erbejet® 2 - ERBE Elektromedizin GmbH

erbejet® 2 - ERBE Elektromedizin GmbH erbejet® 2 - ERBE Elektromedizin GmbH
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R ange of Applic ations for the ERBEJET ® 2.Hepatic surgeryDuring resection of the liver the blood vessels and bile ducts areprepared and washed free of surrounding tissue. Depending ontheir size, they can then be either coagulated or selectively treatedusing a ligature/clip. The time required for the intervention isshorter than that of comparable surgical interventions and isreduced even more by the simultaneous use of electrosurgery. Theintraoperative blood loss is also reduced and thus the transfusionrequirements are also lower. A cross-clamping of the blood supplyto the organ (Pringle maneuver) is generally not necessary.Additional advantages:Intact, precise margins of dissectionApplication possible in both laparoscopic and open surgeryUrologyThe selectivity of the waterjet reduces the risk of sexual dysfunctionand/or urinary incontinence in prostatectomy procedures. Bloodvessels and nerve cords remain largely intact during resection of theprostate.As with hepatic surgery, when the waterjet is used to carry out apartial nephrectomy this does not lead to necrosis of the resectionmargins. This helps retain as much of the organ’s functionality aspossible. The renal blood vessels are selectively dissected and cansubsequently be treated individually.Additional advantages:Minimized blood loss, less transfusion requirementsDistinctly shorter operating timesLower rate of complicationsColon surgeryTotal mesorectal excision (TME) is another procedure whichbenefits from the advantages of conserving tissue structures.The selective vessel-sparing dissection of the mesorectumlayer by layer reduces postoperative urinary incontinence andsexual dysfunction.Additional advantages:Preservation of blood vessels and nerve structuresBetter visibility in situ due to gentler preparation4

Gastroenterology* Endoscopic submucosaldissection** Endoscopic mucosalresectionMore safety during ESD* and EMR** procedures with waterjet elevation of themucosa. The separation medium creates a submucosal fluid cushion, elevatingthe mucosal lesion (e.g. early carcinoma). This tissue elevation offers both mechanicaland thermal protection during resection.The instrument for ESD procedures: HybridKnife – offering both electrosurgicaland waterjet surgery functions. All four steps of the resection procedure:marking of the lesion, elevation, incision/dissection, and coagulation – can beperformed without a change of instruments.Additional advantages:Safe resection, as the separation medium can be replenished at any timeSelective elevation of mucosal layersThe advantages of the ERBEJET 2Simple, handy and easy-to-use systemEasy to integrate, compatible with existingsystems Can be combined with the VIO electrosurgicalsystemNo thermal trauma to the margins ofthe incision, the surrounding tissue isleft intactExtremely uniform waterjet; delicate,precise and reproducible effectsIntegrated suction with individuallyadjustable run-on timeErgonomically designed single-useinstruments for immediate use in theoperating roomFoot switch with ReMode function: remotecontrol straight from the operatingtableAreas of applicationfor the ERBEJET 2.Programs can be individually stored5

R ange of Applic ations for the <strong>ERBE</strong>JET ® 2.Hepatic surgeryDuring resection of the liver the blood vessels and bile ducts areprepared and washed free of surrounding tissue. Depending ontheir size, they can then be either coagulated or selectively treatedusing a ligature/clip. The time required for the intervention isshorter than that of comparable surgical interventions and isreduced even more by the simultaneous use of electrosurgery. Theintraoperative blood loss is also reduced and thus the transfusionrequirements are also lower. A cross-clamping of the blood supplyto the organ (Pringle maneuver) is generally not necessary.Additional advantages:Intact, precise margins of dissectionApplication possible in both laparoscopic and open surgeryUrologyThe selectivity of the waterjet reduces the risk of sexual dysfunctionand/or urinary incontinence in prostatectomy procedures. Bloodvessels and nerve cords remain largely intact during resection of theprostate.As with hepatic surgery, when the waterjet is used to carry out apartial nephrectomy this does not lead to necrosis of the resectionmargins. This helps retain as much of the organ’s functionality aspossible. The renal blood vessels are selectively dissected and cansubsequently be treated individually.Additional advantages:Minimized blood loss, less transfusion requirementsDistinctly shorter operating timesLower rate of complicationsColon surgeryTotal mesorectal excision (TME) is another procedure whichbenefits from the advantages of conserving tissue structures.The selective vessel-sparing dissection of the mesorectumlayer by layer reduces postoperative urinary incontinence andsexual dysfunction.Additional advantages:Preservation of blood vessels and nerve structuresBetter visibility in situ due to gentler preparation4

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