Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center

Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center

Linden Scripting Language Guide - Engineering Center


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Appendix A. <strong>Linden</strong> Library FunctionsSay text on channel. Channel 0 is the public chat channel that all avatars see as chat text. Channels 1 to2,147,483,648 are private channels that are not sent to avatars but other scripts can listen for through the llListenapi.A.178. llScaleTexturellScaleTexture(integer scale_s, integer scale_t, integer face);Sets the texture s and t scales of face to scale_s and scale_t respectively. If face is ALL_SIDES, scalethe texture to all faces.A.179. llScriptDangerinteger llScriptDanger(vector pos);Returns true if pos is over public land, land that doesn’t allow everyone to edit and build, or land that doesn’tallow outside scripts.A.180. llSensorllSensor(string name, key id, integer type, float range, float arc);Performs a single scan for name and id with type within range meters and arc radians of forward vector.Specifying a blank name or NULL_KEY id will not filter results for any particular name or id A range of 0.0does not perform a scan. The type parameter should be an object type constant vlaue.A.181. llSensorRemovellSensorRemove(void);Remves the sensor.72

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