Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center

Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center

Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center


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A.236. llUnSitAppendix A. <strong>Linden</strong> Library FunctionsllUnSit(key id);If agent identified by id is sitting on the object the script is attached to or is over land owned by the objectsowner, the agent is forced to stand up.A.237. llVecDistfloat llVecDist(vector a, vector b);Returns the distance from a to bA.238. llVecMagfloat llVecMag(vector vec);Returns the magnitude of vec.A.239. llVecNormvector llVecNorm(vector vec);Returns normalized vec.A.240. llVolumeDetectllVolumeDetect(integer detect);When detect = TRUE, this makes the entire link set the script is attached to phantom but if another objectinterpenetrates it, it will get a collision_start event. When an object stops interpenetrating, a collision_end eventis generated. While the other is interpenetrating, collision events are NOT generated. The script must be appliedto the root object of the link set to get the collision events. Collision filters work normally.88

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