EM Airborne Systems/ZTEM PowerPoint Presentation - Liberty Star ...

EM Airborne Systems/ZTEM PowerPoint Presentation - Liberty Star ...

EM Airborne Systems/ZTEM PowerPoint Presentation - Liberty Star ...


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Pattern of Lightning Activity

The Earths Natural Electric Field is• Passive <strong>EM</strong> technique – does not a have man-made transmitter.• Frequency range - “audio range” Geotech’sZT<strong>EM</strong> AFMAG can operate from 22 to 2800 Hz(depending on the signal strength).• The source is the natural field of Earth causedby lightning strikes at a distance.• The Earth and the Ionosphere, both conductive,acts as a wave guide to “transmit” theseenergies a great distance.the AFMAG Transmitter

The Earths Natural Electric Field isthe AFMAG Transmitter40km.4km.

Anomaly from a CurrentChannelling Feature

<strong>Airborne</strong> MT ModelsInitial Model In-phase and Quad Response(T x ) Inphase, Quad at 10 and 100Hz. Crossovers in In-phase and Quadrature.

ZT<strong>EM</strong> Test SurveyResultsApril 2007

ZT<strong>EM</strong> SurveyZ – Coil in FlightZ – Coil at TakeoffX – Y Coils at Base Station

L 98 00 0 NL 88 00 0 ESimplified Geology in ZT<strong>EM</strong> Survey AreaL8 75 55 0 NTvL8 7 50 0 EL87850 EL 97 35 0 NL 97 30 0 NL8 74 5 0 NL8 78 0 0 NL97400 NL8 7 75 0 EL8 74 0 0 NL8 8 00 0 EL 97 45 0 EL8770 0 EQo=Surficial Deposits(Holocene to mid Pleistocene)L 97 60 0 EL87950 EL8 76 5 0 N0 NL 97 55 0 EL 97 65 0EL8 7L8 79 0 0 NL97 50 0 NL8 7 60 0 EL 97 70 0 NL 97 75 0 ETsy=Sedimentary Rocks(Pliocene to mid Miocene)TvKvL 97 90 0 ETsyL 97 80 0 NL 97 85 0 NTv=Volcanic Rocks(Mid Miocene to Oligocene)L 87 95 0 EL 87 90 0 NTsyL 87 85 0 ETKgL9 73 0 0 NL9 75 0 0 NL9 73 5 0 NL9 74 0 0 NL9 7 55 0 ETKg=Granitoid Rocks(Early Tertiary to Late Cretaceous)L8 73 5 0 NL 87 80 0 NL9 760 0 EL9745 0 EL 87 75 0 EKv=Volcanic Rocks(Late Cretaceous to early Tertiary) NL 87 70 0 EKvL8 7 30 0 EL 87 60 0 EL 87 55 0 NL 87 65 0 NL8 7 25 0 EL9 77 0 0 NL9 76 5 0 NL 87 50 0 EL9 7 75 0 EL 87 45 0 NL9 78 0 0 NL9 78 5 0 NL 87 40 0 NL9 7 90 0 EL 87 35 0 NL 87 30 0 EL 87 25 0 EL9 80 0 0 NQo1 mile

Safford ZT<strong>EM</strong> Phase Rotated109Hz NE Tipper Data

ZT<strong>EM</strong> Comparison of Line DirectionImage of Gridded Cross-line, Flipped, DipAngles, 109 Hz, NW Lines,NOT Phase RotatedImage of Gridded In-line, Dip Angles, 109 HzNE Lines, NOT Phase Rotated

ZT<strong>EM</strong> Comparison of Frequency32 Hz 48 Hz 73 Hz109 Hz 164 Hz 246 HzImages of Gridded In-line Dip Angles, NE Lines, Phase Rotated

109 Hz Image, NE Direction - X Component

109 Hz Image, NE Direction - X ComponentKarous-Hjelt filter and 3D volume of equivalent currents

109 Hz Image, NE Direction - Y Component

109 Hz Image, NE Direction - Y ComponentKarous-Hjelt filter and 3D volume of equivalent currents

109 Hz Image, NE Direction – X & Y ComponentKarous-Hjelt filter and 3D volume of equivalent currents

109 Hz Image, NE Direction – X & Y Component3D Volume

Topography and – X & Y Component KarousKarous-Hjeltfilter and 3D volume of equivalent currents

ZT<strong>EM</strong> Current Shells and GeologyContact withLone <strong>Star</strong> StockDacite PorphyryVent ComplexLone <strong>Star</strong>Stock:nonconduitexcept wheredacite dikes cut itHole 149, 147, GC3High sulfide areaNear contacts of ventand Lone <strong>Star</strong> stockwith andesite

ZT<strong>EM</strong> Current Shells and GeologyPossible down dip extension of 6Fault 6Fault 23VulturePossible fault previouslyunrecognized parallel toVulture and Butte faults

ZT<strong>EM</strong> Current Shells and GeologyFaults 1, 2, 8,Lone <strong>Star</strong>Lone Wolf

ZT<strong>EM</strong> Current Shells and GeologyMapped faultappears to dip northCC06-001 holegoes through hmiddle andhas

3D MapZT<strong>EM</strong> Current Shells

3D MapFaultsZT<strong>EM</strong> Current ShellsPlus Major Structural t Pattern

3D MapZT<strong>EM</strong> Current Shells and Drill Holes

3D MapZT<strong>EM</strong> Current Shells and Geology

3DZT<strong>EM</strong> MapCurrent Shells and Faults

Conclusions and Recommendations• The ZT<strong>EM</strong> system has unambiguously detected arobust anomaly coincident with part of the blindLone <strong>Star</strong> deposit. The primary cause of theanomalies is structure.• No other airborne system can detect targets of thistype.• The Lone <strong>Star</strong> anomaly is the largest detected in thesurvey. By inference big deposits should producebig anomalies.• Optimal presentation of the data is dependant uponthe interpretation purpose. Geological input iscritical.• The Karous-Hjelt filter is proving a usefulinterpretation aid. However, the algorithm is simpleso care should be used not to over interpret t theresults.

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