose this strain for Garden Leader because of itsprofusion of early blooms selected from the speciestrimestris. It sports a branching habit that makes it avalued addition to the perennial garden. Hardy toZone 6. Available as seeds, plugs and liners.LiatrisHiGro Fan Salmon 7108 HiGro Fan Blue 7319HiGro FAN SERIES. Lobelia speciosa. Verylarge flowers up to 1 1/2” born in clusters. Thetetraploid plants are very hardy and make anexceptional garden show. Blooms in late Junefrom a January sowing. Garden height is 24”.Zone 6-8. Available as seeds, plugs and liners.Lupine2007GARDEN LEADER THEY EARPopsicle Blue 7340POPSICLE SERIES. Lupine polyphyllus. Fullsun plant blooms in May. Finish in 4” or galloncontainers. Plants show color in first season froman early winter sowing. Such an improvementover the old, tired, Russell types that Popsiclehas become the series of choice of most of ourLupine growers. Colors are brighter. Plantsare more compact and uniform from colorto color. Plants bloom in more profusion witheach season. Height 18 to 20”. Our trials ofPopsicles kept flowering several seasons afterthe Russell strain had died off. For best resultsin larger containers add a small amount of cleanfield soil to your potting mix. Zone 5. Availableas seeds, plugs and liners.OFZ-Scape Liatris 7282Liatris. L. spicata. Full sun plant blooms fromJune to frost. Finish in 4” or gallon containers.Blooms first season. Spicata type with the typicalrosy purple racemes, standing 18 to 22” tall. Weselected this cultivar because if its superiortolerance to heat and drought. Zone 5. Availableas seeds, plugs and liners.Lobelia2007 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEARPopsicle Pink 7341Z-Scape Lupine 7339Z-Scape Lupine. Lupinus texensis, beautiful inthe wildflower garden or low maintenanceperennial border. Light blue blooms, 18” stalks.Zone 5. Available as seeds, plugs and liners.Lychnis<strong>NEW</strong>Popsicle Red 7342 Popsicle White 7343HiGro Fan Scarlet 0442Popsicle Yellow 7344 Popsicle Mix 7345<strong>NEW</strong> Lumina Bronze Leaf Red 7352Perennial Plugs, Seeds & Liners 178

<strong>NEW</strong>Malva. M. moschata. Full sun plant blooms fromJune to frost. Finish in 4” or gallon containers.Blooms first season. Garden Leader WhiteMallow is a dwarf compact plant covered bymasses of glistening white blooms. Excellentperformance in the perennial garden, flowersall summer and is great for both containers andground beds. Height 14-16”. Hardy throughZone 5. Available as seeds, plugs and liners.Nepeta (Mint)Garden Leader Indian EZ Gro Waterfall Mint.Easy for the home gardener or landscaper togrow and enjoy. Full sun/partial shade, perennialto Zone 6. Can become invasive over time.Vigorous trailing variety with shiny foliage andmint fragrance. Available in 102 liners or 51 sizeHalfPaks.<strong>NEW</strong> Lumina Orange 7353<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Lumina Salmon 7354LUMINA SERIES. L. haageana. Full sun/partialshade. Plants bloom in 18 weeks from sowing.Natural season is from May through August.Height 12-14”, spread 10-14”. Garden hardy,long lived plants with clear colors. Zone 5-7.Available as seeds, plugs and liners.LysimachiaGarden Leader After 8 Chocolate Mint Liners onlyGarden Leader After 8 Chocolate Mint. Fullsun/partial shade, perennial to Zone 6. Rich minttaste for baking, candy and garnish. Available in102 liners or 51 size HalfPaks.Garden Leader Moroccan MintLiners onlyGarden Leader Moroccan Mint. Full sun/partial shade, perennial to Zone 6. Celebratedinternational favorite for tea. Available in 102liners or 51 size HalfPaks.Garden Leader Gold, nommularia Liners onlyLysimachia. L. nummularia. Full sun/partialshade, Warm conditions. Foliage accent plant 6to 8” plant height, 12 to 14” spread; 4” pots,landscape, hanging basket and combinationcontainers. Zone 5. Available in 102 liners or 51size HalfPaks. Also 34 size.MalvaGarden Leader Cologne MintLiners onlyGarden Leader Cologne Mint. Full sun/partialshade, perennial to Zone 6. Very sweet and pungentfor patio plantings and potpourri. Available in 102liners or 51 size HalfPaks.Garden Leader EZ Gro Ginger Mint Liners onlyGarden Leader EZ Gro Ginger Mint. Easy for thehome gardener or landscaper to grow and enjoy.Full sun/partial shade, perennial to Zone 6. Spicyand fragrant for containers and drying. Available in102 liners or 51 size HalfPaks.Garden Leader EZ Gro Pineapple Mint Liners onlyGarden Leader EZ Gro Pineapple Mint. Easy forthe home gardener or landscaper to grow andenjoy. Full sun/partial shade, perennial to Zone6. Can become invasive over time. Ornamental,variegated and trailing foliages for containers,ground cover and baskets. Available in 102 linersor 51 size HalfPaks.White Mallow 6181Garden Leader Indian EZ Gro Waterfall Mint Liners onlyGarden Leader EZ Gro Pink Caddy 6108Garden Leader EZ Gro Pink Caddy. N. hybrida.Easy for the home gardener or landscaper togrow and enjoy. Blooms first season from awinter sowing. Full sun plant blooms from Juneto frost. Numerous soft pink flowers on uprightspikes. Foliage is aromatic, finish in 4” pots, usein combination containers and perennial borders.Plants grow to 18” with a spread of 12”. Hardyin Zones 5-9. Available as seeds, plugs and liners.Perennial Plugs, Seeds & Liners 179

Garden Leader EZ Gro Juncus Blue Arrows. Easyfor the home gardener or landscaper to grow andenjoy. Bog plant prefers hot and wet conditions.12 to 18” plant height, 8 to 10” spread. Zone 5.Available as seeds, plugs and liners.Penstemon<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader Ricola Swiss Mint Liners onlyGarden Leader Ricola Swiss Mint. Full sun/partial shade, perennial to Zone 6. Soothing mintflavor for garnishes. Available in 102 liners or 51size HalfPaks.OenotheraGarden Leader EZ Gro HiGro Juncus Javelin 3327Garden Leader EZ Gro HiGro Juncus Javelin. Easyfor the home gardener or landscaper to grow andenjoy. Bog plant prefers hot and wet conditions.20 to 24” plant height, 10 to 14” spread. Zone 5.Available as seeds, plugs and liners.<strong>NEW</strong> Flagstaff Red 7355<strong>NEW</strong>Glowing Magenta 6188Oenothera. O. kunthiana. Full sun plant bloomsfrom June to frost. Finish in 4” or gallon containers.Blooms first season. An unusual dwarf cultivar ofthe kunthiana species. Deep rose flowers covershiny green foliage. Plants reach 6" in height andbloom in late spring from a January sowing inNorth America. Hardy through most of Zone 5.Available as seeds, plugs and liners.Ornamental GrassesGarden Leader EZ Gro Avena French Black 3326Garden Leader EZ Gro Avena French Black.Easy for the home gardener or landscaper togrow and enjoy. Thrives in hot, dry conditionsyet adapts well to periods of heavy rain. 4” plantheight, 4” spread in compact mounds of bluegreenfoliage. Zone 5. Green Roof certified.Available as seeds, plugs and liners.Garden Leader EZ Gro Juncus Screw Grass 3341Garden Leader EZ Gro Juncus Screw Grass. Easyfor the home gardener or landscaper to grow andenjoy. Warm conditions. Foliage accent, grass-likeplant. 8 to 10” plant height, 24 to 36” spread; 4”pots, hanging basket and combination containers.Zone 5. Available as seeds, plugs and liners.Papaver<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Flagstaff Rose 7356FLAGSTAFF SERIES. P. hartwegii. Our compactversion of this robust and sturdy perennial. Hardyto the northern reaches of Zone 5. Plant height is12-14”. Use in perennial beds or in mixedcontainers. Available as seeds, plugs and liners.Perovskia<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader EZ Gro Juncus Blue Arrows 3339<strong>NEW</strong> Oriental Mix1623PLPapaver. Our mixture contains the most desiredcolors of hardy, large flowered Oriental Poppies.Garden height is 18 to 24". Plants bloom in midspring through Zone 3. Foliage will recedethrough the summer allowing room for the laterflowering perennials to thrive. Available asseeds, plugs and liners.<strong>NEW</strong> Blue Fog 7593Perovskia. P. atriplicifolia. Long lasting skyblueflower spikes with contrasting silverfoliage. Heat and drought tolerant garden plantthat is well suited for large landscape plantingor large containers. Garden height 28-36”.Advanced Vigor seed. Zone 5. Available asseeds, plugs and liners.Perennial Plugs, Seeds & Liners 180

PetrorhagiaBalloon Series. Platycodon grandiflora. Full sunplant blooms from June to frost. Finish in 4” orgallon containers. Blooms first season. Verypopular plants with balloon like flowers. OurGarden Leaders can be finished in 4” pots forspring holiday sales. Zone 4. Flowering in Mayfrom a July or August sowing. Plants arecompact 12-inch mounds. Available as seeds,plugs and liners.PlumbagoSnowprimrose Blue 6721 Snowprimrose Rose 6677Peace Pink 4438Petrorhagia. P. saxifraga. Full sun plant bloomsfrom June to frost. Finish in 4” containers.Blooms first season. Similar to miniature Baby’sBreath. Plant develops into a clump of 8 to 10”then covers itself with single pale pink to whiteblooms. Hardy to the northern reaches of Zone5. Available as seeds, plugs and liners.Physostegia<strong>NEW</strong>Z-Scape Plumbago 4340Plumbago. P. capensis. Full sun plant bloomsfrom July through summer. Finish in 4” or galloncontainers. Blooms first season. A warm climateperennial (tropical) develops a woody stem.Outstanding in northern container gardening.Plants mature to 4 feet in the south, 18” as anannual in the north. Zones 7-9. Available as seeds,plugs and liners.PolemoniumSnowprimrose White 6718 Snowprimrose Yellow6719Snowprimrose Mix 6675SNOWPRIMROSE SERIES. Primula veris(polyanthus). A complete series with separatewinter hardy colors available. Shade plant bloomsfrom April through early summer. 4” containersfinish in 22 weeks.. Blooms first season from alate summer sowing. Our selections were madefrom the best of the Pacific Giants types. Theyhave the best cold tolerance and brightest colors.Early spring flowering, sometimes pushing upthrough snow cover. Hardy to Zone 3 in welldrained soil rich in organic material. Available asseeds, plugs and liners.Prunella<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Crown of Snow 7406Physostegia. P. virginiana. First year flowering, anew breakthrough in this genus. Plants mature at30”. Long spikes of densely packed clusters ofpure white flowers. Zone 2-9. Available as seeds,plugs and liners.Platycodon<strong>NEW</strong> Jacob Ladder 7406Polemonium. P. viscosum. Full sun plant bloomsfirst season when provided at least 16 hours ofdaylight. Finish in 4 or 6” containers in 14weeks. Garden height 15 to 16”. Zones 4-7.Available as seeds, plugs and liners.PrimulaPremium Blue 5107Prunella. P. grandiflora. Full sun plant bloomsfrom July through summer. Finish in 4” orgallon containers. Blooms first season. Spreadingmass of waxy foliage. Upright flower stalks withdense blue clusters. Best suited for coolwoodland under plantings. Hardy to Zone 3.Available as seeds, plugs and liners.PyrethrumBalloon Blue 7488Balloon Pink 7369 Balloon White 7489Snowprimrose Red 6676Giant Pink 7537Perennial Plugs, Seeds & Liners 181

At 36” it is taller than Goldsturm. Mixed shadesof yellow and gold. Hardy to Zone 3. Availableas seeds, plugs and liners.Sagina. S. subulata. Low growing, dense greenground cover. Low moisture requirement. Smallwhite blooms on delicate looking but sturdystems. Plant height 2-3”, spread 8-10”. Zone 3.Green roof certified. Available as seeds, plugs andliners.SalviaGiant Red 7533Giant Mix 7490GIANT SERIES. Pyrethrum coccineum. Fullsun plant blooms from July through summer.Finish in 4” or gallon containers. Bloomsfirst season. Our strain of large floweredPainted Daises has been a perennial favoritefor years. Now we have segregated two of themost popular colors. 24” stems flower the firstseason. Blooms are 2 to 3” wide with yellowcenters. Hardy to Zone 4. Available as seeds,plugs and liners.RosemaryLoGro Two-Tone 7804EZ Gro Fahrenheit Blue 1781LoGro Orange 7805EZ Gro Fahrenheit Blue & White 1782Garden Leader Concord GrapeLiners onlyRosemary. Full sun/part shade. Wide range oftemperature tolerance, perennial to Zone 5.Very fragrant. 12” plant height, 14 to 18”spread; 4” pots; hanging baskets; combinationcontainers. Zone 5. Available in 102 liners or 51size HalfPaks. Also 34 size.RudbeckiaLoGro Sunny 7806RUDBECKIA LoGro SERIES. R. hirta x hardyspecies. Very large flowers 4 – 6” on compact 8 –10” plants. Interspecific cross of large flower andwinter hardy species. Thrives in hot, dry summerconditions. Hardy to northern reaches of Zone 7when grown in well drained soil. Available asseeds, plugs and liners.SaginaEZ Gro Fahrenheit Violet 1783<strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro Gloriosa Single 4748EZ Gro Gloriosa Single. Easy for the homegardener or landscaper to grow and enjoy. R.fulgida. Full sun plant blooms from June to fall.Finish in 4” or gallon containers. Blooms firstseason. Fantastic selection makes this the mostfree flowering Rudbeckia in our perennial trials.<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Pearls 7497EZ Gro Fahrenheit White 1784Perennial Plugs, Seeds & Liners 182

EZ Gro FAHRENHEIT SERIES. Salviafarinacea. Easy for the home gardener orlandscaper to grow and enjoy. Very versatileSalvia for containers and beds. Heat, drought andweather tolerant. Plants are in bloom all seasonlong from a February sowing. Plant height is 18”.Flower spikes numerous. Tender Perennial hardyto Zone 6. Available as seeds, plugs and liners.2008GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROFSedum<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Rome on Fire 4807Rome on Fire. S. roemeriana. Full sun/part shade.Eye catching flowers in abundance in 12 to 14”stems. Compact and well branched plant mounds8” in height. Long flowering season. Zone 6-8.2008 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEAREZ Gro Z-Scape Queen Blue 7509EZ Gro Gold 7557EZ Gro Gold. S. selkianum. Easy for the homegardener or landscaper to grow and enjoy. Fullsun plant blooms from July through summer.Finish in 4” containers. Blooms first season.Trailing stems of small waxy foliage cover theground in rock gardens and sunny borders. This isthe perfect plant for garden path edging. Height3”. Spread 10”. Blooms in late summer withbright yellow flower clusters. Zone 3. Green roofcertified. Available as seeds, plugs and liners.<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader FurbeeLiners onlyGarden Leader Furbee. Full sun/part shade, Hotconditions. Foliage accent plant, silvery andfuzzy, irresistible to the touch. 12 to 14” plantheight, 10 to 12” spread; 4” pots; combinationcontainers and landscaping. S. atrimus. Perennialto Zone 5. Available in 102 liners or 51 sizeHalfPaks.<strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro Z-Scape Queen Rose 7508EZ Gro Z-SCAPE QUEEN SERIES. S.nemorosa. Easy for the home gardener orlandscaper to grow and enjoy. Full sun plantblooms from July through summer. Finish in4” or gallon containers. Blooms first season.Grow as a perennial, flowers like an annual. Ourselection is more uniform to bloom with fewestlate bloomers. 22” plants when fully developedare hardy to Zone 4. Available as seeds, plugsand liners.Scabiosa<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Splendid Purple 7548EZ Gro Splendid Purple. S. splendens. Easy forthe home gardener or landscaper to grow andenjoy. Full sun perennial. Succulent, green shinyfoliage with bright rose color flowers. 6” plantheight, 12 to 14” spread; 4” pots; hangingbaskets, combination containers and very hardygroundcover. Zone 3. Green roof certified.Available as seeds, plugs and liners.<strong>NEW</strong> Purple Lyrata 4806Purple Lyrata. S. lyrata. Full sun/part shade.Deep purple, ornamental foliage. Plant height 8to 10”. Flower spikes reach 12 to 14” and displaysmall purple blooms. Use in landscapes, rockgardens and mixed containers. Zone 6-8.Garden Leader HiGro Mix 5987Scabiosa. S. caucasica. Full sun plant bloomsfrom July to fall. Finish in 4” or galloncontainers. Blooms first season. Beautifullavender and blue variations of ‘Isaac Houses’type. 20” tall, hardy to Zone 4. Available as seeds,plugs and liners.Garden Leader EZ Gro Voodoo 9669Garden Leader EZ Gro Voodoo. S. spurium.Easy for the home gardener or landscaper togrow and enjoy. Full sun perennial. Succulent,chocolate color, shiny foliage with bright rosecolor flowers. 3 to 5” plant height, 12 to 14”spread; 4” pots; hanging baskets, combinationcontainers and groundcover. Zone 3. Green roofcertified. Available as seeds, plugs and liners.Perennial Plugs, Seeds & Liners 183

Sempervivum<strong>NEW</strong>Sidalcea. S. malviflora. Plant height 36” withbright pink hibiscus-like flowers on long slenderspikes. Use in landscape perennial combinationplantings. Zone 5. Advanced Vigor seed.Available as seeds, plugs and liners.Tiarella<strong>NEW</strong>Verbena. Easy for the home gardener orlandscaper to grow and enjoy. Full sun plantblooms from June through summer. Finish in4” or gallon containers. Blooms first season.Tall branching plants to 48”. We selected thisstrain of the bonariensis type because of itssuperior germination and fast seedlingdevelopment. Plants are uniform with largeand early flowers. Consistently selling fasterthan the standard variety. Hardy through Zone4. Available as seeds, plugs and liners.Veronica<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Hardy Chicks 7565Sempervivum. S. arachnoideum+ montanum+tectorum & others. Easy for the home gardeneror landscaper to grow and enjoy. Compact plantswith foliage height of 2 to 4”. Most in the mixwill flower the first season. Very heat anddrought tolerant and long lived. Use incontainers like strawberry jars and rock gardens.Zone 5. Green roof certified. Available as seeds,plugs and liners.Silene<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Icy White 7582Silene. S. maritima. Compact plants withfoliage height of 3 to 4”. White flowers areborne 2 to 3” above the foliage mound. Veryheat and drought tolerant. Use in containers androck gardens. Zone 5. Green roof certified.Available as seeds, plugs and liners.Sidalcea<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> White Dancers 7603Tiarella. T. wherryi. Shaded areas. Plant height12-13”. Delicate white flowers spikes on softsilky green foliage with contrasting veins.Zone 6. Advanced Vigor seed. Availableas seeds, plugs and liners.Verbascum<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Phoebe Mix 7583Verbascum. V. phoeniceum. 36” flower spikes inshades of white, pink, salmon and purple areset off by rosettes of bright silver foliage. Zone5. Available as seeds, plugs and liners.VerbenaGarden Leader Light Blue 7652Veronica. Full sun plant blooms from Junethrough summer. Finish in 4” or galloncontainers. Blooms first season. More hardythan other strains of spicata, more flowers too.Height 18". The perfect Veronica for the perfectperennial garden. Hardy to Zone 4. Available asseeds, plugs and liners.Viola<strong>NEW</strong> HiGro Prairie Pink7581RSEZ Gro Buenos Aires 7669<strong>Grimes</strong> Special Mix 7690Viola. V. oderata. Full sun to partial shade.Plants bloom from March through summer.Finish in 4” containers. Blooms first season.Delightful collection of hardy meadow andwoodland violas. Our collection contains somevarieties that are not available as separatecolors anywhere. Zone 3. Available as seeds,plugs and liners.Perennial Plugs, Seeds & Liners 184

Plants are ready to pot into 6” or galloncontainers.Shipping begins in late January and continuesthrough May.Bare RootGarden Leader PerennialsAll Garden Leader Crops will flower the firstseason.Purchase of Garden Leader Perennials includes acustom color picture tag per plant featuringculture instructions and ideas for garden use.Your Garden Leader selling effort is supportedby point of purchase signage. Plus the Pointof Purchase Kit contains ideas for you tosupplement your local exposure with displaytechniques, newspaper ads and radio script ideas.Achillea<strong>NEW</strong>Artemisia<strong>NEW</strong>BUDDLEIA GARDEN LEADER SEREIS.B. davidii, Butterfly Bush. Tiny individualflowers on long dense trusses. Zone 5-10.Height, 24”, Spread 24 to 36”.Coreopsis<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader PaprikaAchillea. A. millefolium. Cherry red blossomson upright stems with aromatic, fern-like foliage.Prefers well-drained soil and is heat and droughttolerant. Height 18-26” spread 12”. Zone 3.Agapanthus<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader EZ Gro Silver MoundArtemisia. A.schmidtiana. Neat mound of silvergray foliage and small, pale yellow flowers. Plantheight 10-12”. Spread 18-20”. Flourishes in fullsun dry areas. Use in beds and borders forinteresting color contrast. Zone 3.BuddleiaGarden Leader EZ Gro MoonbeamCoreopsis. C. verticillata. Tolerates dry conditions.Zone 5-9. Plant height 12”. Plant spread 14”.Dicentra<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader BlueGarden Leader Bleeding Heart Pink<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Sky BlueAgapanthus. A. orientalis. Showy, ball-shapedflower clusters with green daylily-type foliage.An excellent container plant in cold winterclimates and a successful, low maintenance plantin southern landscapes. Height 36”. Zone 6.Garden Leader PinkGarden Leader Bleeding Heart WhiteGARDEN LEADER BLEEDING HEARTSERIES. D. spectabilis. Summer flowering plantwith graceful sprays of heart shaped flowers.Prefers fertile, light soil. Zone 4-9. Plant height24”. Plant spread 18”.Perennial Bare Root 185


GeraniumHosta<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Johnson BlueGarden Leader Coral, 15”Garden Leader EZ Gro Albo Marginata<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Patricia PinkGeranium. Excellent perennial border plants byvirtue of their long garden life, neat appearanceand stunning flowers. Prefers a moist, welldrained soil. Grow in full sun or light shade.Height 18 to 25”, spread 12-15”. Zone 4.HeucheraGarden Leader Raspberry, 28”Garden Leader Aureo MarginataGarden Leader FranceeGarden Leader Melon, 28”Garden Leader EZ Gro Palace PurpleHeuchera. H. micrantha. Plant height 6 to 12”.Plant spread 12”. Zone 3-8.Hemerocallis2009GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROFGarden Leader EZ Gro Bressingham Blue (Spring Only)Garden Leader Yellow, 17”2009 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEARGarden Leader Salmon, 34”Garden Leader Pink Whispers, 29”HEMEROCALLIS GARDEN LEADERSERIES. All Garden leader varieties are rebloomingfor season long color. Selected fromthe premier Platinum Palette series. Eachplant has a high bud count and the large openflowers are non-fading.Garden Leader Wide BrimPerennial Bare Root 187

GrassesGarden Leader EZ Gro HyacinthiaGarden Leader Mid Season Warm ColorsEdith Wolford Yellow-Violet 35"Harvest of Memories Re-Bloomer Yellow 38"Savanna Sunset Gold Gold 34"Garden Leader Silver Feather MiscanthusGarden Leader PatriotHosta. Attractive from spring till frost, handsomefoliage and scapes of trumpet shaped flowers.Shady borders and groundcovers. Zone 3-8.Iberis<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader Mid Season Cool ColorsImmortality Re-bloomer White 29"Batik Large purple-white 24"Victoria Falls Ruffled Blue-White 40"Monaco Lavender 34"Garden Leader Red Flame MiscanthusGarden Leader EZ Gro Striped Eulalia Miscanthus<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader CandytuftIberis. I. sempervirens. 9 to 12” shrubs thatspread into mats of dark green foliage. The whiteflowers are rounded, forming flat clusters. Theplants can be sheared after blooming to keepthem compact. Zone 3.Iris (Bearded, German)(Fall Shipping)Garden Leader Late SeasonStepping Out Purple-Black White 30"Gypsy Romance Purple Blue 37"Orange Parade Orange 38"Stellar Lights Re-Bloomer Dk Blue-White 36"Garden Leader EZ Gro Morning Light MiscanthusGrasses. Established roots are shipped in 2 1/4inch pots. Hardy to Zone 4 except MorningLight, Zone 5.Leucanthemum<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leaders Early SeasonChampagne Elegance Re-Bloomer White-Apricot 32"Clarence Re-Bloomer White-Lt Blue 35"Rock Star Apricot-Raspberry 30"Gold Kist White-Purple. Gold 36"Garden Leader Re-BloomersStellar Lights Dk Blue-White 36"Champagne Elegance White-Apricot 32"Clarence White-Lt Blue 35"Harvest of Memories Yellow 38"Bare rhizomes are planted so the upper surface iscompletely exposed. Finish and sell in 6 1/2 inchpots or 8 inch nursery containers. Hardy tothrough Zone 3.<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader EZ Gro BeckyPerennial Bare Root 188

Leucanthemum. L. superbum. Large, single whiteflower with yellow center on green tooth-edgedfoliage. Long lived perennial for containers, bedsand cuts. Garden height 36”, spread 24”. Zone 4.PenstemonPhlox<strong>NEW</strong>Sedum<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader EZ Gro Autumn Joy<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Orange<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader Huskers RedPenstemon. P. digitalis. Very hardy, diseaseresistant and tolerant of dry conditions. Plantheight 18”. Plant spread 18”. Zone 2-8.PeonyGarden Leader White<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader EZ Gro BrilliantSedum. S. spectabile. Densely clustered flat flowerheads form over fleshy succulent foliage. Long livedperennials show their flower color in the late summerand fall. Height 16-22”. Spread 12-16”. Zone 3.Tree PeonyGarden Leader PinkGarden Leader PinkGarden Leader RedPeony. P. lactiflora. Showy flowers are 6” across.Woody stemmed bushes reach 48” tall. Zone 3-8.PerovskiaGarden Leader WhiteGarden Leader PinkPhlox. P. paniculata. Fragrant flowers in largedense pyramidal cluster. Plant height 36”. Plantspread 20”. Zone 3-9.RudbeckiaGarden Leader RedGarden Leader Russian SagePerovskia. P. atriplicifolia. For well drainedsunny locations. Plant height 30”. Plant spread30”. Zone 2-8.Garden Leader GoldsturmRudbeckia. R. fulgida. Long blooming season,low maintenance. Prefers moist, well-drained,sandy soil. Plant height 30”. Plant spread 20”Zone 3-10.Garden Leader WhiteTree Peony. P. suffruticosa. Full sun shade. Warmconditions. 20 to 28” plant height, 18 to 24”spread; gallon pots, perennial landscape. Zone 6.Perennial Bare Root 189


Plugs & SeedsTHE BEST VARIETIESTASTY PATIO AND MONSTERSAWARDWINNER <strong>NEW</strong> <strong>NEW</strong>2010GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROF2010 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEARTomato Tasty Merlot 9028<strong>NEW</strong> Bean Patio Tasty Candy Bean 8001<strong>NEW</strong> Cabbage Green Monster 80052010GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROF2010 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEARPatio Fiesta 6109<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Bean Monster Tasty Yard Long 8004<strong>NEW</strong> Lettuce Tasty Organic Gourmet Mix 8705Vegetable Plugs, Seeds 193

<strong>NEW</strong> <strong>NEW</strong> <strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Mustard Tasty Tatsoi 8711<strong>NEW</strong> Pak Choi Tasty Pagoda Purple 8885<strong>NEW</strong> Winter Squash Monster Acorn 8927<strong>NEW</strong> Mustard Tasty Organic Red Giant 8229<strong>NEW</strong> Sweet Pepper Patio Tasty Green Bell 8778<strong>NEW</strong> Tomato Patio Tasty Cherries 9102<strong>NEW</strong> Okra Organic Tasty Billy Bob Red 8722<strong>NEW</strong> Perilla Tasty Red Sushi 9271<strong>NEW</strong> Tomato Tasty Red Cherry 9181<strong>NEW</strong> Okra Patio Tasty Betty Jo 8721<strong>NEW</strong> Summer Squash Patio Tasty Climbing Zucchini 8929<strong>NEW</strong> Watermelon Monster 9336Vegetable Plugs, Seeds 194

Vegetable Plugs, Seeds 195

Vegetable Plugs and SeedFeaturing the Garden Leader Patio Series ofcompact, ornamental and tasty produce. GardenLeaders have better garden vigor, higher yields,better taste or better weather resistance than thenormal market varieties available. We knowthis because Garden Leaders are selections ofvarieties that perform better in field trials andtaste tests across the country.BeanMost of the Garden Leader Vegetables listedhere are available as PLUGS in 512, 288 or144 size trays.Patio Jumbo Quick Turns:Strip trays with 34 plants per Patio variety. Readyto drop into your finishing container. Fast finish,wide selection. The perfect Patio Program.BeetPlant Tags:Picture tags are available for Garden Leadervarieties. Order your tags with <strong>Grimes</strong> orsimply request that we “auto-tag” your seedor plug order. You will receive the correctnumber of Pixie or Master tags for yourproduction program.<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong>Tasty Late, 110 days 8093<strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Tasty Yard Long Monster 8004EZ Gro Tasty Yard Long Monster. 81 days. A typeof pole bean with rich flavorful pods that are bestwhen cooked in soups and stews. Monster longpods up to 26". Yield is better and flavor istastier than other "yard long" pole beans.<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Tasty Red Bull 8446Beet. Deep red foliage and stems. Thoroughyversatile plant as leaves, stems and bulbs can beeaten cooked or raw. As an herb, the roots lendcolor and a mild sweetness to soup & stew.The foliage is very ornamental and workswell in flowering combination plantings andherb gardens. Garden height 4 to 6” forspring harvest, mature height 12”.BroccoliTasty Mid-Season, 80 days 8092<strong>NEW</strong>Tasty Broccoli 8010Broccoli. 50 Days. Home garden and extendedseason crop. Flavorful and tender heads.CabbageGreen Monster, 105 days 8005<strong>NEW</strong> Patio Tasty Candy Bean 8001Patio Tasty Candy Bean. 65 days. Bushy, dwarfplants with attractive red and white bicolorflowers that look like bits of peppermint candy.Produces masses of succulent beans. Theornamental plants make decorative containers.Finish in 10 to 14” pots.EZ Gro Tasty Early, 65 days 8091Tasty Red, 85 days 8094Vegetable Plugs, Seeds 196

ChardTasty Summertime Mix, 65 to 110 days 8096Cabbage. A Garden Leader for all harvestseasons. Summertime Mix allows the growerto offer extended harvest in each cell pack.CantaloupeTasty Green 8621Tasty Green. 75 days. F-1 hybrid. Large anduniform, lime green heads that hold well.Yellows resistant.EZ Gro Gourmet Burgundy 8244EZ Gro Gourmet Burgundy. 60 days. The mostbrilliant stalks of bright crimson. Tasty too.Tasty Hybrid 8165Cantaloupe. 79 days. Netted, 4lb. Average sizefruit. Oval to rounded shape with very sweetflesh. Good shelf life after harvest. F1 & F2 &powdery mildew resistant.CauliflowerTasty Orange 8622Tasty Orange. 58 days. F-1 Hybrid. Large headsthat mature to a warm orange and darken aftercooking.Patio Ruby 8644Patio Ruby. Plants are very ornamental andlook great in patio containers. Outer leaves canbe harvested throughout the season and cookedlike spinach.Tasty White 8202Tasty White. 55 days. Black rot resistant, purewhite heads.Tasty Purple 8623Tasty Purple. 55 days. F-1 hybrid. Medium insize with bright purple heads that cook up green.CeleryEZ Gro Patio Silver 8645EZ Gro Patio Silver. Striking when planted withPatio Ruby Chard. Plants are very ornamental andlook great in patio containers. Outer leaves can beharvested throughout the season and cooked likespinach or stir fried in oriental dishes.Tasty Colorflower Mix 8620Tasty Colorflower Mix. 54 to 75 days. Dazzlingcolor mix for the home gardener. Mixed plants ofwhite, orange, green and purple heads. Best whengrown with high fertilizer and abundant water.Patio Celeryetta 8640Patio Celeryetta. Miniature Celery plants withfull Celery flavor. Plants height to 9” to 12”with 5 to 9 leaf stalks. The stalks can bewrapped and blanched the same as full sizeCelery. Foliage is very ornamental incombination plantings and suitable for a mildParsley substitute as a garnish or spice.Gourmet Chablis 8643Gourmet Chablis. Broad stem and fleshy leaf.Yellow stem, green leaf; Size: 18” to 20”. Youngleaves make good fresh salad greens. Stems andleaves can be blanched like spinach.Vegetable Plugs, Seeds 197

CucumberEZ Gro Tasty Pickle 8288EZ Gro Tasty Pickle. 55 days. 3 x1 inch fruitPatio Purple 8650Patio Purple. A true miniature Eggplant. Plantheight is a maximum of 30”. Clusters of fruitare plentiful on each plant and the size is 2 1/2”to 3”. Flavor is never bitter. Perfect addition toyour container vegetable offering.Burpee Burpless Hybrid 8298Burpee Burpless Hybrid. 58 days. Americanburpless with low cucurbitacin and a mediumfirm rind. 10” slicer. CMV, powdery mildewtolerant. F-1 gynecious vines.EZ Gro Tasty Slicer 8262EZ Gro Tasty Slicer. 62 days. 10” fruit with deepgreen rind. Our best tasting slicing cucumber.Crisp and clean taste.Tasty Pastel Round 8651Tasty Pastel Round. Round, tennis ball size fruit,nearly seedless and mild in flavor. Plants arecompact in size and mature at 30”. Well adaptedto a wide range of garden conditions and alsoproduces well in containers.Glass and Garden #58 8239Glass and Garden #58. 58 days to harvest in thegreenhouse, 68 days when grown in the garden.Fruit is Parthenocarpic and standard table size,thin skinned, 7 1/2 to 8” long x 2 to 2 1/2”wide. Plants are Cucumber mosaic virus,Angular Leaf Spot and show Mildew tolerance.The Climbing vines require tying to support.Flowers are Dioecious. Use for Greenhouseproduction and late season garden delicacy.2007GARDEN LEADER THEY EARPatio Very Kuhl 8641Patio Very Kuhl. This is one ‘kool cucumber’.Plants are very compact and can be finished in12” and larger containers. The fruit is darkgreen, tender skinned and single serving in size,perfect to pick fresh and eat. Simply the“koolest cucumber” on a deck or patio.EggplantGarden Leader Patio White 8908Garden Leader Patio White. 58 days. 6 x 3”white fruit. For 8 to 10” containers. Mild flavor.KohlrabiOF2007 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEARGourmet Burpless 8276Gourmet Burpless. 60 days. Long burpless fruitwith tender rind.Vegetable Plugs, Seeds 198Gourmet Long Oriental 8342Gourmet Long Oriental. 60 days. 10 x 1” purplefruit. Mild flavor.Gourmet White 8649Gourmet White. 60 days. 3-inch bulbs are tenderand smooth skinned

LettuceTasty Stir Fry Mix. Grow to use fresh for stir-fry.Contains Mizuna, Pak Choy, Red Mustard, TexelGreens, Cavolo Nero and others. Produce in cellpacks, sow 5 to 7 seeds per cell. Sell whenseedlings are 3 weeks old. Plant every 7 days tohave plants ready for sale each week.<strong>NEW</strong>Gourmet Green Bibb 8681EZ Gro Tasty Leaf Lettuce Mix 8685EZ Gro Tasty. Grow Garden Leader Tasty brandand offer your customers high yielding, slowbolting lettuce that tastes great.Gourmet Green Head 8683<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Tasty Organic Gourmet Mix 8705Tasty Organic Gourmet Mix. Certified organicseed mixture. Black Seeded Simpson, FrecklesRomaine, Green Deer Tongue, Lolla Rosa, RedFire, Red Splash, Red Oak, Red Salad Bowl,Rouge De Hine, Salad Bowl. Produce in cellpacks, sow 5 to 7 seeds per cell. Sell whenseedlings are 3 weeks old. Plant every 7 daysto have plants ready for sale each week.<strong>NEW</strong> Tasty Zesty Salad Mix 8708Tasty Zesty Salad Mix. A healthy and deliciousmix of spring greens and herbs. Produce in cellpacks, sow 5 to 7 seeds per cell. Sell whenseedlings are 3 weeks old. Plant every 7 days tohave plants ready for sale each week. Amongthe types included are Leaf and RomaineLettuce, Mizuna, Rocket, Cress, Mustard,Chicory and others.Mustard<strong>NEW</strong>Gourmet Green Romaine 8686Gourmet Green Romaine. The favorite lettucevarieties of gourmets and chefs worldwide. Ourselections originate with the finest lettucebreeding companies in Europe.Tasty Red Leaf 8671<strong>NEW</strong> Tasty Oriental Leaf Mix 8710Tasty Oriental Leaf Mix. A peppery freshmixture to add to salads. Contains Brassicarapa, Mizuna, Pak Choy, Tatsoi, Cress andothers. Produce in cell packs, sow 5 to 7 seedsper cell. Sell when seedlings are 3 weeks old.Plant every 7 days to have plants ready for saleeach week.<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro Tasty Green Leaf 8698<strong>NEW</strong> Tasty Stir Fry Mix 8707<strong>NEW</strong> Tasty Tatsoi 8711Tasty Tatsoi. 45 days. Dark green leaves on thickstems. Height 4 to 6”. Harvest at 21 days for freshbaby greens.Vegetable Plugs, Seeds 199

<strong>NEW</strong>Patio Tasty Betty Jo. 59 days. Compact plantscan be grown in containers. Beautiful patioplant. Bright yellow flowers develop into sweettender pods. Finished plant height is 18 to 20".OnionBig Bertha. 72 days. Large 7 inch, four lobedblock fruit. Sweet tasting dark green peppermatures to bright red. Tobacco mosaic tolerant F-1 hybrid. Grow for home gardens and freshmarket. Sell in packs or 4” pots.<strong>NEW</strong> Tasty Organic Red Giant 8229Tasty Organic Red Giant. 44 days. Gai Choy.Certified organic seed. Bold taste and boldpresentation. Red Giant makes a great ornamentaladdition to the vegetable or flower garden. Plantheight is 12 to 18”. Color is bright bronze-red.Grow in packs or combination containers.OkraTasty White 8749California Wonder 8824California Wonder. 76 to 80 days. Popularhome garden pepper bearing dark green blockyfruit in the warmer summer Zones. For areaswith cool nights we suggest Tasty Early Bell.EZ Gro Garden Leader Gumbo 8748EZ Gro Garden Leader Gumbo. 49 days. Darkgreen pods can be harvested up to 5" long andstill remain tender. Bright yellow, ornamentalblooms.Tasty Red 8736Tasty Red. 115 days. Long day varieties. Nicesize 5” bulbs with a mild flavor.Pak Choi<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Organic Tasty Billy Bob Red 8722Organic Tasty Billy Bob Red. 60 to 65 days.Certified organic seeds. 3 to 4” slender pods ofdeep burgundy red. Plant height 28 to 48” withred stems and yellow flowers.<strong>NEW</strong> Tasty Pagoda Purple 8885Pak Choi. 45 days. An eye-catching reddish-purpletop leaf and contrasting bright green stems. Veryornamental in patio containers too. Cooler nightsintensifies the purple tone of the leaf. Grow formicro-greens by sowing 5 to 7 seeds per cell. Singlesow plugs or cell packs to sell for garden plantings.Pepper Sweet<strong>NEW</strong> Patio Tasty Green Bell 8778Patio Tasty Green Bell. 62 days. Compact plantsfor production in 10 to 12” containers. Attractiveplants yield medium size, 3 and 4 lobed bells. F1hybrid.<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Patio Tasty Betty Jo 8721Big Bertha 8788Garden Leader Patio Orange Bell 8905Garden Leader Patio Orange Bell. 62 days. Growin 8 to 10” pots. Fruit is 4 lobed, 4” blocks.Vegetable Plugs, Seeds 200

Garden Leader Patio Red Bell 8901Garden Leader Patio Red Bell. 68 days. Grow in8 to 10” pots. Fruit is 4 lobed, 4” blocks.Tasty Orange Bell, 65 days 8833EZ Gro Early Bell 8816EZ Gro Early Bell. 60 days. Our earliest bell.Great for gardens where nights are cool.Tasty Colorbell Mix 8775Tasty Colorbell Mix. 65 to 72 days. The completelineup of delicious and ornamental bell peppers.The Red Bell and Orange Bell are of Dutchorigin. Fruit is all 4 lobed and large, 4” blocks.Tasty Purple Bell, 72 days 8779EZ Gro Italian Green Frying 8844EZ Gro Italian Green Frying. 78 days. Longcurved and tapered, Ram’s Horn type. Matures todeep red.Tasty Golden Bell, 65 days 8774Tasty Red Bell, 72 days 8834Red Bell Girl 8781Red Bell Girl. 68 days. Early red bell. 4 lobedand blocky.Pepper HotTasty Green Bell, 62 days 8772Monster Bell 8866Monster Bell. 75 days. The biggest bell pepperyou’ll ever see. 7 1/2 to 8-inch bells!Hungarian Semi-Hot Stuffing 8827Hungarian Semi-Hot Stuffing. 77 days. Deepgreen to red tapered fruit is 4” long and 1 1/2” atthe shoulders.Vegetable Plugs, Seeds 201

Tasty Hot Pepper 8889Tasty Hot Pepper. 74 days. Tapered fruit 7 x 1inch. Cheyene chili type.Patio Hot Wings 8642Patio Hot Wings. 30,000 scovilles in heat.Abundance of fruit colors up from deep greento bright red. Thin walled, wing shaped withwide shoulders and tapered point. 1 1/2” x1/2”. Hot and flavorful. Very attractive grownin containers on the patio where they can befreshly harvested to spice up kabobs, salsasand wing sauces.PerillaEZ Gro Monster Pumpkin 8918EZ Gro Monster Pumpkin. 125 days. True brightorange pumpkin, 100 lbs or more per fruit.Squash Summer<strong>NEW</strong>Tasty Hot Cherry 8835Tasty Hot Cherry. 65 days: For pickling, pendantred cherry size, and high yield, very uniform.Tasty Poblano 8841Tasty Poblano. 65 days: Mildly hot, thin walledfruit with deep forest green skin. 4” peppers ripento a deep mahogany red.<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Tasty Red Sushi 9271Tasty Red Sushi. 40 days. Superior addition tomesclun salad mixes. Great garnish for sushi,sprinkle over cucumbers, cabbage and fish.Chop and add to pesto. Deep burgundy foliageis fabulous in containers and garden. Highlyprized in the gourmet markets. Plant height 10to 12”.Pumpkin<strong>NEW</strong> Patio Tasty Climbing Zucchini 8929Patio Tasty Climbing Zucchini. 68 days. Growin 10 to 12” containers with a 20 to 28” trellis inplace. Plants sell fast when in bloom and willproduce 8 to 12 nice zucchinis per plant.Garden Leader EZ Gro Patio Pan 8919Garden Leader EZ Gro Patio Pan. 55 days. Growin 8 to 10” pots. Fist size white fruit with tenderrind and good flavor born on non-vineing bush.EZ Gro Jalapeno Lite 8895EZ Gro Jalapeno Lite. 68 days. A not-so-hot butvery flavorful jalapeno. 3 1/2 in fruit.Garden Leader Patio Pot 8912Garden Leader Patio Pot. 100 days. Fruit issoftball size born on non-vining 14” bush. Verydecorative in 8 to 10” pots.Garden Leader Patio Zucchini 8915Garden Leader Patio Zucchini. 49 days. Grow in8 to 10” pots. Fruit has a bright yellow rind bornon bushy plants with no vines or tendrils.Vegetable Plugs, Seeds 202

TomatoMonster Zucchini 8947Monster Zucchini. 50 days. Fruit grow large withsmall seed cavityBasket Boy Red 9013Basket Boy Red. Small cherry sized fruit, greatfor baskets and containers, patio pots.Brandywine 9036Brandywine. 85 days. Potato leaf heirloomindeterminate vine. 14 oz pink skinned fruit.EZ Gro Tasty Zucchini 8925EZ Gro Tasty Zucchini. 45 days. 7 inch fruit withrich taste.Squash Winter<strong>NEW</strong>Basket Boy Yellow 8646Basket Boy Yellow. Small cherry sized fruit,great for baskets and containers, patio pots.EZ Gro Celebrity 9040EZ Gro Celebrity. 70 days. All America Winner.F-1 hybrid with superior disease resistance. 7 ozfruit on determinate bush.<strong>NEW</strong> Monster Acorn 8927Monster Acorn. 83 days. Yield of 5 to 7 fruit perplant averaging over 3 pounds each. Deep blackrind and warm golden flesh with large seedcavity for stuffing. Flavor is great and the fruitis blue ribbon size.StrawberryBest Boy 9008Best Boy. 72 days. Very short internodes withrugose foliage. Plants are strong. 7 oz, greenshouldered fruitPatio Tasty Sweet 8270Patio Tasty Sweet. 72 days. Generous productionof medium size sweet fruit all season long.Better Boy VFN 9010Better Boy VFN. 72 days. F-1 hybrid, 16 oz fruiton indeterminate vines.Early Boy 9049Early Boy. 60 days. Indeterminate plant with 7 ozVegetable Plugs, Seeds 203

fruit.Glass and Garden #2105 8990Glass and Garden #2105. 88 Days to harvest.Fruit is red, large, 2 1/2 to 3” cluster type.Indeterminate vines require tying to support andare tolerant to verticillium 1, fusarium. Use forgreenhouse production and late season gardendelicacy.Patio Teacup Red 8998Patio Teacup Red. 70 days. Grow in 6 to 8”pots no support required. Tasty fruit the size ofping pong balls rests attractively on a base ofdeep green foliage.Jet Set 9092Jet Set. 70 days. Indeterminate, 8 oz fruit,extended harvest. Improved Jet Star.Monster Tomato 9101Monster Tomato. 70 days. Lunker size 17ounce fruit on indeterminate vines. Great taste,attractive slicer.Patio Rome 8647Patio Rome. 67 days. Rounded oval 3oz, crackresistant red, firm and meaty for sauces andfresh grilling. Patio containers and compactgardens. Dozens of fruit per plant.Patio Teacup Yellow 8995Patio Teacup Yellow. 70 days. Grow in 6 to 8”pots no support required. Perfect complimentto Teacup Red. Bright yellow and sweet fruit.<strong>NEW</strong>Super Sweet 100 9180Super Sweet 100. 70 days. F-1 hybrid. Longclusters of 1” cherries on indeterminate vines.<strong>NEW</strong> Patio Tasty Cherries 9102Patio Tasty Cherries. 66 days. Compact plantsto finish in 8 to 10” pots. Plants are selfsupporting but make an irresistible offeringwhen grown on a small trellis. Fruit clustersare abundant and can be harvested over a longseason. Size 3/4” diameter, about 3/4 ounce.Vegetable Plugs, Seeds 204EZ Gro Patio Kabob 8909EZ Gro Patio Kabob. 70 days. Grow in 8 to 10”pots on a short stake for support. Fruit is perfectsize for kabobs on the barbi’. An ornamentaland tasty conversation piece. Fruit is 2” indiameter.Tasty Early 9009Tasty Early. 54 days. 5 oz. Fruit, crackresistant, green shouldered. indeterminate.

2009GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROFTasty Golden vf. 9004Tasty Golden vf. 75 days. 6 oz. Fruit with fullflavor. Very attractive golden orange.2010GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROFTasty Sauce 9003Tasty Sauce. 110 days. 3 oz round fruit withhigh viscosity. Great taste with high solids. Ourbest for freezing or canning whole.2009 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEAREZ Gro Tasty Yellow Cherry 9033EZ Gro Tasty Yellow Cherry. 75 days. A hundredfruit per plant, bright yellow cherries. Very tasty.Sweetest tasting in our garden trials.Watermelon<strong>NEW</strong>2010 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEARTasty Merlot 9028Tasty Merlot. 65 days. Consistently wins ourflavor test. 5 oz. Fruit on indeterminate vines.<strong>NEW</strong>Tasty Table 9002Tasty Table. 72 days. 10 oz fruit, deep red andnon-green shoulder. Disease resistant. Highyield. A great table tomato for slicing andsalads. Same great qualities as Better Boybut with fruit that tastes better.<strong>NEW</strong> Monster 9336Watermelon Monster. 85 days. Fruit up to 1 footwide and 20 to 30 pounds! Largest yields areachieved in the warmer southern Zones. Sweetred flesh inside boldly striped rind. Produces oneor 2 monster fruit per vine.<strong>NEW</strong> Tasty Red Cherry 9181Tasty Red Cherry. 66 days. Hundreds of 3/4”fruit loaded with sweetness. Excellent diseaseresistance. Indeterminate vines.Tasty Yellow 9029Tasty Yellow. 65 days. Bright sulphur yellow,4 to 6 oz fruit. Indeterminate vines. Low acidcontent fruit is selling well on the gourmetmarket.Tasty Watermelon 9335Tasty Watermelon. 80 days. Compact vinesproduce icebox size fruit, up to 10 lbs.GARDEN LEADERSBEST OF THE BESTVegetable Plugs, Seeds 205

Vegetable Plugs, Seeds 206

Vegetable Plugs, Seeds 207

PatioVegetablesGARDEN LEADER TASTY PATIOPatio®Better FlavorFor The PatioDwarf edibles perfect for container gardenon patios, balconies and decks. Tasty BrandGarden Leader Patio vegetables are a completeseries from Bean to Tomato<strong>NEW</strong> Patio Tasty Green Bell 8778Featuring Tasty Patio Cherries 9102Vegetable Plugs, Seeds 208

Bean<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Patio Tasty Candy Bean 8001Patio Tasty Candy Bean. 65 days. Bushy, dwarfplants with attractive red and white bicolorflowers that look like bits of peppermint candy.Produces masses of succulent beans. Theornamental plants make decorative containers.Finish in 10 to 14” pots.CeleryPatio Silver 8645Patio Silver. Striking when planted with PatioRuby Chard. Plants are very ornamental and lookgreat in patio containers. Outer leaves can beharvested throughout the season and cooked likespinach or stir fried in oriental dishes.CucumberGarden Leader Patio White 8908Garden Leader Patio White. 58 days. 6 x 3”white fruit. For 8 to 10” containers. Mild flavor.Okra<strong>NEW</strong>Patio Celeryetta 8640Patio Celeryetta. Miniature Celery plants withfull Celery flavor. Plants height to 9” to 12” with5 to 9 leaf stalks. The stalks can be wrapped andblanched the same as full size Celery. Foliage isvery ornamental in combination plantings andsuitable for a mild Parsley substitute as a garnishor spice.ChardPatio Very Kuhl 8641Patio Very Kuhl. This is one ‘kool cucumber’.Plants are very compact and can be finished in12” and larger containers. The fruit is dark green,tender skinned and single serving in size, perfectto pick fresh and eat. Simply the “koolestcucumber” on a deck or patio.Eggplant<strong>NEW</strong> Patio Tasty Betty Jo 8721Patio Tasty Betty Jo. 59 days. Compact plantscan be grown in containers. Beautiful patio plant.Bright yellow flowers develop into sweet tenderpods. Finished plant height is 18 to 20".Pepper Sweet<strong>NEW</strong>Patio Ruby 8644Patio Ruby. Plants are very ornamental and lookgreat in patio containers. Outer leaves can beharvested throughout the season and cooked likespinach.Patio Purple 8650Patio Purple. A true miniature Eggplant. Plantheight is a maximum of 30”. Clusters of fruit areplentiful on each plant and the size is 2 1/2” to3”. Flavor is never bitter. Perfect addition to yourcontainer vegetable offering.<strong>NEW</strong> Patio Tasty Green Bell 8778Patio Tasty Green Bell. 62 days. Compact plantsfor production in 10 to 12” containers. Attractiveplants yield medium size, 3 and 4 lobed bells. F1hybrid.Vegetable Plugs, Seeds 209

PumpkinGarden Leader Patio Orange Bell 8905Garden Leader Patio Orange Bell. 62 days. Growin 8 to 10” pots. Fruit is 4 lobed, 4” blocks.Garden Leader Patio Pot 8912Garden Leader Patio Pot. 100 days. Fruit issoftball size born on non-vining 14” bush. Verydecorative in 8 to 10” pots.SquashGarden Leader Patio Zucchini 8915Garden Leader Patio Zucchini. 49 days. Grow in8 to 10” pots. Fruit has a bright yellow rind bornon bushy plants with no vines or tendrils.Strawberry<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader Patio Red Bell 8901Garden Leader Patio Red Bell. 68 days. Grow in8 to 10” pots. Fruit is 4 lobed, 4” blocks.Pepper Hot<strong>NEW</strong> Patio Tasty Climbing Zucchini 8929Patio Tasty Climbing Zucchini. 68 days. Growin 10 to 12” containers with a 20 to 28” trellis inplace. Plants sell fast when in bloom and willproduce 8 to 12 nice zucchinis per plant.Patio Tasty Sweet 8270Patio Tasty Sweet. 72 days. Generous productionof medium size sweet fruit all season long.TomatoPatio Hot Wings 8642Patio Hot Wings. 30,000 scovilles in heat.Abundance of fruit colors up from deep green tobright red. Thin walled, wing shaped with wideshoulders and tapered point. 1 1/2” x 1/2”. Hotand flavorful. Very attractive grown in containerson the patio where they can be freshly harvestedto spice up kabobs, salsas and wing sauces.Garden Leader EZ Gro Patio Pan 8919Garden Leader EZ Gro Patio Pan. 55 days. Growin 8 to 10” pots. Fist size white fruit with tenderrind and good flavor born on non-vineing bush.Basket Boy Red 9013Basket Boy Red. Small cherry sized fruit, greatfor baskets and containers, patio pots.Vegetable Plugs, Seeds 210

<strong>NEW</strong>Basket Boy Yellow 8646Basket Boy Yellow. Small cherry sized fruit,great for baskets and containers, patio pots.<strong>NEW</strong> Patio Tasty Cherries 9102Patio Tasty Cherries. 66 days. Compact plants tofinish in 8 to 10” pots. Plants are self supportingbut make an irresistible offering when grown ona small trellis. Fruit clusters are abundant and canbe harvested over a long season. Size 3/4”diameter, about 3/4 ounce.Patio Teacup Yellow 8995Patio Teacup Yellow. 70 days. Grow in 6 to 8”pots no support required. Perfect compliment toTeacup Red. Bright yellow and sweet fruit.Patio Rome 8647Patio Rome. 67 days. Rounded oval 3oz, crackresistant red, firm and meaty for sauces andfresh grilling. Patio containers and compactgardens. Dozens of fruit per plant.Patio Teacup Red 8998Patio Teacup Red. 70 days. Grow in 6 to 8” potsno support required. Tasty fruit the size of pingpong balls rests attractively on a base of deepgreen foliage.EZ Gro Patio Kabob 8909EZ Gro Patio Kabob. 70 days. Grow in 8 to 10”pots on a short stake for support. Fruit is perfectsize for kabobs on the barbi’. An ornamental andtasty conversation piece. Fruit size 2”.Vegetable Plugs, Seeds 211

MonstersMONSTERS ARE THE BIGGESTAND THE SCARIEST VEGETABLESEZ Gro Monster Pumpkin 8918• Monsters grow BIG• Monsters grow FAST• Monsters win PRIZES• Monsters are baaaadd hombres• Beware of monstersMonster Tomato 9101Monster Vegetables Plugs, Seeds 212

BeanSquash<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> EZ Gro Tasty Yard Long Monster 8004EZ Gro Tasty Yard Long Monster. 81 days. A type of pole bean with richflavorful pods that are best when cooked in soups and stews. Monster long podsup to 26". Yield is better and flavor is tastier than other "yard long" pole beans.CabbageMonster Zucchini 8947Monster Zucchini. 50 days. Fruit grow large with small seed cavity<strong>NEW</strong>Green Monster, 105 days 8005Pepper Sweet<strong>NEW</strong> Monster Acorn 8927Monster Acorn. 83 days. Yield of 5 to 7 fruit per plant averaging over 3pounds each. Deep black rind and warm golden flesh with large seedcavity for stuffing. Flavor is great and the fruit is blue ribbon size.TomatoMonster Bell 8866Monster Bell. 75 days. The biggest bell pepper you’ll ever see. 7 1/2 to8-inch bells!PumpkinMonster Tomato 9101Monster Tomato. 70 days. Lunker size 17 ounce fruit on indeterminatevines. Great taste, attractive slicer.Watermelon<strong>NEW</strong>EZ Gro Monster Pumpkin 8918EZ Gro Monster Pumpkin. 125 days. True bright orange pumpkin, 100 lbsor more per fruit.<strong>NEW</strong> Monster 9336Monster Watermelon. 85 days. Fruit up to 1 foot wide and 20 to 30 pounds!Largest yields are achieved in the warmer southern zones. Sweet red fleshinside boldly striped rind. Produces one or 2 monster fruit per vine.Monster Vegetables Plugs, Seeds 213

HerbsGARDEN LEADER TASTY HERBSMore Taste,More Flavor,More AromaMore YummySuperior herbvarieties for cooking...Recommendedby culinary expertsThese are the best herbs on the planet...we know becausewe covered the world looking for the best tasting and aromaticcultivars. After years of testing we offer these selectionswhich are deserving of the Garden Leader name.®Herb Plugs, Seeds 214

Vegetable Plugs and SeedHerb Seeds:<strong>Grimes</strong> presents the Garden Leader brand ofculinary, medicinal and ornamental Herbs.Patio Herbs:All of these herbs make great patio plants anddecorative companion plants.Herb Plugs:Most of the Garden Leader Herbs listed here areavailable as PLUGS in 512, 288 or 144.ArtemisiaGarden Leader Patio Key Lime. Tropical freshlime-scented foliage makes this basil a welcomeaddition to any garden. Attractive plant habit withnarrow, bright green foliage.Garden Leader Tasty Sweet Purple. Our vigorous,purple, Italian large leaf type compliment to GardenLeader Tasty Sweet. Flat leaves are 3” long with apurple-copper color. Very ornamental in the gardenand on the table. Garden height 18-24”.Beet<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader Licorice Spice 6486Garden Leader Licorice Spice. Spicy fragrance tothis silver foliage herb. Our own selections fromproduction fields of the well known “SweetAnnie’. Garden Leader offers more vigor, betterfragrance and brighter silver foliage than thestandard variety. Grow this for combinationcontainers in place of the over priced cutting types.Basil2008GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROFGarden Leader EZ Gro Patio Rascal 8443Garden Leader EZ Gro Patio Rasca. Beautifuland long-lived plant that is perfect in combinationplantings. Flowers in profusion with lavender-bluecolored spikes. Plant is well branched, foliage is awaxy bronze-green.<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Tasty Red Bull 8446Garden Leader Tasty Red Bull. Deep red foliageand stems. Thoroughy versatile plant as leaves,stems and bulbs can be eaten cooked or raw.As an herb, the roots lend color and a mildsweetness to soup & stew. The foliage isvery ornamental and works well in floweringcombination plantings and herb gardens.Garden height 4 to 6” for spring harvest,mature height 12”.Chamomile2008 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEARGarden Leader EZ Gro Green Goddess 8378Garden Leader EZ Gro Green Goddess.Ornamental and culinary. Mounded habit withtiny bright green foliage. Flowers are small andpure white. Spicy cinnamon fragrance.Garden Leader EZ Gro Tasty Sweet 8368Garden Leader EZ Gro Tasty Sweet. Our ownselection of slow bolting sweet basil. Very highin aromatic oils and well suited for freezing ordrying. Pure green, 3” leaves. Excellent freshgarnish too.<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader Patio Key Lime 8367<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Tasty Sweet Purple 8438Garden Leader Chamomile 8401Garden Leader Chamomile. Your customers cangrow your own source of soothing tea leaves.Plants are ornamental. The feathery foliage isattractive and the plant is easily grown. 40 days toharvest from transplant. Garden height 18 to 24”Herb Plugs, Seeds 215

<strong>NEW</strong>CilantroHyssop (Anise Hyssop)2010GARDEN LEADER THEY EAROF<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Kaleisia 8447Garden Leader Kaleisia. The finest, largeflowered Chamomile for herb gardens. Namedafter the famous German china company.Generations enjoyed this variety brewed in thefinest Kaleisia tea pots as a gentle sleep inducer.Garden height 16 to 20”.Chives2010 GARDEN LEADER OF THE YEARGarden Leader Patio Fiesta 6109Garden Leader Patio Fiesta. We have finallyperfected the hunt for true slow bolting Cilantro(Coriander). Foliage is narrow leaf, flavor is crispand clean. Plants stay vegetative weeks longerthan common coriander. Very ornamental andmakes great patio pots and complimentary plantsfor aromatic combo planters.<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader Garden Leader 8435Garden Leader Garden Leader. Ornamentalselection of this plant with a long tradition of finemedicinal qualities. The sweet, licorice-mintHyssop tea is brewed to relieve sore throats andsooth the symptoms of the common cold. Freshflowers are used as an edible garnish. Our varietygrows to 24 inches and terminates each stem inspikes of clear blue flowers. Perennial Zone 6.LavenderGarden Leader Thin Chives 8415<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader EZ Gro Ole’ 8427Garden Leader EZ Gro Ole’. Classic broad leafCilantro with classic la fiesta Cilantro flavor.Produce in cell packs sown 2 weeks apart, 3 to 5seeds per cell to assure an ample supply of youngplants for sale. Garden Height 16 to 20”.DillGarden Leader Lavender 7266Garden Leader Lavender. L. hidcote. 2” lavenderflower cone with single radiating petals. Sow inFebruary for flowering the same season. Gardenheight 24” with silvery green quills.Marjoram<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader Fat Chives 8417Chives. Extremely hardy biennial herbs thatproduce exceptionally attractive flowers in thespring. Our Garden Leader seed is selected fromthe most vigorous parent lines and afford thehome gardener with the best in both culinary andornamental chives.Herb Plugs, Seeds 216Garden Leader EZ Gro Patio Compact 9005Garden Leader EZ Gro Patio Compact. Verycompact and slow bolting. Ornamental andaromatic plants. Plant height is 8 to 10 inches andyields a bountiful harvest of bright green foliage.<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader EZ Gro Tasty Sweet 8430Garden Leader EZ Gro Tasty Sweet. Origanummajorana. Aroma is similar to oregano butsweeter with a balsam fragrance. Compact andearly to flower. Height 8 to 10”.MintSee Annual Cuttings and Liners, Perennial Plugs,Seeds Liners

OreganoGarden Leader EZ Gro Candy Mint. Menthapiperata. Our selection of piperata is especiallyornamental and fast growing. The sweet mintfragrance and dark waxy green foliage adds tothe charm of combination containers and baskets.In the garden it can be somewhat invasive due toits perennial habit.RosemaryStevia<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader Patio Soprano 8455Garden Leader Patio Soprano. Origanum vulgare.Pungent oregano aroma, great for italian dishesfresh, dried or frozen. Dark green leaves withwhite flowers. Considered a true Greek type.Parsley<strong>NEW</strong>Garden Leader Rosemary 9016Garden Leader Rosemary. Great germinationdue to the enhanced seed quality of our GardenLeader selection. Plants can be raised for yearsin containers brought indoors in severely coldweather and as a hardy annual in climate Zones6 through 9.Sage<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Sweet Herb 6191Garden Leader Sweet Herb. The sweetconcentrate of this plant is approximately 250times sweeter than table sugar. It is a plant thathas been used historically in Paraguay as botha sweetener and herbal remedy. The chemicalstructure is a stevioside, rebaudiosideA, andat least six other sweet compounds that haveglucoside groups attached to a three-carbon-ringcentral structure. Foliage is shiny green, matureheight is 18 to 28”.Tarragon<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Tasty Curled Leaf 8768Garden Leader Tasty Curled Leaf. Double andtriple curled leaves on long stems. Ornamental incontainers. Garden height 14 to 16”.<strong>NEW</strong><strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader EZ Gro Tasty Flat Leaf 8769Garden Leader EZ Gro Tasty Flat Leaf.Compact, flavorfull dark green leaves. Plantheight 16 to 18”. Attractive fresh garnish addedto salads, excellent for drying and freezing. Growin cell packs or add to combination containers.PeppermintGarden Leader EZ Gro Scarborough 8461Garden Leader EZ Gro Scarborough. S.officinalis.A beautifully ornamental addition to combinationcontainers and baskets. Foliage is a silvery greenand the fragrance is delicious. Scarborough can begrown in 72 size trays then potted up in comboswith cutting propagated material.Savory<strong>NEW</strong> Garden Leader Tasty Russak 8764Garden Leader Tasty Russak. A. dracunulus.Excellent cooking herb with a sweet licorice-likeflavor. Garden height 24”. Zone 6.ThymeGarden Leader EZ Gro Candy Mint 8459Garden Leader Calamint 8477Garden Leader Calamint. The Garden Leaderselection of calamint is a selection fromMediterranean types chosen for their gardenbeauty and culinary qualities. Plant height10-12 inches.It’s Garden Leader Tasty Time 8499It’s Garden Leader Tasty Time. What time is it?It’s Garden Leader Time! It’s the best Thymewe’ve had in a long time. These plants work wellin combination containers and have ample leafoils for culinary use. Use them any time, usethem all the time. The plants are easy to cultivate,very attractive and last a very long time.Herb Plugs, Seeds 217

INDEXAAbutilon.................................................148Acalypha ...............................................148Achillea................................57,73,170,185Advertiser Index ........................................3Agapanthus...........................................185Agastache......................................136,170Ageratum...........................................79,88Ajuga ........................................46,136,170Alchemilla .............................................170Allamanda.............................................148Alliance Partners.....................................20Alonsoa.................................................171Alternanthera .................................136,148Alyssum...........................................88,171Anacyclus..............................................171Anagalis ..................................................88Angelonia.......................................136,149Annuals...................................................83Antirrhinum......................................67,149Aquilegia...............................................171Argyranthemum.............................136,149Armeria.................................................171Artemesia .................................57,185,215Asarina....................................................89Asclepias .......................................149,173Asparagus.................................46,136,149Aster ................................................89,173Avena.............................................140,180Award Winners ..................85,133,167,193BBacopa .........................................137,149Balsam....................................................89Bareroot................................................185Basil.................................................60,215Bean .........................................60,196,213Beet ...............................................196,215Begonia, Fibrous....................46,79,89,137Begonia, Tuberous...................................90Bellis.....................................................173Berkhaya...............................................173Bidens ............................67,79,91,137,150Brachycome..........................................150Bracteantha ..........................................150Broccoli.................................................196Browallia.................................................91Buddleia................................................185CCabbage ...................................61,196,213Calceolaria ..............................................91Calibrachoa......................................67,150Calitunia...........................................46,151Campanula.......................................91,173Cantaloupe............................................196Capiscum .............................................137Carex ....................................................140Carnation ................................................91Cauliflower............................................197Celery ............................................197,209Celosia...............................................79,92Centaurea ........................................92,173Chamomile............................................215Chard........................................61,197,209Chenille ................................................148Chives ..................................................216Chrysanthemum ...................................174Cilantro ............................................61,216Cineraria .................................................92Cleome ..............................................79,92Coleus .................................80,92,137,151Columbine.............................................171Cordyline..........................................46,151Coreopsis......................57,93,138,174,185Coriander ..............................................216Cosmos...................................................94Crossandra............................................152Cucumber.................................61,198,209Cuphea ....................................47,138,152Curanta .................................................152Cuttings & Liners ..................................131Cyclamen..............................................174DDahlia ..............................................94,152Daylily ...................................................187Delphinium............................................174Dianthus, ann................................80,94,95Dianthus, per ........................................175Diascia ..........................................138,152Dicentra ................................................185Dichondra .............................................138Digitalis.................................................175Dill ...................................................61,216Dimorphotheca .......................................97Dusty Miller........................................47,97EEccremocarpus................................97,175Echinacea ........................................58,175Ecklonis ................................................138Eggplant.........................................198,209Email: ..........www.Sales@<strong>Grimes</strong>-hort.comEragrostis..............................................140Erigeron ................................................175Eucalyptus .......................................47,138Euphorbia..............................................138Euryops.................................................153Evolvulus ..................................47,140,153EZ Gro.....................................................43FFax Line...............................440-352-1800Four O' Clock ........................................108Foxglove................................................175Fuchsia .................................................153GGaillardia..........................................73,175Garden Leader Reward .............................9Gaura......................................140,153,176Gazania..............................................67,97Geranium ann......................68,98,140,153Geranium per. .......................................187Gerbera...................................................99Geum...............................................73,176Girandole...............................................176Gloxinia ..................................................99Gomphrena.......................47,68,80,99,140Grasses .................47,58,108,140,180,188Guarantee ...............................................10Gypsophila .......................................73,176HHelianthus........................................48,100Helichrysum..............................48,141,155Helinium ..............................48,82,141,176Hemerocallis .........................................187Hemigraphis..........................................155Herbs ...............................................60,214Heuchera ..................................58,177,187Hibiscus......................................49,80,141HiGro.......................................................75Hosta ...............................................58,187Hypoestes .............................................141Hyssop..................................................216IImpatiens.............................49,68,100,155Ipomoea...............................51,69,141,155Iresine.......................................51,142,156Iris.........................................................188Isolepsis................................................141JJuncus......................................82,141,180K .................................................................Kniphofia...............................................177Kohlrabi.................................................198LLallemantia ...........................................177Lamiastrum....................................156,177Lamium ..................................142,156,177Lantana.................................................156Lavandula (lavender) .........59,142,177,216Lavatera................................................178Lettuce.............................................61,199Leucanthemum................................59,188Liatris....................................................178Lisianthus ...............................................69Lobelia ..............................82,104,156,178LoGro ......................................................63Lupine...................................................178Lychnis..................................................178Lysimachia.........................51,142,156,179MMalva....................................................179Marigold ................................51,69,80,105Marjoram .........................................61,216Melampodium.......................................106Millet.......................................................59Mina......................................................108Mint ..........................................53,156,179Mirabilis ...........................................53,108Miscanthus ...........................................188Monster Vegetables...............................212Mustard ................................................199NNemesia.........................................142,157Nepeta ....................................................59New Guinea ...................................142,157New Varieties.....................85,133,167,193Nolana ..................................................108OOenothera ......................................144,180Okra..........................................61,200,209Onion ....................................................200Oregano.........................................158,217Ornamental Grass..47,58,108,140,180,188Ornamental Pepper ...............................108Osteospermum .....................................158PPak Choi................................................200Pansy.............................................109,144Parsley.............................................61,217Patio Vegetables....................................208Pedilanthus ...........................................158Penstemon.....................................180,189Pentas...................................................158Peony....................................................189Pepper ...............................62,200,209,213Peppermint ......................................62,217Perennials .............................................165Perilla ................................53,144,158,202Peristrophe............................................158Perovskia ..................................53,144,180Petrorhagia ....................................181,189Petunia ...........................53,69,80,114,160Phlox.......................................119,161,189Phone, Toll Free ...................800-214-7333Physostegia...........................................181Plants....................................................131Platycodon ............................................181Plectranthus...........................55,71,81,145Plumbago.......................................161,181Plumbago.......................................161,181Polemonium..........................................181Polygonum.......................................55,145POP.........................................................19Poppy.............................................119,180Portulaca..........................................71,119Primula .................................................181Prunella.................................................181Pumpkin ............................62,202,210,213Purslane.........................................146,161Pyrethum ..............................................181Q,RRosemary ...............................161,182,217Rudbeckia.....................59,73,120,182,189Ruellia..............................................72,162SSage, Garden ...................................62,217Sagina...................................................182Salvia ...............55,59,81,120,146,162,182Sanvitalia ..................................56,121,162Savory...................................................217Scabiosa...................................82,146,183Scaevola ...................................56,146,162Sedum...............................60,147,183,189Sempervivum...................................60,184Setcreasea............................................162Sidalcea...........................................82,184Silene....................................................123Snapdragon ..........................................123Spikes..............................................46,151Squash ..............................62,202,210,213Stevia....................................................217Stipa .....................................................141Strawberry.....................................203,210Streptocarpella...............................147,162Strobilanthus.........................................163Sun Flower.......................................48,100Sweet Pea.............................................124Sweet Potato Vine................51,69,141,155TTags ........................................................16Talinum .................................................147Tarragon................................................217Tea Lotus ..............................................147Thunbergia............................................147Thyme............................................163,217Tiarella..................................................184Tomato ..............................62,203,210,213Torenia...........................................124,163Trachelium ............................................124Tree Peony ............................................189Tweedia ................................................147U,VVegetables ..............................................60Verbascum............................................184Verbena............45,60,72,124,147,163,184Veronica................................................184Vinca..................................57,126,147,163Viola...............................................127,184WWahlenbergia........................................127Watermelon ...................................205,213Web Page ...........www.GardenLeaders.comWildflower.............................................127X,Y,ZZinnia .............................57,72,81,127,147Index 218

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