Off-Highway Systems - Dana do Brasil

Off-Highway Systems - Dana do Brasil Off-Highway Systems - Dana do Brasil


Off-Highway SystemsComplete Drivetrain SolutionsConstruction Agriculture Mining Forestry MaterialHandlingOutdoor PowerEquipmentLeisureVehiclesUtility Vehicles

<strong>Off</strong>-<strong>Highway</strong> <strong>Systems</strong>Complete Drivetrain SolutionsConstruction Agriculture Mining Forestry MaterialHandlingOut<strong>do</strong>or PowerEquipmentLeisureVehiclesUtility Vehicles

For more than a century, <strong>Dana</strong> has helped vehicle andequipment manufacturers adapt to an ever-changing worldwith an unwavering commitment to innovation and quality.Virtually every major vehicle manufacturer in the globalautomotive, commercial-vehicle, and off-highway marketsrelies on <strong>Dana</strong> to provide superior drivetrain productswith the respected Spicer ® brand name supported byunmatched engineering expertise and customer service.With facilities strategically located around the world andquality-driven manufacturing operations that ensurejust-in-time delivery to customers, <strong>Dana</strong> can apply itsglobal resources to meet your distinct needs.2

Collaboration and Integration To succeed in the increasingly competitive marketfor off-highway vehicles and equipment, manufacturers focus their resources on theircore competencies: meeting customer demand, expanding their brands globally, andproviding top-rate service.<strong>Dana</strong> is committed to serving as asingle resource OEMs can rely on formanaging the complexities of drivetrainsystems integration, while delivering thesupply chain and purchasing efficienciesexpected of a Tier I supplier. From initialconcept to final delivery and after-salesservice, <strong>Dana</strong> is uniquely qualified toaccelerate vehicle development base<strong>do</strong>n the company’s extensive experiencewith a wide spectrum of applications.Expertly managing the growingcomplexity of today’s off-highwaydrivetrain systems requires a holisticapproach to the development oftransmissions, axles, electronic controls,and driveshafts. <strong>Dana</strong> engineers succeedby coordinating the development ofeach component’s technical specificationsto optimize the efficiency of the entiredrivetrain and maximize the tractive,productive, control, and ergonomicperformance of the vehicle.<strong>Dana</strong> technology and expertise arebacked by decades of experiencein developing drivetrain solutions forthe entire spectrum of off-highwaymanufacturers, including agriculture,construction, forestry, mining, materialhandling, and out<strong>do</strong>or power equipmentand leisure/utility vehicles.As a Tier Isupplier, <strong>Dana</strong>works closely withcustomers to designcomprehensivedrivetrain solutions.

A Full Line of Products Customers turn to <strong>Dana</strong> for innovation and quality, and everySpicer ® drivetrain component is designed, tested, and manufactured to meet customers’exacting standards. From the finest detail on every transmission, axle, electroniccontrol, and driveshaft to the integration of all the components into a complete system,customers can count on <strong>Dana</strong> for drivetrains that excel over the long haul.Complete Drivetrain <strong>Systems</strong>With engineering teams andmanufacturing operations strategicallypositioned around the world, <strong>Dana</strong>has deployed its resources to deliverproven systems integration capabilitiesfor OEMs.Starting with the initial design concept,<strong>Dana</strong> engineers work in teams tojointly develop all the componentsused on each drivetrain system infamilies of modules to ensure theywork as an integrated system.This process optimizes performanceand improves the cost-effectivenessof the overall system.Transmissions<strong>Dana</strong> supplies a full range ofSpicer transmissions and torqueconverters capable of handlingperformance needs ranging from50 to 1,000 horsepower (37 to 746 KW).<strong>Dana</strong> offers a transmission solution forany off-highway need, including transfercases, hydrostatic transmissions,powershifttransmissions,and torqueconverters.<strong>Dana</strong> produces customized drivetrainsfor the unique demands of each vehicle,such as the Spicer ® Model 26 drivetrainassembly designed for all-terrain vehicles.4

Axles<strong>Dana</strong> makes Spicer ® axles designedwith load ratings from 1,200 to 140,000pounds (545 to 63,600 kg). As theestablished, single source for thewidest range of off-highway axles,<strong>Dana</strong> supplies a comprehensive linethat includes single-reduction andplanetary drive axles in both rigid andsteer versions, as well as portal, bogey,non-drive steer axles, and transaxles.And all Spicer axles are engineered todeliver maximum performance as well aseasy, low-cost service and maintenancethrough features customized to meet thespecific needs of each application.Electronic ControlsThe productivity of any machinedepends on the operator’s ability tosmoothly and efficiently command thevehicle. <strong>Dana</strong> provides operators withthe help they need through electroniccontrols that optimize performance andease of use while improving durability.<strong>Dana</strong> manufactures Spicer electroniccontrols that enable state-of-the-arttransmission features such as electronicmodulation, electronic throttle,brake-by-wire, brake-by-clutch,electronic single-pedal drive capability,and electronic inching.Driveshafts<strong>Dana</strong> continuously develops newdesigns, materials, and processes forSpicer driveshafts that provide morepower, greater efficiency, and betteroverall performance.More than a century of quality andinnovation is reflected in everySpicer product, ranging from 400 Nmdriveshafts for leisure/utility vehiclesup to 15,000,000 Nm driveshafts usedin industrial applications.<strong>Dana</strong> has designed its axle platformswith a wide range of track widths,foundation service brakes, parkingbrakes, vehicle frame attachments,and biasing differential options.Spicer single-reduction axles deliverload-carrying capacities from 3,300 to18,000 pounds (1,500 to 8,180 kg), withmultiple brake options. <strong>Dana</strong> suppliesdrive-steer, rigid, independent carrier,and non-drive options of these axles.Spicer planetary steer axles offer varioussteer angles, ratios, and capacities,while planetary rigid axles also providemany different selections of ratios,wheel mountings, and sizes.Electronic controls are capable ofimproving vehicle and operatorperformance by shifting automaticallyat predetermined speed and loadpoints, maximizing auxiliary powerperformance, providing safety inhibits,and supplying monitoring anddiagnostic capabilities.The Spicer ® Model 970 axle is aprime example of a truly innovativedesign with reduced complexity andsimpler assembly that saves OEMstime and costs in final assembly.5

Research and Development <strong>Dana</strong> has deep roots in innovation, beginningwith Clarence Spicer’s invention of the encased universal joint in 1904. From thatmoment forward, <strong>Dana</strong> has been keenly focused on producing high-quality,technologically advanced products for customers backed by competitive pricingand world-class service.To achieve these goals, <strong>Dana</strong> investsheavily in research, development,and sustaining engineering. As aresult, <strong>Dana</strong> improves the reliability,performance, and cost-effectivenessof existing products while designingand developing new products.<strong>Dana</strong> has global research and developmentoperations that are integratedto create a collaborative environmentthat fosters innovation, acceleratesproduct development, maximizesefficiency, and improves communicationand information sharing.By following a robust process fordeveloping new products, <strong>Dana</strong>engineers can quickly design andmodel complex structures and systems,identify and resolve potential issuesearly in the development process,and ultimately deliver durable, highlyreliable products and systems.With resources for research anddevelopment deployed around the globe,<strong>Dana</strong> offers OEMs a short lead time fordrawings, materials, and testing.

Throughout the entire research anddevelopment process, <strong>Dana</strong> worksclosely with customers to producean integrated drivetrain systemdesigned for the installation, assembly,and maintenance requirementsof each vehicle.OEMs rely on <strong>Dana</strong> because Spicer ®products are precisely engineered,crafted with high-quality materials,and subjected to rigorous tests.7

Manufacturing OEMs turn to <strong>Dana</strong> as a Tier I supplier of complete drivetrainsystems integration because <strong>Dana</strong> has established a culture of continuousimprovement throughout all of its manufacturing operations that makes the customerthe first priority. This commitment to operational excellence ensures the productionof reliable, high-quality drivetrains wherever they are manufactured.<strong>Dana</strong> achieves superiority by betteraligning company resources andsupport infrastructure to ensure thatmanufacturing operations are capableof being best-in-industry performers.To achieve this goal, everyone at<strong>Dana</strong> – from team members to seniormanagers – continuously pursuessystematic process improvementby understanding, appreciating,and practicing the fundamentalsof the <strong>Dana</strong> Operating Systemon a daily basis.Based on the Toyota ProductionSystem, the <strong>Dana</strong> Operating Systemfocuses on making improvementsin every plant and process througha standard set of values, processes,tools, and metrics. These principlesguide <strong>Dana</strong> in the production ofhigh-quality drivetrain systemswith no waste or variation and with100 percent on-time delivery.<strong>Dana</strong> values the input of every memberof the manufacturing team andsupports them with the technology,management, and philosophy thathelps them maximize the efficiency ofmanufacturing processes and deliverconsistently high-quality products.<strong>Dana</strong> follows lean manufacturingprinciples to meet its customers’just-in-time assembly schedules.9

The <strong>Dana</strong> Operating System sets a high standard and drives manufacturingoperations around the world to produce exceptional drivetrain systems andcomponents for customers, wherever they are located.By using proven lean manufacturingprinciples, the <strong>Dana</strong> Operating Systemhas established a team culture thatresults in more efficient warehousingand parts replenishment, encouragesautonomous maintenance, generatesa consistent flow of production,and rapidly identifies and correctsmanufacturing anomalies.<strong>Dana</strong> monitors the operationsat every one of the more than 100<strong>Dana</strong> manufacturing and assemblyfacilities worldwide by reviewing keyperformance indicators for safety,quality, productivity, overall equipmenteffectiveness, inventory, andconversion cost.<strong>Dana</strong> suppliers must also demonstratetheir ability to meet the higheststandards for operational efficiencyand product quality by:n Driving continuous improvementin their organization through toolssuch as Value Analysis/ValueEngineering, as well as Excellencein Manufacturingn Keeping current with best practicesthrough educational developmentn Dramatically reducing defectiveparts per million (PPM) ratestoward the <strong>Dana</strong> corporate goalof 50 or lessn Continuously improvingperformance in <strong>Dana</strong>’s SupplierPerformance Feedback Systemrating systemBy continuously striving towar<strong>do</strong>perational excellence, <strong>Dana</strong> providescustomers with the drivetraincomponents and systems they needassembled with the high quality theydemand and delivered in a timely,efficient way that supports their ownjust-in-time manufacturing processes.<strong>Dana</strong> seeks input for improving efficiencyand producing consistently high-qualitydrivetrain systems from every memberof the manufacturing team.

The <strong>Dana</strong> Operating System employsproven workspace and work flow improvementprinciples to maximize efficiency.11

Industry Expertise With more than a century of experiencein every mode of transportation, <strong>Dana</strong> has supportedmanufacturers with Spicer ® drivetrains for every kind ofoff-highway vehicle. From vineyard tractors and golf cartsto feller bunchers and backhoe loaders, <strong>Dana</strong> has produceddrivetrain components and complete drivetrain systems forall types of off-highway equipment.<strong>Dana</strong> supplies manufacturers with a wealth of engineeringexpertise as well as first-hand experience with the buyersand operators of equipment for the agricultural, construction,forestry, mining, material handling, and out<strong>do</strong>or powerequipment and leisure/utility vehicle industries.<strong>Dana</strong> engineers know how off-highway vehicles are used,where they are used, in what climates and other extremeconditions they are used, what they are designed to <strong>do</strong>,and what they are asked to <strong>do</strong> beyond their design.This hands-on knowledge helps <strong>Dana</strong> develop and buildsystems that will stand the test of time.12

Agricultural An ever-growing world population, coupled with an increasing appetitefor biofuels, will continue to boost demand for agricultural machinery in the decadesto come. Agricultural customers are looking to increase the yield from their landand improve efficiency in harvesting their crops — all while complying with evolvingemissions standards and improving operator safety and comfort.Agricultural products vary greatlyfrom region to region, and OEMs mustsupply a wide variety of vehicles to helpfarmers bring their crops to market.Through advanced technology andstreamlined operations, <strong>Dana</strong> servesas a major supplier of drivetrainsspecifically designed for the uniquedemands of agricultural tractors,articulated and non-articulated tractors,vineyard tractors, compact tractors,specialty harvesting equipment,and combines.<strong>Dana</strong> proactively addresses the specificrequirements of the agricultural marketby producing front drive axles anddrivetrain products that are ruggedenough to work on uneven groundunder constantly heavy loadingconditions. Spicer ® front drive axles foragricultural machinery are engineeredwith optional wet service brakes toenable high-speed transport.With a complete portfolio ofsuspended axles, <strong>Dana</strong> suppliestechnology that allows agriculturalequipment to work faster and maximizeproductivity while keeping operatorscomfortable and alert.AgriculturalSpicer ® drivetrain systemshelp maximize yield andimprove efficiency.

Construction Every construction vehicle performs a different task on the job site,but they all have a few characteristics in common. As demands for productivityincrease, they all must perform at high levels of efficiency with little maintenance whileworking in hostile environments that exert high torques and loads on the equipment.<strong>Dana</strong> supports a broad range ofconstruction vehicles from four to55 tons (3,600 to 50,000 kilograms)with axle and transmission solutionsthat deliver the required tractive effort.Spicer ® high-horsepower pump-drivesolutions provide responsive lift-cycletimes for buckets, scoops, stabilizers,forks, and other hydraulically drivenaccessories.ConstructionTraction is key for both productivityand safety on the varied, uneven, andunpaved terrain found at constructionsites, and <strong>Dana</strong> offers several torquebiasingdifferential options, eachcustom-engineered to suit specificground traction conditions acrossvehicle applications.Drivetrain systems for constructionequipment are designed withinternal, fade- and maintenance-free,liquid-cooled brakes, lube-for-lifedriveshafts, and other innovations thatminimize equipment <strong>do</strong>wntime andmaintenance costs.And <strong>Dana</strong> addresses operatorfatigue through electronic controlsthat improve shift quality and reduceacceleration jerk while supplyingseamless transitions for the entirerange of equipment maneuvers.OEMs rely on <strong>Dana</strong> to produceintegrated drivetrain systems fora variety of equipment used onconstruction sites, including wheelloaders, wheeled excavators, telescopicboom handlers, aerial work platforms,compactors and rollers, backhoeloaders, wheeled cranes, pavers,haulers, and ditchers and trenchers.Traction is essential onconstruction sites, and <strong>Dana</strong>offers several torque-biasingdifferential options.14

Forestry and Mining Vehicles used in forestry and mining operate in themost severe environments in the world, and yet they are expected to moveenormous volumes of materials quickly to waiting trucks or a central staging point.Working continuously in remote, inaccessible locations, this equipment is subjectedto abuse from the elements and rough treatment from operators.<strong>Dana</strong> has designed complete drivetrainsystems that supply improvedpositioning, traction, braking, andreliability, as well as many other uniquefeatures specifically engineered tomaximize the productivity of forestryand mining vehicles.Spicer ® axles for forestry and miningequipment offer many differentialdesigns that supply the excellent torquebias performance and requiredtraction on varying ground conditions.For example, the Hydraloc torquebiasingdifferential provides optimummaneuverability and traction on thewidely varying ground conditionsfound in logging environments.<strong>Dana</strong> maximizes flexibility for vehicledesigners by offering converter andtransmission packages with integral,mid-mount, and remote configurations.Spicer transmissions also featureinnovations such as advanced chargepump systems, which provide increase<strong>do</strong>il flows to maximize performance inhigh-energy duty cycles as well ascold temperature environments.Simple and reliable liquid-cooled brakingsystems increase stopping powerand decrease brake temperatures bydistributing the braking effort over a highpercentage of the axle surface envelope.In fact, the Posi-Stop fail-safe servicebrakes pre<strong>do</strong>minantly used in rampmining vehicles are world-renowned fordelivering high-integrity, high-reliabilityperformance through spring-appliedhydraulic-release (SAHR) actuation.<strong>Dana</strong> makes customized drivetrainsystems for high-volume forestryvehicles including log skidders,feller bunchers, tree harvesters,and forwarders.Mining vehicles using <strong>Dana</strong> drivetrainsinclude scoops, shuttles, mine trucks,load-haul-dumps (LHDs), personnelcarriers, self-propelled blast-hole drills,and site utility vehicles.Forestry and MiningThe Spicer ® Model 58R397 axleis designed for high-performance,low-maintenance operation onlarge load-haul-dumps (LHDs)and mining trucks.15

Material Handling Working around the clock and seven days a week to movehigh volumes of goods, material handling vehicles are the key to profitability in thetransportation industry. Speed and load capacity are particularly important, becausefaster turnaround time — and therefore higher volume — equals a better profit margin,with safety a key requirement as well.Material Handling<strong>Dana</strong> supplies OEMs with drivetraincomponents for a wide variety ofmaterial handling vehicles from two-ton(1,800-kilogram) forklift trucks to 50-ton(45,000-kilogram) reach stackers.These drivetrains are equipped with thepower to handle any load, combinedwith simplified controls to increasehandling and safety for operators witha wide range of skill levels.Spicer ® transmissions supply reliablepower for accessories used to engage,lift, and transport heavy loads managedby an advanced electronic controlsystem that provides electronic clutchmodulation (ECM), electronicallycontrolled inching (ECI), and safetyinhibit protection.Performance and safety are enhancedwith an oil-immersed wet brake system,available on even the smallest materialhandling vehicles. Utilizing a fullyenclosed design, these brakes aresealed and protected from water, dirt,and other contaminants encountered inports, terminals, container yards, heavyindustry sites, and distribution centers.Wet brakes also help keep bothequipment and operators working atpeak efficiency for extended periods oftime by reducing brake wear and noise.<strong>Dana</strong> produces drivetrain componentsand complete systems for manufacturersof forklift trucks, reach stackers, straddlecarriers, terminal tractors, railroadterminal tractors, and gantry cranes.Spicer ® drivetrains for materialhandling vehicles are designedwith the power and precise controlneeded to maximize productivity.16

Global Footprint <strong>Dana</strong> Holding Corporation operates facilities strategically located onsix continents, serving more than 1,000 vehicle assembly and manufacturing facilities in30 countries. Only <strong>Dana</strong> can harness the technology, expertise, and exceptional serviceneeded to meet the unique needs of all customers, wherever they are located.Arco, Italy Brugge, Belgium Gravatai, Brazil Wuxi, China19

About <strong>Dana</strong> Holding Corporation<strong>Dana</strong> is an integral partner for virtually everymajor vehicle and engine manufacturerworldwide. <strong>Dana</strong> is a leading supplierof drivetrain, sealing, and thermaltechnologies to the global automotive,commercial-vehicle, and off-highwaymarkets. Founded in 1904, the companyemploys thousands of people acrossfive continents.About the <strong>Dana</strong> <strong>Off</strong>-<strong>Highway</strong>Products GroupThe <strong>Dana</strong> <strong>Off</strong>-<strong>Highway</strong> Products Groupincludes research and development,manufacturing, and assembly operationsin Belgium, Brazil, China, Hungary, India,Italy, Mexico, the United King<strong>do</strong>m, and theUnited States. It designs, manufactures,assembles, and markets Spicer ® axles andtransaxles, driveshafts and end-fittings,transmissions, torque converters, electroniccontrols, and brakes. The group alsoprovides genuine replacement partsand service.The <strong>Dana</strong> <strong>Off</strong>-<strong>Highway</strong> Products Groupserves more than 1,000 vehicle assemblyand manufacturing facilities in 30 countries.It also has two global distribution centersand more than 50 authorized servicecenters supporting customers in more than100 countries. Construction, agriculture,forestry, underground mining, materialhandling, out<strong>do</strong>or power, leisure/utilityvehicles, and industrial equipment arejust some of the markets that demandthe quality found in Spicer products andgenuine service on recycled paper – 10% Mixed Source© 2010 <strong>Dana</strong> Limited. OHS-32010

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